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Pareto Principle
Applying Statistics to Software QA
Portland Data Science Group
Created by Andrew Ferlitsch
Community Outreach Officer
August, 2017
• Named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto from 1896
paper, Cours d'économie politique
• Noted in his paper:
• That 80% of wealth in Italy was owned by 20% of individuals.
• In his garden, he noted that 20% of the peapods generated 80%
of the peas.
• The concept of the 80/20 principle was advanced by
consultant Joseph Juran in 1941 for quality management:
• Concluded that typically 20% of problems are caused by 20%
of the causes.
• The Pareto Principle is the observation that most things
are not evenly distributed. For example:
• 20% of the inputs creates 80% of the results.
• 20% of the workers produce 80% of the results.
• 20% of customers produce 80% of the revenue.
• 20% of features cause 80% of the usage.
• 20% of bugs cause 80% of the failures.
• The principle does not require an 80/20 distribution,
just a rule of thumb:
• Maybe 90/10
• May not add up to 100, such as 90/20.
Inputs vs. Outputs
The relationship of Inputs to the Flow of Outputs
Inputs Outputs
20% if the Inputs 80% if the Inputs
• Use Cases
• Features
• Individual Values to Single Test
• End to End (e2e)
• Feature Testing
• Single Testcase
Calculator Example - Typical
Tendency is to test from simplest to more complex.
Typical selection
of inputs in QA.
0 x 0
1 x 0
1 x 1
1 x -1
2 x 1
2 x 2
3 x -2
3 x 4
6 x 11
10 x 123
It’s not whether
These cases will
Have bugs, its that
No one will EVER
TYPE them in.
They produce ZERO
percent of the
Gain in Output (e.g.,
more digits.
Calculator Example - Pareto
Pick cases which produce in 20% Highest Output Gain / Complexity
∞ x ∞
MaxInt x MaxInt
MaxPrecsion x MaxPrecision
Integer Overflow
Floating Point Errors
Gain in Output (e.g.,
more digits, more
MaxInt x 2
MaxInt x -1
MaxPrecsion x ∏
(MaxInt/2) x 2
(rand(1000)) x -5
∏ x ∏
(rand(1.0)) x ∏
Input Complexity
Smoke Test - Typical
Verify a Build is sufficiently stable to consume QA resources to test.
2% (or less) of the software
Typically, always the same tests.
After many iterations:
• Not Checking anything new
• Statistical Likelihood of detecting failure decreasing as
• Code around smoke test becomes more harden
• Interface and Configuration around code stops changing.
• Code is better and better known by developers and build specialists.
Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution
Build (i.e. Population)
Error Rate of Random Sample
Sampling Distribution (smoke test)
µ = µ (mean - Errors)
σ =
(std. dev)
A collection of randomly chosen test cases
In a build is called a sampling distribution.
2% of the build
Not Known
On first smoke test, we start with assumption that
there is some unknown distribution of errors across
the build.
First Round of Smoke Test(ing)
Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution
Error Rate of Random Samplex̅
Unsorted List of Tests
in first Smoke TestTest 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test n
Examine Outputs and Sort for
20% inputs -> 80% outputs
Test 1A
Test 1B
Test 1C
Test 3A
Test 3B
Test 10Z
20% -> 80%
Remaining 80%
Sorted List of Tests
In first Smoke Test
Identify 20% of Tests that are 80% of the Outputs
Test 1A
Test 1B
Test 1C
New 1
New 2
New 3
First Smoke Test
Second (Updated) Smoke Test
Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution
Build (i.e. Population)
Error Rate of Random Sample
Sampling Distribution (smoke Test)
2% of the build
Second smoke test contains 20% of the
First smoke test.
Next Round of Smoke Test(ing)
Test 1A
Test 1B
Test 1C
New 1
New 2
New 3
Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution
Error Rate of Random Samplex̅-
Examine Outputs and Sort for
20% inputs -> 80% outputs
20% of
20% -> 80%
Remaining 80%
Sorted List of Tests
In first Smoke Test
Identify 20% of New Tests that are 80% of the Outputs
Test 1A
Test 1B
Test 1C
New 1
New 2
New 3
Second Smoke Test
20% -> 80%
Third (Updated) Smoke Test
Second (Updated) Smoke Test
16% -> 80%
Test 1A
Test 1B
Test 1C
New 1
New 2
New 3
Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution
Iterate Keeping 20% -> 80% of Remainder and Replacing the Rest.
Third Smoke Test
Fourth Smoke Test
Fifth Smoke Test
Sixth Smoke Test
Seventh Smoke Test
Eighth Smoke Test
20%->80% 20%->80%
to 100%
Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution
Build (i.e. Population)
= predict the error rate of 80%
of the output / results.
Sampling Distribution (convergent smoke Test)
Next Round of Smoke Test(ing)
9th iteration: 88.2% / 11.8%
10th iteration: 90.6% / 9.4%
11th iteration: 92.5% / 7.5%
12th iteration: 94% / 6 %
13th iteration: 95.2% / 4.8%
14th iteration: 96.2% / 3.8%
15th iteration: 97% / 3%
Amount being replaced
Smoke Test - Epochs
• Epoch = 15 iterations (e.g., 15 weeks)
• Gradual (fresh) increase in high output tests
• Gradual reduction in effort for new tests
• Next Epoch
• Keep 20% of top outputters .
• Replace remaining 80% with new tests.
• Repeat cycle again.
Epoch 1
Completed Epoch
Epoch II
Next Epoch
80% -> Replace
Acceptance Test – Requirements Based
Verify that all the Requirements of a Build are Meet.
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature 1
Feature N
Breakdown each requirement
Into one or more features.
Testcase 1
Testcase 1
Testcase 1
Testcase 1
Testcase N
Breakdown each feature
Into one or more test cases.
Typically generates between 2000 and 5000 Testcases
Partial vs. Full Acceptance Test
• Partial Acceptance Test
• QA Manager/Lead selects only Features which have been
modified or added.
• Used to manage time constraints versus testing everything
each time.
• Typically 200 to 500 test cases.
• Full Acceptance Test
• Typically done at major milestones, and
• Attempt at Final Acceptance for Product Release/Evaluation.
• Typically 2000 to 5000 test cases.
Agile Build Release
• Incremental Sprints
• Feature development is preplanned before product
development is started.
• One or more new features are added per sprint.
• Selected set of bugs for existing features are fixed.
• Iterative Sprints
• Feature development is not preplanned, but evolves per
• Planning injects and/or modifies features are the start of
each sprint.
• One of more new features are added per sprint.
• One or more existing features is modified.
• Selected set of bugs for existing features are fixed.
QA Automated
• Automation
• QA Automation was buzz word of the 1990s.
• Belief that all testing could be automated, ran quickly and
full acceptance test runs done on even minor build releases.
• Automated Testing Paradox
• Automated Tests are sensitive to code changes.
• Changes to interface.
• Changes to parameters.
• UI changes (even minor change can break automated
• Updated Requirements change behavior of code.
• Automated tests only stable if no changes to code. If no
changes, why run the tests?
Broken Automation Examples
valid inputs could change
name of parameters could change or be dropped
• UI
location or type of HTML tag could change
<div id=‘at11’> … </div>
id could change
• Change in Function
Return type or return values could change
int funcName( int a, int b)
type or number of arguments could change
Automation vs. Manual Testing
• When change occurs, test cases stop running or
• QA person needs to identify if bug in code or test case needs
to be updated.
• If test case, QA person needs to rewrite the code for the test
• Some organizations opt to limit or abandon
automated testing due to maintenance overhead.
• Automated Tests only for long stable code.
• Manual Tests for new and changing code.
Manual Testing
• Typical number of Manual Tests ran per person per day
is 30.
• Read and Follow test instructions, verify outcome.
• If error, need to enter defect report.
• Each day, need to review/answer questions/more info from
development team on previous entered defects.
• Need to verify defects that have been fixed.
• Start of day scrum, end of day accounting of activities.
• Rate of Progress
• 300 Test cases = 10 person days (2 weeks)
• 3000 Test cases = 10 x 10 person days (2 weeks)
• QA organizations never staffed to handle higher
number of test case loads for acceptance testing.
What to Test?
• If the tests are automated and need no maintenance,
then yes run them.
• If the tests are manual, and you have insufficient
resources, prioritize the tests by 20% of tests that are
80% of the output, such as:
• How likely end-user will do this.
• How much of the code does it exercise.
• How much change does it cause in the application state.
• The number of bugs its found historically.
Setting Priorities
• Rank test cases 1 thru 5, where 1 is the highest
• Maintain a 20% distribution across the ranking.
• Run the testcases ranked 1 first.
• If time permits, precede to rank 2 and so forth.
• Aging – Keep track of how often a test is run.
• Periodically review test rankings.
• If a rank one test has been ran in high frequency and not
found bugs, consider switching it with a rank 2 test case.
• Apply similar periodic evaluation to rank 2, 3 and 4.
• If a lower ranked test case changes to higher output, then
consider switching it with a higher ranked test case.
Acceptance Test - Sampling Distribution
Build (i.e. Population)
Assume 1000 selected tests per round.
Round 1: 50 bugsx̅
Round 2: 40 bugs
x̅ Round N: 6 bugs
Can we use the Central Limit Theorem. I don’t think so, certain conditions are not meet:
- Samples are not truly randomly selected
- The state is not static: new code is introduced, and old code is fixed.
Predicting Remaining Defect Rate
Fitted Line
Bugs per 1000 tests
Number of
Time Series
Defect Burndown Chart
• Traditional Agile Method for Predicting Defect Rate
• Plot defects found per sprint.
• Plot a straight line and extrapolate.
Statistically Zero Defects
Number of
Time Series
Defect Burndown Chart
• Defect rates over time do not fit a straight line!
• They are an S curve. Over time the curve flattens out and
reaches a limit.
Amount of new/changed
code > unchanged code
Amount of new/changed
code ~= unchanged code
Amount of new/changed
code < unchanged code
Threshold where defect change
rate hits a limit.
No amount of effort will have
statistical impact – Statistical Zero
(but not actual) Defect point.
Predicting Effort – A Bellman Approach
• A Bellman Equation approach to predicting test effort over the
development lifecycle.
E = Effort
E(n) = Effort for n iterations
Di = Defects found on an iteration
γ = Discount factor > 1 (e.g., 1.2)
E(n) = γ * D1 + γ2 * D2 + γ3 * D1 … + γn * Dn
The further a defect
is found in the lifecycle
the more progressively
the effort is penalized.
Predicting Effort - Example
Number of Defects per Test Run: 60, 50, 55, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 4
E(n) = 1.2(60) + 1.4(50) + 1.7(55) + 2(40) + 2.5(30) + 3(20) + 3.6(10)
+ 4.3(5) + 5.2(4) + 6.2(4)
Time Series
Effort has plateaued
Statistical Zero Defects:
Effort exceeds return
How About using Machine Learning!
of Code
of Code
of Open
Number of
From SCM Management Defect Reporting System
MODEL Predictor

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Pareto Principle Applied to QA

  • 1. Pareto Principle Applying Statistics to Software QA Portland Data Science Group Created by Andrew Ferlitsch Community Outreach Officer August, 2017
  • 2. History • Named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto from 1896 paper, Cours d'économie politique • Noted in his paper: • That 80% of wealth in Italy was owned by 20% of individuals. • In his garden, he noted that 20% of the peapods generated 80% of the peas. • The concept of the 80/20 principle was advanced by consultant Joseph Juran in 1941 for quality management: • Concluded that typically 20% of problems are caused by 20% of the causes.
  • 3. Generalization • The Pareto Principle is the observation that most things are not evenly distributed. For example: • 20% of the inputs creates 80% of the results. • 20% of the workers produce 80% of the results. • 20% of customers produce 80% of the revenue. • 20% of features cause 80% of the usage. • 20% of bugs cause 80% of the failures. • The principle does not require an 80/20 distribution, just a rule of thumb: • Maybe 90/10 • May not add up to 100, such as 90/20.
  • 4. Inputs vs. Outputs The relationship of Inputs to the Flow of Outputs Software Component Inputs Outputs 20% if the Inputs 80% if the Inputs • Use Cases • Features • Individual Values to Single Test Increasing Complexity • End to End (e2e) • Feature Testing • Single Testcase
  • 5. Calculator Example - Typical Tendency is to test from simplest to more complex. Calculator Typical selection of inputs in QA. 0 x 0 1 x 0 1 x 1 1 x -1 2 x 1 2 x 2 3 x -2 3 x 4 6 x 11 10 x 123 0 0 1 -1 2 4 -6 12 66 1230 It’s not whether These cases will Have bugs, its that No one will EVER TYPE them in. They produce ZERO percent of the output. PASSED Gain in Output (e.g., more digits.
  • 6. Calculator Example - Pareto Pick cases which produce in 20% Highest Output Gain / Complexity Calculator ∞ x ∞ MaxInt x MaxInt MaxPrecsion x MaxPrecision Integer Overflow Floating Point Errors ACTUALLY PASSED Gain in Output (e.g., more digits, more computational complexity. MaxInt x 2 MaxInt x -1 MaxPrecsion x ∏ (MaxInt/2) x 2 (rand(1000)) x -5 ∏ x ∏ (rand(1.0)) x ∏ Input Complexity
  • 7. Smoke Test - Typical Verify a Build is sufficiently stable to consume QA resources to test. Build Repositor y Smoke Test Acceptance Test 2% (or less) of the software Typically, always the same tests. After many iterations: • Not Checking anything new • Statistical Likelihood of detecting failure decreasing as • Code around smoke test becomes more harden • Interface and Configuration around code stops changing. • Code is better and better known by developers and build specialists.
  • 8. Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution Build (i.e. Population) Error Rate of Random Sample Sampling Distribution (smoke test) µ = µ (mean - Errors) σ = σ 𝑛 (std. dev) A collection of randomly chosen test cases In a build is called a sampling distribution. x̅ 2% of the build x̅ x̅ Not Known On first smoke test, we start with assumption that there is some unknown distribution of errors across the build. First Round of Smoke Test(ing)
  • 9. Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution Error Rate of Random Samplex̅ Unsorted List of Tests in first Smoke TestTest 1 Test 2 Test 3 … Test n Examine Outputs and Sort for 20% inputs -> 80% outputs Test 1A Test 1B Test 1C … Test 3A Test 3B … Test 10Z 20% -> 80% Remaining 80% Sorted List of Tests In first Smoke Test Identify 20% of Tests that are 80% of the Outputs Test 1A Test 1B Test 1C … New 1 New 2 … New 3 First Smoke Test 20% Kept Second (Updated) Smoke Test 80% New
  • 10. Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution Build (i.e. Population) Error Rate of Random Sample Sampling Distribution (smoke Test) x̅ 2% of the build Second smoke test contains 20% of the First smoke test. Next Round of Smoke Test(ing) Test 1A Test 1B Test 1C … New 1 New 2 … New 3 20% Kept 80% New
  • 11. Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution Error Rate of Random Samplex̅- > Examine Outputs and Sort for 20% inputs -> 80% outputs Original 20% … 20% of 80% … Remainder 20% -> 80% Remaining 80% Sorted List of Tests In first Smoke Test Identify 20% of New Tests that are 80% of the Outputs Test 1A Test 1B Test 1C … New 1 New 2 … New 3 Second Smoke Test 20% -> 80% Third (Updated) Smoke Test 64% New Second (Updated) Smoke Test 16% -> 80% Test 1A Test 1B Test 1C … New 1 New 2 … New 3 36%
  • 12. Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution Iterate Keeping 20% -> 80% of Remainder and Replacing the Rest. Third Smoke Test Remainder 36% ------- 64% 20%->80% Fourth Smoke Test 58.8% ------- 42.2% 20%->80% Fifth Smoke Test 67.2% ------- 32.8 20%->80% Sixth Smoke Test 73.8% ------- 26.2% 20%->80% Seventh Smoke Test 79% ------- 21% Eighth Smoke Test 84.8% ------- 16.8% 20%->80% 20%->80% Convergence to 100%
  • 13. Smoke Test - Sampling Distribution Build (i.e. Population) = predict the error rate of 80% of the output / results. Sampling Distribution (convergent smoke Test) x̅ Next Round of Smoke Test(ing) 9th iteration: 88.2% / 11.8% 10th iteration: 90.6% / 9.4% 11th iteration: 92.5% / 7.5% 12th iteration: 94% / 6 % 13th iteration: 95.2% / 4.8% 14th iteration: 96.2% / 3.8% 15th iteration: 97% / 3% Amount being replaced
  • 14. Smoke Test - Epochs • Epoch = 15 iterations (e.g., 15 weeks) • Gradual (fresh) increase in high output tests • Gradual reduction in effort for new tests • Next Epoch • Keep 20% of top outputters . • Replace remaining 80% with new tests. • Repeat cycle again. Epoch 1 97% ---------- Completed Epoch Epoch II 20% ------- Next Epoch 20%->80% 80% -> Replace
  • 15. Acceptance Test – Requirements Based Verify that all the Requirements of a Build are Meet. Requirements Specification Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature N Breakdown each requirement Into one or more features. Testcase 1 Testcase 1 Testcase 1 Testcase 1 Testcase N Breakdown each feature Into one or more test cases. Typically generates between 2000 and 5000 Testcases
  • 16. Partial vs. Full Acceptance Test • Partial Acceptance Test • QA Manager/Lead selects only Features which have been modified or added. • Used to manage time constraints versus testing everything each time. • Typically 200 to 500 test cases. • Full Acceptance Test • Typically done at major milestones, and • Attempt at Final Acceptance for Product Release/Evaluation. • Typically 2000 to 5000 test cases.
  • 17. Agile Build Release • Incremental Sprints • Feature development is preplanned before product development is started. • One or more new features are added per sprint. • Selected set of bugs for existing features are fixed. • Iterative Sprints • Feature development is not preplanned, but evolves per sprint. • Planning injects and/or modifies features are the start of each sprint. • One of more new features are added per sprint. • One or more existing features is modified. • Selected set of bugs for existing features are fixed.
  • 18. QA Automated • Automation • QA Automation was buzz word of the 1990s. • Belief that all testing could be automated, ran quickly and full acceptance test runs done on even minor build releases. • Automated Testing Paradox • Automated Tests are sensitive to code changes. • Changes to interface. • Changes to parameters. • UI changes (even minor change can break automated tests). • Updated Requirements change behavior of code. • Automated tests only stable if no changes to code. If no changes, why run the tests?
  • 19. Broken Automation Examples • API valid inputs could change http://localhost:.../api?param1=var&param2=var name of parameters could change or be dropped • UI location or type of HTML tag could change <div id=‘at11’> … </div> id could change • Change in Function Return type or return values could change int funcName( int a, int b) type or number of arguments could change
  • 20. Automation vs. Manual Testing • When change occurs, test cases stop running or passing. • QA person needs to identify if bug in code or test case needs to be updated. • If test case, QA person needs to rewrite the code for the test case. • Some organizations opt to limit or abandon automated testing due to maintenance overhead. • Automated Tests only for long stable code. • Manual Tests for new and changing code.
  • 21. Manual Testing • Typical number of Manual Tests ran per person per day is 30. • Read and Follow test instructions, verify outcome. • If error, need to enter defect report. • Each day, need to review/answer questions/more info from development team on previous entered defects. • Need to verify defects that have been fixed. • Start of day scrum, end of day accounting of activities. • Rate of Progress • 300 Test cases = 10 person days (2 weeks) • 3000 Test cases = 10 x 10 person days (2 weeks) • QA organizations never staffed to handle higher number of test case loads for acceptance testing.
  • 22. What to Test? • If the tests are automated and need no maintenance, then yes run them. • If the tests are manual, and you have insufficient resources, prioritize the tests by 20% of tests that are 80% of the output, such as: • How likely end-user will do this. • How much of the code does it exercise. • How much change does it cause in the application state. • The number of bugs its found historically.
  • 23. Setting Priorities • Rank test cases 1 thru 5, where 1 is the highest outputters. • Maintain a 20% distribution across the ranking. • Run the testcases ranked 1 first. • If time permits, precede to rank 2 and so forth. • Aging – Keep track of how often a test is run. • Periodically review test rankings. • If a rank one test has been ran in high frequency and not found bugs, consider switching it with a rank 2 test case. • Apply similar periodic evaluation to rank 2, 3 and 4. • If a lower ranked test case changes to higher output, then consider switching it with a higher ranked test case.
  • 24. Acceptance Test - Sampling Distribution Build (i.e. Population) x̅ Assume 1000 selected tests per round. Round 1: 50 bugsx̅ Round 2: 40 bugs x̅ Round N: 6 bugs Can we use the Central Limit Theorem. I don’t think so, certain conditions are not meet: - Samples are not truly randomly selected - The state is not static: new code is introduced, and old code is fixed.
  • 25. Predicting Remaining Defect Rate Fitted Line Bugs per 1000 tests Number of Bugs Time Series Defect Burndown Chart • Traditional Agile Method for Predicting Defect Rate • Plot defects found per sprint. • Plot a straight line and extrapolate.
  • 26. Statistically Zero Defects Number of Bugs Time Series Defect Burndown Chart • Defect rates over time do not fit a straight line! • They are an S curve. Over time the curve flattens out and reaches a limit. Amount of new/changed code > unchanged code Amount of new/changed code ~= unchanged code Amount of new/changed code < unchanged code Threshold where defect change rate hits a limit. No amount of effort will have statistical impact – Statistical Zero (but not actual) Defect point.
  • 27. Predicting Effort – A Bellman Approach • A Bellman Equation approach to predicting test effort over the development lifecycle. E = Effort E(n) = Effort for n iterations Di = Defects found on an iteration γ = Discount factor > 1 (e.g., 1.2) E(n) = γ * D1 + γ2 * D2 + γ3 * D1 … + γn * Dn The further a defect is found in the lifecycle the more progressively the effort is penalized.
  • 28. Predicting Effort - Example Number of Defects per Test Run: 60, 50, 55, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 4 E(n) = 1.2(60) + 1.4(50) + 1.7(55) + 2(40) + 2.5(30) + 3(20) + 3.6(10) + 4.3(5) + 5.2(4) + 6.2(4) Time Series 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Effort has plateaued Statistical Zero Defects: Effort exceeds return
  • 29. How About using Machine Learning! Total Volume of Code Volume of Code Changed Age of Code Person Hours Number of Open Defects Number of Closed Defects Number of Defects Found From SCM Management Defect Reporting System TRAIN MODEL Predictor