Social Chap 4
Social Chap 4
Social Chap 4
The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and
understanding through thought, experience, and senses.
All the sensations, ideas, perceptions, and intuition results from a process
known as cognition.
SOCIAL COGNITION is encoding, storing, retrieving and
processing information about other people and social situations.
It is the relationship between how people store, process, apply information
about the other people and their society.
How we think about others plays an important role in our interaction with
• Social cognitions guide our behaviors.
• It helps us make judgments about the people and the society.
• Social cognition requires our attention and concentration.
• Social cognition forms social behaviors.
• They help us adapt to the environment.
Social cognitions can be in two ways.
Automatic thinking
quick and automatic. Thinking at this stage is involuntary and at a
unconscious level.
Controlled thinking
is deliberate, effortful and carefully selecting the right course of
• Schemas are mental structures that organize our knowledge about the
social world.
• We can say the structures involved in social cognition are schemas.
• They are very helpful in organizing and making sense of the world.
• Schemas help in interpretation in different ways thus reducing the
Types of schemas
There are four types of schemas.
1- person schemas
2- social schemas
3- self schemas
4- event schemas
Person schemas
• The stable attributions are the attributes that remain the same over time. it
means that people think that the event is occurring due to unchanging
stable factors.
• Eg pessimist thinks life is negative and cant be positive
• The unstable attribution is due to temporary or changeable factors. E.g.
optimist thinks that negativity is due to temporary factors.