Paraon Introduction Mid
Paraon Introduction Mid
Paraon Introduction Mid
Virgil C Paraon
• Introduction– where you set up your topic and approach for the
• Abstract- Short Statement about your paper design
• Research designs – procedures for inquiry
• Research methods – specific data collection, analysis,
and interpretation methods
• Research problem – issue being addressed
Research Trivia on
• Begin the Writing process (Getting Started is often the most difficult
• Understand the way in which an introduction sets the stage for the
rest of your paper
• Assess how the introduction fits within the larger scope of your
An Abstract for a Study
Summarizes, Usually in One paragraph of 300 words
or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a
prescribed sequence that includes
1. The overall Purpose of the Study and the research problems you
2. The Basic design of the Study
3. What is your paper about?
4. Why is it important?
5. What did you find?
6. Why are your findings Important?
Research Designs
A. Qualitative Research Design = involves in depth analysis of the
problems. Its focused is to provide accurate description of problems w/o attempting to treat or
employ sophisticated statistical tools or describe problems.
• Less participants, experiences , longer contact time, Interview (Semi Structured and
Unstructured = “Unli Information Bigay Siya ng Bigay Ikaw Kuha ka ng Kuha”), More Words,
Assumptions, Open Ended Questions (More Details) Cannot be answerable by Yes or No.
(Parang Unli Rice), Exploring (Lalim at Lawak ng Study), Rapport with Participants, Narratives
and Paragraphs, Themes and Concepts, More Writing
• B. Quantitative Research Design = its focused is to describe problems descriptively and
numerically. It utilizes more statistical tests to explain the nature, characteristics, relationships
and differences of variables.
• Examples are Survey Questionnaires(Google Forms, Printed Copy), more respondents, Opinions
or perceptions, Short contact time, Structured, more numbers, Hypothesis, Close-ended
Questions (Yes, No, Always, Often, Sometimes, Never, Agree, Disagree), Hypothesis Testing,
Distance, Tables and Graphs, Scale and Ranking (5,4,3,2,1), Less Writing
Sample Question
• How do you handle your roles as a parent and as a college student at the same time?
• What advice would you give to other working parents who are continuing their college
• Can you handle your role s being a parent and a college student at the same time?
• Would you encourage other parents to continue their college studies?
Mixed Methods
Mixed methods research designs:
- Integration of quantitative and
qualitative research and data and analyses
1. Core designs
– Convergent parallel mixed methods
– Explanatory sequential mixed methods
– Exploratory sequential mixed methods
2. Complex designs (e.g., experiment)
• The general and specific problems should be formulated first before starting
the research.
• Form the two parts of the problem, the General Problem and Specific problem
• It is customary to state the general problem in statement form, while the
specific problems is interrogative form.
• Each specific question must be clear and unequivocal
• Each specific question is researchable.
• Each specific question must be based upon facts
• It may have a researchable and non-researchable questions.
Theoretical Framework