World of Jinn
World of Jinn
World of Jinn
Presented by the
Sheikh Riad Ouarzazi
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World of Jinn
Book in this regard: “The world of the Jinn and
Devils in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah”
by Omar Al-Ashqar, and “Protection from Jinn and
devils” by Abdussalam Bali.
Linguistically, Jinn means concealed, hidden…
Jinn were created before men
From amongst them are believers
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World of Jinn
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World of Jinn
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World of Jinn
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World of Jinn
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World of Jinn
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World of Jinn
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Reasons for epilepsy
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Precursor to epilepsy
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Testing for witch crafting
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Kinds of witch crafting
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Cure from witch crafting
Removing all amulets and prohibited things from the house and
repent to Allah
7 green leaves from a lotus tree (Sidr)
Ground the leaves and put everything in a vessel full of water
Bring your mouth close to the water and recite the following verses:
Al-kafiroon, Al-Ikhlass, Al-Falaq and Annass
Al-A’raaf: 117-122
Yunus: 81-82
Taha: 69
The patient should drink and wash from it for 7 days
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Symptoms of infertility caused by
witch crafting
Tightness in the chest especially after A’sr
which sometimes can last until late in the
Constant pain in the lower back
Frequent nightmares
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Signs of a witch crafter
Asking about the mother/father’s… names
Asking for somebody’s garments
Asking for an animal…
Asking for a sacrifice to be thrown in fealty
Writing unreadable talismans (signs/symbols…)
or having Quranic verses written upside down
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Cure from witch crafting
Record the Ruqya on a tape (Ruqya verses are
mentioned on the next slide) and listen to it 3 times a day
Read or listen to Surat Assaffaat every morning
Read or listen to Surat Al-Ma’arij before going to bed at
Read the following verses on some black seed oil, then
apply on the chest, the forehead and the spinal column:
Fatiha, Ayatul-Kursi, last verses of Baqara starting from
Lillahi Mafissamawati.., last verses of Al-I’mran starting
from La Yaghurrannaka Taqallubul-Ladheena Kafaru
Filbilaad, 196..), Al-Mua’awwidaat (the 3 Quls)
Read the same verses mentioned above on some pure
honey and eat one tablespoon a day before breakfast
Repeat this entire process for few months
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Cure from generic witch crafting
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7 A’jwa dates every morning before breakfast (Bukhari)
Remain in state of Wudu as much as possible
Adhere to the congregational prayers
Qiyamul-Layl (night prayer)
Seek refuge in Allah when entering the washroom
Reciting the Prophet’s dua’a when getting married:
“Allahumma Inni As’aluka Khayraha wa Kahyra Ma
Jabaltaha ‘Alayh Wa A’udhu Bika Min Sharriha Washarri
Ma Jabaltaha A’layh” (Abu Dawood, Albany)
Perform 2 Raka’a with the spouse after the marriage
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Recite the dua’a before intimacy: “Bismillah, Allahumma
Jannibna-Ashaytan Wa Jannibi-Ashaytana Maa
Razaqtana” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Reciting ayatul Kursi before going to sleep
Reciting after Fajr prayer: “La illaha illa Allahu Wahdahu
La Shareekalahu Lahu-lmulk Walahu-Lhamd Wa huwa
A’la Kulli Shayi’n Qadeer” 100 times (Bukhari and
Reciting the dua’a before entering the masjid: “A’udhu
Billahil-’Adhim Wa wajhihil-Kareem Wa Sultanihil-
Qadeem Mina-Shaytani-Rajeem (Abu Dawood, Albany)
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Reciting the morning and evening dua’a: “Bismillahil-
Ladhi La Yadorro Ma’a Ismihi Shay’un Fil-’Ard Wala
Fees-Sama’I Wahuwas-Samiu’l-A’leem” 3 times
Reciting the dua’a after leaving your home: “Bismillah
Tawakkaltu A’la Allah La Hawla Wala Quwwata illa
Billah” (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi)
Reciting this morning and evening dua’a: “A’udhu
Bikalimatil-Lahit-Taammaati Min Sharri Maa Khalaq”
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Cure from the evil eye
The one causing the evil eye to take a bath from a
vessel and pouring that water on the sickened (story of
Sahl Ibn Hunaif and A’mir Ibnu Rabia’a, reported by
Ahmed, Annassa’i, Ibnu Majjah, Albany )
Putting your hand on the sickened person’s forehead
and recite: “Allahumma Rabban-Nass, Adh-hibil-Ba’ss
Washfi Anta-Shaafi La shifa’an illa shifa’uk Shifa’an La
Ughadiru Saqaman” (Bukhari)
Putting your hand on the sickened person’s painful area
and recite the 3 Quls. (Ikhlass, Falaq, Annass) (Bukhari)
Putting your hand on the sickened person’s forehead
and say: “Bismillahi Yubreek Min Kulli Daa’in Yashfeek
Wa Min Sharri Hassidin Idha Hassad Wa Min Sharri Kulli
Dhi ‘Ayn (Muslim)
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