Lect 3T Vocabulary
Lect 3T Vocabulary
Lect 3T Vocabulary
Language Teaching
Lecture 3
Principles of teaching vocabulary
2. Teach both form and function
The beginning should be made with expressions
concretely intelligible: formulas of greeting, short
sentences about objects in the classroom, and
actions that can be performed while naming
them. As the work goes on to connected
narrative and descriptive texts, this method must
be continued. The texts, must at first be confined
to very simple discourse about concretely
illustrable matters. Pictures are here of great
Principles of teaching vocabulary
3. An emphasis on speech awareness and self-
Teacher is the facilitator-coach and
organizer of instructional activities. Here
there is the need for patience and support
of learners who, as they are engaged in
developing their L2 pronunciation skills,
may go through a period of deteriorating
performance as they give up old ways and
have not yet become fluent with new ways.
Principles of teaching vocabulary
6. A focus on a systematic
vocabulary teaching
A system of activities should be
applied to teaching vocabulary:
from simple to complex
Principles of teaching vocabulary
7. A focus on the uniqueness of each ESL
Each has created his or her own
personal pattern of spoken English,
which is unlike that of anyone else and
the product of influences from both the LI
and the L2, the student's personal
learning and communicability strategies,
as well as the impact of input and
Problem solving task 2:
Receptive Sociocultural
Problem solving task 3:
List productive
vocabulary skills
Key 3: Skills to be built: Productive
To choose words and phrases in accord
with the communicative intention
To follow the rules of words combinability
To choose the appropriate word in the
synonymic/antonymic line
To change the words with appropriate
To adjust to the individual style of the
Problem solving task 4:
List sociocultural
vocabulary skills
Key 5: Skills to be built:
To know and understand idioms and
phraseological units
To know the words denoting everyday
objects and notions of the target culture
(currency units, time etc.)
To know and be able to use speech
etiquette formula appropriately to the
communicative situation
Problem solving task 6:
Explicit Vocabulary Instruction