BSD Group-8
BSD Group-8
BSD Group-8
and Assemblies
Introduction Contents
Basic Principles used in Construcion
Environmental impact
and reuse of materials
Building Materials and Construction
1. Materials
Basic Principles used in Construcion
Building Materials and Construction
Materials Name
The material name is used to select the material for
Some materials, such as three-coat stucco, are defined
with a specific thickness. The thickness of the other materials,
such as softwood used for framing, is selected by the
compliance user based on the construction of the
The conductivity of the material is the steady state
heat flow per square foot, per foot of thickness, or per
degree Fahrenheit temperature difference. It is used in
simulating the heat flow in the construction
Building Materials and Construction
• Standard design
The compliance software assebles a construction that
meets the perscriptive standards for each user-defined
construction or assembly.
• Verification and Reporting
All proposed constructions, including insulations, frame
type, frame size, and exterior finishing condition are
listed on the on the CF1R. Non-standard framing (e.g. 24” on
center wall framing, advanced wall framing) is
reported as a special feature.
Introduction Contents
Basic Principles used in Construcion
Environmental impact
and reuse of materials
Exterior and Interior design
Selecting the Right Exterior Material
Architectural Style
The architectural style of your home will narrow down your
options for exterior materials based on what is authentic
and apprpriate to that particular style.
Energy Efficiency
If you are interested in saving on your energy bill, choose
materials with appropriate insulation properties
Weather and Environment
The exterior materials of a home are its defense againts
extreme weather events such as snow, driving rain or high
Impact on insurance
Insurance companies may have restrictions on the type of
material used on the roof and exterio to mitigate
expensive replacement and repair after damage or limit
spread of fire.
Exterior and Interior design
Exterior and Interior design
Selecting the Right Interior Material
Exterior and Interior design
Environmental impact
and reuse of materials
Finishes, Products, and Components
Finishes are used in the final part of the construction or
manufactoring process
Can protect the element they finish from impact,
water, corrsion, frost, abrassion and so on.
They play an important role in regulating indoor
temperature and humidity.
They can be decorative
Care is taken to prvent damage
Depending on the type of building project, the
methods of fineshes varies to consider the applicable
interior and exterior design.
Finishing operations are carried out in the right
Finishes, Products, and Components
2 types of Finish for building
1. Applied Finish - a finish which is applied on site
2. self Finish/Inherent Finish - a finish which is inherent in
the material and does not have to be specially applied
on site
Two Major of
I. Superstructure
II. Substructure
Finishes, Products, and Components
- Is the part of a building which is above ground
and which serves the building intended use. This area
includes the first and second floors inside a home and
any number of floors in larger buildings.
Environmental impact
and reuse of materials
Environmental impact and reuse of materials
Obtaining and Processing of Materials
1. Extrraction
2. Processing
3. Transportation
Environmental impact and reuse of materials
Obtaining and Processing of Materials
1. Extraction
- This requires heavy
plant which consumes energy
and produces noise, dust and
exhaust fumes, which leads to
climate change.
2. Processing
- Processing material like iron ore
requires energy consuming plant, noise and
dust and the creation of waste product like
Environmental impact and reuse of materials
Obtaining and Processing of Materials
3. Transportation
- Once Processed, the materials will
need to be transported to the location which
they are to be used, using petrol and creating
exhaust fumes, which in turn causes climate
Environmental impact and reuse of materials
Reuse and recycle of Construction materials
1. Economy
2. Compatibility with other materials
3. Material Properties
Environmental impact and reuse of materials
Benefits of reusing and recycling construction materials