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Writing - The Rhetorical Situation

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In this assignment, you have the freedom to write about a topic that genuinely interests you.
Choose a subject that you are passionate about, whether it's related to social issues, technology,
arts, culture, or any other field. Your task is not only to express your thoughts and ideas but also
to analyze and address the rhetorical situation of your chosen topic.

Your writing must include:

1. Exigence: Define the exigence of your chosen topic. What problem, concern, or issue
prompted you to write about it? Why is it important, and what makes it a relevant and
timely subject to discuss? Consider the reasons behind the urgency of your topic and how
it affects various aspects of society or individuals.
2. Audience: Identify your target audience (don’t think about the teacher). Who are the
people or groups that will be most interested in your writing? How can you tailor your
message to effectively communicate with this audience? Consider their values, beliefs,
and potential biases. Think about what you want your audience to take away from your
3. Constraints: What are the constraints which are used to compel the audience to action?
Examine the constraints that may affect your writing. Are there any limitations, ethical
concerns, or potential challenges in discussing your chosen topic?

Incorporate these elements into your essay to create a well-rounded and thought-provoking piece
of writing. Your goal is to inform and persuade your audience while considering the context and
challenges associated with your chosen topic. This writing assignment should be about 4

100 88 77 66

Content Detailed Some Minimal/no No information

information information effort about the topic.
about the topic. about the topic. information Limited or
Exigence is Defines the about the topic. unclear
clearly identified problem or issue Adequate exigence. Fails
with insightful and its exigence but to identify or
analysis and its importance. lacks depth or address the
importance. Identifies and clarity. Identifies target audience
Successfully addresses the the audience but effectively. Does
identifies and audience with does not tailor not consider
engages the some the message constraints.
audience effectiveness. adequately.
through tailored Adequate Minimal
content. consideration of consideration of
Thoroughly constraints. constraints.
constraints and

Writing/ Well-structured Adequate Some issues Some clarity and

Structure with smooth structure and with coherence
transitions transitions organization and issues, making it
between ideas. between ideas. transitions. somewhat
Writing is clear, Writing is Some clarity and challenging to
well-organized, mostly clear and coherence follow. Writing
and easy to coherent but has issues, making it lacks clarity and
follow. occasional somewhat coherence;
lapses. challenging to difficult to
follow. follow.

Evidence Well-supported Adequate use of Limited use of Lacks

with strong evidence and evidence, and supporting
evidence and examples to examples lack evidence and
relevant support depth. examples.
examples. arguments.

Semicolon/ Correct usage, Correct usage, Errors in usage Lack of use or

Comma and simpler usage (punctuation) major errors
sophistication in

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