Amalgam Cavity Preparation Class 1
Amalgam Cavity Preparation Class 1
Amalgam Cavity Preparation Class 1
These are pit and fissure type cavities that involve the occlusal surfaces of molars and premolars, the occlusal 2/3 of buccal and lingual surfaces of molars, and the palatal pits in maxillary anterior teeth.
However, they may get involved by caries due to their inherent defective structure as areas of imperfect coalescence of lobes of calcification of these teeth. These areas are retentive for food and thus invite caries.
placed midway between the bottom of the proximal fossae and the crest of the proximal ridges and in a direction parallel to these ridges.
outline form for class 1 cavities should be very conservative since they involve cleansable areas. It is governed only by the extent of caries in both enamel and dentin and the amount of extension or need to eliminate pits and fissures to secure smooth margins.
Operative Procedures
High speed handpiece Burs #330, 56 Hoe Hatchet R&L Wedel staedt chisel
The outline form is performed by first gaining access through the enamel to the carious dentin floor of the cavity followed by making the necessary cavity extensions.
In case of initial carious lesions, access is obtained by employing a small pear but #330. In big carious lesions, access is obtained easily by breaking down the undermined enamel overlying the carious dentin, using a suitable size chisel. In either case, access is started at the most defective area of enamel, i.e., a carious pit or fissure.
the involved surface of, the tooth and light pressure in an in-and-out direction is exerted. Cutting is continued until the amelo-dentinal junction (A.D.J.) is reached.
through pits, fissures, and deep developmental grooves are made using a #330 pear bur held at right angle to the surface of the tooth.
introduced through the opening just obtained, so that its weak corners do not touch the enamel and get dulled.
moving in-and-out of the cavity and at right angle to the tooth surface. In this way, the bur will undermine and lift the cut enamel, and at the same time unclog itself.
bur held perpendicular to the surface of the tooth. All the line angle in dentin must be squared up hoe excavators.
shape of the cavity will be governed by the extension of caries, accordingly the outline of these cavities may be a rounded or oval in shape.
In case of occluso-buccal and occlusolingual cavities extensions are made through the fissures and towards the respective surfaces. The cutting is done in dentin at the amelo-dntinal junction using a #56 bur until the ocdusal ridge is undermined and removed.
level of the pulpal seat, a step is indicated: a #330 or 56 but is used to cut the dentin at the amelodentinal junction, applying pressure in a gingival direction and at the same time moving the bur mesiodistally.
dentin along the axio-mesial and axiodistal line angles. The cavity walls and margins are finished as previously described.
where removal of the carious dentin will leave a round cavity floor, flattening of which to obtain the required resistance form, will expose the pulp.
a sub base of calcium hydroxide, followed by a base of glass ionomer cement which fills it to the routine cavity depth.
Angular irregularities in the outline are susceptible to fracture during condensation a smooth flowing outline is easier to visualize and carve following condensation.
II. EXTENSIONS Conservation of tooth structure is the basis for all cavity preparations in order to preserve the strength of the tooth. However, sufficient extension of cavity preparations is necessary to ensure access (convenience form) for instrumentation, removal of defective tooth structure, insertion and finish of the restorative material, and maintenance of the restoration (prevention).
A. Extensions circumscribe: 1. Caries and decalcifications 2. Enamel unsupported by sound dentin 3. Pits and fossae 4. Major fissures and grooves 5. Existing restorations
eliminates defective tooth structure and eliminates areas (pits, fissures, etc.) which are susceptible to recurrent caries and facilities oral hygiene procedures (extension for prevention).
B. Bucco lingual extension 1. Extend fully in areas of buccal and lingual grooves to terminate on smooth surfaces.
to allow a smooth tooth-restoration margin to be created (easier to finish and keep clean).
2. Extend minimally in areas of triangular ridges (optimal isthmus width is intercuspal distance or less) terminating on smooth surfaces.
to preserve the strength and function of the cups while eliminating susceptible grooves or defective tooth structure (must be wide enough to allow condensation).
C. Mesio-distal extension 1. Stop short of the marginal ridge crest. 2. Parallel the contour of the marginal ridge.
to preserve strength of marginal ridges. to preserve a uniform bulk (strength) to the mariginal ridges.
3. Groove extensions are kept narrow (mesiodistally) where possible (consistent with access for condensation and outline form), terminating on smooth tooth structure.
to preserve strength of cusps while eliminating susceptible grooves and/or defective tooth structure (must be at least as wide as the narrowest condenser).
4. If marginal ridge is unsupported or very thin it should be included, resulting in a Class II preparation.
If not included the marginal ridge may fail (amalgam will be stronger than the unsupported enamel)
III. RESISTANCE/ RETENTION FORM A. Depth = mm into dentin (approx. 2 mm measured at triangular ridges). Minimum depth is required to provide sufficient bulk to prevent fracture and retain the amalgam.
B. Pulpal floor
1. Smooth and flat 2. Parallel to the occlusal plane
Uniform thickness of restorative material. resists occlusal stress (resistance form) and forces of condensation.
C. Buccal and lingual walls 1. Smooth and curved mesio-distally. 2. Smooth and straight pulpo-occlusally.
To provide mechanical lock or retention to the occlusal portion and crate bulk at the margins.
protects buccal and lingual surfaces from being undermined (RESISTANCE FORM).
D. Mesial and distal wall 1. Smooth and straight
protects marginal ridge form being undermined or weakened (enamel must be supported be dentin)
IV. CAVITY FINISH A. Pulpo-occlusal line angle is well defined (no point angles are present) and follows general configuration of cavosurface outline.
increases retention of the amalgam restoration and preparation is more easily visualized.
B. Cavosurface margins
facilitates adaptation of amalgam to the cavity and improves the physical properties of the restoration by elimination of void or foreign material.
V. TISSUE RESERVATION A. Rubber dam is intact