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English Class Introduction-studentsCopy

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Expectations and goals

Topic: Expectations and goals

Goals Mastery
Expectations I can use
Secure vocabulary and
I’m here! I can organize idiomatic
my writing into expressions to
I can use a coherent enhance my
variety of paragraphs with writing
Emerging a clear topic
I can write sentence.
structures to
express my (A-A*) –
using correct
ideas clearly. Self/Peer-Assess your letter based
agreement. on the rubric criteria?

L.O: be able to reflect on my personal and academic goals for the year and express
these goals in a well-structured letter to my future self, using future tense, modal
verbs, and reflective language.
Main Activity 2: Letter
Write a letter to your future self :
1. Start your letter by greeting your future self and briefly explaining why you’re
writing this letter (e.g., to set goals for the year).
2. Write about at least one personal goal you want to achieve this year. Explain why
this goal is important to you.
3. Write about at least two academic goals you want to achieve this year. Explain
why these goals are important to you.
4. Think about any challenges you might face in achieving your goals. Write about
these challenges and reflect on any past experiences where you faced similar
5. Describe the specific actions or strategies you will take to achieve each of your
goals. Use phrases like “I will,” “I must,” or “I hope to” to express your plans.
6. Include a motivational message to your future self. Encourage yourself to stay
focused and determined throughout the year.
7. Share your hopes for the end of the year. Write about what you hope to have
achieved and how you hope to feel when you read this letter in the future.
8. Reflect on how you feel about the upcoming year. Write about any emotions
you’re experiencing now and how you plan to manage them.
Peer-assess : Write down the criteria and next to it
where the student is at (E.D.S.M)
Criteria Emerging (1) Developing (2) Secure (3) Mastery (4)
I clearly explain my
Content & I include goals with some I thoroughly explain my goals,
I include basic goals with goals and their
Goal explanation, but lack detail their significance, and how they
little explanation. importance, with
Setting or relevance. align with my future aspirations.
relevant details.
My letter is well- My letter is excellently
Organizatio My letter has a basic My letter has a structure,
organized, with clear organized, with a strong flow and
n& structure but lacks clear but some parts are unclear
paragraphs and a seamless transitions between
Structure organization. or lack connection.
logical flow. ideas.
I use some future tense
Language I correctly use future tense I effectively use future I skillfully use a variety of future
verbs and modal verbs,
Use (Tense and modal verbs, but with tense and modal verbs tense structures and modal verbs
but with errors or
& Modals) occasional mistakes. with minor errors. accurately and effectively.
I reflect thoughtfully
I briefly reflect on my I reflect on my goals and I deeply reflect on my goals,
on my goals,
Reflection & goals, with minimal challenges, but lack deep challenges, and strategies,
challenges, and
Depth insight into my feelings insight or personal offering profound insights and
strategies, showing
or challenges. connection. personal connection.
My letter is creative
Creativity & My letter has basic ideas My letter includes My letter is highly creative, with
and engaging, holding
Engagemen and is somewhat interesting ideas, but may engaging content that captivates
the reader’s interest
t engaging. lack depth or creativity. the reader throughout.
My letter has several My letter has some errors, My letter is mostly free My letter is free of errors in
Mechanics grammar, punctuation, or but they do not of errors, with minor grammar, punctuation, and
& Accuracy spelling errors that hinder significantly affect issues that do not spelling, enhancing clarity and
understanding. understanding. affect clarity. professionalism.

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