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PPP Point To Point Protocol

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Taller Avanzado de Redes II

Trabajo de Investigacin PPP
POINT TO POINT PROTOCOL Maestro: Oscar Gabriel Flores Lopez Alumno: Vctor Alfonso Arroyo Varn

Chilpancingo Guerrero a 12 de Marzo del 2012


- Functions performed by PPP - PPP components - PPP operation - PPP protocol format - PAP and CHAP - Multilink PPP - Packet over SONET (POS)

Functions performed by PPP

PPP is widely used, especially in the analog modem access to the ISP, where
one end is the PC and the other end is the ISP router. The functions performed are:

The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) was designed to transport multiprotocol packets between two peers connected by simple links.

These links provide full-duplex simultaneous bi-directional operation.

Components of PPP
PPP consists of the following three main components: A method 1 for encapsulating multi-protocol datagrams. PPP supports either asynchronous link with 8 bits of data and no parity, or with bitoriented synchronous links.

A Link Control Protocol (LCP) for establishing, configuring, and testing the data-link connection. This allows the two ends to negotiate various link layer options.

A family of Network Control Protocols (NCPs) 2 for establishing

PPP operation
The operation of PPP is as follows. Before the two ends can start sending data packets, each end of the PPP link must first send LCP packets to configure and test the data link. Once the link has been established, the peer may be authenticated. Then, PPP must send NCP packets to choose and configure one or more network-layer protocols. Once each of the chosen network-layer protocols has been configured, datagrams from each network-layer protocol can be sent over the link.

The link will remain configured for communications until explicit LCP or NCP packets close the link down, or until some external event occurs (for example, an inactivity timer expires or network administrator intervention).
In the process of configuring, maintaining and terminating the point-to-point link, the PPP link goes through several distinct phases which are specified in the following simplified state diagram:

The link begins with Link-Dead state. When the physical layer is ready for communication (e.g., two analog modems are connected to each other), PPP will proceed to the Link Establishment state. The LCP is used to establish the connection through an exchange of Configure packets. When this is completed, it enters the LCP OPENED state. Once the OPENED state is reached, the two peers may Authenticate the other. If authentication is successful, each network layer protocol must be configured separately by the appropriate NCP. When these are done, the two ends can begin sending packets. PPP can terminate the link any time. Either LCP or NCP can be used to close the link.

The sequence of the PPP operation is illustrated in the following:

PPP Protocol Format

Each PPP frame begins and ends with flag (0X7E) bytes. The beginning flag is followed by an address byte and a control byte. Byte stuffing procedure is used when any byte other than the flags is 0x7E. The Control Escape octet is defined as binary 01111101 (hexadecimal 0x7d). The byte stuffing process is as follows: After FCS computation, the transmitter examines the entire frame between the two Flag Sequences. Each Flag Sequence and Control Escape octet is replaced by a two-octet sequence consisting of the Control Escape octet (binary 01111101) followed by the original octet exclusive-or'd with hexadecimal 0x20. The value of the address field is 0XFF to indicate a broadcast address, and the value of the control filed is 0X03 to indicate it is an un-numbered frame and has no flow control. The protocol field indicates the network protocol used for data transfer, or LCP or NCP. The above figure indicates the network protocol used for data transfer is IP (0x0021). Examples of other PPP protocol field values are:

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

PAP, part of PPP, is a simple authentication protocol. The value in the protocol field for PAP is 0xC023. PAP involves a two steps process, as following: 1. The user sends an authentication request, which include the username and password to the server; 2. The server checks the username and the password, and accepts or rejects the request.

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

Multi-Link PPP (MLPPP)

PPP is a point-to-point protocol over a single physical link. If the physical link speed is slow, the throughput would be slow. To increase the bandwidth between the two end points, a higher speed link or multiple lower speed links can be used. Sometimes, a higher speed link is not cost effective. When multiple lower speed links are used, these links must be coordinated and their bandwidth can be aggregated. The purpose of the multilink operation is to coordinate multiple independent links between a pair of the end points, and to provide a virtual link with greater bandwidth than any of the constituent links.

Packet over SONET

The initial deployment of PPP (RFC 1661) has been over lease lines or POTS modems. Since this protocol has been widely deployed, many other physical layers have been defined and used. One physical layer that has been specified is SONET or Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). It is called packet over SONET/SDH, or POS. RFC 1619 defines PPP over SONET OC3. It has been expanded to include higher speed (e.g., OC12c, OC48, etc.) and updated by RFC 2615.

In POS, the IP packet is first encapsulated by PPP format. The octet stream of the PPP frame is then mapped into the SONET SPE, with the octet boundaries aligned with the SONET SPE octet boundaries. Scrambling of payload is performed during insertion of the PPP frame into the SONET SPE to provide adequate transparency. For backwards compatibility with RFC 1619 (OC-3 only), the scrambler MAY have an on/off capability where the scrambler is bypassed entirely when it is in the off mode. If this capability is provided, the default MUST be set to scrambling enabled. The C2 byte in the SONET payload overhead indicates whether scrambling is used or not. For PPP over SONET/SDH, the entire SONET/SDH payload is scrambled. When OC3 is used, the FCS may be CRC16. Other speeds use CRC32 (four bytes).

4 W. Simpson, PPP over SONET/SDH, RFC 1619, May 1994. A Malis and W. Simpson, PPP over SONET/SDH, RFC 2615, June 1999.

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