1 EL Vectors
1 EL Vectors
1 EL Vectors
‘A physical quantity that has a magnitude and a direction’ : (Is this definition sufficient?)
r x x̂ y ŷ z ẑ
r r x 2 y 2 z 2
r r̂
z ŷ
r x x̂ y ŷ z ẑ
x r̂
y r x 2 y2 z2
Infinitesimal line element : d l dx x̂ dy ŷ dz ẑ
‘A physical quantity that has a magnitude and a direction’ : (Is this definition sufficient?)
Is this a ‘vector’ ? ( x̂ ŷ ẑ)
x y z
So, one has to look for a ‘better’ or more compact definition of a vector.
Consider the (x’,y’,z’) system rotated by f
relative to (x,y,z), about the common x=x’ axis
Vector A has components ( Ax , Ay , Az ) or ( Ax ' , Ay ' , Az ' ), depending on the cood. syst.
Ay A cos Az A sin
Ax ' 1 0 0 Ax
Ay ' 0 cos sin Ay
A 0 sin cos Az
The rotation considered here leaves
the x-axis untouched.
Ax ' 1 0 0 Ax
Ay ' 0 cos sin Ay
A 0 sin cos Az
Challenge: Can you now show that the same transformation matrix is responsible for
change of cood. syst. from ( xˆ , yˆ , zˆ ) ( xˆ ', yˆ ', zˆ '), for rotation about the common x=x’ axis.
xˆ ' 1 0 0 xˆ
ˆ ˆ
' 0 cos sin y
zˆ ' 0 sin cos zˆ
So, what is a ‘vector’ ?
A vector is that quantity that transforms in the same way as the coordinate system itself
does, under the transformation.
f f f
df ( )dx ( )dy ( )dz
x y z
Partial derivatives
Partial Derivatives
f(x,y,z) = 3xyz + x2
3 yz 2 x
3 xz
3 xy
Consider a scalar field, f = f (x,y,z)
f f f
df ( )dx ( )dy ( )dz
x y z
f f f
( x̂ ŷ ẑ) (dxx̂ dyŷ dzẑ)
x y z
( x̂ ŷ ẑ)f d l
x y z
Move around(change) q, and see that the maximum change in T occurs for q=0
Ans: Path 1
Path 2 Path 1 Toposheet : 45 D/7
( x̂ ŷ ẑ) v v x x̂ v y ŷ v z ẑ
x y z
v ( x̂ ŷ ẑ) ( v x x̂ v y ŷ v z ẑ)
x y z
v x v y v z
g ( x , y, z )
x y z
Divergence is a measure of how fast the field lines stretch and/or spread out.
Charge density
v 0 v 0
( x̂ ŷ ẑ)
x y z
v v x x̂ v y ŷ v z ẑ
x̂ ŷ ẑ
v / x / y / z
vx vy vz
v z v y v x v z v y v x
x̂ ( ) ŷ( ) ẑ( )
y z z x x y
The operation of curl produces a new vector field which is related to the
density of a vector quantity such as current.
Physical interpretation of Curl
Curl is a measure of how fast the field lines of a vector field twist or bend
in a direction set by a right-hand-rule
Current density
B 0 J
Cartesian Coordinate system ( x, y , z )
r x x̂ y ŷ z ẑ
z ŷ
x s cos
y s sin
z z
0s 0 2 z
ŝ cos x̂ sin ŷ
ˆ sin x̂ cos ŷ
ẑ ẑ
The unit vectors change from point to point (except for Z).
A x xˆ y yˆ z zˆ s cos xˆ s sin yˆ z zˆ
A / s ˆ A / A / z
sˆ ẑ
A / s A / A / z
A / s cos xˆ sin yˆ
A / s cos 2 sin 2 1
sˆ cos xˆ sin yˆ
Spherical polar Coordinate system (r , , )
x r sin cos
y r sin sin
z r cos
0r 0 2
A A r r̂ A ˆ A ˆ
r̂ sin cos x̂ sin sin ŷ cos ẑ
ˆ cos cos x̂ cos sin ŷ sin ẑ
ˆ sin x̂ cos ŷ
The unit vectors change direction from point to point
A x xˆ y yˆ z zˆ r sin cos xˆ r sin sin yˆ r cos zˆ
A / r ˆ A / A /
r̂ ˆ
A / r A / A /
A / r sin cos x̂ sin sin ŷ cos ẑ
A / r sin 2 cos 2 sin 2 sin 2 cos 2 1
A x xˆ y yˆ z zˆ r sin cos xˆ r sin sin yˆ r cos zˆ
ẑ cos r̂ sin ˆ
(Volume and area elements in Cartesian coordinates)
• Line element d l dx x̂ dy ŷ dz ẑ
z ŷ • Infinitesimal volume element
y dV dxdydz
• Infinitesimal area element
da dxdyzˆ (top) dx
da dxdyzˆ (bottom) ŷ
(Volume and area elements in spherical coordinates)
dl dlr rˆ dl ˆ dl ˆ dr rˆ rd ˆ r sin d ˆ
dr rsind
r r
dl dls sˆ dl ˆ dl z zˆ ds sˆ sd ˆ dz zˆ
Curvilinear coordinates and vector calculus
dl dlr rˆ dl ˆ dl ˆ dr rˆ rd ˆ r sin d ˆ
Infinitesimal displacement vector :
f 1, g r , h r sin
Gradient operator in curvilinear coordinates
Divergence operator in curvilinear coordinates
Line integral
If the path of the integration is closed eg. abca , then it is called a contour integral
Surface integral
(Flux of A through S)
Volume integrals
Volume, V
I dv
Divergence revisited
Total outward flux of a vector field A through the closed surface S is the same as the
volume integral of the divergence of A.
(flow out through the surface) (flow from the 'taps' within the volume)
S v
Curl revisited
The curl of A is the maximum circulation of A per unit area as the area tends to zero.
Stokes’ theorem
Divergence of the electric field
Flux through any closed surface is a measure of the total charge inside.
Point charge q at the origin, the flux of E through a sphere of radius r is
Actually it is independent of the shape of the volume (bounded by the closed surface)
Qenc is the total charge within the volume (bounded by the closed surface S)
Using Stokes theorem,
Concept of ‘potential’
As (i.e. Gradient of a scalar)
(Poisson’s equation)
dl dlr rˆ dl ˆ dl ˆ dr rˆ rd ˆ r sin d ˆ
Infinitesimal displacement vector :
f 1, g r , h r sin
Gradient operator in curvilinear coordinates
Divergence operator in curvilinear coordinates
Line integral
If the path of the integration is closed eg. abca , then it is called a contour integral
Surface integral
(Flux of A through S)
Volume integrals
Volume, V
I dv
Divergence revisited
Total outward flux of a vector field A through the closed surface S is the same as the
volume integral of the divergence of A.
(flow out through the surface) (flow from the 'taps' within the volume)
S v
Curl revisited
The curl of A is the maximum circulation of A per unit area as the area tends to zero.
Stokes’ theorem