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Lecture 10

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Principle and Practices of Organic Farming

3 (2+1)

Insect Pest and Disease

Management in Organic Farming

Dr. Narendra Kumawat

SAS Project, College of Agriculture,
Indore- 452 001 (MP)
Insect-pest and disease management strategies for
organic farming
1. Modification of cultural practices like crop rotation, soil health
management, use of insect resistant plants, etc.
2. The conservation practices to restore the natural enemies through
provision of hedge rows, shelter belts, etc.
3. Use of biological control agents such as insect predators,
parasitoids, insect pathogens by applying or releasing the agents
through inoculate and inundated methods.
4. Use of botanicals and their mixtures such as Panchagavya,
Dasagavya and mineral oils as curative control measures.
5. Use of pheromones and other attractant.
6. Use of organic pesticides and other permissible pesticides.
A. Modification of cultural practices : These methods have
certain limitations as they have to be planned well in advance
and these are preventive in nature thus not helpful in case of
a severe outbreak of insect pests.
(i) Use of resistant cultivars: Genetically modified crops
(GMOs, transgenic crops) are not allowed in organic
production systems. Onion crop with wider leaf angle and
round leaves support less number of thrips incidence.
Resistant varieties and natural controls generally work
together to suppress pests. The biochemical characters
such as total sugar and crude protein were positively
correlated with fruit borer infestation, whereas total phenols
had negative correlation
(ii) Crop rotation: To be most effective, rotations between
susceptible crops should be three to seven years. to reduce
insecticide applications for colorado potato beetle by 50%,
potatoes have to be moved 1/4 to 1/2 mile away from previous
potato crops (Weisz et al., 1994).
(iii) Planting date and method: Thrips, for example, often infest
early planted crops in high numbers as compared to later
planted crops. For some insects, early planting of crop is
recommended so that it reaches a less susceptible
physiological stage can be a practical solution to a pest
problem. For example, corn earworm causes fewer problems in
early planted sweet corn. Using seedlings or transplants
instead of seeds can also speed crop development.
(iv) Plant density: In general, if increasing the population
density of a crop increases beneficial insects, it can lead to a
decrease in pest insects. In some crops, close row spacing
proliferate control by beneficial insects.
(v) Fertility management: The organic manures create a partial
nitrogen stress up to certain period without any negative effects
on crop growth and thus induce resistance through
intrinsic/naturally production of defense compounds, which deter
the pest attack. The low nitrogen content in plants due to organic
manures leads to increased phenols, tannins and lignins that
make the leaf toughness and production of more cell wall related
structural compounds which are not desirable for herbivores.
Sinha et al. (2010) studied the antifungal properties of
vermicompost and vermiwash against soil borne pathogens
(Pythium ultimum, R. solani and Fusarium spp.) and recorded 51-
72% inhibition in mycelial growth of pathogens.
Rao (2003) observed that the application of neem cake @
0.770 t/ ha was effective for reducing the Helicovorpa armigera
population on groundnut.
Antifungal activity among various organic composts has
been reported by various workers against soil borne and foliar
(vi) Water management : Insect populations can decrease if
overhead sprinklers knock insects off plants or raise
microenvironment humidity enough to encourage insect disease
caused by bacteria or fungi. Because irrigation methods vary
considerably (whether drip, overhead sprinkler, or flood
irrigation), the impact of irrigation on insects also varies.
Insect-pest populations can increase if irrigated plants are
lusher/succulents and more attractive than surrounding plants.
Likewise, plants stressed by drought can be more attractive to
insect pests and pathogen or less tolerant to their feeding.
Several naturally occurring insect pathogens, especially insect-
pathogenic fungi, provide effective pest suppression when high
humidity microenvironments are created.
(vii) Tillage: Infrequent disturbance of soils in natural systems
preserves food webs and diversity of organisms and habitats.
The regular disturbance of agricultural soils disrupts ecological
linkages and allows adapted pest species to increase without the
dampening effects of natural controls. Nevertheless, tillage can
also destroy insects overwintering in the soil as eggs, pupae, or
adults, and reduce pest problems.
Some practices to reduce tillage in organic systems
include zero tillage, ridge tillage, and including a perennial or
sod-producing crop in the rotation. Reduction of tillage alters
pest insect dynamics considerably. Thrips cause fewer problems
in reduced till systems.
(viii) Mulches: Organic farmers often use straw mulch because it
is readily available and provides good weed suppression. New
systems, such as hydro-mulch (which consists of wood fibers
sprayed on with an adhesive to keep them together) may one day
supplement plastic and straw if they are developed with
organically allowable components.
For now, plastic and straw mulches remain high in
popularity. All mulches suppress insects in comparison to bare
soil. Different colors of plastic have been tested and clear, white,
yellow, or aluminum (reflective) colors may provide some
additional suppression of aphids and whiteflies.
Blue and yellow may bring in more pests. Before painting
mulch, farmers should check with their certifiers to see if the
practice is allowable.
Straw mulches can affect insect pests. Crops that are
traditionally mulched with plastic may benefit from straw mulches.
For example suppression of the colorado potato beetle has been
demonstrated with straw mulch in potatoes.
(ix) Sanitation: Good farm sanitation can help to prevent
introductions of pest insects from outside sources, slow their
movement within the farm and eliminate them when they are
discarded with crop materials that may harbor them. Quarantine
any purchased transplants for at least a week and examine them
carefully for pests daily. After working in an infested area, clean
equipment and clothes before going to another area of the farm.
Discarded plants and produce are often piled near the field or
processing area for later disposal. This can provide a suitable
feeding and breeding site for insect pests. These piles should be
composted, buried, or otherwise destroyed as soon as possible.
The most important factor in Lipaphis erysimi management is
sanitation (Singh et al., 2006).
(x) Companion planting: The companion planting approach is
based on the theory that various plants grown in close proximity
to the crop plant will repel or kill pest insects. Studies to date
have not shown this approach to be effective. Note that
companion planting is not the same as intercropping, which may
be a valuable tool in attracting beneficial insects.

(xi) Trap crops: Trap crops attract pest species away from the
cash crop to be protected and into a specific area where they can
be destroyed. Depending on the target pest and the cash crop,
trap crops can be planted with or around the perimeter of the
cash crop field. Some trap crops are planted within the field of the
cash crop. Another approach, called ‘perimeter trap cropping’
which involves planting at least two rows of the trap crop around
the entire perimeter of the cash crop. Growing paired rows of
mustard with every 25 rows of cabbage has been used as a
successful trap crop against diamondback moth. Out of the two
mustard rows, one is sown 15 days before and the other 25 days
after cabbage planting.
(B). Use of biological control agents: Application of biological control
agents such as insect predators, parasitiods and insect pathogens
will have a greater role to play in controlling the insect pests in an
insecticide free environment. These agents can be used as curative
control methods in case of sudden outbreak in the insect population
Potential biological control agents for pest management in organic
crop production
Biological agents to control pests of different crops
Biological agents to control pests of different crops
Some of antibiotics produced by biological control agents
A number of bio-control agents like Trichoderma spp.,
Gliocladium spp., Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus niger, Azotobacter
chroococcum, Azospirillum lipoforum, Psuedomonas fluorescens
etc. have been exploited in the management of major plant
diseases. T. harzianum and T. viride were found to decrease the
root rot caused by R. solani in bell pepper plants upto 70.9 per
Shashidhara et al. (2008) reported the effectiveness of
antagonistic microbes viz., Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp.,
Trichoderma viride and T. harzianum against Phytophthora
capsici, T. viride provided maximum inhibition (72.5%) of the
(C) Use of botanicals and their mixtures
The use of botanicals and other insecticides of mineral
origin for the control insect pests were used as last options in
the organic agriculture, if all the earlier methods have been
failed. The crude extracts as well as commercial formulations
from plants like neem, pongamia, and tobacco that showed
efficacy in conventional agriculture for the management of insect
pests were allowed in organic farming because of their less
residual action and ecological safety.
Some of the commonly used animal product based
concoctions in organic pest management in India are
Panchagavya and Dasagavya.
Parthenium and neem leaves are taken in equal quantity,
crushed and soaked in water for 24 hours. The extract is sprayed
@ 20 ml/ 10 litres of water cause considerable reduction in H.
armigera damage in chilli.
Leaf extracts of Datura stramonium, O. sanctum and A.
indica caused more than 94.0% inhibition as well as reduced
production of sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum causing stem rot of
Use of other botanical insecticides:
These botanicals act to poison insects through their
digestive systems or to repel insects with strong odours and
tastes. Some interrupt life cycle stages with hormone-like
substances. Crude formulation of Melia azedarach (drupes),
Lantana camara (leaves), Rumex nepalensis (roots) and
Artimisia brevifolia (leaves) are also highly effective in reducing
lepidopterous larval complex in cabbage.
For this reason, the use of Panchgavya (term used to
describe five major substances obtained from cow that include:
cow’s urine, dung, milk, curd and ghee) and its products is
gaining popularity. Panchgavya Therapy/ Chikitsa (Cowpathy)
has been proposed as an alternate prophylactic and therapeutic
Pheromones and other attractants
Many insects find each other over long distances by
emitting chemical signals or ‘pheromones’ to attract individuals of
the same species into an area so they can find each other to mate.
Chemical signals to the location of food can draw insects into a
particular area where, once they get close enough, visual and
tactile cues lead them to food sources. Pheromones and other
chemical attractants can be used in several different ways to
monitor pests, disrupt mating, capture a large number of adults
(called mass trapping), distribute an insect pathogen or lure pests
to consume poisoned bait. Any trap baited with an attractant must
be used carefully. Chemicals that trick pest insects to expect food
or mates can be very effective at attracting insects from long
distances. The primary use of these chemicals has been to
monitor pest activity. New traps and baits, however, are showing
the potential to reduce pest abundance directly.
For example, insecticide spinosad is a fermentation product of the
soil dwelling actinomycete, Saccharopolyspora spinosa. There are
commercially available formulations of spinosad insecticides allowable for
use in organic systems.
Formulations of spinosad are labeled for a wide array of vegetables
for example, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, cucurbits (melons, cucumbers,
pumpkins, squash), cole crops, and sweet corn, as well as some field crops
(such as peanuts). Among biopesticides, Spinosad @ 75g a.i./ ha and
Vertimec 1.8 EC @ 1.5g a.i./ ha are effective against diamondback moth,
Bacillus thuringiensis application @ 1.0 kg/ha has been suggested at weekly
Saini et al. (2010) revealed that significantly lower bollworm damage
(16.22%) was found in the treatment of spinosad followed by uplenchwar
mixture (20.96%).
Kaolin is naturally occurring clay resulting from the weathering of
aluminous minerals with kaolinite as their principal ingredient, such as
feldspar. Kaolin is ground to a uniform particle size for application as a plant
protecting applied as a water suspension to plant parts. This material has
demonstrated efficacy for both insect and disease control. Kaolin controls
insects by making the protected plant unattractive because it leaves a white
film on leaves. The white film may interfere with the insect’s host finding. It
also acts as a physical barrier preventing insects from reaching vulnerable
parts, and acts as a repellent by creating an unsuitable surface for feeding or
Constraints/limitation for adoption of organic plant protection
1. High cost of organic pesticides /inputs, no market for organic
pesticides product, unavailability of organic pesticides inputs, less
yield and no price advantage
2. The next important constraints are found to be no consumers demand
for organic product.
3. Natural insecticides are generally less stable than synthetic materials
and degrade quickly in the environment, meaning that they are also
less potent and have shorter residual periods than their synthetic
4. If the quality and efficacy of natural products like teas, extracts and
fermentation products could be enhanced by commercial research and
development programs, better solutions for some typical problems of
plant protection in organic farming could be found.
5. The other constraints in order to importance are lack of awareness,
low employment potentiality and lack of experience of organic
6. In regards to the relative importance of different constraints it is found
that socio-economic constraints is the main hurdle followed by
infrastructural, technological and situational in the process of adoption
of organic plant protection.

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