L1 - Introduction To Port Shipping Management
L1 - Introduction To Port Shipping Management
L1 - Introduction To Port Shipping Management
Presented by
Dr. Bishal Dey Sarkar
PhD. (IIT-Delhi)
Mail_ID: bsarkar@gitam.edu
Phone No.: 7982948964
A port is a maritime facility comprising one or more loading areas, where ships load/
unload cargo and passengers.
Seaports are historic, commercial, and infrastructural assets that form the backbone of
nations and regional economy.
Port and shipping are considered as the key factor for the development and economic
growth of a country.
A port is not only a linkage between lea and land, it is an economic concept, it can
accommodate warehouses, logistics facilities, cities, and industrial complexes that serves
coastal and overseas traffic.
Port is considered as a part of the total transportation network and a junction where it
meets with other modes of transport.
Port Logistics is the term used to describe logistics and distribution services
based at the ports where goods arrive.
As 80 percent of the world’s total trade is transferred by seaborne activities.
The globalization of complex industrial production processes has increased
the importance of seaports in the global supply chain.
There are around 6000 ships, actively operating in liner services for
transporting goods around the world.
Eastern Coastline: It consists of 7 major ports namely V.O.C, Chennai, Kamarajar, Visakhapatnam,
Western Coastline: It consists of 6 major ports namely Cochin, New Mangalore, Mormugao, JNPT,
These 13 major ports plus one non-major port Mundra together account for around 67% of total cargo
half of the iron ore export. It is one of the leading iron ore exporting
India China US
Port capacity stock (% of GDP) 1 3 10
Number of shipyards 7 70 45
Number of ports in global top 20 0 9 2
Container traffic (mn TEU) 11 185 44
Average annual growth in container 0.5 10 0.4
traffic (mn TEU)
Average turn-around time (Days) 4.5 1 1.2
Ports can be considered as “funnels” to economic development since they act as a catalyst
enabling three major types of effects:
Direct benefits of ports
Indirect benefits of ports
Induced benefits of ports
• Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
• Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Contact Details:
Email ID: bishaldeysarkar6891@gmail.com
Mobile No.: 7982948964