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TNSIF Tomato - Pawan Pardeshi

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Tomato Crop PoP

Prepared By: Agronomist Pawan


DATE : 01 Dec 2021


Tomatoes are produced during the two main seasons across India is the world’s Third largest tomato producer after China
much of India – and EU but processes less than 1% of its production whereas
August to October (kharif) globally it is 30%.

December to April (rabi).

The desirable qualities for a processing tomato cultivar
Where conditions suit, tomatoes are also grown during the off-
season (May to July), prices are often the highest during this High total soluble solids (5-6 Brix),
period Acidity not less than 0.4%,
pH less than 4.5,
Uniform red color with a/b color value of at least 2,
Fruit weight be at least 50 g,
Spotless and disease free

Partners in Economic Transformation 2

Types of Tomato….
Determinate Tomatoes are bush types that grow 2-3 feet (60-
90cm) tall, then the buds at the ends of all the branches form
flowers instead of leaves. They flower all at once, set and ripen
fruit, then die

Indeterminate Tomatoes are vining types that need caging or

staking for support, but will continue to grow and set fruit until
frost kills them. They’re generally later than determinate tomatoes,
and produce larger crops over a longer period.
Indeterminate tomatoes set flowers on lateral shoots off the main
stems. If trained to a single or double leader and given support,
many indeterminate tomato varieties can reach 8-10’ (1.5-3m) tall

Partners in Economic Transformation 3

Types of Tomato….

There are hundreds of tomato varieties. From marble-sized

grape or cherry tomatoes, to juicy salad tomatoes, meaty paste
tomatoes, and huge, sweet, beefsteak tomatoes. Their colors
range from deep crimson to orange, yellow, green, purple, and

Hybrid tomato plants are, simply, plants that have been

crossbred to take advantage of the best traits of each parent

Heirloom tomato plants (Desi type) are varieties that are open-
pollinated (meaning they rely on insect pollination)

Partners in Economic Transformation 4

Types of Tomato….

Salad/snacking tomatoes are bite-sized cherry or grape

tomatoes These make perfect additions to salads, kebabs, or
frittatas. Or just eat them straight from the vine

Slicing tomatoes are medium to extra large, round, juicy

tomatoes, where a slice fits perfectly on a sandwich

Sauce/paste tomatoes are meaty and dense, making them ideal

for sauces and pastes

Partners in Economic Transformation 5

Soil & Land Preparation…..

 Tomatoes can be grown in most of the soils but sandy loam soil is the most preferable.

 pH range – 6.5 -7.5

 Optimum temperature for germination is 25-30 C.

 Suitable temperature during vegetative and flowering stage is 21-24 C.

 Temperature above 32 C adversely affects the fruit set & development

Partners in Economic Transformation 6

Seed Rate & Sowing

 Seed rate: 60 gm/acre

 Sowing time: June to Dec./Jan. as per regional practices.
 Spacing: 90 x 60 cm
 Ideal plant population/acre : 6000 to 8000
 Seedlings are transplanted on side of the ridges
 Transplant healthy & stout seedlings with well developed root system
 Before transplanting seedlings root dipping in Bavistin-1 gm/lt. + Vertimec-0.5 ml/lt.
for 5-6 mins is recommended.

Partners in Economic Transformation 7

Sowing & Nursery Raising……

• Sowing should be done in well controlled &

protected nursery
• Sowing should be done in pro-trays containing
sterilized agropeat for better development of root
• Irrigation of seedlings regularly is very important
for uniform growth
• Hardening the seedlings is very important before

Partners in Economic Transformation 8

• A seedling of 7.5 to 10 cm in height is ready for planting

• Irrigate well before & during transplanting

• Recommended spacing for hybrids is 90 X 60cms

• Planting should be done on ridges

• Staking is recommended for better growth, increased

fruit bearing & improved fruit quality

• Staking also helps in cultural operations like spraying,

weeding, fertilizer application, earthing up & picking

Partners in Economic Transformation 9


• Tomato plants require adequate moisture throughout their growth period

• In general drip irrigation is used with a dripper flow of 4 liters of water per hour

• Frequent water is necessary in root zone when plants are small

• Irrigate a lot at the time of planting till the plants established & stop irrigation for a certain period
to make sure the root system develops deeply, then start normal irrigation

• Erratic moisture conditions can cause cracking on fruits

• A period of drought followed by sudden heavy watering during the fruiting period may cause
cracking of fruits.

Partners in Economic Transformation 10

Fertilizer Management…..

 Fertilizer dose depends on soil fertility & organic manures applied to crops

 The application of well-rotten FYM @ 8-10 tonnes per acre is liable to produce a good crop

 Add basal dose of fertilizers and make ridges and furrow at required spacing.

 Total fertilizer requirement : 120 : 60 : 60 kg NPK/acre

Basal: 100 kg DAP + 30 kg CAN +30 kg MOP

First top dressing(20-25 DAT): 80 kg CAN

Second top dressing (40-45 DAT):80 kg CAN +30 kg MOP

Third top dressing (60-65 DAT):80 kg CAN

 To increase fruit set spray 1 % Calcium Nitrate at time of flowering

 Under high temp. spray Tilt-0.5 ml/lt. + Biozyme to bring reflushing, increase vigor & fruit size
Damping Off…….

 The seedlings are mostly attacked in the

nursery bed at the ground level and as a

result seedling collapse.

 The causal organism may be Pythium spp.

Or Rhizoctonia spp. Or phytopthora spp.

 Drench spray of Ridomil 3 gm/lt

Fusarium Wilt…….
 The disease is caused by the fungus Fusarium

oxysporum f lycopersici which persists almost

indefinitely in the soil.

 The lower leaves become yellow and the

petioles droop. Subsequently the affected

plants wilt and die.

 Use resistant variety

 Drenching with Ridomill/Kavach @ 0.2%

(2 gm/lit water)

 Use Trichoderma culture @ 250 gm/ac

Powdery Mildew…….

 The disease occurs severely during dry seasons.

 A white powdery coating of the fungal growth

appears on the leaf surface.

 Infected leaves may be dwarfed, stiff, and narrow.

 The fungus progressively attacks new leaves,

spreading over leaf stems, twigs, and even the fruit.

 The fruit yield is reduced and the affected fruit are

smaller in size.

 Control: Spraying with Karathane (0.1%) or Thiovit @ 0.2% or Topas @ 0.1% twice at an interval of 10 days helps to
control the disease.
Bacterial Wilt……
 The rapid and complete wilting of normal grown up

plants. Lower leaves may drop before wilting.

 Pathogen is mostly confined to vascular region.

 In advance cases, it may invade the cortex and pith and

cause yellow brown discoloration of tissues.

 Relatively high soil moisture and soil temperature favor disease


 Soil drenching with Ridomill @ 0.2 %

 Seedling treatment with Streptocycline (1 g/40 liters of water) for 30 min. protect the seedlings in the initial stages of
Bacterial Leaf Spot……
 Moist weather and splattering rains are conducive to disease


 Infected leaves show small, brown, water soaked, circular spots

surrounded with yellowish halo.

 On older plants the leaflet infection is mostly on older leaves and

may cause serious defoliation.

 The most striking symptoms are on the green fruit. Small, water-soaked spots first appear which
later become raised and enlarge until they are one-eighth to one-fourth inch in diameter. Ripe fruits
are not susceptible to the disease..

Seedling treatment with Streptocycline (1 g/40 liters of water) for 30 min. protect the seedlings
in the initial stages of growth.

Tomato Leaf Curl Virus…….
 This disease is transmitted by whitefly (Bemisia tabaci).

 It is characterized by severe stunting of the plants with

downward rolling and wrinkling of the leaves.

 The newly emerging leaves exhibit slight yellow

coloration and later they also show curling symptoms.

 Older leaves become leathery and brittle.

 The nodes and internodes are significantly reduced in size.

 The infected plants remain stunted.

 Spray Actara @ 5 gm/tank or Confidore @ 8 ml/tank

 Rogue out affected plants

 Infected fruit show small, slightly sunken, water

soaked spots.

 These spots enlarge, become darker in color, depressed

and have concentric rings.

 Masses of the pink fruiting fungus can be seen on the

surface of the lesions in moist weather.

 Occurs during warm and humid conditions.

 Use of well-drained soil

 Spray Kavach/Score @ 0.2% ( 2ml/lit of water).


 Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the lower

surface of the leaves.

 The infested leaf curl upward along the margins,

which may turn yellowish and show, burnt up patches.

 They also transit mycoplasma disease like little leaf and

virus disease like mosaic.

 Fruit setting is adversely affected by the infestation.

 Spray Confodor @ 0.7 ml/lit or Actara @ 0.5 gm/lit of water.

Fruit Borer…….
 After hatching, the caterpillar crawls over the leaves

and feeds on vegetative parts.

 It eventually finds its way to the fruit into which it cuts

holes and burrows.

 The period of activity commences from October and

continues up to March.

 Spray Ekalux @ 0.2% or Proclaim @ 0.5% or Avaunt @

0.05% concentrations


 Tomato fruits nearing maturity when exposed

to the sun are prone to scald.

 The tissue has blistered water-soaked appearance.

 Rapid desiccation leads to sunken area which

usually has white or grey color in green fruit or

yellowish in red fruits.

 Covering exposed fruits with straw, if plants are not

staked reduce the incidence of sunscald.

• Tomatoes are ready for harvesting after 55 to 60 days of transplanting. Harvesting continues for about
60 days.

• Picking should be done at the interval of 3-4 days.

• Transportation:

Long distance: Immature firm green to mature green

Medium distance: Turning, half ripe or pink

Short distance: Ripe or red ripe

Shipping: Firm mature green fruits

Canning: Fully ripe tomatoes

Thank you for your attention.

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