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Human Eye: A Human Eyeball Is Like A Simple Camera!

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Human Eye

 A human eyeball is like a simple camera!

 Sclera: outer walls, hard, like a light-tight box.
 Cornea and crystalline lens (eyelens): the two
lens system.
 Retina: at the back of eyeball, like the film.
 Iris: like diaphragms or stop in a camera.
 Pupil: camera aperture.
 Eyelid: lens cover.
Sclera (The white/non-transparent tissue surrounding the cornea)
Aqueous humor and Vitreous humor
 The Aqueous Humor is the clear liquid between the
cornea and the lens. It has the benefit of being fairly
homogenous and, as a result, the optical properties
are easily measured. (Le Grand, 1967)
 The space that it inhabits is called the anterior
 The Vitreous Humor is the clear liquid between the
lens and the retina.
 The space that it fills is called the vitreous body.
 Provides nourishment to the eyelens and cornea.
Cannot use the blood vessels:
 Will block the light.
 Easy for surgical transplant.

 Hold the shape of the eyeball.

 The cornea and eyelens form a compound lens
system, producing a real inverted image on the
 From air to cornea (n=1.376): large bending, the main
 From cornea to eyelens (n=1.406), less focusing power.
(Eyelens can develop white cloudiness when getting old:
 The eye has a limited depth of field. We cannot see
things close and far at the same time.
 The eye focusing is not done by change the distance
between the lens and retina. Rather, it is done by
changing the focal length of the eyelens! Ciliary
muscles help to change the shape of the lens:
 Muscles relax, long focal length, see objects far way;
Muscles tense, short focal length see objects close.
 Normal eyes can see 25cm to infinity, however, if the
cornea bulges too much or too little. The accommodation
does not help. (myopia or hyperopia)
The Iris
 When it is full open, it is about f/2 and f/3.
This happens at low light level.
 When the iris has a small opening, it can cut
down the light intensity by a factor of 20.
 However, the main function of stopping down
the iris is to increase the depth of field.
Retina Structure
 Light sensitive layer is made of photo-
receptors: rods (120 millions) and cones (7
millions) which absorb the light.
 Plexiform Layer: nerve cells that process
the signals generated by rods and cones and
relay them to the optical nerve.
 Choroid: carries mayor blood vessels to
nourish the retina and absorb the light so
that it will not be reflected back (dark
Rods and Cones
 Covers an area of 5 cm2. A baseball a mile
away gives an image covering one cone.
 Cones: for more precise vision, need strong
light. help to see colors. Mostly distributed
in the center of the retina (fovea).
 Rods: for peripheral and night vision.
Sensitive to light. Mostly distributed away
from fovea.
 Cones: slow, fine grain, like color film.
 Need high level of light (photopic condition, day)
 High density, high resolution.
 Rods: fast, coarse grain, black & white film
 Low level of light (scotopic condition, at night)
No color is obvious.
 Adaptation: Changing of retina sensitivity.
Singal Processing
 Trace the signal through the retina:
 The retina is a seven-layered structure involved in
signal transduction.
 Light enters from the GCL side first, and must
penetrate all cell types before reaching the rods and
 The outer segments of the rods and cones transduce
the light and send the signal through the cell bodies of
the ONL and out to their axons.
 In the OPL photoreceptor axons contact the
dendrites of bipolar cells and horizontal
cells. Horizontal cells are interneurons
which aid in signal processing
 The bipolar cells in the INL process input
from photoreceptors and horizontal cells,
and transmit the signal to their axons.
 In the IPL, bipolar axons contact ganglion
cell dendrites and amacrine cells, another
class of interneurons.
 The ganglion cells of the GCL send their
axons through the OFL to the optic disk to
make up the optic nerve. They travel all the
way to the lateral geniculate nucleus.
 The fovea defines the center of the retina, and
is the region of highest visual acuity. The
fovea is directed towards whatever object you
wish to study most closely - this sentence, at
the moment. In the fovea there are almost
exclusively cones, and they are at their
highest density.
Processing Time
 Latency: it takes a bit time for the cells in
retina to respond to a flash of light.
 Persistence of response: the response does
not stop at the instant the flash stops.
 1/25 second at low intensity, 1/50 second at high
 The persistence allows as to see moving things

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