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Vector Calculus

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Vector C alculus

The Del operator

Gradient of a Scalar
Divergence of a Vector
Divergence Theorem
Curl of a Vector
Stokes Theorem
Two Null Identities
Types of Fields
Types of Vector Fields
The D el
The DelO operator
perator is the vector differential
It is also called as Gradient Operator, it is not
a vector in itself .
The operator is useful in defining
1) The Gradient of a Scalar , written as

2) The Divergence of a Vector, written as

3) The Curl of a Vector, written as

4) The Laplacian of a Scalar, written as

Del Operator is defined in Cartesian Co-
Ordinate System as

In other Co-Ordinate Systems it is Derived

from the above expression
In Cylindrical Co-Ordinate System

In Spherical Co-Ordinate System

G radient O f a Scalar
The Gradient of a Scalar field is a vector
that represents both magnitude and the
direction of the maximum space rate of
increase of
Q x dx, y dy, z dz

P x, y , z

For a constant surface, d = 0.

Therefore P is normal to the



Thus, the magnitude of Gradient at any point P is the

rate of increase of normal to the surface, which is
the maximum rate of increase of at that point. Thus

Useful for finding unit normal vector to the surface.

Properties of G radient of a scalar function

The magnitude of equals the maximum

rate of change in per unit distance.
points in the direction of the maximum rate
of change in .
at any point is perpendicular to the constant
surface that passes through that point.
The projection (or component) of in the
direction of a unit vector is and is
called the directional derivative of along .
This is the rate of change of in the direction of
If , is said to be the scalar potential

Finding unit normal vectors to the surface

2 x2 2 y2 z2 8at several points:

x, y, z 2 x2 2 y2 z2

2 x2 2 y2 z2 ax

2 x2 2 y2 z2 a y

2 x2 2 y2 z2 az
4 x ax 4 y a y 2 z a z


(a) At
2, 2, 0 ,
4 2 ax 4 2 a y ax a y
4 2 ax 4 2 a y 2

(b) At 1, 1, 2 ,
4ax 4a y 4az ax a y az
4 ax 4ay 4az 3

(c) At 1, 2, 2 ,
4 ax 4 2 a y 2 2 az 2ax 2ay az
4 ax 4 2 a y 2 2 az 7
In Cartesian Co-Ordinate System

In Cylindrical Co-Ordinate System

In Spherical Co-Ordinate System

Where is any scalar field

M athem aticalForm ulas on G radient

Where U and V are scalar fields

D ivergence O f a
Basic definition of Vector

is the outward flux of A per unit volume

in the limit that the volume shrinks to the
Divergence meter
is a device to probe the field for studying
the divergence of the field. It responds to
the closed surface integral of the vector
field. 3-15
In Cartesian Co-Ordinate System

In Cylindrical Co-Ordinate System

In Spherical Co-Ordinate System

D ivergence positive for (a)and (b), negative
for (c) and (d),and zero for (e)

e the point (1, 1, 0)
(a) x 1 ax

Divergence zero

(b) y 1 a y

Divergence positive

(c) e ay

Divergence negative
z 1
D ivergence Theorem
or a very small differential volume element vj bounded
y a surface sj we have

case an arbitrary volume V , we can subdivide it into ma

y N, small differential volumes which is shown in the abo
ure. Let us now combine the contributions of all these
fferential volumes to both sides of equation (1). We have
The left side of equation (2) is, by definition the volume
Integral of

he surface integrals on the right side of equation (2) are

ummed over all the faces of all the differential volume
ements. The contributions from the internal surfaces of
djacent elements will, however, cancel each other, beca
a common internal surface the outward normals of the
djacent elements point in opposite directions. Hence the
et contribution of the right side of equation (2) is due on
that of the external surface S bounding the volume V;
hat is
The substitution of equations (3) and (4) in (2) yields
the divergence theorem,

which states that the volume integral of the divergence

of a vector field equals the total outward flux of the vec
through the surface that bounds the volume.
C url of a Vector

Basic definition of curl

is the maximum value of circulation of A p

unit area in the limit that the area shrinks to the point.

Direction of is the direction of the

vector to the area in the limit that the area
to the point, and in the right-hand sense.
Stokes Theorem
r a very small differential area sj bounded by a contou
e can write

left side of above equation is the flux of the vector

ugh the area sj . Adding the contribution of all differen
as to the flux, we have
ow we sum up the line integrals around the contours of a
e differential elements represented by the right side of
uation (1). Since the common part of the contours of tw
jacent elements is traversed in opposite directions by tw
ntours, the net contribution of all the common parts in
e interior to the total Line integral is zero, and only the
ntribution from the external contour C bounding the
tire area S remains after the summation:
mbining equations (1) and (2) we obtain the Stokes theo

hich states that the surface integral of the curl of a vect

eld over an open surface is equal to the closed line inte
the vector along the contour bounding the surface.
Tw o N ull Identities
Identity I

The curl of gradient of any scalar field is

Identically zero.

Identity II
The divergence of the curl of any
vector field is Identically zero.
Types of Fields
FIELD is a description of how a physical
quantity varies from one point to another
in the region of the field (and with time).
(a) Scalar fields
Ex: Depth of a lake, d(x, y)
Temperature in a room, T(x, y, z)
Depicted graphically by constant
magnitudeycontours or surfaces.

x 129
(b) Vector Fields

Ex: Velocity of points on a rotating disk

v(x, y) = vx(x, y)ax + vy(x, y)ay

Force field in three dimensions

F(x, y, z) = Fx(x, y, z)ax + Fy(x, y, z)ay+ Fz(x, y, z)az

Depicted graphically by constant magnitude contours or

surfaces, and direction lines (or stream lines).

Example: Linear velocity vector
field of points on a rotating disk

(c) Static Fields

Fields not varying with time.

(d) Dynamic Fields

Fields varying with time.

Ex: Temperature in a room, T(x, y, z; t)

Procedure for finding the equation for
the direction lines of a vector field
The field F is
tangential to the
direction line at
all points on a
dl direction line.
ax ay az
dl F dx dy dz 0
Fx Fy Fz
dx dy dz

Fx Fy Fz
dr r d dz
Fr F Fz

dr r d r sin d
Fr F F

Obtain the equations for the direction
lines for the
following vector field and passing
through the point
xa x ya y za z(Position vector)
dx dy dz

x y z

ln x ln y ln C1 ln z ln C2
ln x ln C1 y ln C2 z
x C1 y C2 z
Direction lines are straight lines
emanating radially from the origin. For
the line passing through (1, 2, 3),
1 C1 (2) C2 (3)
1 1
C1 , C2
2 3
y z
2 3
or, 6 x 3 y 2 z

Types of Vector Fields
A vector field
Solenoidal and Irrotational

Solenoidal but not Irrotational if

Irrotational but not Solenoidal if

Neither Solenoidal nor Irrotational


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