Ch.4. Organizational Culture
Ch.4. Organizational Culture
Ch.4. Organizational Culture
Definition & Meaning
Organizational Culture refers to a system of
shared meaning held by members that
distinguishes the organization from other
Importance of Organizational Culture
1. Culture decides the way employees interact at their
Types of Culture
Soft vs hard culture : Soft work culture can emerge in an
organisation where the organisation pursues multiple
and conflicting goals.
• In a soft culture the employees choose to pursue a few
objectives which serve personal or sectional interests.
• The culture is welfare oriented; people are held
accountable for their mistakes but are not rewarded for
good performance.
• Consequently, the employees consider work to be less
important than personal and social obligations.
Functions of Organizational Culture
1. Boundary-defining role – it creates distinctions between
one organization and others.
Creating a Positive Organizational Culture
Workplace Spirituality
Workplace spirituality recognizes that people have an
inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful
work in context of community.
Workplace Spirituality
Reasons for growing interest in Spirituality –
• Counterbalance pressures and stress of a turbulent pace
of life.
• People look for anchors to replace lack of faith and to fill
a growing feeling of emptiness.
• Job demands have made the workplace dominant in
many people’s lives, yet they continue to question the
meaning of work.
• The desire to integrate personal life values with one’s
professional life.
• An increasing number of people are finding that the
pursuit of more material acquisitions leaves them
Workplace Spirituality
Characteristics of Spiritual Organization –
• Strong sense of purpose - cultures built around a
meaningful purpose.
• Trust and respect – mutual trust, honesty and openness
• Humanistic work practices – flexible work schedules,
group- and organization-based rewards, narrowing of
pay and status differentials, guarantees of individual
worker rights, employee engagement and job security.
• Toleration of employee expression – allow people to be
themselves – to express their moods and feelings
without guilt or fear of warning.