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Oil Spills

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What is an Oil Spill?

An oil spill is a release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. The term often refers to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters. Oil spills include releases of crude oil from tankers, offshore platforms, drilling rigs and wells, as well as spills of refined petroleum products (such as gasoline, diesel) and their by-products, and heavier fuels used by 5/5/12 large ships such as bunker fuel, or the



There are a few more ways an oil spill can occur. Equipment breaking down may cause an oil spill. If the equipment breaks down, the tanker may get stuck on shallow land. When they start to drive the tanker again, they can put a hole in the tanker causing it to leak oil.


The oil penetrates into the structure of the plumage of birds and animals, reducing its insulating ability, thus making the birds more vulnerable to temperature fluctuations and much less buoyant in the water. It also impairs or disables birds' flight abilities to forage and escape from 5/5/12 predators.


As they attempt to preen, birds typically ingest oil that covers their feathers, causing kidney damage, altered liver function, and digestive tract irritation. This and the limited foraging ability quickly causes dehydration and metabolic imbalances. Most birds affected by an oil spill die unless there is human intervention.



Oil spills have a devastating effect on the marine enviorment. Because oil floats on top of water, less sunlight penetrates into the water, limiting the photosynthesis of marine plants and phytoplankton. Most birds affected by an oil spill die unless there is human intervention. Marine mammals exposed to oil spills are affected in similar ways as seabirds. Oil coats the fur of Sea otters and seals, reducing its insulation abilities and leading 5/5/12



Cleanup and recovery from an oil spill is difficult and depends upon many factors, including the type of oil spilled, the temperature of the water (affecting evaporation and biodegradation), and the types of shorelines and beaches involved.




Bioremediation: use of microorganisms or biological agents to break down or remove oil. There are three kinds of oilconsuming bacteria. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and acid-producing bacteria are anaerobic, while general aerobic bacteria (GAB) are aerobic. These bacteria occur naturally and will act to remove oil from an ecosystem, and their biomass will tend to replace other populations in the food chain.

Bioremediation Accelerator: Oleophillic, hydrophobic chemical, containing no bacteria, which chemically and physically bonds to both soluble and insoluble hydrocarbons. The bioremediation accelerator acts as a herding agent in water and on the surface, floating molecules to the surface of the water, including soluble such as phenols and BTEX, forming gel-like agglomerations.


Undetectable levels of hydrocarbons can be obtained in produced water and manageable water columns. By overspraying sheen with bioremediation accelerator, sheen is eliminated within minutes. Whether applied on land or on water, the nutrient-rich emulsion creates a bloom of local, indigenous, pre-existing, hydrocarbon-consuming bacteria. Those specific bacteria break down the hydrocarbons into water and carbon dioxide 5/5/12

Controlled burning can effectively reduce the amount of oil in water, if done properly. But it can only be done in low wind, and can cause air pollution. Dispersants act as detergents, clustering around oil globules and allowing them to be carried away in the water. This improves the surface aesthetically, and mobilizes the oil. The smaller droplets cause less harm and are easily degraded. 5/5/12

Dredging: for oils dispersed with detergents and other oils denser than water. Skimming: Requires calm waters. Vacuum and centrifuge: oil can be sucked up along with the water, and then a centrifuge can be used to separate the oil from the water - allowing a tanker to be 5/5/12 filled with near pure oil.


Booms: large floating barriers that round up oil and lift the oil off the water. Skimmers: skim the oil. Sorbents: large absorbents that absorb oil. Chemical and biological agents: helps to break down the oil. Vacuums: remove oil from beaches and water surface. Shovels 5/5/12 and other road equipments:


Seafood Sensory Training- In an effort to detect oil in seafood, inspectors and regulators are being trained to sniff out seafood tainted by oil and make sure the product reaching consumers is safe to eat. Secondary containment - Methods to prevent releases of oil or hydrocarbons into environment. Oil Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasures (SPCC) program by the United States Environmental 5/5/12

Double-hulling - Build double hulls into vessels, which reduces the risk and severity of a spill in case of a collision or grounding. Existing single-hull vessels can also be rebuilt to have a double hull.


Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps are used to identify sensitive shoreline resources prior to an oil spill event in order to set priorities for protection and plan cleanup strategies. By planning spill response ahead of time, the impact on the environment can be minimized or prevented. Environmental sensitivity index maps are basically made up of information within the following three categories: shoreline 5/5/12


Shoreline type:-Shoreline type is

classified by rank depending on how easy the garet would be to cleanup, how long the oil would persist, and how sensitive the shoreline is.

Biological resources:- Habitats of plants and animals that may be at risk from oil spills are referred to as elements and are divided by functional group. Further classification divides each element into species groups with similar life histories 5/5/12 and behaviors relative to their

Human use resources:- Human use

resources are divided into four major classifications; archaeological importance or cultural resource site, high-use recreational areas or shoreline access points, important protected management areas, or resource origins. Some examples include airports, diving sites, popular beach sites, marinas, natural reserves or marine sanctuaries.

Some facts about oil spills

Estimates for the amount of oil burned in the Kuwaiti oil fires range from 500,000,000 to nearly 2,000,000,000 barrels. 732 wells were set ablaze, while many others were severely damaged and gushed uncontrolled for several months. The fires alone were estimated to consume approximately 6,000,000 barrels of oil per day at their peak.


Oil spilled from sabotaged fields in Kuwait during the 1991 Persian Gulf War pooled in approximately 300 oil lakes, estimated by the Kuwaiti Oil Minister to contain approximately 25,000,000 to 50,000,000 barrels of oil. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this figure does not include the amount of oil absorbed by the ground, forming a layer of "tarcrete" over approximately five percent of the surface of Kuwait, fifty times the area occupied by the 5/5/12 oil lakes.

Major oil spill off Mumbai's coast

Some examples of OIL SPILLS

MUMBAI: The Oil and Natural Gas Commission's (ONGC) Mumbai -Uran Trunk Oil pipeline burst on Friday morning causing a major oil spill, 80 kms away from Mumbai's coast.The oil flow was stopped at noon, but ONGC spokesperson said that the spill was spread around 4 sq km. The Coast Guard and Navy were immediately 5/5/12 alerted and four ships, Dornier planes

The Regional Contingency Plan (which is the existing emergency response measure) was activated immediately on detection of the leak. The Flag Officer Defence Advisory Group Rear Admiral L P B



The oil supply and gas production from Mumbai High is being diverted to the ICPHeera Uran Trunk (HUT) pipeline. Connected oil and gas wells are being closed for safety reasons. ONGC officials said that the production loss may last for about three hours only.


The Oil and Natural Gas Commissions Mumbai -Uran Trunk Oil pipeline burst on Friday morning causing a major oil spill, 80 kms away from Mumbai's coast.


Gulf Oil Spill

A boat makes its way through crude oil on the water's surface on Wednesday, about a week after theDeepwater Horizon oil rig sank into the Gulf of Mexico. Even now authorities can only guess at the size of the spill, because the ongoing leak is deep underwater. Most large oil spills in history stemmed from tanker accidents, and their sizes could be reckoned based on the holding capacity of the wrecked vessels.


Oil company BP, which owns the leaking well, provided the original estimate of a thousand barrels a day, based on underwater cameras that recorded the flow from leaks 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) below water. But the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, which has also been monitoring the disaster on the scene and from the air, now says evidence points to the spill being five times worseabout 5,000 barrels a 5/5/12 day. BP says it has identified a potentially






1.GULF WAR, 1991


1 - Gulf War, 1991

Location:Kuwait Gallons:240 to 336 million How It Happened:As Iraqi forces retreated from Kuwait during the first Gulf War, they opened the valve of oil wells and pipelines in a bid to slow American troops. The result was the largest oil spillhistory has seen, spanning an area just larger than the size of the island of Hawaii.

2.IXTOC 1 OIL WELL, 1979


2 - Ixtoc 1 Oil Well, 1979

Location:Bay of Campeche, Mexico Gallons:140 million How It Happened: In June 1979, an oil well in the Bay of Campeche collapsed after a pressure buildup sparked an accidental explosion. Over the next 10 months about 140 million gallons of crude spouted into the Gulf of Mexico from 5/5/12 the damaged oil well.



3 - Atlantic Empress, 1979

Location:Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies Gallons:88.3 million How It Happened: On July 1979, the Aegean Captain and



4. Fergana Valley, 1992

Location:Uzbekistan Gallons:87.7 million How It Happened: Nearly 88 million gallons of oil spilled from an oil well in Fergana Valley, one of Uzbekistanss most active energy and oil-refining areas. While the spill didnt get much press at the time, it is the largest inland spill ever reported.

5. ABT SUMMER,1991


5. ABT Summer, 1991

Location:Off the coast of Angola Gallons:80 million How It Happened: While en route to Rotterdam, the fully loaded tanker,ABT Summer, experienced an explosion onboard and caught fire while it was 900 miles off the coast of Angola, leaking its payload into the ocean.Surrounded by a growing oil slick that spanned 80 5/5/12



6. Nowruz Oil Field, 1983

Location:Persian Gulf Gallons:80 million How It Happened: During the Iran-Iraq War, an oil tanker crashed into the Nowruz Field Platform in the Persian Gulf and knocked it askew, damaging the well underneath. The oil well then leaked about 1500 barrels a day, but because it was in the 5/5/12 center of a war zone, seven months



7. Castillo de Bellver, 1983

Location:Off Saldanha Bay, South Africa Gallons:78.5 million How It Happened: TheCastillo de Bellvercaught fire about 70 miles northwest of Capetown, South Africa, on August 6, 1983. The blazing tanker was abandoned and drifted offshore until it eventually broke in half. The stern capsized and 5/5/12

8. AMOCO CADIZ, 1978


8. Amoco Cadiz, 1978

Location:Off Brittany, France Gallons:68.7 million How It Happened: The tankerAmoco Cadizran aground off the coast of Brittany after its steering failed in a severe storm. Its entire cargo of 246,000 tons of light crude oil was dumped into the roiling waters of the English Channel.



9. Odyssey Oil Spill, 1988 Location:700 nautical miles off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada Gallons:43 million How It Happened: In November 1988 the Liberian tankerOdyssey,virtually full to the brim with North Sea crude oil, broke in two and sunk in the North Atlantic 700 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia. It also caught fire as it sunk. 5/5/12

10. M/T HAVEN TANKER, 1991


10. M/T Haven Tanker, 1991

Location:Genoa, Italy Gallons:42 million How It Happened: An ill-maintained tanker exploded and later sunk off the coast of Italy. The accident killed 6 people. The Italians attempted to tow theHaven to shore, but failed, and the 820 ft-long vessel sunk off the coast of Genoa. Today it is believed to be the largest shipwreck in 5/5/12





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