Chapter 11 (4)
Chapter 11 (4)
Chapter 11 (4)
Input Output
Table of
I/O Bus and Interface Modules
I/O versus Memory Bus
Isolated versus Memory-Mapped I/O
02 03
Modes of Direct Memory
Transfer Access
Example of Programmed I/O DMA Controller
Interrupt Initiated I/O
I/O 1
• Definition : The input-output interface facilitates the
transfer of information between internal storage (CPU
and memory) and external I/O devices (peripherals).
a. Use two separated buses , one for memory and other for I/O.
b. Use one common bus for memory and I/O but have separate
control lines for each (isolated I/O,I/O mapped I/O).
c. Use one common bus for memory end I/O with common
control lines (memory mapped I/O).
a). Separated
Separate control lines are used while Same instruction are used to control
reading and writing operations. both I/O and memory.
Complex due to separate logic is used Simpler logic is used as I/O is also
to control both. treated as memory only.
Modes of 2
Mode of
The data transfer between the CPU and the I/O device is
through the memory. Data transfer between the CPU
and the I/O may be handled in a variety of modes.
These are:
Programmed I/O
Interrupt Initiated I/O
Direct Memory Access(DMA)
Types of
1) Non-Vectored: Interrupts
• A fixed memory address is used for the ISR.
• All devices use the same ISR, making the system simpler but less
2) Vectored:
• The interrupting device provides an Interrupt Vector containing:
1. Address of the ISR.
2. Or a pointer to a memory location storing the ISR
• Offers better flexibility and faster response for multiple devices.
A) of
Programmed I/O
In the programmed I/O mode all data
transfer activity from the I/O to
memory or vice-versa take place
through the CPU by executing a
number of instruction. Figure shows
the interface through which the I/O
communicates with the CPU.
Following steps of operation take
place for I/O transfer.
When the device is ready and data is available, it places the data
on the I/O bus and enables the data valid line.
The interface accepts the byte into its data register and enables
the data accepted line.
The interface sets the status fag to ‘1’ and disables the data valid
The device disables the data accepted line and is now ready to
make another transfer.
The CPU reads the status register and check the status of the flag
If the flag bit is not set to ‘1’ then it goes to step 5 else the CPU
reads the data register.
Interrupt Initiated
What is Interrupt-Initiated I/O?
• Interrupt-Initiated I/O is a concept that enables efficient communication
between the CPU and peripheral devices.
• By leveraging interrupts, the CPU can focus on other tasks and
only respond when a peripheral device requires its attention.
•It is an interrupt signal sent by a •It is more efficient than polling, •As an interrupt is received the
peripheral device when it needs in which the CPU constantly CPU suspends its current
the CPU's attention. checks devices for activity. program saving the necessary
It interrupts the CPU's current •It only interrupts the CPU when state information to allow it to
program execution and informs necessary, making it focus on resume the original program
that the device requires service. other tasks hence, improving later.
It contains information about the overall system performance and •The CPU then jumps to a
source of the interrupt, allowing responsiveness. dedicated interrupt service
the CPU to identify which device •It also allows the CPU to serve routine (ISR) in the operating
needs attention. multiple devices by handling system. Once the ISR has
their interrupt requests in the completed processing the
receiving order, rather than interrupt, the CPU restores the
wasting cycles checking each saved state and resumes
device in turn. execution of the original
Data Transfer
Data is transferred item by item until complete.
Control commands may trigger actions like stopping tape or printing characters.
Error checking and other safeguards are often incorporated.
Interrupt-Controlled Transfers
I/O software issues commands to peripherals to interrupt when ready for data transfer.
This interrupt is then serviced by the software, handling the data transfer.
DMA Transfer
The I/O software initiates a DMA channel to handle data transfer directly between the
peripheral and memory, freeing up the processor for other tasks.
Direct Memory
• In DMA, the interface transfers data into and out of the memory through
memory bus.
• CPU initiates the transfer by supplying the interface with the starting
address and the number of words needed to be transformed and then
proceeds to execute other tasks.
• When the transfer is made, the DMA requests memory cycles through
the bus.
• When request is
granted by the memory
controller, the DMA
transfers the data
directly into memory.
• The CPU merely delays
its memory access
operation to allow the
direct memory I/O
The ways to place CPU in an idle
●Bus request input is used by the DMA controller to request the CPU to
relinquish control of buses.
●When the input is active, the CPU terminates the execution of the current
instruction and places the address bus, the data bus, and the read and write
lines into a high-impedance state.
●The CPU activates the bus grant output to inform the external DMA that
the bus are in the high-impedance state.
●The DMA takes control of the buses to conduct memory transfer without
process intervention.
●When DMA terminates the transfer, it disables the bus request line.
●The CPU disables the bus grant, takes control of the buses and returns to
its normal operation.
DMA Controller
The unit communicates with the CPU via the data bus and
control lines.
The registers in the DMA are selected by the CPU through the
address bus by enabling the DSC (DMA select) and RS
(Register select) input.
Read and write inputs and bi-directional.
When Bus Grant=0, the CPU can communicate with the DMA
register through the data bus to read from or write to the
DMA register.
When Bus Grant=1, the CPU has relinquished the buses and
the DMA can communicate directly with the memory by
specifying an address in the address bus and activating
read/write control.
Kamayani Nitya
Roll No.
Roll No.