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I-REC Country Assessment Indonesia - v1

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Country Assessment Report

Country/Region Name- Indonesia:

Indonesia is an archipelago situated in South East Asia, between the Pacific and Indian
Oceans; bordered by Malaysia and Papa New Guinea. It has a population over 267
million and GDP worth over $1 trillion. It has a high growth rate of 5.1% and hasn’t
experienced negative growth since 1998.

Economic Structure and Activity:

Indonesia has a mixed economic system. Indonesia is a member of APEC (Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation). The economy has made significant steps to diversify from its
dependency on the agricultural sector over the last couple of decades. The service
sector accounts for the majority share of Indonesia’s GDP. The banking sector is
maturing with Islamic Bank Syria expanding significantly in recent years. Tourism is
another area of high growth and major source of income, although terrorism, natural
disasters and the coronavirus pandemic have slowed progress in recent years. The
industrial sector contributes 39.73% of overall GDP and specialises in the manufacturing
of textiles, cement, chemical fertilisers, electronics, rubber tyres, clothing and timber
production. The nation also plays host to many subsidiaries of multinational companies,
including Unilever, Toyota, L’Oreal and Exxon Mobil.

Indonesia has abundant natural resource reserves, is the world’s largest nickel ore
producer and is a major exporter of stainless steel. Agriculture accounts for 12.81%
and main exports include rice, sugarcane, tea, coffee, tobacco and palm oil.

(Santander 2018; Cekindo 2020)

Top Private Companies with RE commitments:

Adaro Energy (Mining) - established Adaro Power in 2010 to diversify its business plan
from pit to power. Although primarily focused on delivering coal-powered electricity
supports in conjunction with its mining industry, it is beginning to diversify its energy
portfolio through RE deployment. It recently installed a 100-kWp rooftop-mounted solar
PV panels at AI’s coal processing and barge loading facility in Kelanis, Central
Kalimantan and is expected to generate 125,000 kWh per year. In 2018, Adaro signed
an MOU with EDF energy to conduct a joint feasibility study of solar and biomass power
plants in Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Generation and demand: (type, MW, TWh)

Indonesian electricity generation scenario:

Installed capacity of the Indonesian national grid (as of November 2017) including the
capacity installation of the Indonesian state-owned electricity company, Perusahaan
Listrik Negara (PLN), as well as rented, excess power, IPP, and cooperation with other
electricity generators:
• Hydro & Mini Hydro: 4,400.96 MW
• Geothermal: 1,718.00 MW
• Biomass: 49.00 MW
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• Solar: 11.00 MW
• Biofuel: 79.20 MW
• Other new & renewable: 1.00 MW
• Gas: 4,647.00 MW
• Gas Steam: 11,347.00 MW
• Gas engine: 491.22 MW
• Diesel: 5,462.00 MW
• Coal Steam: 24,611.50 MW
• Fuel/Gas Steam: 1,760.00 MW
• TOTAL: 54,577.88 MW

Electricity generation by source (until November 2017):

• Hydro & Mini Hydro: 16.797 TWh
• Geothermal: 11.560 TWh
• Biomass: 550 TWh
• Solar: 26 TWh
• Biodiesel/Biofuel: 936 TWh
• Gas: 53.562 TWh
• Fuel: 12.919 TWh
• Coal: 134.798 TWh
• TOTAL: 231.148 TWh

Table 1. Provincial capacities by generation technology (Reference Year).


Electricity generation from RE has relatively plateaued at 12% supply between 2007
and 2016 whilst total electricity production has risen by 70% and coal capacity has
more than doubled (Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, 2016).

Indonesian electricity demand scenario:

Electricity sales by consumer type (in 2016):

• Residential: 92.886 TWh
• Industrial: 67.586 TWh
• Commercial/business enterprises: 38.963 TWh
• Social: 6.573 TWh
• Government offices: 3.969 TWh
• Public street lighting: 3.478 TWh
• TOTAL: 213.455 TWh


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Installed capacity is currently only able to meet 86.39% of electricity demand, which is
much lower than neighboring SEA nations including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and
Vietnam (Deloitte 2016). Indonesia must shift to a greater generation capacity in
conjunction with its rapid economic growth.
Electrical Interconnection and import/export:

The national power grid of Indonesia is constituted by 50 sub-national (regional)

grids1, which is also connected with the Malaysian grid at one point2.

Electricity imports and exports by country (up to Semester I 2017):

• Export to Malaysia: 0 GWh
• Import from Malaysia: 274 thousand Barrel of Oil Equivalent (446.19 GWh)
• NET EXPORT: -446.19 GWh

(Source: https://www.esdm.go.id/assets/media/content/content-handbook-of-energy-
Market Structure:

The electric power industry in Indonesia is managed solely by Perusahaan Listrik

Negara (PLN), a state-owned electricity company, which has various business units to
carry out functions that include generation, transmission, and distribution. PT. PLN
(Persero) is obliged to purchase electricity from power plants utilizing Renewable
Energy Resources.

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Figure 1. Electricity market structure and organisation3

The structure of the current Indonesian electricity supply industry is shown in Figure
1. The overall electric supply system includes generation, transmission, distribution,
and sales of electricity to the consumer. The state-owned enterprise PLN is given the
first priority to do the business of providing electricity for the public interest. Various
aspects of Figure 1 are expanded for more clarity in Figure 2 below:

Figure 2. Current electricity market in Indonesia4

The electricity state-owned enterprise is PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or

PT. PLN (Persero). PT. PLN (Persero) has core business in electricity supply, especially

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in power generation, transmission, distribution, and retail, which is graphically
represented below in Figure 35.

Figure 3. PT. PLN (Persero) core business6

• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 15 Year 1985 regarding Electricity7
• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 30 Year 2007 regarding Energy8
• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 30 Year 2009 regarding Electricity9
• Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 14 Year 2012 regarding
Electric Power Supply Activities10
• Regulation of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia
No. 50 Year 2017 regarding Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for
Electricity Supply11

Responsible Government Department: (include key contacts)

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) is the leading government
institution in Indonesian’s energy sector12. It is responsible for creating and
implementing Indonesia’s energy policy including the National Electricity General Plan
and regulating the power sector through the DGE and the DGNREEC. It is also
charged responsible for preparing implementing regulations related to electricity, the
NRE and energy conservation, and endorsing PLN’s RUPTL.

Directorate General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is

the executing body of some duties and functions of the Ministry, including the
formulation and implementation of technical policies and standardization in the field of

Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 30 Year 2007 regarding Energy
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Directorate General of New Energy, Renewable Energy and Conservation of the

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is the executing body of some duties and
functions of the Ministry, including organizing policy formulation and implementation
in the field of fostering, controlling and supervising geothermal, bioenergy, new and
renewable energy, and energy conservation.15

PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PT. PLN (Persero) is the electricity state-
owned enterprise. PT. PLN (Persero) has core business in electricity supply, especially
in power generation, transmission, distribution, and retail.
Existing/Planned Energy Legislation: (is there a CPO)

MEMR has an “Electricity Supply Business Plan (Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga
Listrik or RUPTL) for 2018 – 202717 that provides guidance for the future development
of the energy and electricity sector to implement energy policies. By RUPTL it is
expected that PLN's electric power facilities can be more efficient, more planned and
environmentally friendly in fulfilling the need of electric power, so it can avoid the
inefficiency of the company since the planning stage. RUPTL targets to be achieved in
the next ten years are the fulfilment of national demand for electricity capacity and
energy, utilization of new and renewable energy, increasing efficiency and
performance of power system since the planning stage which includes achieving the
desired level of reliability, achieving energy mix, and utilization of new and renewable

Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 30 Year 2007 regarding Energy: New energy
resources and renewable energy resources are regulated by the state and utilized for
the greatest prosperity of the people (Sumber daya energi baru dan sumber daya
energi terbarukan diatur oleh negara dan dimanfaatkan untuk sebesar-besar
kemakmuran rakyat). Thus the regulation in terms of electricity supply is regulated by
the government. Electricity business is carried out by (as the owners and developers)
state-owned enterprises (as a first priority), regional-owned enterprises, private
parties, cooperatives, and community’s participations.

In 2007, the Law No. 30 regarding Energy was enacted, establishes the legal
framework for the energy management. This law was considering limitation of
reserves of the non-renewable energy, hence requires an action for diversity of
energy resources to ensure the availability of energy in Indonesia. This law promotes
different forms of renewable energy, such as geothermal, wind, bioenergy, solar
photovoltaic, hydro, tidal, and ocean thermal energy conversion. This is done by:
• Central and Local Governments are obliged to increase the utilization and supply of
new energy and renewable energy in accordance within their authority.



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• The supply of energy from new energy sources and renewable energy sources by
any business entities and individuals may obtain the ease and/or incentives from
the Government and/or Local Governments in accordance within their authority for
a certain period of time until their economic value is reached.
• Central and Local Governments are obliged to facilitate the research and
development of science and technology on the supply and utilization of energy,
especially directed to the development of new energy and renewable energy.

However, there are no any Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) schemes either
presently operating in Indonesia or explicitly planned for the foreseeable future.

Environmental Legislation for RE:

Based on law and regulation regarding energy and electricity the environmental issue
had been accommodated as following:
• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 15 Year 1985 regarding Electricity:
Development of electricity based on the principle of benefits, fair and equitable
principles, principles of self-belief, and environmental sustainability
(Pembangunan ketenagalistrikan berlandaskan asas manfaat, asas adil dan
merata, asas kepercayaan pada diri sendiri, dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup).
• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 30 Year 2007 regarding Energy: Every energy
management activity shall prioritize the use of environmentally friendly
technologies and meet the requirements required in environmental legislation
(Setiap kegiatan pengelolaan energi wajib mengutamakan penggunaan
teknologi yang ramah lingkungan dan memenuhi ketentuan yang disyaratkan
dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lingkungan hidup).
• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 30 Year 2009 regarding Electricity: Every
electricity business activity is required to comply with the provisions required in
the legislation in the environmental field (Setiap kegiatan usaha
ketenagalistrikan wajib memenuhi ketentuan yang disyaratkan dalam peraturan
perundang-undangan di bidang lingkungan hidup).
• Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 14 Year 2012 regarding
Electric Power Supply Activities: Application for operation permit as referred to
in Article 28 must meet administrative, technical and environmental
requirements. Environmental requirements as referred to in paragraph (1) of
Article 29 shall apply the provisions of legislation in the field of environmental
protection and management. (Permohonan izin operasi sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 28 harus memenuhi persyaratan administratif, teknis, dan
lingkungan. Persyaratan lingkungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1)
berlaku ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perlindungan dan
pengelolaan lingkungan hidup).

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Based on law and regulation specifically for environmental permit18 related with
electricity generation:
• Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 32 Year 2009 regarding Protection and
Management of Environmental19: Any business and/or activity required to have
an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Environment Management Plan-
Environment Monitoring Plan shall have an Environmental Permit (Setiap usaha
dan/atau kegiatan yang wajib memiliki Amdal atau UKL-UPL wajib memiliki izin
• Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 27 Year 2012 regarding
Environmental Permit20: Environmental Permit is a permit granted to any
person undertaking a Business and / or Activity that must has Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) or Environment Management Plan-Environment
Monitoring Plan in the framework of environmental protection and
management as a prerequisite to obtain a Business and/or Activity license (Izin
Lingkungan adalah izin yang diberikan kepada setiap orang yang melakukan
Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan yang wajib Amdal atau UKL-UPL dalam rangka
perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup sebagai prasyarat memperoleh
izin Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan).
• Regulation of Ministry of Environmental Republic of Indonesia No. 5 Year 2012
regarding Type of Business Plan Activities required to have an EIA21: in the field
of electricity also new and renewable energy business plan activities as
➢ Geothermal power plant: capacity ³ 55 MW
➢ Hydro (run-of-river): capacity ³ 55 MW
➢ Municipal solid waste: capacity ³ 30 MW
➢ Solar, wind, biomass/peat: capacity ³ 10 MW (in one location)
➢ Construction of biofuel refinery: capacity ³ 30,000 ton/year

• Regulation of Ministry of Environmental Republic of Indonesia No. 8 Year 2013

regarding Procedure of Assessment and Examination of Environmental
Documents and Environmental Permit Issuance22: Issuance of Environmental
Permit shall be conducted simultaneously with the issuance of environmental
feasibility decision (Penerbitan Izin Lingkungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada
ayat (1) huruf a dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan penerbitan keputusan
kelayakan lingkungan hidup).

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Existing/Planned Certificate Systems: (purpose, extent)

None – there are no REC schemes either presently operating in Indonesia or explicitly
planned for the foreseeable future.

RE Market potential:

Indonesia has vast amounts of RE potential given its land mass, geographical
positioning and diverse topography. Indonesia is situated on the Ring of Fire and has
the second largest geothermal resources globally. It currently has the second largest
installed capacity after the US. The RUPTL (Electricity Supply Business Plan) has
detailed plans for
an additional
4000 MW by
2027 and as
table 2 suggests,
the overall
potential for
generation is 29

In recent years, most RE investment has been targeted towards hydro and
geothermal, with investment in both wind and solar significantly lagging. Many
undeveloped, viable sites remain amongst Indonesia’s coastal regions, where average
wind speeds of 5-6 m/s have been recorded (IRENA 2017). Elsewhere, low wind
speeds throughout much of the archipelago, particularly inland, reduces the scope for
potential sites. The potential for solar is available throughout the nation but remains

Table 2. Potential power generation by RE source (PWC 2017).

Multiple factors support renewable deployment in Indonesia, including falling costs,

national carbon emissions targets, the high cost of oil-based generation (especially in
remote regions) and the regulatory and physical barriers to gas distribution.

Market risks and challenges:

Indonesia’s unique geography poses technical constraints to RE deployment, with

electricity supply and demand varying across its 13,000 islands. Areas hosting low-
cost land are either far from heavily populated places with weak grid connections or
possess poor RE potential. A significant investment in grid management, grid
hardware, additional storage and further integration of regional grids through more
transmission networks could help overcome distributional challenges.

The lack of a bankable PPA has become a major concern. Of the 70 RE projects
signed before the end of 2017, 55 projects have since experienced financing
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difficulties. As of June 2018, 45 projects were reported to have made no progress
towards financial close with only four projects having reached COD. METI (Indonesian
Renewable Energy Society) also claimed most members were unable to secure
funding for new renewables projects under the new PPAs.

Extent of Engagement with Government: (brief summary of any contact already
made with the national government regarding certification in general and I-REC)

None yet.
Expected response from Government:

At least neutral if not positive

Current Environmental Reporting in Energy:

Environmental reporting is required by Laws and Government Regulations in terms of

electricity, energy management, electricity business activity, electric power supply
activities. In addition to that, there are Laws, Government Regulations, and Ministry of
Environment Regulations that specifically regulate environmental permit. Further
information is provided under the header "Environmental Legislation for RE" in the
section above.

Any other Relevant Information:

Although it is an important goal of the Indonesian government to further promote and

foster renewable energies, there are no REC schemes either presently operational in
Indonesia or explicitly planned for the foreseeable future. Hence a renewable energy
project in Indonesia should be able to claim and issue I-RECs without any double
counting or contradiction. On the other hand, even if a domestic REC scheme comes
up in the future (although not yet perceived on the horizon), a renewable energy
project in Indonesia should still be able to claim either I-RECs or any future domestic
Indonesian RECs at any given point in time for any given MWh generated by the
project. This is also in line with the relevant I-REC Code clause: “An I-REC can exist
sequentially from another energy attribute tracking methodology (e.g. the
Guarantee of Origin in Europe) such that only one is active at a point in
time”. Hence, under the present scenario, any renewable energy project from
Indonesia applying for I-REC Production Device Registration should be readily
acceptable by the I-REC Standard for issuing I-RECs.

Report Prepared by I-REC Services BV

Contributors Leonardo Sidabalok, South Pole
K. Kartick, South Pole
Preparation Date 18/06/2018

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