Power Amplifier
Power Amplifier
Power Amplifier
•Power Amplifier is meant to raise the power level of the input signal .
•To get the large power at the output , it is necessary that the input signal voltage is
•A power amplifier actually draws power from dc supply connected to the output circuit
and converts it into useful ac signal power.
•The ac power at the output terminal is controlled by Input AC signal.
•Here power transistors are used instead of normal transistor.
Difference of power and normal transistor
• The coupling transformer provides good impedance matching between the output
and load and it is the main reason behind the improved efficiency.
▪The operation of the push-pull amplifiers is in such a way that it makes the
signal to split into the form of out of phase that is 180 degree.
▪ Transistors are biased at the cut-off.
▪ Push-pull amplifiers use two “complementary” or matching transistors,
one being an NPN-type and the other being a PNP-type with both power
transistors receiving the same input signal together.
Class B Push-pull Transformer Coupled Amplifier Circuit
▪ The circuit above shows a standard Class B Amplifier circuit that uses a balanced
center-tapped input transformer, which splits the incoming waveform signal into two
equal halves and which are 180o out of phase with each other.
▪Here, the load current is shared between the two power transistor devices as it
decreases in one device and increases in the other throughout the signal cycle reducing
the output voltage and current to zero.
Class B Output Characteristics Curves