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Training Manual
feasibility study and
outline Design
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
Appliances are devices that consume
1.20 electricity to perform a useful function.
Most appliances used in Ghana
consume Alternating Current (AC), this
Power (kW)
is because the electricity grid is AC.
0.60 However, DC solar PV systems are
cheaper, and therefore if the budget is
tight, it is desirable to use appliances
0.20 which use consume Current, DC
0.0 appliances.
existing appliances will nearly always be
AC as this is the prevalent form of
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
electricity. However, DC equivalents of
many appliances have been designed
July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
specifically for solar PV systems
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
a list of appliances should be recorded to
ascertain if a DC system might be appropriate.
Choosing The Appropriate System Type
The first step to designing a system is working out
Common DC Uncommon DC which type of system is required.
appliances appliances below flow diagram can be used to indicate which type
of system might be best
Light bulbs Air conditioners however, it's important to understand the features of
each system type to ensure that the system will meet
Phone chargers Fridges the current and future needs of the user
• Which type/s of solar PV system may be
viable in remote or undeveloped areas
(e.g., Island communities) without nearby
power lines? And why?
• Give a reason why a family might go for an
AC off-grid system rather than a DC offgrid
system if they could afford to do so?
• Give a reason why a hotel would choose a
hybrid system over a grid-connected
• Give a reason why a hotel would choose a
grid ties system over a hybrid system?
• For discussion: If you were able to
borrow the money to install a system, but
you had to pay it back in monthly
installments, what type of system would
you choose for your home?
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
Average monthly Peak Sun Hours (PSH) for different regions of 4. COMPONENT EFFICIENCIES
some energy generated by the solar
Jan Fe M Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Wors Average panels is wasted before it can get to
b ar r y n l g p t v c t day the appliances due to the
inefficiencies of the other
4. component .such as
Volta 6.2 6.1 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.1 4.4 4.9 5.5 6.1 5.9 1.7 5.5
Cable efficiency (Ce) will vary
North 6.2 6.3 6.6 6.2 6.1 5.7 5. 5.1 5.1 6.4 6.0 6.1 1.4 5.9
ern 1 depending on system design by can
be assumed at 95%.
Kuma 5.6 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.7 4. 4.0 4.2 5.4 5.4 5.9 1.0 5.4
si 7
Inverter efficiency (Ie) unless
known can be assumed at 95%.
3. Derating Factor (DF) Charge controller efficiency (CCe)
Solar panels do not perform in the real world as they do in unless known, assumed at 97%,
theory why? MPPT charge controller.
• Derating factors are a crude way of estimating this Battery Round Trip Efficiency (Brte)
underperformance unless known can be assumed at
• in Ghana, it is good practice to use a derating factor of 80% for lead-acid and 90% for
90 or 95% lithium-ion.
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
A small school in a remote off-grid area wants to remove I. Calculate the Daily Energy Demand of
its generator and use only photovoltaics to power all its the school
loads. They have decided to install an Off-grid AC solar II. Calculate the required Array Size
PV system. The school has the following appliances III. Calculate the required battery capacity
The school has the following Assume the following values
(assume Days of Autonomy = 3 days)
appliances IV. What is the importance of choosing
the days of autonomy when sizing a
AC loads Quanti Hour Powe • Factor of Safety =1.1
ty s r • Derating factor of 90% battery?
fluorescent 8 8 40 • Battery round trip Answer
lights efficiency of 80% I. Calculate the Daily Energy Demand of
compact 2 2 11 • Battery discharge efficiency the school
fluorescent of 90% Total Appliance use = (8 x 40W x 8 hours) + (2 x
lights • Inverter efficiency of 95% 11W x 2 hours) + (2 x 200W x 4 hours) + (300W x
• Charge controller efficiency
Computer 2 4 200 3 hours) + (800W x 0.5 hours) + (200W x
of 97%
Projector 1 3 300 • Depth of Discharge (DoD) = 12hours)
Washing 1 0.5 800 60% = 6,6Wh/day = 6.6kWh/day, the FoS is specified
machine • Peak Sun Hours (PSH) =4 at 1.1 therefore
Fan 1 12 200
𝑫𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅 (𝐹𝑜𝑆 = 1.1) =
6.6𝑘𝑊ℎ ∗ 1.1 = 7.26 𝑘𝑊ℎ
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
If the energy generated by a Solar PV is 250Kwh, Energy saved if 88% of the energy
1. Calculate the energy lost exported is used
2. Calculate the energy transported Energy used = (88/100)* Energy exported
3. If the house uses 88% of the energy
transported and saved the rest in backup =0.88*247.75kWh
batteries, Energy used= 217.8kWh
4. Calculate the energy saved in batteries Energy Saved in batteries =Energy
5. Calculate the energy cost saved in batteries if Exported - 88% of Energy Exported
1kWh=GHc0.32p = 247.75kWh-217.8kWh
Energy generated = 250kWh =29.95kWh
If energy lost should not exceed 0.9% Therefore 29.95kWh of energy is saved in
Therefore, Energy lost = (0.9/100)* Energy the battery
=0.009*250kWh =2.25kWh. The energy cost saved in the battery; if
Hence the total energy exported = Energy 1kwh=GHc0.32
generated – Energy lost 29.95kWh=?
=250kWh - 2.25kWh = (29.95kWh/1kWh)*GHc0.32p
=247.75kWh =GHc9.58p
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
Solution 1:
Calculate Annual Savings Example 1. I. For grid connected;
Compared to the Current 1. Fidel’s household is grid- Total cost of energy per month
Electricity Supply and Payback connected and he uses monthly = GHc110.00
energy of 150kWh at a cost of Total cost of energy per year =
Simple Payback time is the
number of years that the GHc110.00. Now he wants to GHc110*12months
install solar to power his home =GHc1320.00/year
system will start yielding a
without buying energy at the Therefore the cost savings at
profit for the user or investor.
At this point of the year, the utility center. He installed the the end of every year for using
solar = GHc1320.00
system cost and cost savings solar at a cost of GHc 12,000 for
II. Payback period = System
are equal, therefore it is from the same daily and monthly Cost/Cost Savings
this year onwards that the energy demand as he used =GHc12,000.00/GHc1,320.00
user or investor will start to previously. a. What is his cost = 9.09years
make a profit.
savings at the end of every year? it will take 9.09years for Fidel
The simple payback is
represented by the formula; Calculate the simple payback to start yielding profit from his
period? system after investing GHc12,
SPP = System Cost / Cost Savings
How much Cost will he save in 25 000 and paying GHc1320 per
Calculation of the Cost of Savings
years? year to settle the cost of
and Payback Period
Calculate the profit after 25years?
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE COSTS. Considering Both Payg And Upfront Cost Models
After installation and commissioning, the solar Pay as you go system is a flexible system denoting
system maintenance cost for the first 5years is that, one will use a solar system at a flexible
almost free. monthly or yearly payment system.
Most solar panels have a 25years life
At the end of each month, if the allocated
expectancy and 5 years battery life payment is not made, the system is automatically
expectancy depending on the way of use by blocked until payment is made.
the user.
Using Fidel’s house as an example of pay as you
Inverters and Charge controllers last as long
go system if an investor provided Fidel with a
as possible unless there is a fire burn of a very
solar system that costs GHc 12,000.
high current that can damage the system.
He is allowed to pay about 30 percent of the
The panels are cleaned using ordinary water
initial cost and pay the rest monthly for 3 years.
if it is ground-mounted. As batteries and
After Fidel has finished all payments the system
panels get damaged, they need to be replaced
becomes his own.
Using Calculation:
The system needs to be serviced almost after
every 3 months to ensure its working Total cost of System =GHC12, 000
effectively 30% initial payment = (30/100)*GHc12000.00
Solar PV feasibility study and outline Design
Solar panel damaged by a falling object Solar panels stolen from Offgrid system on an
island in Greece
Feasibility Conclusion
Once all of the above steps are completed you can make a conclusion about the feasibility of the solar PV
system. each project is different and there is no simple template for determining feasibility, however, the
following things must be considered
1. Upfront costs: how will the upfront cost of the system be paid, and is it possible? typically there
are three options
The user pays for the system
The system is a PAYG system
The system is funded via a grant or charitable funding
3. Review risks
if points 1 and 2 are positive and the systems appear feasible it’s important to review the risks and check
that there are no significant risks that could harm the success of the project