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Machine Learning
Dataset Preparation
Portland Data Science Group
Created by Andrew Ferlitsch
Community Outreach Officer
July, 2017
Dataset Preparation
• Prior to using a dataset to train a model, the dataset
must be prepared.
1. Import the data
2. Clean the data (Data Wrangling)
3. Replace Missing Values
4. Categorical Value Conversion
5. Feature Scaling
Importing the Dataset
• Datasets are generally imported as a raw data files
(e.g., US Census) or via an API service (e.g., NWS
Weather Data SOAP API).
• Datasets are generally in the form of CSV, JSON or XML
data format.
• For the purpose of this tutorial, CSV is used in the
accompanying examples.
Importing the Dataset - Python
import pandas as pd # use pandas library for data frames
dataset = pd.read_csv( ‘data.csv’ ) # read CSV file into a data frame
pathname to raw data file
Function to read a CSV file
CSV data converted
to data frame.
Example Data (CSV File): Generated Data Frame:
Age, Gender, Income, Spending
Age Gender Income Spending
0 22 M 18000 6000
1 25 F 30000 8000
2 31 F 35000 12000
3 35 M 40000 18000
Data Frame adds these indices
Cleaning the Data (Data Wrangling)
• It is not uncommon for datasets to have some dirty
data entries (i.e., samples, rows in CSV file, …)
• Common Problems
• Bad Character Encodings (Funny Characters)
• Misaligned Data (e.g., row has too few/many columns)
• Data in wrong format.
Great Britain and the United States are two of the few places in the world that use a period to indicate the
decimal place. Many other countries use a comma instead. Likewise, while the U.K. and U.S. use a comma to
separate groups of thousands, many other countries use a period instead, and some countries separate
thousands groups with a thin space.
• Data Wrangling is an expertise/occupation all in its own.
Common Practices in Data Wrangling
• Know the character encoding of the data file and
intended character encoding of the data.
Convert the data encoding format of the file if necessary.
e.g., Notepad++ -> Encodings
• Know the data format of the source and expected
data format.
Convert the data format using a batch preprocessing file.
e.g., 1 000 000 -> 1,000,000
Replace Missing Values
• Not unusual for samples (rows) to contain missing (blank)
entries, or not a number (NaN).
• Blank/NaN entries do not work for Machine Learning!
• Need to replace the blank/NaN entry with something
• Delete the rows (generally not desirable)
• Replace with a Single Value
• Mean Average
• Multivariate Imputation using Chained Equations (MICS)
Missing Values – Mean Value
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer # scikit-learn module
# Create imputer object to replace NaN values with the mean value of the column
imputer = Imputer( missing_values=‘NaN’,
strategy=‘mean’ )
# Fit the data to the imputer object
imputer = imputer.fit( dataset[ :, 2 ] )
# do the replacement and update the dataset
dataset[ :, 2 ] = imputer.transform( dataset[ :, 2 ] )
scikit-learn class for handling missing data
original dataset
replace missing values in column 2 (index starts at 0)
select all rows
needs to be the same columns in dataset
Categorical Variables
Age Gender Income
25 Male 25000
26 Female 22000
30 Male 45000
24 Female 26000
Independent Variables (Features)
Dependent Variables (Label)
Real Values Value to Predict
Categorical Values
Dummy Variable Conversion
Known in Python as OneHotEncoder
For each categorical feature:
1. Scan the dataset and determine all the unique instances.
2. Create a new feature (i.e., dummy variable) in dataset, one
per unique instance.
3. Remove the categorical feature from the dataset.
4. For each sample (row), set a 1 in the feature (dummy
variable) that corresponds to that categorical value instance,
5. Set a 0 in the remaining features (dummy variables) for that
categorical field.
6. Remove one dummy variable field.
Dummy Variable Trap
Need to Drop one Dummy Variable!
Male Female
1 0
0 1
1 0
0 1
x1 x2 x3
Multicollinearity occurs when one variable predicts another.
i.e., x2 = ( 1 – x3)
As a result, a regression analysis cannot distinguish between the
contribution of x2 and x3.
Categorical Variable Conversion
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder # scikit-learn module
# Create an encoder object to numerically (enumeration) encode categorical variables
labelEncoder = LabelEncoder()
# Fit the data to the Encoder object
dataset[ :, 1 ] = labelEncoder.fit_transform( dataset[ :, 1 ] )
# Create an encoder to convert numerical encodings to 1-encoded dummy variables
onehotencoder = OneHotEncoder( categorical_features = [ 1 ] )
# Replace the encoded categorical values with the 1-encoded dummy variables
dataset = onehotencoder.fit_transform( dataset )
scikit-learn class for categorical variable conversion
original dataset
encode the categorical values in column 1 (index starts at 0)
select all rows
needs to be the same columns in dataset
Categorical variables to convert are in column 1
Dataset with converted categorical variables
Feature Scaling
• If features do not have the same numerical scale
in values, will cause issues in training a mode.
• If the scale of one independent variable (feature) is
greater than another independent variable, the model
will give more importance (skew) to the independent
variable with the larger range.
• To eliminate this problem, one converts all the
independent variables to use the same scale.
• Normalization ( 0 to 1 )
• Standardization ( -1 to 1 )
Scaling Issue - Euclidean Distance
• Most machine learning models use Euclidean distance
between two points in 2D Cartesian space.
𝒙 𝟐 − 𝒙 𝟏
𝟐 + (𝒚 𝟐 − 𝒚 𝟏) 𝟐
• Given two independent variables (x1 = Age, x2 = Income)
and a dependent variable (y = spending), becomes for
a given sample (row) i:
𝒙𝟐𝒊 − 𝒙𝟏𝒊
𝟐 + 𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚𝒊 𝟐 = 𝒙𝟐𝒊 − 𝒙𝟏𝒊
• If x1 or x2 is a substantially greater scale than the other,
the corresponding independent variable will dominate
the result, and will contribute more to the model.
Normalization or Standardization
• Feature Scaling means scaling features to the same scale.
• Normalization scales features between 0 and 1, retaining
their proportional range to each other.
• Standardization scales features to have a mean (u) of 0
and standard deviation (a) of 1.
X’ =
𝑥 − min(𝑥)
max 𝑥 − min(𝑥)
original valuenew value
X’ =
𝑥 − 𝑢
original valuenew value
standard deviation
Feature Scaling in Python
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScalar # scikit-learn module
# Create a scaling object to scale the features.
scale = StandardScalar()
# Fit the data to the Scaling object and transform the data
dataset [:,-1] = scale.fit_transform( dataset[:,-1] )
scikit-learn class for Feature Scaling
feature scale all the variables except the last column (y or label)

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Machine Learning - Dataset Preparation

  • 1. Machine Learning Dataset Preparation Portland Data Science Group Created by Andrew Ferlitsch Community Outreach Officer July, 2017
  • 2. Dataset Preparation • Prior to using a dataset to train a model, the dataset must be prepared. 1. Import the data 2. Clean the data (Data Wrangling) 3. Replace Missing Values 4. Categorical Value Conversion 5. Feature Scaling
  • 3. Importing the Dataset • Datasets are generally imported as a raw data files (e.g., US Census) or via an API service (e.g., NWS Weather Data SOAP API). • Datasets are generally in the form of CSV, JSON or XML data format. • For the purpose of this tutorial, CSV is used in the accompanying examples.
  • 4. Importing the Dataset - Python import pandas as pd # use pandas library for data frames dataset = pd.read_csv( ‘data.csv’ ) # read CSV file into a data frame pathname to raw data file Function to read a CSV file CSV data converted to data frame. Example Data (CSV File): Generated Data Frame: Age, Gender, Income, Spending 22,M,18000,6000 25,F,30000,8000 31,F,35000,12000 35,M,40000,18000 Age Gender Income Spending 0 22 M 18000 6000 1 25 F 30000 8000 2 31 F 35000 12000 3 35 M 40000 18000 Data Frame adds these indices
  • 5. Cleaning the Data (Data Wrangling) • It is not uncommon for datasets to have some dirty data entries (i.e., samples, rows in CSV file, …) • Common Problems • Bad Character Encodings (Funny Characters) • Misaligned Data (e.g., row has too few/many columns) • Data in wrong format. Great Britain and the United States are two of the few places in the world that use a period to indicate the decimal place. Many other countries use a comma instead. Likewise, while the U.K. and U.S. use a comma to separate groups of thousands, many other countries use a period instead, and some countries separate thousands groups with a thin space. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19455-01/806-0169/overview-9/index.html • Data Wrangling is an expertise/occupation all in its own.
  • 6. Common Practices in Data Wrangling • Know the character encoding of the data file and intended character encoding of the data. Convert the data encoding format of the file if necessary. e.g., Notepad++ -> Encodings • Know the data format of the source and expected data format. Convert the data format using a batch preprocessing file. e.g., 1 000 000 -> 1,000,000
  • 7. Replace Missing Values • Not unusual for samples (rows) to contain missing (blank) entries, or not a number (NaN). • Blank/NaN entries do not work for Machine Learning! • Need to replace the blank/NaN entry with something meaningful. • Delete the rows (generally not desirable) • Replace with a Single Value • Mean Average • Multivariate Imputation using Chained Equations (MICS) https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn906028.aspx
  • 8. Missing Values – Mean Value from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer # scikit-learn module # Create imputer object to replace NaN values with the mean value of the column imputer = Imputer( missing_values=‘NaN’, strategy=‘mean’ ) # Fit the data to the imputer object imputer = imputer.fit( dataset[ :, 2 ] ) # do the replacement and update the dataset dataset[ :, 2 ] = imputer.transform( dataset[ :, 2 ] ) scikit-learn class for handling missing data original dataset replace missing values in column 2 (index starts at 0) select all rows needs to be the same columns in dataset
  • 9. Categorical Variables Age Gender Income 25 Male 25000 26 Female 22000 30 Male 45000 24 Female 26000 Independent Variables (Features) Dependent Variables (Label) Real Values Value to Predict Categorical Values
  • 10. Dummy Variable Conversion Known in Python as OneHotEncoder For each categorical feature: 1. Scan the dataset and determine all the unique instances. 2. Create a new feature (i.e., dummy variable) in dataset, one per unique instance. 3. Remove the categorical feature from the dataset. 4. For each sample (row), set a 1 in the feature (dummy variable) that corresponds to that categorical value instance, and: 5. Set a 0 in the remaining features (dummy variables) for that categorical field. 6. Remove one dummy variable field.
  • 11. Dummy Variable Trap Gender Male Female Male Female Need to Drop one Dummy Variable! Male Female 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 x1 x2 x3 Multicollinearity occurs when one variable predicts another. i.e., x2 = ( 1 – x3) As a result, a regression analysis cannot distinguish between the contribution of x2 and x3.
  • 12. Categorical Variable Conversion from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder # scikit-learn module # Create an encoder object to numerically (enumeration) encode categorical variables labelEncoder = LabelEncoder() # Fit the data to the Encoder object labelEncoder.fit_transform() dataset[ :, 1 ] = labelEncoder.fit_transform( dataset[ :, 1 ] ) # Create an encoder to convert numerical encodings to 1-encoded dummy variables onehotencoder = OneHotEncoder( categorical_features = [ 1 ] ) # Replace the encoded categorical values with the 1-encoded dummy variables dataset = onehotencoder.fit_transform( dataset ) scikit-learn class for categorical variable conversion original dataset encode the categorical values in column 1 (index starts at 0) select all rows needs to be the same columns in dataset Categorical variables to convert are in column 1 Dataset with converted categorical variables
  • 13. Feature Scaling • If features do not have the same numerical scale in values, will cause issues in training a mode. • If the scale of one independent variable (feature) is greater than another independent variable, the model will give more importance (skew) to the independent variable with the larger range. • To eliminate this problem, one converts all the independent variables to use the same scale. • Normalization ( 0 to 1 ) • Standardization ( -1 to 1 )
  • 14. Scaling Issue - Euclidean Distance • Most machine learning models use Euclidean distance between two points in 2D Cartesian space. 𝒙 𝟐 − 𝒙 𝟏 𝟐 + (𝒚 𝟐 − 𝒚 𝟏) 𝟐 • Given two independent variables (x1 = Age, x2 = Income) and a dependent variable (y = spending), becomes for a given sample (row) i: 𝒙𝟐𝒊 − 𝒙𝟏𝒊 𝟐 + 𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚𝒊 𝟐 = 𝒙𝟐𝒊 − 𝒙𝟏𝒊 𝟐 • If x1 or x2 is a substantially greater scale than the other, the corresponding independent variable will dominate the result, and will contribute more to the model.
  • 15. Normalization or Standardization • Feature Scaling means scaling features to the same scale. • Normalization scales features between 0 and 1, retaining their proportional range to each other. • Standardization scales features to have a mean (u) of 0 and standard deviation (a) of 1. X’ = 𝑥 − min(𝑥) max 𝑥 − min(𝑥) Normalization original valuenew value X’ = 𝑥 − 𝑢 𝑎 Standardization original valuenew value mean standard deviation
  • 16. Feature Scaling in Python from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScalar # scikit-learn module # Create a scaling object to scale the features. scale = StandardScalar() # Fit the data to the Scaling object and transform the data dataset [:,-1] = scale.fit_transform( dataset[:,-1] ) scikit-learn class for Feature Scaling feature scale all the variables except the last column (y or label)