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Structure Fix

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Intensive TEP class


Structure and Written Expression

-Incomplete sentence  (1-15)  10-12
-Error analysis  (16-40) 13 -15

- Structure: 25 mins
- 1 question: 25 seconds

 Selalu baca PILIHAN JAWABAN terlebih dahulu

 PILIHAN JAWABAN selalu merefleksikan TRICKS

 Selalu lihat pilihan jawaban dulu
 SVA: predicate (Verb1 (s/es) or To be (is, am, are)  Subject (TIDAK ADA KET
 Tenses: predicate (V2/Has, Have+V3/Had + V3)  KET WAKTU
 Comparison: (more/er/less…than, the most/est/least, double comparative)
 Parallel: CONNECTOR (biasanya ada di soal)
 Word order: adjective + noun, adverb + adjective, adverb + verb, adverb +
adjective + noun
 Clause: Conjunction (who, which, where, when, whom, whose)
 Kata sebelum conjunction

 Kata sesudah conjunction (Sentence: whom, where, when, whose, PREP+WHICH)

(Predicate: who, which, when, where)

 Of which, on which, about which, in which

 Jokowi who is one of Indonesia presidents leads the country

 Sidoarjo where I live in is very crowded

Direct SV SV With Preposition SV With Appositive (noun)

S (adv.) V S prep V S (Appositive) V

- (-ly) - Prep + noun = adverb  S , ____ , V
- In the room  Jokowi, one of Indonesia presidents,
- My room is clean ____ the country (lead, leading, led,
- In my room is clean leads)
 S Conj ____ V
In, on, at, by, with, about, of,
 Who, which, whom, that (di depan)
to, from, for (kata benda jika  Jokowi who is one of Indonesia
diawali oleh PREPS, maka presidents leads the country
tidak menjadi kata benda)   diikuti kata kerja
 S Ving/V3 ____V (present and past
 Noun/ket: ving/v3

Aquatic ecosystem ____ by the Teachers in the international Red blood cells containing a protein called
pollutant that contains in body hemoglobin _____ oxygen to all parts of the body.
river. proceeding seminar at Singapore
A. circulate
z  V1 (s/es)  talks  soal subject tunggal/singular
 V1.  talk  soal subject jamak/plural SVA
 To be  is, are

 Validator: lihat SUBJECT (dibaca di soal)  singular or plural

 Sentence: S + P  SINGULAR/PLURAL  I eat

 To be: is (tunggal), are (jamak),
 Verb: V1 (have, take, drink)  ditambahi s/es
 Singular: Subject (he, she, it) a/an + V1(s/es)  he takes
 S (singular) + V1(s/es) / to be (is, am)

 Plural (jamak): I you they we (s/es) + V1  you take

shoes, bags, buses, pencils, books
 S (plural)(s/es) + V1 / to be (are)

 SUBJECT: NOUN (kata benda)  X adverb, adjective, verb

 Article: the, a/an  table, chair,  tunggal

 Imbuhan: s/es  jamak (tables, chairs)

 V-ing: (gerund) studying  paling depan

 Studying is my hobby


 V1 (s/es)  talks
 V1.  talk
 To be  is, are

 Validasi: lihat SUBJECT (dibaca di soal)

 Singular : Tunggal (a, an)  tidak ada s/es di akhir kata
 Plural : ada penambahan s/es

 A performance shows the members

 Performances show the members
- Pilihan Jawaban : (V2), (Has/Have+V3), (Had+V3)
- Soal (validator) : Lihat TIME SIGNAL

Simple Past tense = V2 Present Perfect = has/have + V3 Past Perfect = had + V3
I ate last night I have finished my work
Time signals:
Time signal: Time signals: - Until/to = year, century, S + V2
- last, ago, early…, yester …. - Since/from = year, century, period, - Gabungan dua keterangan waktu
- In/on = year, century, period atau S + V2 (past tense + present perfect)
-In: bulan, tahun (in January, in - During/for = durasi waktu - for/during + when/before (S+V2)
2020) /in (year/century)
-On: hari, tanggal (On January
15th 2020)
- When/before diikuti S + V2

In late of nineteen century, China as one of the biggest nations in For decades, the concept of television,
Kate Chopin _______ At Fault A B the transmission of images over
which are set in New Orleans. the world had been through many distances, ___ scientists before the
A. wrote C moving pictures or radio was
B. has written dynasty changes for more than invented.
C. had written D A. intrigued
D. writes thousand centuries. B. has intrigued
C. had intrigued
D. Intrigues
z - Pilihan Jawaban : more, er, less / most, est, least
- Soal : PASANGAN (than, the)

Degree of Comparison
Comparative Superlative Double Comparative

more ______ than the most ..... the more/ -er/ less
-er ______ than the –est ..... _______, the more/-er/
less ______ than the least ..... less

I am taller than you The bigger A, the smaller

I am more diligent than Plankton, the ______ aquatic B
organism, become a crucial source
you of food for fish, whale, and bigger
aquatic creatures. The greater one shows the love,
Covid-19, becoming the world’s
A. the smallest deeper other will respond and it is
B. the smaller B
popular issue, has hardest impact
C. smallest supposed to be the common truth.
D. smaller C D
on people than SAR or MERS.
- Pilihan Jawaban : Salah satu pasangan (double pointer)
z - Soal : Salah satu pasangan (double pointer)

Single pointer: CONNECTOR Double pointer:
 and  Not only ___ but ( ) also __
 or  Neither ____ nor ____
 as well as  Either/whether ___ or ____
 but  Both/between ___ and ___

 I am always eating, ____, and studying  I not only eat but also drink
 Drink, drinks, drinking, drunk
Thatcher studied chemistry at Somerville During the period of presidential campaign, both
A B candidates have done their best to persuade the
College, Oxford and working briefly as a mass by neither denouncing the other parties ____
C public performances to gain votes.
chemist, before becoming a barrister. A. nor doing
D B. or done
C. or doing
D. nor done
Note: Affix penanda jenis kata
_____ and ______ Adverb : -ly [bisa mengikuti kata apapun kecuali NOUN]
_____, _____, and _____ Verb : -fy, -ze, -ce/te
_____, _____ or _____, and _____ Adjective : -ive, -able, -ful, -al/cal, -ic, -nt, -less, -te, -ous
- Pilihan Jawaban : Conjunction
z - Soal : Lihat 1 KATA SEBELUM (adjective
Adjective Clause Noun Clause Adverbial Clause
Conjunction: Conjunction: Conjunction:
Who (verb/to be), whom (Sentence), what, why, how, that, whom, THAT Place = in which, where
whose (noun), that Time = when, before, after, while, ….
(predicate/sentence), which What (sentence) - Subject and Predicate (verb or to
(verb/tobe), of which (sentence) be)
I buy a car  I, a car - Ving/ved
Jokowi which is one of Indonesia I buy what I drive Condition = because, if, although, ….
presidents leads the country - Subject and Predicate
- whom, of/in/on which, that
Jackie Mclean’s recordings makes For centuries, _______ is normally in Pure iron cannot be hardened by
him as one of the few jazz musicians the part of the world where the heating and cooling ________the
_______ of playing has kept pace with climate is warm and the weather is necessary carbon.
the evolution of modern jazz. mild.
A. because iron lacks
A. who style A. where people have chosen to live B. as ironing lack
B. whose style B. where have chosen to live C. because of lacks of iron
C. which style C. that people to choose to live D. Iron lacked
D. that style D. what people have chosen to live

 I go to work because I need money

 Adverbial Clause:
 Because, although, when, while, since, if (diikuti kalimat) Subject +

I love you because you have money

 Because of, due to, despite, in spite of, (diikuti oleh kata benda saja)

I love you because of money

 I go to work because I need money
 I go to work because of money

Word Order Word Form Word Choice Conjunction/

Moles are almost

Madge Macklin ______ friendly and affordable Madge Macklin ______ the
completely blind, ___ their
promoted the expansion synthetic fuels, many expansion of medical
tiny eyes can distinguish
of medical training to worldwide researchers have training to include
light from dark.
include genetics and spent billions of dollars, yet genetics and supported
supported the founding no satisfied result has been the founding of genetics
A. although
of genetics departments obtained. departments in North
B. Because of
in North American ____. American medical schools.
C. Despite
A. To develop D. because
A. medical school environmentally A. promoted
B. school medical B. Develop environmentally B. produced
C. medical schooling C. Developed C. created
D. schooling medical environmentally D. generated
D. To develops

 Adverb (ly) + verb = quickly run

 Adverb + adjective = amazingly beautiful

 Adjective + noun = good food

 Adverb (-ly) + adjective + noun = extremely heavy rain

 This is a book

 This is an amazingly beautiful book (noun phrase)


Preposition Article Determiner

The term “technology” refers to

The oldest city _____, After the great blizzard of 1888 in
______ and invention that help
Washington, was founded by the northeastern United States, it
people improve their way of life.
the Hudson’s Bay Company in took _____ the snow away from their
the early nineteenth century. homes.
A. the discovery
B. a discovery A. several days for people to shovel
A. in the state of Vancouver
C. that discovery B. any day for people to shovel
B. at the state in Vancouver
D. other discovery C. a few days for people to shovel
C. of the state in Vancouver
D. a bunch of days for people to
D. by the state of Vancouver shovel

 Preposition:
 In : waktu (bulan, tahun)  enclosed area
 On : waktu (tanggal, hari)  surface area
 At : specific time (jam)  specific address
 Different from, concern about, accordance with, related to, deal

 Several, some, many (jamak, bisa dihitung)

 Much, amount, (uncountable)


Pronoun Singular-plural Countable-uncountable

Before children are able to speak or The Conestoga wagon, used to carry Taking good care of any is
understand language, them heavy loads over long distances, was equipments one of the ways to
communicate through facial popular in 1725 in some region of save your expenses.
expressions and by making noises. Pennsylvania occupied by the Conestoga

 Singular-plural sama: uncountable

 Water, sand, sugar, information

 Singular plural beda:

 Child – children
 Knife – knives
 Goose – geese
 Mouse – mice
 Bacterium - bacteria

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