Diren Bangkok
Diren Bangkok
Diren Bangkok
by Ratna Ariati Director for New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia
www.djlpe.go.id Hydro Power
Wind Power
Solar Energy
Presented at : Workshop on Hydropower Competence Network for Education and Training (HCN) Bangkok, 15-16 October 2003 15-
Present Situation
1. Indonesia is endowed abundantly with hydro but the contribution to the total electricity generation is still modest.
Hydro potential : 75. 000 MW, installed capacity : 3.854 MW Microhydro potential : 5000 MW, installed capacity : 65 MW
2. Still a lot of un-electrified villages. There are approximately 6000 village where it is difficult for national grid to reach. 3. There are many institutions in Indonesia conduct training and education on hydropower (large and small).
2. Investment Investment cost is relatively high. Investment cost per-kW installed capacity are between 1,000-2,000 US$ depending on specific location.
3. Human Resources Limited human resources in rural areas for plant management and operation.
Article 4 of the Electricity Law No 20/2002 Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 1122 K/30/MEM/ 2002 on Distributed Power Generation
Networking on Microhydro
Regarding microhydro development, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has been developed Micro/mini hydro clearing House. The objective of Micro/mini hydro clearing house, are: provide specific information related to pico, micro and mini hydro power facilitate cooperation between project stakeholders
Weakness Electrical
Current Status Domain name : www.djlpe.go.id Web hosting : CBN internet provider Bandwith for up load and down load : 128 kbps Program Develop Virtual Private Network (VPN) To expand of bandwith will be 1 Mb Use wireless communication
The government is currently developing a Presidential Decree on the Utilization of indigenous energy resources for electric power generation
To increase renewable energy utilization for power generation To encourage small scale enterprises involving renewable energy for power generation To develop domestic supporting industries in electricity sector
Government Institution
Supporting Industries
Standard of Competency and Competency Based Training for Operation and Maintenance Hydro Power Plant
Operation Large Hydro (> 5 MW) Mini/Micro Hydro (200 kW-5 MW) : : 7 3
Maintenance 27 12
1. Technology transfer of mini/micro hydro power to the manufacturer, especially on turbine design and manufacturing process, design of control system and technical assistance 2. Improving the management mini/micro hydro power and development of end use 3. Increasing the capacity building 4. Increasing the utilization of mini/micro hydro power by society and small/middle industries for productive use
1. To prepare a guideline for rural electrification utilizing renewable energy, especially for microhydro 2. To prepare a manual of microhydro development 3. To conduct training of microhydro: Preliminary Survey Project Planning Detailed Design Operation and Maintenance System Evaluation