Nutrients - M.K.
Nutrients - M.K.
Nutrients - M.K.
• They are the primary source of energy for our body
• They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
• Providing energy - each gram provides 4kcal
• They are stored in the liver in form of glycogen
• They spare proteins for their primary functions of building and repairing
tissues, and prevents ketosis
• Normal fat metabolism and provides dietary fiber in the grain
• Using glucose to make other compounds
Food sources
• Cereal grains and their products i.e. rice, wheat Vegetables i.e. potatoes, peas,
• Sugars i.e. table sugar, honey, sugar rich food
- Based on the number of single sugar molecules they contain.
• i. Simple carbohydrates - monosaccharides and disaccharides
• ii. Complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides
Simple Carbohydrates
• Monosaccharides-They are simplest form, sweet and require no digestion and can
be absorbed directly into blood stream. They are: Glucose, fructose, galactose
They are pairs of monosaccharide's. They are sweet and must be changed into
simple sugars by hydrolysis before being absorbed. They include; sucrose (G+F),
maltose (G+G) and lactose (G+Ga)
Fat soluble
• These are vitamins A< D< E<K.
• They are not easily lost by cooking and are transported through blood by
• Mega doses should be avoided because they can reach toxic levels
Vitamin A
• There are two forms
• Preformed (retinol) - active form
• Carotenoids - inactive form found in plants
Functions of vitamin A
• Antioxidant that protect the cells from destruction
• Essential for maintaining of healthy eyes and skin
• Aids in prevention of infections
• Essential for normal growth and reproduction
Sources – dark green leafy and yellow vegetables, fruits, spinach, pumpkin, mangoes
Retinol - liver, butter, cream, egg yolk
Deficiencies - night blindness, dry rough skin and increased susceptibility to
Complete lack of it leads to xerophthalmia
Vitamin D
• Considered a prohormone because it is converted into hormone in human
• Promotes calcium and phosphorus absorption in the body
• Prevents tetany, promote bone and tooth mineralization.
Sources - sunlight, milk, fish, egg and fortified margarine
Deficiency - poor bone and tooth formation, rickets, osteomalacia,
Hypervitaminosis can cause calcium and phosphorus deposits in soft
tissue, kidney, fragile bones and heart damage
Vitamin E
• Consists of two groups tochopherols and tocotrienosis
• Serves as an antioxidant
• Helpful in prevention of hemolytic anemia among premature infants
• Enhance immune system
• Used in commercial food products to retard spoilage
Sources - vegetable oil made from corn, soya; nut; green leafy vegetables
Deficiency - LBW, neurological defects in children
Vitamin K
• It is absorbed in small intestine and slightly from the colon.
• Absorption requires a normal flow of bile from the liver
• Essential for formation of prothrombin which permits proper clotting of
• Antidote for an overdose of an anticoagulant
• Treatment of hemorrhage cases and patient who suffer from faulty fat
Sources - green leafy vegetables, dairy products, egg, fruits and cereals
Deficiency - defective blood coagulation
Water Soluble Vitamins (B and C)
• They dissolve in water easily and are destroyed by air, light and cooking.
Not stored in the body to an extend of fat soluble vitamins
Vitamin B complex
• Composed of
Thiamine ( Vitamin B1)-co-enzyme
• Essential for metabolism of CHO and some amino acids, essential for nerve
and muscle action
• Deficiency - Beriberi characterized by loss of appetite, fatigue, nervous
irritability and constipation
• Risk factors - alcoholics, renal pts and NGT feeding
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
• Essential for CHO, protein and fat metabolism
• Necessary for tissue maintenance and healthy eyes
• Sources - milk,meat,poultry, fish and green leafy vegetables
• Deficiency - cheloisis characterized by sores of lips and cracks at corners
of mouth, glossitis, dermatitis and eye strain
• Regulate body fluids and maintain osmotic pressure
• Supply necessary electrolytes for the action of muscles and nerves
• Present in all enzymatic system
• They have specific action e.g. iron for blood formation
• They are classified as
a. Macro minerals (major) - daily requirement is 100mg or greater
b. Micro minerals (Trace minerals)- less than 100mg required daily
• Gives bones and teeth strength and hardness
• Help in formation of bones and teeth
• Helps in contraction of muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, heart
function and cell metabolism
Sources - milk, milk products, green leafy vegetables, fish with bones, small edible bones
Deficiency- rickets, osteomalacia, muscle cramps, tingling sensations, tetany, convulsions
Excess -relaxed skeletal muscle and cardiac irregularities
• Stored in bones
• Formation of strong bones and teeth
• Metabolism of CHO, fats and proteins
• Constituent of all body cells
• Regulation of acid base balance in blood
• Activation of B vitamins
• Promotion of nerve and muscle activity
Sources- milk, milk products, beef, pork, poultry, dried peas and beans
Deficiency- demineralization, hemolytic anemia, pathological fracture, defective
white blood cell function
• Electrolyte mainly found in intracellular fluid
• Essential for fluid balance within the cell and osmosis
• Transporting of nerve impulses and muscle contractions
Sources- fruits i.e melon, orange bananas; Vegetables i.e mushroom,
potato, carrots and beans
Deficiency- hypokalemia caused by diarrhea, vomiting, diabetic
Excess- hyperkalemia caused by dehydration, renal failure, cardiac
• Electrolyte found in extracellular fluid
• Control fluid balance in the body
• Maintenance of acid base balance in the body
• Transmission of nerve impulses essential for normal muscle function
Sources- table salt, fruits, vegetables, drinking water
Deficiency- dehydration, upset in acid base, diabetic acidosis
Excess- edema, hypertension
• Found in extracellular fluid
• Essential for maintenance of fluid, electrolyte and acid base
balance in the body
• Component of gastric juice
• Found in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), muscle and nerve tissue
• Necessary during immune response
• Sources- table salt
• Deficiency - alkalosis
• Vital to both soft and hard body tissues
• Essential for metabolism
• Regulates nerve and muscle functioning
• Helps in utilization of ca, potassium, and protein
• Supports the function of B group vitamins
• Sources- whole grain, nuts, legumes and fruits
• Deficiency- neuromuscular irritability,
• Functions
• Deliver O2 to body tissues vitamins, antibodies
• Utilized by enzymes that take part in tissue respiration. making
• Help in formation hemoglobin
• Increases resistance to infection
• Takes part in synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters
• Sources- , fish, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grain, dried beans
• NB: Differentiate the haeme and non-haeme sources
• Deficiency- anemia, lowered resistance to infection, fatigue, weakness and
• Component of thyroid hormone
• Necessary for functioning of thyroid gland which determines rate of metabolism
• Helps in oxidation process of the body
• Sources- iodized salt, sea food, water, food additives
• Deficiency- Goitre, hypothyroidism, cretinism in children
• Actor for more than 300 enzymes
• Essential for growth, wound healing, immune response, glucose
tolerance, taste acuity
• Essential for formation of insulin and enzymes and protein
• Deficiency- decreased taste and smell acuity, impaired wound
healing, skin lesions, delayed growth
• Found in all tissues but heaviest concentration in liver, kidney, muscle
and brain
• Essential component of several enzymes
• Helps in formation of hemoglobin
• Aids in transport of iron in bone marrow
• Participates in energy production
• Deficiency- anemia, bone demineralization
• Sources- liver, kidney, shellfish, nuts
• Constituent of several enzymes involved in metabolism
• Important in bone formation
• Sources - wholegrain and tea
Other Minerals
• Chromium
• Cobalt
• Selenium
• Molybdenum