12 Atoms 1 (1)
12 Atoms 1 (1)
12 Atoms 1 (1)
Thomson’s Model of an Atom:
a) An atom consists of a small and massive central core in which the entire positive
charge and almost the whole mass of the atom are concentrated. This core is called
the nucleus.
b) The nucleus occupies a very small space as compared to the size of the atom.
c) The atom is surrounded by a suitable number of electros so that their total negative
charge is equal to the total positive charge on the nucleus and the atom is electrically
d) The electrons revolve around the nucleus in various orbits just as planets revolve
around the sun.
e) The centripetal force required for their revolution is provided by the electrostatic
attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.
Draw-backs of Rutherford
• This model could not explain stability of the atom because according to classical
electromagnetic theory the electron revolving around the nucleus must
continuously radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic radiate energy in
the form of electromagnetic radiation and hence it should fall into the nucleus.
Atomic spectra
Emission spectrum
absorbed by the hydrogen atoms. Here the spectrum is known as absorption spectrum.
Bohr’s Atom Model
Bohr’s first postulate
• Nuclear concept:
Electron revolves around the nucleus only in those orbits for which
the angular momentum is some integral multiple of h/2π where h
is the Planck’s constant (= 6.6 × 10–34 J s). Thus, the angular
momentum (L) of the orbiting electron is quantized. That is
• L = nh/2π
hν = Ei – Ef
where Ei and Ef are the energies of the initial and final states
Energy of orbiting electron
mvr = nh/2π
Main formulas of Bohr’s theory
• Radius of nth orbit =( є0h2 /∏me2 ) n2
• En = (-13.6 / n2 ) eV
De Broglie’s explanation of
Bohr’s second postulate of
• For an electron moving in nth circular
orbit of radius ‘rn’, the wavelength of electron is such that
2пrn = nλ, n = 1, 2, 3, …..
But λ = h / mv
2пrn = nh/ mv
mvrn = nh / 2п , n = 1, 2, 3, ……
Where mvrn is the angular momentum (L)of the revolving electron. Hence the proof.
Spectral series of hydrogen atom
Hydrogen Spectrum