Survey - Camp - Group - Civil Engineering - FINAL
Survey - Camp - Group - Civil Engineering - FINAL
Survey - Camp - Group - Civil Engineering - FINAL
Civil Engineering
Surface profile
Micro-optic Theodolite
A micro-optic theodolite is a
precision optical instrument used in
surveying and engineering for
measuring horizontal and vertical
angles with high accuracy. It is a
compact and lightweight version of a
traditional theodolite, designed for
portability and ease of use in various
field applications.
Day 4
On day 4 we performed
micro optic survey from PT-
2 and followed a clockwise
path to close the traverse
to T1 and we further
continued the survey for
the open traverse with we
performed from PT-7 to T2.
∠A 147*4’45”
∠B 156*10’
∠C 104*34’
∠D 186*57’
∠E 142*34’25”
∠F 115*18’20”
∠G 160*51’40”
∠H 142*10’
∠I 97*10’
∠J 185*51’10”
∠K 181*18’40”
∠L 158*55’40”
∠M 182*48’40”
Plane Table Survey
Plane table survey is a method of surveying that
involves the use of a plane table, which is a flat
table-like instrument equipped with a drawing board
and an alidade (a sight or rule used in surveying to
align and measure angles). This technique is
particularly useful for mapping and topographic
surveys in the field.
Instruments and accessories
used in Plane Table Surveying
• Plane Table with Tripod
• Alidade
• Spirit level
• Trough compass
• Plumbing fork with plumb bob
• Ranging rod
Why orientation of the
plane table is
When there are more than one
stations, the plane table has to
be shifted to each station to
prepare a map on the sheet.
While transferring to each
station, if there is any small error
occurs, then it totally distorts the
diagram on the sheet and the
relative positions of objects on
the sheet are not as same as that
on the field. So the total plane
table surveying becomes useless.
Advantages Disadvantages
It is simple and cheaper It is not intended for very
than the theodolite survey. accurate work.
It is most suitable for It is not suitable in monsoon.
small-scale maps.
Due to its heaviness, it is
It is useful in magnetic inconvenient to transport.
areas, where a compass
This involves so many
survey is not possible.
accessories, so there are high
The mistakes in writing chances for them to be lost.
readings in the field books
are eliminated.
No great skill is required to
Methods of
Plane table survey
Radiation method: The plane
table is set up at a known point, Intersection method: The plane
and the surveyor sights objects table is set up at two or more known
on the ground from this point. points, and the surveyor sights objects
The alidade is used to measure on the ground from each of these
the angles between the objects points. The alidade is used to measure
and the known point, and these the angles between the objects and
angles are then used to plot the the known points, and these angles
positions of the objects on the are then used to intersect lines on the
paper. paper, which gives the positions of the
Day 5 Onwards