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Training Manual

feasibility study and
outline Design
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

 This Chapter builds on the information

Feasibility learned in Chapter 2 and 3. To explain
how to produce an outline design of a
the Required
Capacity of Energy solar PV system for a specific scenario
Solar PV
Panels and
demand and work out if the system makes
Batterie sense for that scenario, i.e. work out if
OBJECTIVE the system is feasible.
 This task includes many key skills
Calculation needed to design a solar PV system,
and Benefits but this section does not explain how
to design solar PV systems, that can be
Appropriate found in our solar power design and
System Type
installation workbook).
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
What is
 A feasibility study is an assessment of a
proposed project (Solar PV project) to  Site visit and discussion with user or
determine whether the project will be a client
success and beneficial to the end-user  Determination of energy demand
 It determines if the project should go ahead.
 Depending on the unique goals and needs a  Choosing the appropriate system type
feasibility study:  Calculating the required system size
• Propose an outline system design that meets the
needs of the user  Specifying an outline design
• Determine the upfront cost required to deliver the
proposed system  Analyzing the benefits of the system
• Determine the benefits of the system including the  Financial Model
financial benefit and human benefit.
• Determine unforeseen barriers such as shading from  Reviewing risks
buildings or structures and how to tackle them.
 Determining system feasibility
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Background: Bomigo school located in

Example of Solar Feasibility
the Volta Region wants to install a Solar 3.
Choosing the appropriate system type;
PV for its newly built ICT lab. There is there was no grid-connected at Bomigo
no electricity available in the Bomigo school so an off-grid solar PV system was the
community. Two bulbs and two fans have only option
been fixed in the ICT lab. The lab 4. Specifying an outline design
contains ten (10) computers 5. Analyzing the benefits of the system: the
1. Site visit and discussion with user or client. Visiting the did
site not have
it was anythat
clear access to power
the solar panels could be
2. Determination of energy demand; the daily energy before andwas
demand therefore theybydid
estimated not pay the power c
anything for electricity. So, there is no
financial benefit to this system.
6. Financial Model;
7. Reviewing risks:
 Theft:
 The system was not maintained due to lack
of money
1. Determining system feasibility: the project
was considered feasible due to the large benefit What will make fishing trip
the system can bring to Bomigo and feasible
surrounding schools and communities.
However, a charitable grant was required as
Bomigo Basic School did not have funds. A) You will need to check if you have a crew
Dream Renewables worked with Bright Mensah of people willing to go fishing and if you
have a suitable fishing boat and net
to successfully apply for these funds, and in
2021 the system was installed by Dream B) You would calculate if the money you are
Renewables expecting to make is more than the wages
that the crew will ask for?
C) You would need to check the weather to
Think of a project or task that you are familiar with, see if it is safe to fish,
i.e. If you have done construction, it could be to
build a house, it could be to go to the sea on a And I’m sure there are more things you need
fishing trip. Can you think of the steps that would to do to check if it makes sense to go fishing
need to be taken to determine if this activity is
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design


Review the current situation
Is it necessary to
visit a site?
Review the need for a solar
PV system

Determine the appliances that

would be powered by the system

What should I do during Consider where the solar panels

could be located and Record
a site visit? Dimensions

Determine the budget

Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design


What is energy demand Assessment?
 Daily energy demand: is the total
EDA is crucial for a solar PV feasibility study, amount of electrical power needed or
it determines the amount of energy used/ used by all electrical appliances of a
required by the site or facility in question, this facility in a day . It is measured in
information is then used to design the watt-hours (Wh)
 The daily energy demand ; is a
appropriate Solar PV system which can
crucial parameter for designing a PV
provide this amount of energy.
system as it quantifies the amount of
 Energy demand/ Consumption is the amount of energy energy that the solar panels must
used or needed by electrical appliances for a time interval. provide in a single day.
It is measured in watt-hours (Wh).  The maximum power
consumption :This is the combined
Wh=Power consumption appliance (W) x Time(h)
power of all appliances.
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design


Calculating Daily Energy Demand of Fridges or AC Units
 You cant literary use the discussed steps because they
1. Record a list/inventory of electrical turn on and off periodically.
appliances:  The recommended way is to use a device like kWh
 Quantity of each identical appliance
meter or data logger. However estimation can be
 The number of hours each appliance is
switched on during the day:  Most fridges have an energy rating on their nameplate
 The peak power of each appliance should be
or datasheet. This will state how much KWh the fridge
recorded: it is advised to assume appliances are uses over a typical day or year.
working at their maximum or peak power.  We consider a safety Factor of 1.25.
 Power analyzer or Energy Data logger devices
𝐼𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∗ 1.25 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒
2. Calculate the energy consumption of each 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛
appliance .using the formula
𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 = 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 NB : Air conditioner energy consumption depends on the
𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 thermal insulation of the room. the set point
3. Sum the energy demand of each appliance. , a temperature, the outside temperature, and the
Factor of Safety (FoS) is sometimes considered. specifications of the AC unit.
4. Determine if multiple daily energy demands It's strongly recommended that real energy demand data
are required of the site be used
CONSUMPTION Example Questions
Bomigo ICT lab has the following information:
Two types of power consumption must be
• 5 bulbs of 12 watts each to be powered for 3 hours
1. Maximum continuous power consumption • 2 fans of 80 watts each to be powered for 5 hours
simply add the power rating of each appliance,. • 2 desktop computers of 60 watts to be powered for 5 hours
Example: 10bulbs * 5W light bulbs have a • 5 HP laptops of 68 watts to be powered for 5 hours
maximum power consumption of 50W. 1. Calculate the energy consumption of each appliance, the
2. Maximum surge power consumption 2. calculate the energy demand in kWh
• surge power is the power devices consume in
the second after they turn on and before they
turn off.
• Mostly seen in appliances with motor an Fan.
• Add the surge power of all the appliances
together, It can be found on their datasheet or
• this is much higher than their continuous
load quantit Power Total time(h) Energy (Wh) load quantity Power (W) Total power( time( energy(
y (W) power(W) ) (Quantity*power*time) power( kW) h) kWh)
bulb 5 12 60 3 5*12*3= 180Wh

fan 2 80 160 5 2*80*5= 800Wh bulb 5 12 60 0.06 3 0.18

Desktop 2 60 120 5 2*60*5= 600Wh

computer fan 2 80 160 0.16 5 0.8

laptop 5 68 340 5 5*68*5= 1700Wh

Desktop 2 60 120 0.12 5 0.6
Total Energy 180+800+600+1700= computer

Daily Energy Demand (FoS 1.2 ) 3280 *1.2= 3963Wh

laptop 5 68 340 0.34 5 1.7

• The energy consumption for bulbs, fans,

TOTAL 3.28
desktops, and laptops are 180Wh, 800Wh,
600Wh, and 1700Wh respectively giving a total of
3280W Alternatively, You could simply divide the daily
• Multiplied by a Factor of Safety of 1.2 to give the energy demand in Wh by 1000.
daily energy demand of 3963Wh
• The maximum power consumption is 680W
• .Daily energy demand is 3.963kWh
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

To conduct an energy demand DETERMINING APPLIANCE

assessment as above you need to POWER
know the power rating of each
appliance. This can be done in 2. kWH METER
three ways  can be used to determine
1. NAMEPLATES the power rating of an
• are labels used to display the appliance
name and very important  A kWh meter plugs into a
information of appliances or standard 3 pin 240V plug
products socket
• A long-term identifier  It measures and store
• they inform people of Energy consumption of
dangerous areas and safe appliances plugged in it
areas.  A kWh meter can be used
• Sometimes W may not be to record the actual daily
given current and voltage energy consumption of
alone will complex device with
• Using the formula 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝑊) motor and fans.
= 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝐼) × 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Manually Recording Daily

3. ASSUMPTION Energy demand
 the daily energy demand Data Loggers
can be obtained by  they are expensive and
 If there are no other
recording it using a usually only done on
options, then an larger and more complex
assumption can be standard electricity
meter, projects.
made  Data loggers are
 if you can see that a  It requires someone with
regular access to the site electronic devices that
lightbulb is an LED, automatically monitor
then we can assume a to read the meter each
morning ideally before and record the electricity
power of between 6 consumption of a
and 12 W. the sun comes up,
 for at least 7 days, but particular site over time,
 for appliances with
ideally over 30 days allowing conditions to be
large power measured, documented,
 This provides real data on
consumption as and analyzed
mistakes here could the daily energy
consumption of the  They are installed closest
have a big impact on to electricity meters.
the system design building.
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Energy Demand Profile

• An energy demand profile is a graph indicating the energy
Benefits of a data logger
consumption or demand of a site over a stipulated period
measured at regular intervals.
• They help avoid the time • The graph indicates how the energy demand changes
and expense of sending throughout the day, as well as the total daily energy demand
someone to take • The lowest point on the graph indicates the lowest
measurements in a remote consumption and the highest point indicates the highest
location. consumption. and the highest point indicates the highest
• They can achieve more
accurate results compared • A demand profile gives more information than a daily energy
to estimation or manual demand because it indicates power at regular intervals, and
reading of an electricity shows it changes throughout the day
meter • This can be useful when designing a system as it shows the
• They can record energy
system requirements at many different points throughout the
regularly which can be used year.
to create a demand profile, • What does the below demand profile tell us about the
see next section business?
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Daily Energy Demand Profile for a small bussines AC and DC Appliances


 Appliances are devices that consume
1.20 electricity to perform a useful function.
 Most appliances used in Ghana
consume Alternating Current (AC), this
Power (kW)

is because the electricity grid is AC.
0.60  However, DC solar PV systems are
cheaper, and therefore if the budget is
tight, it is desirable to use appliances
0.20 which use consume Current, DC
0.0 appliances.
 existing appliances will nearly always be























AC as this is the prevalent form of
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
electricity. However, DC equivalents of
many appliances have been designed
July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
specifically for solar PV systems
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
a list of appliances should be recorded to
ascertain if a DC system might be appropriate.
Choosing The Appropriate System Type
 The first step to designing a system is working out
Common DC Uncommon DC which type of system is required.
appliances appliances  below flow diagram can be used to indicate which type
of system might be best
Light bulbs Air conditioners  however, it's important to understand the features of
each system type to ensure that the system will meet
Phone chargers Fridges the current and future needs of the user

Radios Washing Machines

Solar Irrigation
Tumble driers

Fan Motors for grinding

Small TVs
DC Off-Grid Solar Systems Benefits of DC off-grid solar systems
 DC Off-grid solar PV systems • simple to install and maintain.
are the most economically • It is the cheapest system to
friendly systems in rural and meeting basic energy needs
poor communities with • often come packaged as an all-in-
lower energy demand one solution with no expert design
 This system does not or installation skills
connect with the national
grid and provides DC power Cons of DC off-grid solar systems
for DC appliances • It might not be able to power all
 They are designed for the appliances in the home but only DC
basic energy needs of appliances which sometimes are
people living Equipment for DC off-grid solar
difficult to come by. systems
 DC system is not very • Not being connected to the grid
flexible and the user cannot  Solar PV Panels
means that more batteries will be  Charge controller
easily go and buy a new required to provide power on very  Battery(s)
appliance from the local rainy days.
AC Off-Grid Solar Systems
AC Off-Grid Solar Systems Benefits of AC off-grid Cons of AC off-grid solar
 AC Off-grid solar systems solar
require high-capacity 1. Can be installed in 1. There’s no ‘security’
areas where the power from using the grid as
battery storage or a grid is unavailable.
backup generator to backup.
2. In some distant places,
off-grid solar systems 2. You’ll need more
assure constant access to panels and a large
may be less expensive
electricity, than extending power capacity battery if you
 Furthermore, a battery lines. intend to power an
bank typically needs to be 3. One is independent of entire home.
the grid (during times 3. You’ll have to tightly
replaced after ten years. of power fluctuation monitor your energy
Batteries are difficult to from the grid)
usage and lifestyle.
use, , costly, and reduce 4. Although the system is
overall system efficiency a DC system, AC Solar Charge controller
appliances can be Battery Bank
 If reliable power is powered due to the DC Disconnect (additional)
required and batteries presence of the Off-grid Inverter
are cost-prohibitive, a inverter. Backup generator (optional)
diesel generator can be Solar Panels
added to the system.
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Grid-Tied Solar Systems (without battery back-up)

Benefits of Grid-Tied PV Cons of Grid-Tied PV
Grid-Tied Solar Systems (without
1. Through net metering (not yet 1. When there is power cut they do
battery back-up in Ghana), reduced equipment not provide any electricity,
• The names grid-tied, on-grid, and installation costs, and 2. They do not provide electricity at
utility-interactive, grid intertie, higher efficiency rates, a grid night or when the sun is not
and grid back feeding all refer to connection allows you to save shinning, so energy must be
the same thing, : a solar system the most money with solar brought from the grid in these
panels. cases
that is connected to the utility 3. They provide less incentive to
2. Low cost of equipment and
power grid installation required since no conserve energy as more energy
 This section is about Grid ties batteries are installed can always be brought from the
solar systems without battery 3. maintenance costs are kept at grid
backup. a minimum. 4. Your grid-tied system will shut
 However, if there is a power down if the main power grid goes
down, preventing energy from
outage (“light off”) then a grid-
feeding into the system and
tied solar PV system will not potentially hurting utility
generate any power personnel.
 Energy not used on-site (surplus
energy) can be exported to the
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Grid-tied inverters The hybrid solar energy system

Electricity/Power meter • The hybrid solar energy system is a combination of
Solar Panels On-Grid and Off-Grid based solar energy systems.
Safety switches and cabling • When the grid is active it works just like a grid-tied
AC breaker panel with fuses system, and when the grid is inactive (Power
outage) it works like an off-grid system
Benefits of Hybrid Solar PV systems Cons of Hybrid Solar PV systems

• There’s a lot to install

upfront, making the initial
Equipment for grid- cost bigger than the grid-
• The most reliable type tied and even a little bigger
connected systems of system Additional components seen in
than off-grid AC systems
• Reduces power • Lots of space might be typical hybrid solar systems include:
consumption from the necessary for the required
grid and saves money parts.
• Charge controller
on bills • Battery bank
• Provides independence
from the • DC Disconnect (additional)
electricity grid • Battery-based grid-tie inverter
• They can be used for • Power meter
advanced energy
management. • Solar PV Panel
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

• Which type/s of solar PV system may be
viable in remote or undeveloped areas
(e.g., Island communities) without nearby
power lines? And why?
• Give a reason why a family might go for an
AC off-grid system rather than a DC offgrid
system if they could afford to do so?
• Give a reason why a hotel would choose a
hybrid system over a grid-connected
• Give a reason why a hotel would choose a
grid ties system over a hybrid system?
• For discussion: If you were able to
borrow the money to install a system, but
you had to pay it back in monthly
installments, what type of system would
you choose for your home?
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Calculating the Required Capacity of Solar PV Panels and Batteries

 explains how to use the energy demand
assessment to calculate the correct size of Choosing the Type of Battery
the solar panels and batteries • Different batteries have different
 these are the most expensive parts of the efficiencies
system, between them they generate and • what is the essence of determine a type of
store the energy, so their size is dependent battery?
on the amount of energy required.
The following steps should be undertaken Deep Cycle Lead Acid Lithium-Ion
 Choosing the type of battery (off-grid and
hybrid systems only) The most common The least common type
 Calculating the capacity of solar PV type of battery last of battery in Ghana Last
required (solar sizing) between 2-5 years. between 8-12 years.
 Calculating the number of solar panels They cost about 2000gh They cost about 5000Gh
required for 1kWh usable for 1kWh of usable
 Calculating the required energy capacity of capacity. capacity.
the batteries (battery sizing)
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Calculating The Capacity Of Solar PV Required (Solar Sizing)

Calculating the Capacity
of Solar PV Required  Array size: Array size is the rated power of all the solar panels in
(solar sizing) the system combined, for example, if a system is comprised of 6 *
 This section explains 250W panels the array size is 1,500w or 1.5kW.
how to calculate the Through this process, we are going to determine the array size needed
combined power for our system.
capacity of solar panels  Daily Energy Generation: The amount of energy generated by a
(array size) required to solar array during a given day
meet the Daily Energy
Demand calculated in There are Four key factors needed for determining the daily energy
the previous section. generation and array size
 To do this we need to 1. Daily Energy Demand. what did we say it was?
calculate the daily 2. Peak Sun Hours (PSH) It is defined as an hour throughout the day
energy generation of when the intensity of the sunshine averages above 1000W/m2
the given array size and and the solar panel achieves its maximum power output
match this with our A 5 PSH (kWh/m2), for example, receives 5 hours of solar elect ricity
daily energy demand when the average intensity of sunshine exceeds 1000 watts/meter2.
to determine. As a result, a 250W solar panel would produce approximately
1,250Wh (excluding power losses and derating explained below)
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Average monthly Peak Sun Hours (PSH) for different regions of 4. COMPONENT EFFICIENCIES
some energy generated by the solar
Jan Fe M Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Wors Average panels is wasted before it can get to
b ar r y n l g p t v c t day the appliances due to the
inefficiencies of the other
4. component .such as
Volta 6.2 6.1 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.1 4.4 4.9 5.5 6.1 5.9 1.7 5.5
 Cable efficiency (Ce) will vary
North 6.2 6.3 6.6 6.2 6.1 5.7 5. 5.1 5.1 6.4 6.0 6.1 1.4 5.9
ern 1 depending on system design by can
be assumed at 95%.
Kuma 5.6 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.7 4. 4.0 4.2 5.4 5.4 5.9 1.0 5.4
si 7
 Inverter efficiency (Ie) unless
known can be assumed at 95%.
3. Derating Factor (DF)  Charge controller efficiency (CCe)
Solar panels do not perform in the real world as they do in unless known, assumed at 97%,
theory why? MPPT charge controller.
• Derating factors are a crude way of estimating this  Battery Round Trip Efficiency (Brte)
underperformance unless known can be assumed at
• in Ghana, it is good practice to use a derating factor of 80% for lead-acid and 90% for
90 or 95% lithium-ion.
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Calculating Daily Energy generation

Calculating Daily Energy Question Answer
generation You are designing a DC off-  The family mentioned are
𝐷𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = grid solar system for a OK to use fewer
𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 × 𝑃𝑆𝐻 × 𝐷𝐹 × 𝐶𝑒 family in the Volta Region, appliances during the
× 𝐼𝑒 × 𝐶𝐶𝑒 × 𝐵𝑟𝑡𝑒 Cable Calculate the required array rainy season, therefore we
 The efficiencies included size given the following will use the average PSH in
should only include the information. the Volta region of 5.5.
components of the type of  The system will use Led  The components required
system chosen Acid batteries for a DC off-grid system
 Their daily energy are a battery and a charge
Calculating Array size demand is 2.2kWh and is controller .Therefore the
we need to calculate the the same throughout the efficiencies will be (Ce)
array size which will produce year. 95% (CCe) 97%, and (Brte)
a Daily Energy Generation  They are OK with using 80%.
greater than our Daily Energy less energy during the  Using the array size
Demand rainy season if it reduced formula
𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑊) = the system cost ==603 W
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Calculating the Required Energy Capacity of the Batteries (battery

Calculating the correct battery
Calculation steps of Battery
capacity is a crucial task, if mistakes Example:
Discharge Efficiency
are made either Given the Daily Energy
 Divide the Daily Energy
Demand calculated for
1. The system will be very expensive Demand by the Battery
House in Kumasi
because too many batteries have Discharge efficiency and
(1,419Wh/day) What
been installed Inverter efficiency to get the
battery capacity would be
2. The system will not work well at required usable energy from
required to provide 0.5
night-time, and/ or during the the battery
days of autonomy?
rainy season  Divide the answer from step 1
Other parameters to consider are by the depth of discharge of  A battery discharge
the battery to give to actual
 Depth of Discharge (DoD) is the efficiency of 90%
battery capacity required  Inverter efficiency of
percentage of the batteries energy  Multiply the answer from step
capacity that is available for use 95%
2 with the Days of autonomy  And Depth of discharge
regularly Led Acid = 50%
required to get the Battery
Lithium-Ion – 90% of 50%
Capacity in Who
 Days of Autonomy (DoA): 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑊ℎ)
 Battery Discharge efficiency (BDe) 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
= × 𝐷𝑜𝐴
Led acid – 90% (𝑊ℎ)=×0.5=1660
Lithium-Ion -95% Calculation steps
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

A small school in a remote off-grid area wants to remove I. Calculate the Daily Energy Demand of
its generator and use only photovoltaics to power all its the school
loads. They have decided to install an Off-grid AC solar II. Calculate the required Array Size
PV system. The school has the following appliances III. Calculate the required battery capacity
The school has the following Assume the following values
(assume Days of Autonomy = 3 days)
appliances IV. What is the importance of choosing
the days of autonomy when sizing a
AC loads Quanti Hour Powe • Factor of Safety =1.1
ty s r • Derating factor of 90% battery?
fluorescent 8 8 40 • Battery round trip Answer
lights efficiency of 80% I. Calculate the Daily Energy Demand of
compact 2 2 11 • Battery discharge efficiency the school
fluorescent of 90% Total Appliance use = (8 x 40W x 8 hours) + (2 x
lights • Inverter efficiency of 95% 11W x 2 hours) + (2 x 200W x 4 hours) + (300W x
• Charge controller efficiency
Computer 2 4 200 3 hours) + (800W x 0.5 hours) + (200W x
of 97%
Projector 1 3 300 • Depth of Discharge (DoD) = 12hours)
Washing 1 0.5 800 60% = 6,6Wh/day = 6.6kWh/day, the FoS is specified
machine • Peak Sun Hours (PSH) =4 at 1.1 therefore
Fan 1 12 200
𝑫𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅 (𝐹𝑜𝑆 = 1.1) =
6.6𝑘𝑊ℎ ∗ 1.1 = 7.26 𝑘𝑊ℎ
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design


Calculating Annual Energy
fluorescent lights 8 8 40 1280
Generation, Consumption, and
compact fluorescent
2 2 11 44 Export
Computer 2 4 200 1600 The electrical energy generated from solar
Projector 1 3 300 900 PV in kWh may not be the same amount of
energy that may reach the why?
Washing machine 1 0.5 800 400
 The energy loses due to cable size and
Fan 1 12 200 2400
 Charge controller usage of energy to
start working
II. Calculating the Array Size  Inverter usage of energy to start working
𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑊)=  Hotspot at cable junctions
=  Inefficiencies of Charge controller and
III. Calculate the required battery capacity inverter.
(assume Days of Autonomy = 3 days)  Manufacturer inefficiencies
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑘𝑊ℎ)=× 𝐷𝑜𝐴  High temperatures etc.
×3 = 54.5𝑘𝑊ℎ NB: In General, the energy lost should not
exceed 0.9% of the total energy generated
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

If the energy generated by a Solar PV is 250Kwh, Energy saved if 88% of the energy
1. Calculate the energy lost exported is used
2. Calculate the energy transported Energy used = (88/100)* Energy exported
3. If the house uses 88% of the energy
transported and saved the rest in backup =0.88*247.75kWh
batteries, Energy used= 217.8kWh
4. Calculate the energy saved in batteries Energy Saved in batteries =Energy
5. Calculate the energy cost saved in batteries if Exported - 88% of Energy Exported
1kWh=GHc0.32p = 247.75kWh-217.8kWh
Energy generated = 250kWh =29.95kWh
If energy lost should not exceed 0.9% Therefore 29.95kWh of energy is saved in
Therefore, Energy lost = (0.9/100)* Energy the battery
=0.009*250kWh =2.25kWh. The energy cost saved in the battery; if
Hence the total energy exported = Energy 1kwh=GHc0.32
generated – Energy lost 29.95kWh=?
=250kWh - 2.25kWh = (29.95kWh/1kWh)*GHc0.32p
=247.75kWh =GHc9.58p
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Solution 1:
Calculate Annual Savings Example 1. I. For grid connected;
Compared to the Current 1. Fidel’s household is grid- Total cost of energy per month
Electricity Supply and Payback connected and he uses monthly = GHc110.00
energy of 150kWh at a cost of Total cost of energy per year =
 Simple Payback time is the
number of years that the GHc110.00. Now he wants to GHc110*12months
install solar to power his home =GHc1320.00/year
system will start yielding a
without buying energy at the Therefore the cost savings at
profit for the user or investor.
 At this point of the year, the utility center. He installed the the end of every year for using
solar = GHc1320.00
system cost and cost savings solar at a cost of GHc 12,000 for
II. Payback period = System
are equal, therefore it is from the same daily and monthly Cost/Cost Savings
this year onwards that the energy demand as he used =GHc12,000.00/GHc1,320.00
user or investor will start to previously. a. What is his cost = 9.09years
make a profit.
savings at the end of every year? it will take 9.09years for Fidel
 The simple payback is
represented by the formula; Calculate the simple payback to start yielding profit from his
period? system after investing GHc12,
SPP = System Cost / Cost Savings
How much Cost will he save in 25 000 and paying GHc1320 per
Calculation of the Cost of Savings
years? year to settle the cost of
and Payback Period
Calculate the profit after 25years?
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

III. In 25 years, the cost savings Estimating Upfront Cost Required

will be;  Solar System applications come in different types. The type of
Cost savings per year *25 years
system and its application will determine the cost of the system.
 System cost is the cost of all items, needed to produce solar energy.
=GHc 33,000
Fidel will save GHc 33,000 The cost of the system depends on the type of appliances and time of
which was supposed to be used usage.
to buy energy from the utility  Appliances that surge and are used day and night time will require
center for 25years. more batteries to power them and will cost much.
IV. Profit realized in 25years  Appliances without surges used day and night time will only require
time; just a few batteries and the cost is comparatively low.
Profit =System cost- Cost
Item Specification Cost (GHc)
savings in 25years
= GHc12, 000 – GHc33, 000 Solar Panel 100W-500W 300-1150
= GHc18, 000
Charge controller 10A-100A 300-1200
Fidel will make a profit of
GHc18, 000 in 25 years. This is Battery 100Ah-250Ah 600-1800
1.5 times the initial cost, i.e.
Inverter 800w-10kw 1950- 7000
approximately two times the
initial cost. Cables and accessories all in 1 250-2000
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE COSTS. Considering Both Payg And Upfront Cost Models
After installation and commissioning, the solar Pay as you go system is a flexible system denoting
system maintenance cost for the first 5years is that, one will use a solar system at a flexible
almost free. monthly or yearly payment system.
 Most solar panels have a 25years life
 At the end of each month, if the allocated
expectancy and 5 years battery life payment is not made, the system is automatically
expectancy depending on the way of use by blocked until payment is made.
the user.
 Using Fidel’s house as an example of pay as you
 Inverters and Charge controllers last as long
go system if an investor provided Fidel with a
as possible unless there is a fire burn of a very
solar system that costs GHc 12,000.
high current that can damage the system.
 He is allowed to pay about 30 percent of the
 The panels are cleaned using ordinary water
initial cost and pay the rest monthly for 3 years.
if it is ground-mounted. As batteries and
After Fidel has finished all payments the system
panels get damaged, they need to be replaced
becomes his own.
Using Calculation:
 The system needs to be serviced almost after
every 3 months to ensure its working Total cost of System =GHC12, 000
effectively 30% initial payment = (30/100)*GHc12000.00
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

The amount left to be paid = GHc12, 000.00 – GHc3,

=GHc 8,400.00  It provides a flexible payment system
Spreading this amount for 3 years, which is 36 months  The system is maintained and serviced
= GHc8, 400.00/36months by the company
=GHc233.30  The system becomes the sole property
Contract Agreement between Fidel and PAYG of the user after payment.
 It reduces the stress of bulk payment of
Therefore Fidel will be contracted to agree that; securing the system
Total Cost of System = DISADVANTAGE
1. It improves health since there are no
GHc12, 000 Initial
Deposit of 30%=GHc3, 2. It helps improve education since
600. learning can take place using solar
Number of years to complete all payments = 3 years lighting
It provides safety since the system is
Amount to be paid monthly =GHc233.30
serviced and maintained by the company
The system will block itself if GHc233.30 is not paid always.
In any feasibility study, the risks
associated with the project must ASSESSMENT
Flooding or storm risk solar
be considered and reviewed. panels are quite durable, but if
 For example, a project that the community where the  Financial risk
seems feasible in financial system is to be installed is at  Longevity of need risk
terms, may not be feasible if it’s risk of serious flooding this
for a house on the beach and might damage the electric
the sea is encroaching on it. In equipment such as the inverter, Technical and safety risk:
this case, the risk of flooding batteries, and charge controller  Fire
might be too big.  Battery acid leak
 Damage risk: things falling  Malfunctioning
Some Important risks to consider on solar panels can crack them system
for Solar PV projects are found and reduce their efficiency,  Appliance
below  malfunction
 Theft risk: solar panels often  Maintenance risk: many
sit on roofs or frames out in the components of the Solar PV
open and are therefore subject system in particular need
to theft. maintenance and sometimes
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design

Solar panel damaged by a falling object Solar panels stolen from Offgrid system on an
island in Greece
Feasibility Conclusion
Once all of the above steps are completed you can make a conclusion about the feasibility of the solar PV
system. each project is different and there is no simple template for determining feasibility, however, the
following things must be considered
1. Upfront costs: how will the upfront cost of the system be paid, and is it possible? typically there
are three options
 The user pays for the system
 The system is a PAYG system
 The system is funded via a grant or charitable funding

2. The system benefits:

 Financial benefit:
 Other benefits
 Analysis:

3. Review risks
if points 1 and 2 are positive and the systems appear feasible it’s important to review the risks and check
that there are no significant risks that could harm the success of the project

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