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Power Electronics

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Power Electronics

College of Automation and Electronic Engineering Qingdao University of Science and Technology

Introduction Chapter 1 Power Electronic Devices Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5


What is power electronics? The history Applications About this course

I. What is power electronics?

1) Definition Power Electronics: is the electronics applied to conversion and control of electric power. Range of power scale : milliwatts(mW) megawatts(MW) gigawatts(GW) A more exact explanation: The primary task of power electronics is to process and control the flow of electric energy by supplying voltages and currents in a form that is optimally suited for user loads.

Conversion of electric power Other names for electric power converter: -Power converter -Converter -Switching converter -Power electronic circuit -Power electronic converter

E le c tric Pow er Pow er Pow er inp u t o u tp u t C o n v e rte r C o n tro l in p u t

Power electronic system Generic structure of a power electronic system

Power input

Power Converter Control input Controller Reference

Power output

Feedforward ( measurements of input signals )

Feedback (measurements of output signals )

Control is invariably required.Power converter along with its controller including the corresponding measurement and interface circuits, is also called power electronic system.

A typical power electronic system

Source Power input Vi ii Power Converter Power output io Vo Load

Electric utility battery other electric energy source power converter

Electric Motor light Measurements heating Controller other electric equipment Reference power converter

The task of power electronics has been recently extended to also ensuring the currents and power consumed by power converters and loads to meet the requirement of electric energy sources.

2) Relation with information electronics A Classification of electronics by processing object

Information electronics: to process information Electronics Power electronics: to process electric power

Other classifications of electronics

Vacuum electronics: using vacuum devices, e.g, vacuum tubes devices Solid (Solid state) electronics: using solid state devices, e.g, semiconductor devices Electronics Physical electronics: physics,material,fabrication, and manufacturing of electronic devices Applied electronics: application of electronic devices to various areas


3) The interdisciplinary nature William E. Newells description


Static & rotating power equipment

Power Electronics
Continuous, discrete


Power electronics is the interface between electronics and power.

Relation with multiple disciplines

Systems& Control theory Signal processing Simulation & com puting electronics Solid state physics

CircuitCt theory

l Contro theoryPower
electronics electr

Electric machines Pow er systems

o ni

cs Electromagnetics electr

Power electronics is currently the most active discipline in electric power engineering.

4) Position and significance in the human society Electric power is used in almost every part and everywhere of modern human society. Electric power is the major form of energy source used in modern human society. The objective of power electronics is right on how to use electric power, and how to use it effectively and efficiently, and how to improve the quality and utilization of electric power. Power electronics and information electronics make two poles of modern technology and human society: information electronics is the brain, and power electronics is the muscle.

II. The history

Applicat ion of fast- switching Invention of fully- controlled Thyristor sem iconductor G TO devices M ercury arc rectifier IG BT G TR Vacuum tube rectifier Power diode Power M O SFET Power M O SFET Thyratron Thyristor Thyristor Thyristor (DSP) (m icroprocess or)
1900 1957 m id 1970s late 1980s


1st phase

2nd phase

3rd phase

III. Applications

Industrial applications Motor drives Electrolysis Electroplating Induction heating Welding Arc furnaces and ovens Lighting

Transportation applications Trains & locomotives Subways Trolley buses Magnetic levitation Electric vehicles Automotive electronics Ship power systems Aircraft power systems

Utility stems applications High- voltage dc transmission(HVDC) Flexible ac transmission(FACTS) Static var compensation & harmonics suppression: TCR, TSC, SVG, APF Custom power & power quality control Supplemental energy sources : wind, photovoltaic, fuel cells Energy storage systems

Power supplies for electronic equipment Telecommunications Computers Office equipment Electronic instruments Portable or mobile electronics

Residential and home appliances Lighting Heating Air conditioning Refrigeration & freezers Cooking Cleaning Entertaining

Applications in space technology Spaceship power systems Satellite power systems Space vehicle power systems

Other aplications Nuclear reactor control Power systems for particle accelerators Environmental engineering

Trends It is estimated that in developed countries now 60% of the electric energy goes through some kind of power electronics converters before it is finally used. Power electronics has been making major contributions to: --better performance of power supplies and better control of electric equipment --energy saving --environment protection reduction of energy consumption leads to less pollution reduction of pollution produced by power converters direct applications to environment protection technology

IV. A simple example

A simple dc-dc converter example
I Vg
100V Dc-dc converter 10A + + -



Input source:100V Output load:50V, 10A, 500W How can this converter be realized?

Dissipative realization Resistive voltage divider

I Vg
+ 100V + 50V -

10A +




Pin=1000W Pout= 500W

Series pass regulator: transistor operates in active region

+ 50V -

10A +

100V + -

linear amplifier And base driver




Ploss 500W Pin 1000W


Use of a SPDT switch

I Vg
100V + 10A +

+ Vs(t)



Vg Vs=DV g 0
switch position:

DT s 1

(1-D)T s 2

t 1

The switch changes the dc voltage level


Vg Vs=DVg 0
switch position:

D=switch duty cycle 0<D<1

- -

DTs 1

(1-D)Ts 2

t 1

Ts=switching period fs=switching frequency =1/ Ts

DC component of Vs(t)=average value: Vs =

Ts 0

Vs(t) dt =DVg

Addition of low pass filter Addition of (ideally lossless) L- C low- pass filter, for removal of switching harmonics:

I 1 Vg
100V + Pin 500W +

10A +




Ploss small Pout=500W

Choose filter cutoff frequency f0 much smaller than switching frequency fs. This circuit is known as the buck converter.

Addition of control system for regulation of output voltage

Power input Switching converter + + Load


sensor gain

V transistor gate driver



dTs Ts t

Ve Pulse -width Vc Gc(s) + modulator compensator Reference Vref input

error signal

Major issues in power electronics How to meet the requirement of the load or gain better control of the load How to improve the efficiency -- for reliable operation of power semiconductor devices -- for energy saving How to realize power conversion with less volume, less weight, and less cost. How to reduce negative influence to other equipment in the electric power system and to the electromagnetic environment.

V. About this course

Three parts of the content

P o w e r e le c tro n ic d e v ic e s : C h a p te r 1

P o w e r e le c tro n ic c irc u its : C h a p te r 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , C o n tro l te c h n iq u e s : C h a p te r 6 a n d 7

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