Lecture 4 Sampling Techniques
Lecture 4 Sampling Techniques
Lecture 4 Sampling Techniques
Why Sampling?
Types of Sampling?
a. Contraceptive use among women in the reproductive age group in Arba Minch
b. Malaria infection among under five children in Kebelle “X” in Arba Minch
d. Factors associated with Age at first sexual initiation among youths visiting HIV
testing and counseling centers in Gamo-Gofa Zone, South West Ethiopia
Selecting a sampling method
Population to be studied
– Size/geographical distribution
Resources available
Sampling is a procedure by which some members of the given
population are selected as representative of the entire population
• Sampling frame for the entire population has to be prepared
separately for each stratum.
D) Cluster sampling
• In this sampling scheme, selection of the required sample is done on
groups of study units (clusters) instead of each study unit individually.
• The sampling unit is a cluster, and the sampling frame is a list of these
• The reference population (homogeneous) is divided into clusters.
• These clusters are often geographic units (eg districts, villages, etc.)