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An introduction to
     Machine Learning
           Pierre Geurts

   Department of EE and CS &
GIGA-R, Bioinformatics and modelling
        University of Liège
●   Introduction
●   Supervised Learning
●   Other learning protocols/frameworks

Machine Learning: definition
   Machine Learning is concerned with the development,
    the analysis, and the application of algorithms that
    allow computers to learn
   Learning:
       A computer learns if it improves its performance at
        some task with experience (i.e. by collecting data)
       Extracting a model of a system from the sole
        observation (or the simulation) of this system in some
       A model = some relationships between the variables
        used to describe the system.
   Two main goals: make prediction and better
    understand the system
Machine learning: when ?
   Learning is useful when:
       Human expertise does not exist (navigating on Mars),
       Humans are unable to explain their expertise (speech
       Solution changes in time (routing on a computer
       Solution needs to be adapted to particular cases (user
   Example: It is easier to write a program that learns to
    play checkers or backgammon well by self-play rather
    than converting the expertise of a master player to a
Applications: autonomous driving
   DARPA Grand challenge 2005: build a robot capable
    of navigating 175 miles through desert terrain in less
    than 10 hours, with no human intervention
   The actual wining time of Stanley [Thrun et al., 05]
    was 6 hours 54 minutes.

http://www.darpa.mil/grandchallenge/                         5
Applications: recommendation system
    Netflix prize: predict how much someone is going to love a
     movie based on their movies preferences
    Data: over 100 million ratings that over 480,000 users
     gave to nearly 18,000 movies
    Reward: $1,000,000 dollars if 10% improvement with
     respect to Netflix's current system

    http://www.netflixprize.com                                   6
Applications: credit risk analysis
   Data:

   Logical rules automatically learned from data:

   Machine learning has a wide spectrum of applications
       Retail: Market basket analysis, Customer relationship
        management (CRM)
       Finance: Credit scoring, fraud detection
       Manufacturing: Optimization, troubleshooting
       Medicine: Medical diagnosis
       Telecommunications: Quality of service optimization,
       Bioinformatics: Motifs, alignment
       Web mining: Search engines
       ...
Related fields

   Artificial Intelligence: smart algorithms
   Statistics: inference from a sample
   Computer Science: efficient algorithms and complex
   Systems and control: analysis, modeling, and control
    of dynamical systems
   Data Mining: searching through large volumes of data

Problem definition
                                      One part of the data
    Data generation                     mining process

        Raw data
                                Each step generates many questions:
                                     Data generation: data types, sample
      Preprocessing                   size, online/offline...
                                     Preprocessing: normalization,
                                      missing values, feature
    Preprocessed data
                                     Machine learning: hypothesis,
         Machine                      choice of learning
         learning                     paradigm/algorithm...
                                     Hypothesis validation: cross-
        Hypothesis                    validation, model deployment...


Knowledge/Predictive model
   Data=a table (dataset, database, sample)
                                   Variables (attributes, features) =
                                   measurements made on objects

                   VAR 1   VAR 2   VAR 3   VAR 4   VAR 5   VAR 6   VAR 7 VAR 8 VAR 9 VAR 10   VAR 11   ...
       Object 1       0       1       2       0       1      1        2     1     0     2        0     ...
       Object 2       2       1       2       0       1      1        0     2     1     0        2     ...
       Object 3       0       0       1       0       1      1        2     0     2     1        2     ...
       Object 4       1       1       2       2       0      0        0     1     2     1        1     ...
       Object 5       0       1       0       2       1      0        2     1     1     0        1     ...
       Object 6       0       1       2       1       1      1        1     1     1     1        1     ...
       Object 7       2       1       0       1       1      2        2     2     1     1        1     ...
       Object 8       2       2       1       0       0      0        1     1     1     1        2     ...
       Object 9       1       1       0       1       0      0        0     0     1     2        1     ...
       Object 10      1       2       2       0       1      0        1     2     1     0        1     ...
           ...       ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...   ...   ...   ...      ...    ...

      Objects (samples, observations,
      individuals, examples, patterns)                                          Dimension=number of variables
                                                                                Size=number of objects

   Objects: samples, patients, documents, images...
   Variables: genes, proteins, words, pixels...

●   Introduction
●   Supervised Learning
       Introduction
       Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting
       Some supervised learning algorithms
       Beyond classification and regression
●   Other learning protocols/frameworks

Supervised learning

            Inputs                Output

  A1      A2       A3      A4        Y      Supervised
-0.69   -0.72      Y      0.47    Healthy   learning
 -2.3    -1.2      N      0.15    Disease
                                  Disease                Ŷ = h(A1,A2,A3,A4)
-0.67   -0.53      N      0.33    Healthy
 0.51   -0.09      Y     -0.05    Disease
                Learning sample                                hypothesis

   Goal: from the database (learning sample), find a
    function h of the inputs that approximates at best the
   Symbolic output ⇒ classification problem,
   Numerical output ⇒ regression problem                                     13
Two main goals
   Predictive:
    Make predictions for a new sample described by its
                     A1      A2    A3     A4       Y
                   0.83    -0.54   T     0.68   Healthy
                    -2.3    -1.2    F   -0.83   Disease
                   0.08     0.63    F    0.76   Healthy
                   0.06    -0.29   T    -0.57   Disease
                   -0.98   -0.18    F   -0.38   Healthy
                   -0.68    0.82   T    -0.95   Disease
                   0.92    -0.33    F   -0.48      ?

   Informative:
    Help to understand the relationship between the inputs
     and the output
                    Y=disease if A3=F and A2<0.3

    Find the most relevant inputs

Example of applications
   Biomedical domain: medical diagnosis, differentiation
    of diseases, prediction of the response to a

                  Gene expression, Metabolite concentrations...

                            A1      A2     ...      A4       Y
                          -0.61    0.23    ...     0.49   Healthy
                           -2.3    -1.2    ...    -0.11   Disease
       Patients           -0.82   -0.41    ...     0.24   Healthy
                          -0.74    -0.1    ...    -0.15   Disease
                          -0.14    0.98    ...    -0.13   Healthy
                          -0.37    0.27    ...    -0.67   Disease

Example of applications
   Perceptual tasks: handwritten character recognition,
    speech recognition...
                                    ● a grey intensity [0,255] for

                                      each pixel
                                    ● each image is

                                      represented by a vector of
                                      pixel intensities
                                    ● eg.: 32x32=1024


                                   ● 9 discrete values

                                   ● Y={0,1,2,...,9}

Example of applications
   Time series prediction: predicting electricity load,
    network usage, stock market prices...

●   Introduction
●   Supervised Learning
       Introduction
       Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting
       Some supervised learning algorithms
       Beyond classification and regression
●   Other learning protocols/frameworks

Illustrative problem

   Medical diagnosis from two measurements (eg., weights
    and temperature)

         M1     M2        Y
        0.52   0.18   Healthy
        0.44   0.29   Disease
        0.89   0.88   Healthy

        0.99   0.37   Disease
         ...    ...      ...
        0.95   0.47   Disease
        0.29   0.09   Healthy
                                          0        1

   Goal: find a model that classifies at best new cases for
    which M1 and M2 are known

Learning algorithm
   A learning algorithm is defined by:
       a family of candidate models (=hypothesis space H)
       a quality measure for a model
       an optimization strategy
   It takes as input a learning sample and outputs a
    function h in H of maximum quality
                                              a model
                                              obtained by


                          0             1
Linear model
            Disease if w0+w1*M1+w2*M2>0
            Normal otherwise


                                        0        1

   Learning phase: from the learning sample, find the
    best values for w0, w1 and w2
   Many alternatives even for this simple model (LDA,
    Perceptron, SVM...)
Quadratic model

            Disease if w0+w1*M1+w2*M2+w3*M12+w4*M22>0
            Normal otherwise


                                           0            1

   Learning phase: from the learning sample, find the
    best values for w0, w1,w2, w3 and w4
   Many alternatives even for this simple model (LDA,
    Perceptron, SVM...)                                     22
Artificial neural network

            Disease if some very complex function of M1,M2>0
            Normal otherwise


                                           0                   1

   Learning phase: from the learning sample, find the
    numerous parameters of the very complex function

Which model is the best?
               linear                  quadratic               neural net
1                              1                       1

0                              0                       0
    0                      1       0               1       0                     1

           Why not choose the model that minimises the error
            rate on the learning sample? (also called re-
            substitution error)
           How well are you going to predict future data drawn
            from the same distribution? (generalisation error)

The test set method

             1.Randomly choose 30% of the data
               to be in a test sample
             2.The remainder is a learning
             3.Learn the model from the learning
    0    1
             4.Estimate its future performance on
               the test sample

Which model is the best?
                 linear                         quadratic                   neural net
1                                   1                            1

0                                   0                            0
    0                           1       0                    1       0                         1
            LS error= 3.4%                  LS error= 1.0%               LS error= 0%
            TS error= 3.5%                  TS error= 1.5%               TS error= 3.5%

           We say that the neural network overfits the data
           Overfitting occurs when the learning algorithm starts
            fitting noise.
           (by opposition, the linear model underfits the data)

The test set method

   Upside:
       very simple
       Computationally efficient

   Downside:
       Wastes data: we get an estimate of the best method to
        apply to 30% less data
       Very unstable when the database is small (the test
        sample choice might just be lucky or unlucky)

Leave-one-out Cross Validation

                  For k=1 to N
                     remove the kth object from the
                      learning sample
                     learn the model on the remaining
                     apply the model to get a prediction
    0         1
                      for the kth object
                  report the proportion of
                    missclassified objects

Leave-one-out Cross Validation

   Upside:
       Does not waste the data (you get an estimate of the
        best method to apply to N-1 data)
   Downside:
       Expensive (need to train N models)
       High variance

k-fold Cross Validation
   Randomly partition the dataset into k subsets (for example


   For each subset:
       learn the model on the objects that are not in the subset
       compute the error rate on the points in the subset
   Report the mean error rate over the k subsets
   When k=the number of objects ⇒ leave-one-out cross
Which kind of Cross Validation?
   Test set:
       Cheap but waste data and unreliable when few data
   Leave-one-out:
       Doesn't waste data but expensive
   k-fold cross validation:
       compromise between the two
   Rule of thumb:
       a lot of data (>1000): test set validation
       small data (100-1000): 10-fold CV
       very small data(<100): leave-one-out CV

CV-based complexity control

         Under-fitting           Over-fitting

                                            CV error

                                                LS error

                    Optimal complexity          Complexity

   Controlling complexity is called regularization or
   Complexity can be controlled in several ways
       The size of the hypothesis space: number of candidate
        models, range of the parameters...
       The performance criterion: learning set performance
        versus parameter range, eg. minimizes
                           Err(LS)+λ C(model)
       The optimization algorithms: number of iterations,
        nature of the optimization problem (one global optimum
        versus several local optima)...
CV-based algorithm choice
   Step 1: compute 10-fold (or test set or LOO) CV error
    for different algorithms

                                                    Algo 4
                                  Algo 2
                 CV      Algo 1            Algo 3

   Step 2: whichever algorithm gave best CV score: learn
    a new model with all data, and that's the predictive
   What is the expected error rate of this model?

Warning: Intensive use of CV can overfit
   If you compare many (complex) models, the
    probability that you will find a good one by chance on
    your data increases
   Solution:
       Hold out an additional test set before starting the
        analysis (or, better, generate this data afterwards)
       Use it to estimate the performance of your final
(For small datasets: use two stages of 10-fold CV)

A note on performance measures

     True class   Model 1    Model 2
                                           Which of these two models
 3    Negative    Positive   Positive       is the best?
 4    Negative    Positive   Negative
                                           The choice of an error or
                                            quality measure is highly
 9    Negative    Negative   Negative       application dependent.
10    Positive    Positive   Positive
11    Positive    Positive   Negative
12    Positive    Positive   Positive
13    Positive    Positive   Positive
14    Positive    Negative   Negative
15    Positive    Positive   Negative

A note on performance measures
   The error rate is not the only way to assess a predictive
   In binary classification, results can be summarized in a
    contingency table (aka confusion matrix)
                       Predicted class
    Actual class       p             n       Total
         p       True Positive False Negative P
         n     False Positive True Negative    N

   Various criterion
         Error rate = (FP+FN)/(N+P)       Sensitivity = TP/P   (aka recall)

         Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(N+P)         Specificity = TN/(TN+FP)
                   = 1-Error rate
                                          Precision = TP/(TP+FP) (aka PPV)
ROC and Precision/recall curves
              Each point corresponds to a particular choice of the
               decision threshold
True Positive Rate

                       False Positive Rate                  Recall
                          (1-Specificity)                 (Sensitivity)

   Introduction
   Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting
   Some supervised learning algorithms
       k-NN
       Linear methods
       Artificial neural networks
       Support vector machines
       Decision trees
       Ensemble methods
   Beyond classification and regression

Comparison of learning algorithms
   Three main criteria:
       Accuracy:
            Measured by the generalization error (estimated by CV)
       Efficiency:
            Computing times and scalability for learning and testing
       Interpretability:
            Comprehension brought by the model about the input-
             output relationship
   Unfortunately, there is usually a tradeoff between
    these criteria

1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN)
    (prototype based method, instance based learning, non-parametric

   One of the simplest learning algorithm:
        outputs as a prediction the output associated to the
         sample which is the closest to the test object
                                                 M1         M2        Y
                                            1   0.32       0.81    Healthy
                                            2   0.15       0.38    Disease
                                            3   0.39       0.34    Healthy
                                            4   0.62       0.11    Disease
                                            5   0.92       0.43       ?
                                                             2                  2
                                   d  5,1 =  0. 32−0 . 92   0 . 81−0 . 43  =0 . 71
                                   d  5,2 =  0. 15− 0 .92   0 . 38−0 . 43  =0 . 77
                                                              2                  2

                                   d  5,3 =  0. 39−0 . 92   0 . 34− 0. 43  =0 . 71
                                                              2                  2

                                   d  5,4 =  0 .62−0 . 92   0 . 43−0 . 43  = 0 . 44
                                                              2                  2

        closest=usually of minimal Euclidian distance
Obvious extension: k-NN


   Find the k nearest neighbors (instead of only the first
    one) with respect to Euclidian distance
   Output the most frequent class (classification) or the
    average outputs (regression) among the k neighbors.

Effect of k on the error

  Under-fitting          Over-fitting

                                        CV error

                                        LS error

                  Optimal k                  k
Small exercise

                       In this classification problem
                        with two inputs:
                           What it the resubstitution
                            error (LS error) of 1-NN?
                           What is the LOO error of 1-
                           What is the LOO error of 3-
                           What is the LOO error of

Andrew Moore
   Advantages:
       very simple
       can be adapted to any data type by changing the
        distance measure
   Drawbacks:
       choosing a good distance measure is a hard problem
       very sensitive to the presence of noisy variables
       slow for testing

Linear methods
   Find a model which is a linear combinations of the inputs
        Regression: y=w 0 w 1 x 1 w 2 x 2 ...w n w n
        Classification: y=c 1 if w 0 w1 x1 ...w n x n 0 , c 2 otherwise

   Several methods exist to find coefficients w0,w1... corresponding
    to different objective functions, optimization algorithms, eg.:
        Regression: least-square regression, ridge regression, partial
         least square, support vector regression, LASSO...
        Classification: linear discriminant analysis, PLS-discriminant        46
         analysis, support vector machines...
Example: ridge regression
   Find w that minimizes (λ>0):

                   ∑i  y i −w x i  ∥w∥
                                2         2

   From simple algebra, the solution is given by:
                     r     T         −1   T
                   w = X X  I  X y

    where X is the input matrix and y is the output vector
   λ regulates complexity (and avoids problems related to
    the singularity of XTX)

Example: perceptron
   Find w that minimizes:
                   ∑i  y i −w x i 2
    using gradient descent: given a training example  x , y 
                        y−wT x
                   ∀ j w j w j  x j

   Online algorithm, ie. that treats every example in turn
    (vs Batch algorithm that treats all examples at once)
   Complexity is regulated by the learning rate η and the
    number of iterations
   Can be adapted to classification
Linear methods

   Advantages:
       simple
       there exist fast and scalable variants
       provide interpretable models through variable weights
        (magnitude and sign)
   Drawbacks:
       often not as accurate as other (non-linear) methods

Non-linear extensions
   Generalization of linear methods:
        y=w 0 w1 1  xw 2 2  x 2 ...w n n  x
        Any linear methods can be applied (but regularization
         becomes more important)
   Artificial neural networks (with a single hidden layer):
         y= g ∑ W j g ∑ w i , j x i 
                  j          i
         where g is a non linear function (eg. sigmoid)
        (a non linear function of a linear combination of non
         linear functions of linear combinations of inputs)
   Kernel methods:
         y=∑ w i i  x        ⇔   y=∑  j k  x j , x 
              i                             j
         where k  x , x ' =〈 x ,  x ' 〉 is the dot-product in the
         feature space and j indexes training examples                      50
Artificial neural networks

   Supervised learning method initially inspired by the
    behaviour of the human brain
   Consists of the inter-connection of several small units
   Essentially numerical but can handle classification and
    discrete inputs with appropriate coding
   Introduced in the late 50s, very popular in the 90s

Hypothesis space: a single neuron

              1                       A2

 A1               x w0
       x w1                                      +

 A2    x w2
                  + tanh    Y              _
 …                                                         A1

 AN    x wN
Y=tanh(w1*A1+w2*A2+…+wN*AN+w0)                        +1


Hypothesis space:
                  Multi-layers Perceptron
   Inter-connection of several neurons (just like in the human
                          Hidden layer
        Input layer
                                         Output layer

   With a sufficient number of neurons and a sufficient
    number of layers, a neural network can model any function
    of the inputs.                                          53
   Choose a structure
   Tune the value of the parameters (connections
    between neurons) so as to minimize the learning
    sample error.
       Non-linear optimization by the back-propagation
        algorithm. In practice, quite slow.
   Repeat for different structures
   Select the structure that minimizes CV error

Illustrative example

 1 neuron

                                         0        1
2 +2 neurons

                                         0        1
10 +10 neurons                               G1

                   ...   ...


                                     0                55
                                         0        1
Artificial neural networks

   Advantages:
       Universal approximators
       May be very accurate (if the method is well used)
   Drawbacks:
       The learning phase may be very slow
       Black-box models, very difficult to interprete
       Scalability

Support vector machines

   Recent (mid-90's) and very successful method
   Based on two smart ideas:
       large margin classifier
       kernelized input space

Linear classifier

   Where would you place a linear classifier?

Margin of a linear classifier

                    The margin = the
                     width that the
                     boundary could be
                     increased by before
                     hitting a datapoint.

Maximum-margin linear classifier
                                The linear classifier
                                 with the maximum
                                 margin (= Linear
                                Intuitively, this feels
                                Works very well in

Support vectors: the
samples the closest to the
hyperplane                                                 60
   Linearly separable case: amount at solving the
    following quadratic programming optimization problem:
                       1       2
            minimizes     ∥w∥
            subject to y i w x i −b1, ∀ i=1,... , N

   Decision function:
       y=1 if w x−b0, y =−1 otherwise
   Non linearly separable case:
                          ∥w∥ C ∑  i
                       2             i
            subject to y i w x i −b1−i , ∀ i=1,... , N
Non-linear boundary
–   What about this problem?
     x1                                x12


                       x2                                 x22
   Solution:
       map the data into a new feature space where the
        boundary is linear
       Find the maximum margin model in this new space

The kernel trick
   Intuitively:
        You don't need to compute explicitly the mapping φ
        All you need is a (special) similarity measure between
         objects (like for the kNN)
        This similarity measure is called a kernel
   Mathematically:
        The maximum-margin classifier in some feature space
         can be written only in terms of dot-products in that
         feature space:

   Primal form of the optimization problem:
                           1        2
                minimizes     ∥w∥
                subject to y i 〈 w ,  xi 〉−b1, ∀ i=1,... , N
   Dual form:
                minimizes ∑ i − ∑ i  j yi y j 〈 xi  ,  x j 〉
                          i     2 i, j
                subject to i 0 and     ∑ i y i =0

     w=∑ i y i  x i 

   Decision function:
       y=1 if 〈 w , x 〉=∑ i y i 〈 x i  ,  x〉=∑ i y i k  x i , x0
                              i                          i
       y=−1 otherwise                                                          64
Support vector machines
     G1      G2     Y
1   0.21    0.64   C1
2   0.57    0.26   C2
3   0.21    0.68   C2
4   0.69    0.52   C1
5   0.83    0.96   C1
6   0.48   -0.52   C2

                        kernel matrix
                              1      2      3      4       5    6
                        1     1    0.14   0.96   0.17    0.01 0.24
                        2   0.14     1    0.02   0.17    0.22 0.67     SVM
                        3   0.96   0.02     1    0.15    0.27 0.07
                        4   0.17    0.7   0.15     1     0.37 0.55   algorithm
                        5   0.01   0.22   0.27   0.37      1 -0.25
                        6   0.24   0.67   0.07   0.55   -0.25 1

                        Class labels             1   C1
                                                 2   C2
                                                 3   C2              Classification
         G1         Y
                                                 4   C1                 model
                                                 5   C1
2   ACTCGCTTAGA    C2                            6   C2

Examples of kernels
   Linear kernel:
    k(x,x')= <x,x'>
   Polynomial kernel
(main parameter: d, the maximum degree)
   Radial basis function kernel:
(main parameter: , the spread of the distribution)
●   + many kernels that have been defined for structured
    data types (eg. texts, graphs, trees, images)
Feature ranking with linear kernel

     With a linear kernel, the model looks like:
                       C1 if w0+w1*x1+w2*x2+...+wK*xK>0
                       C2 otherwise

     Most important variables are those corresponding to
      large |wi|





SVM parameters

   Mainly two sets of parameters in SVM:
       Optimization algorithm's parameters:
            Control the number of training errors versus the margin
             (when the learning sample is not linearly separable)
       Kernel's parameters:
            choice of particular kernel
            given this choice, usually one complexity parameter
            eg, the degree of the polynomial kernel
   Again, these parameters can be determined by cross-

Support vector machines

   Advantages:
       State-of-the-art accuracy on many problems
       Can handle any data types by changing the kernel
        (many applications on sequences, texts, graphs...)
   Drawbacks:
       Tuning the parameter is very crucial to get good results
        and somewhat tricky
       Black-box models, not easy to interprete

A note on kernel methods
   The kernel trick can be applied to any (learning)
    algorithm whose solution can be expressed in terms of
    dot-products in the original input space
       It makes a non-linear algorithm from a linear one
       Can work in a very highly dimensional space (even
        infinite) without requiring to explicitly compute the
       Decouple the representation stage from the learning
        stage. The same learning machine can be applied to a
        large range of problems
   Examples: ridge regression, perceptron, PCA, k-
Decision (classification) trees

   A learning algorithm that can handle:
       Classification problems (binary or multi-valued)
       Attributes may be discrete (binary or multi-valued) or
   Classification trees were invented at least twice:
       By statisticians: CART (Breiman et al.)
       By the AI community: ID3, C4.5 (Quinlan et al.)

Decision trees

   A decision tree is a tree where:
       Each interior node tests an attribute
       Each branch corresponds to an attribute value
       Each leaf node is labeled with a class

                A2                          A3
          a21           a22           a31        a32

          c1            c2            c2           c1

A simple database: playtennis

Day     Outlook    Temperature   Humidity    Wind    Play Tennis
D1       Sunny        Hot          High     Weak         No
D2       Sunny        Hot          High     Strong       No
D3      Overcast      Hot          High     Weak         Yes
D4        Rain        Mild        Normal    Weak         Yes
D5        Rain        Cool        Normal    Weak         Yes
D6        Rain        Cool        Normal    Strong       No
D7      Overcast      Cool         High     Strong       Yes
D8       Sunny        Mild        Normal    Weak         No
D9       Sunny        Hot         Normal    Weak         Yes
D10       Rain        Mild        Normal    Strong       Yes
D11      Sunny        Cool        Normal    Strong       Yes
D12     Overcast      Mild         High     Strong       Yes
D13     Overcast      Hot         Normal    Weak         Yes
D14       Rain        Mild         High     Strong       No

A decision tree for playtennis

                     Sunny                       Rain
                 Humidity                                  Wind
          High              Normal              Strong            Weak

          no                yes                  no                  yes

Should we play tennis on D15?
    Day           Outlook         Temperature   Humidity      Wind         Play Tennis
    D15           Sunny              Hot         High         Weak              ?

Top-down induction of DTs
     Choose « best » attribute
     Split the learning sample
     Proceed recursively until each object is correctly classified

Day   Outlook   Temp.   Humidity   Wind           Play                                             Day    Outlook   Temp.   Humidity   Wind     Play

D1     Sunny     Hot     High      Weak           No                                                D4     Rain     Mild    Normal     Weak     Yes

D2     Sunny     Hot     High      Strong         No                                                D5     Rain     Cool    Normal     Weak     Yes

D8     Sunny    Mild     High      Weak           No                                                D6     Rain     Cool    Normal     Strong   No

D9     Sunny     Hot    Normal     Weak Day Yes Outlook               Temp.   Humidity   Wind     Play
                                                                                                    D10    Rain     Mild    Normal     Strong   Yes

D11    Sunny    Cool    Normal     Strong D3      Yes Overcast         Hot     High      Weak     Yes
                                                                                                   D14     Rain     Mild     High      Strong   No

                                            D7           Overcast     Cool     High      Strong   Yes

                                            D12          Overcast     Mild     High      Strong   Yes

                                            D13          Overcast      Hot    Normal     Weak     Yes

Top-down induction of DTs

Procedure learn_dt(learning sample, LS)
 If all objects from LS have the same class

       Create a leaf with that class
   Else
       Find the « best » splitting attribute A
       Create a test node for this attribute
       For each value a of A
            Build LSa= {o  LS | A(o) is a}
            Use Learn_dt(LSa) to grow a subtree from LSa.

Which attribute is best ?

               A1=?          [29+,35-]               A2=?          [29+,35-]
       T                 F                  T                  F

    [21+,5-]          [8+,30-]           [18+,33-]          [11+,2-]

   A “score” measure is defined to evaluate splits
   This score should favor class separation at each step (to
    shorten the tree depth)
   Common score measures are based on information theory

     I (LS, A) H( LS)  | LS left | H(LS left )  | LSright | H(LS right)
                           | LS |                     | LS |
Effect of number of nodes on error

        Under-fitting              Over-fitting

                                              CV error

                                                  LS error

                        Optimal complexity             Nb nodes
How can we avoid overfitting?

   Pre-pruning: stop growing the tree earlier, before it
    reaches the point where it perfectly classifies the
    learning sample

   Post-pruning: allow the tree to overfit and then post-
    prune the tree

   Ensemble methods (later)


           Under-fitting           Over-fitting

                                              CV error

             2. Tree pruning

        1. Tree growing                           LS error

                      Optimal complexity             Nb nodes
Numerical variables

   Example: temperature as a number instead of a
    discrete value
   Two solutions:
       Pre-discretize: Cold if Temperature<70, Mild between 70 and
        75, Hot if Temperature>75
       Discretize during tree growing:

                    65.4                 >65.4

                       no                 yes

        optimization of the threshold to maximize the score

Illustrative example

      yes                  no

   Healthy             M1<0.91?
                                                                    0        1
             M1<0.23?                 M2<0.91?                          M1

                                   Healthy          Sick
Healthy      Sick
                       M2<0.65?              Sick

                    Sick        Healthy

Regression trees
Trees for regression problems: exactly the same model but
  with a number in each leaf instead of a class

                Humidity                                Wind
         High              Normal              Strong          Weak

         22.3          Temperature             64.4             7.4
                 <71                  >71

                   1.2                3.4

Interpretability and attribute selection
   Interpretability
       Intrinsically, a decision tree is highly interpretable
       A tree may be converted into a set of “if…then”
   Attribute selection
       If some attributes are not useful for classification,
        they will not be selected in the (pruned) tree
       Of practical importance, if measuring the value of a
        variable is costly (e.g. medical diagnosis)
       Decision trees are often used as a pre-processing for
        other learning algorithms that suffer more when
        there are irrelevant variables

Attribute importance

   In many applications, all variables do not contribute
    equally in predicting the output.
   We can evaluate variable importances with trees



Decision and regression trees

   Advantages:
       very fast and scalable method (able to handle a very
        large number of inputs and objects)
       provide directly interpretable models and give an idea of
        the relevance of attributes
   Drawbacks:
       high variance (more on this later)
       often not as accurate as other methods

Ensemble methods


             Sick     Healthy
                                       ...        Sick


   Combine the predictions of several models built with a learning
    algorithm. Often improve very much accuracy.
   Often used in combination with decision trees for efficiency
   Examples of algorithms: Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting...

Bagging: motivation
   Different learning samples yield different models,
    especially when the learning algorithm overfits the data
           1                       1

           0                       0
               0              1     0              1

    As there is only one optimal model, this variance is source
    of error
   Solution: aggregate several models to obtain a more
    stable one

                          0                  1
Bagging: bootstrap aggregating
Boostrap sampling
(sampling with replacement)                              0

                       0                0                           10


                Sick          Healthy
                                                   ...       Sick


Note: the more models, the better.                                       89
Bootstrap sampling

   Sampling with replacement

           G1      G2       Y               G1      G2        Y
     1    0.74   0.68    Healthy       3   0.86    0.09    Healthy
     2    0.78   0.45    Disease       7   -0.34   -0.45   Healthy
     3    0.86   0.09    Healthy       2   0.78    0.45    Disease
     4     0.2   0.61    Disease       9    0.1     0.3    Healthy
     5     0.2    -5.6   Healthy       3   0.86    0.09    Healthy
     6    0.32    0.6    Disease      10   -0.34   -0.65   Healthy
     7   -0.34   -0.45   Healthy       1   0.74    0.68    Healthy
     8    0.89   -0.34   Disease       8   0.89    -0.34   Disease
     9     0.1    0.3    Healthy       6   0.32     0.6    Disease
    10   -0.34   -0.65   Healthy      10   -0.34   -0.65   Healthy

   Some objects do not appear, some objects appear
    several times

   Idea of boosting: combine many « weak » models to
    produce a more powerful one.
   Weak model = a model that underfits the data (strictly,
    in classification, a model slightly better than random

   Adaboost:
       At each step, adaboost forces the learning algorithm to focus
        on the cases from the learning sample misclassified by the
        last model
       The predictions of the models are combined through a
        weighted vote. More accurate models have more weights in
        the vote.
                                               Eg., by duplicating
                                               the missclassified
                                                examples in the
                                                learning sample      91

  LS1      LS2         …


Healthy   Sick                   Healthy
   w1     w2                      wT


Interpretability and efficiency
    When combined with decision trees, ensemble methods loose
     interpretability and efficiency
    However,
             We still can use the ensemble to compute the importance of
              variables (by averaging it over all trees)





             Ensemble methods can be parallelized and boosting type
              algorithm uses smaller trees. So, the increase of computing
              times is not so detrimental.                                93
Example on microarray data
        72 patients, 7129 gene expressions, 2 classes of Leukemia
         (ALL and AML) (Golub et al., Science, 1999)
        Leave-one-out error with several variants

                       Method                                          Error
                       1 decision tree                             22.2% (16/72)
                       Random forests (k=85,T=500)                  9.7% (7/72)
                       Extra-trees (sth=0.5, T=500)                 5.5% (4/72)
                       Adaboost (1 test node, T=500)                1.4% (1/72)

        Variable importance with boosting




Method comparison
    Method     Accuracy Efficiency   Interpretability Ease of use
    kNN        ++        +           +               ++
    DT         +         +++         +++             +++
    Linear     ++        +++         ++              +++
    Ensemble +++         +++         ++              +++
    ANN        +++       +           +               ++
    SVM        ++++      +           +               +

    Note:
         The relative importance of the criteria depends on
          the specific application
         These are only general trends. Eg., in terms of
          accuracy, no algorithm is always better than all          95
●   Introduction
●   Supervised Learning
       Introduction
       Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting
       Some supervised learning algorithms
       Beyond classification and regression
●   Other learning protocols/frameworks

Beyond classification and regression
   All supervised learning problems can not be turned
    into standard classification or regression problems
   Examples:
       Graph predictions
       Sequence labeling
       image segmentation

Structured output approaches
   Decomposition:
       Reduce the problem to several simpler classification or
        regression problems by decomposing the output
       Not always possible and does not take into account
        interactions between suboutputs
   Kernel output methods
       Extend regression methods to handle an output space
        endowed with a kernel
       This can be done with regression trees or ridge regression
        for example
   Large margin methods
       Use SVM-based approaches to learn a model that scores
        directly input-output pairs:
                         y=arg max y ' ∑ w i  i  x , y '          98
   Introduction
   Supervised learning
   Other learning protocols/frameworks
    ●   Semi-supervised learning
    ●   Transductive learning
    ●   Active learning
    ●   Reinforcement learning
    ●   Unsupervised learning

Labeled versus unlabeled data
   Unlabeled data=input-output pairs without output value
   In many settings, unlabeled data is cheap but labeled
    data can be hard to get
       labels may require human experts
       human annotation is expensive, slow, unreliable
       labels may require special devices
   Examples:
       Biomedical domain
       Speech analysis
       Natural language parsing
       Image categorization/segmentation
       Network measurement                               100
Semi-supervised learning
   Goal: exploit both labeled and unlabeled data to build
    better models than using each one alone
                        A1      A2    A3     A4       Y
                      0.01     0.37   T     0.54   Healthy
       labeled data    -2.3    -1.2    F    0.37   Disease
                      0.69    -0.78    F    0.63   Healthy
                      -0.56   -0.89   T    -0.42
     unlabeled data   -0.85    0.62    F   -0.05
                      -0.17    0.09   T     0.29
        test data     -0.09     0.3    F    0.17      ?

   Why would it improve?

Some approaches
   Self-training
       Iteratively label some unlabeled examples with a model
        learned from the previously labeled examples
   Semi-supervised SVM (S3VM)
       Enumerate all possible labeling of the unlabeled
       Learn an SVM for each labeling
       Pick the one with the largest margin

Some approaches
   Graph-based algorithms
       Build a graph over the (labeled and unlabeled)
        examples (from the inputs)
       Learn a model that predicts well labeled examples and
        is smooth over the graph

Transductive learning
   Like supervised learning but we have access to the
    test data from the beginning and we want to exploit it
   We don't want a model, only compute predictions for
    the unlabeled data
   Simple solution:
       Apply semi-supervised learning techniques using the
        test data as unlabeled data to get a model
       Use the resulting model to make predictions on the test
   There exist also specific algorithms that avoid building
    a model

Active learning
   Goal:
       given unlabeled data, find (adaptively) the examples to
        label in order to learn an accurate model
       The hope is to reduce the number of labeled instances
        with respect to the standard batch SL
   Usually, in an online setting:
       choose the k “best” unlabeled examples
       determine their labels
       update the model and iterate
   Algorithms differ in the way the unlabeled examples
    are selected
       Example: choose the k examples for which the model
        predictions are the most uncertain
Reinforcement learning
Learning form interactions

                  a0             a1             a2
             s0             s1             s2             ...
                       r0             r1             r2

Goal: learn to choose sequence of actions (= policy) that
 maximizes             2
              r 0 r 1 r 2 ... , where 01       106
RL approaches
   System is usually modeled by
       state transition probabilities P  st 1∣s t , at 
       reward probabilities P r t1∣st , at 
    (= Markov Decision Process)
   Model of the dynamics and reward is known   try to
    compute optimal policy by dynamic programming
   Model is unknown
       Model-based approaches     first learn a model of the
        dynamics and then derive an optimal policy from it (DP)
       Model-free approaches     learn directly a policy from
        the observed system trajectories
Reinforcement versus supervised learning
   Batch-mode SL: learn a mapping from input to output from
    observed input-output pairs
   Batch-mode RL: learn a mapping from state to action from
    observed (state,action,reward) triplets
   Online active learning: combine SL and (online) selection
    of instances to label
   Online RL: combine policy learning with control of the
    system and generation of the training trajectories
   Note:
        RL would reduce to SL if the optimal action was known
         in each state
        SL is used inside RL to model system dynamics and/or
         value functions                                    108
Examples of applications
   Robocup Soccer Teams (Stone & Veloso, Riedmiller et al.)
   Inventory Management (Van Roy, Bertsekas, Lee
   Dynamic Channel Assignment, Routing (Singh &
    Bertsekas, Nie & Haykin, Boyan & Littman)
   Elevator Control (Crites & Barto)
   Many Robots: navigation, bi-pedal walking, grasping,
    switching between skills...
   Games: TD-Gammon and Jellyfish (Tesauro, Dahl)

Unsupervised learning
   Unsupervised learning tries to find any regularities in
    the data without guidance about inputs and outputs

      A1     A2      A3      A4      A5      A6     A7      A8     A9    A10     A11    A12    A13    A14     A15     A16   A17    A18     A19
     -0.27 -0.15 -0.14      0.91    -0.17   0.26 -0.48     -0.1   -0.53 -0.65    0.23   0.22   0.98   0.57    0.02 -0.55 -0.32     0.28    -0.33
     -2.3    -1.2   -4.5    -0.01 -0.83     0.66    0.55   0.27 -0.65    0.39    -1.3   -0.2   -3.5   0.4     0.21 -0.87 0.64      0.6     -0.29
     0.41    0.77   -0.44    0      0.03    -0.82 0.17     0.54 -0.04    0.6     0.41   0.66 -0.27 -0.86 -0.92        0     0.48   0.74    0.49
     0.28 -0.71 -0.82       0.27    -0.21   -0.9    0.61 -0.57 0.44      0.21    0.97   -0.27 0.74    0.2     -0.16   0.7   0.79   0.59    -0.33
     -0.28 0.48     0.79    -0.14   0.8     0.28    0.75   0.26   0.3    -0.78 -0.72    0.94 -0.78    0.48    0.26 0.83 -0.88 -0.59        0.71
     0.01    0.36   0.03    0.03    0.59    -0.5    0.4    -0.88 -0.53   0.95    0.15   0.31   0.06   0.37    0.66 -0.34 0.79      -0.12   0.49
     -0.53   -0.8   -0.64   -0.93 -0.51     0.28    0.25   0.01 -0.94    0.96    0.25   -0.12 0.27    -0.72 -0.77 -0.31 0.44       0.58    -0.86
     0.04    0.94   -0.92   -0.38 -0.07     0.98    0.1    0.19 -0.57 -0.69 -0.23       0.05   0.13   -0.28   0.98 -0.08 -0.3      -0.84   0.47
     -0.88 -0.73    -0.4    0.58    0.24    0.08    -0.2   0.42 -0.61 -0.13 -0.47 -0.36 -0.37         0.95    -0.31 0.25    0.55   0.52    -0.66
     -0.56 0.97     -0.93   0.91    0.36    -0.14   -0.9   0.65   0.41   -0.12   0.35   0.21   0.22   0.73    0.68 -0.65 -0.4      0.91    -0.64

   Are there interesting groups of variables or samples?
    outliers? What are the dependencies between

Unsupervised learning methods

   Many families of problems exist, among which:
       Clustering: try to find natural groups of
            eg: k-means, hierarchical clustering
       Dimensionality reduction: project the data from a high-
        dimensional space down to a small number of
            eg: principal/independent component analysis, MDS
       Density estimation: determine the distribution of data
        within the input space
            eg: bayesian networks, mixture models.

   Goal: grouping a collection of objects into subsets or
    “clusters”, such that those within each cluster are more
    closely related to one another than objects assigned to
    different clusters


                                            Clustering rows
                                             grouping similar objects
                                            Clustering columns
                                             grouping similar variables

                                               across samples
                                            Bi-Clustering/Two-way
                                             grouping objects that are
                           Cluster of
                                               similar across a subset of
              Cluster of                       variables


   Two essential components of cluster analysis:
       Distance measure: A notion of distance or similarity of
        two objects: When are two objects close to each other?
       Cluster algorithm: A procedure to minimize distances
        of objects within groups and/or maximize distances
        between groups

Examples of distance measures
   Euclidean distance measures
    average difference across coordinates
   Manhattan distance measures
    average difference across
    coordinates, in a robust way
   Correlation distance measures
    difference with respect to trends

Clustering algorithms
   Popular algorithms for clustering
       hierarchical clustering
       K-means
       SOMs (Self-Organizing Maps)
       autoclass, mixture models...
   Hierarchical clustering allows the choice of the
    dissimilarity matrix.
   k-Means and SOMs take original data directly as input.
    Attributes are assumed to live in Euclidean space.

Hierarchical clustering
Agglomerative clustering:
1. Each object is assigned to its own cluster
2. Iteratively:
      the two most similar clusters are joined and
       replaced by a new one
      the distance matrix is updated with this new cluster
       replacing the two joined clusters

(divisive clustering would start from a big cluster)

Distance between two clusters
   Single linkage uses the smallest distance

   Complete linkage uses the largest distance

   Average linkage uses the average distance

Hierarchical clustering


   Hierarchical clustering are visualized through dendrograms
       Clusters that are joined are combined by a line
       Height of line is distance between clusters
       Can be used to determine visually the number of

Hierarchical clustering
   Strengths
       No need to assume any particular number of clusters
       Can use any distance matrix
       Find sometimes a meaningful taxonomy
   Limitations
       Find a taxonomy even if it does not exist
       Once a decision is made to combine two clusters it
        cannot be undone
       Not well theoretically motivated

k-Means clustering

   Partitioning algorithm with a prefixed number k of
   Use Euclidean distance between objects
   Try to minimize the sum of intra-cluster variances
                      ∑       ∑          d 2  o,c j 
                      j= 1 o∈Cluster j
    where cj is the center of cluster j and d2 is the Euclidean

k-Means clustering

k-Means clustering

k-Means clustering

k-Means clustering
   Strengths
       Simple, understandable
       Can cluster any new point (unlike hierarchical
       Well motivated theoretically
   Limitations
       Must fix the number of clusters beforehand
       Sensitive to the initial choice of cluster centers
       Sensitive to outliers

Suboptimal clustering
   You could obtain any of these from a random start of

   Solution: restart the algorithm several times

Principal Component Analysis

     An exploratory technique used to reduce the
      dimensionality of the data set to a smaller space (2D,

     A1      A2      A3      A4      A5      A6      A7    A8      A9     A10
                                                                                   PC1     PC2
    0.25    0.93    0.04    -0.78   -0.53   0.57    0.19   0.29   0.37    -0.22    0.36     0.1
    -2.3    -1.2    -4.5    -0.51   -0.76   0.07    0.81   0.95   0.99    0.26     -2.3    -1.2
    -0.29    -1     0.73    -0.33   0.52    0.13    0.13   0.53   -0.5    -0.48    0.27   -0.89
    -0.16   -0.17   -0.26   0.32    -0.08   -0.38   -0.48 0.99    -0.95   0.34    -0.19     0.7
    0.07    -0.87   0.39    0.5     -0.63   -0.53   0.79   0.88   0.74    -0.14   -0.77    -0.7
    0.61    0.15    0.68    -0.94   0.5     0.06    -0.56 0.49     0      -0.77   -0.65   -0.99

     Transform some large number of variables into a
      smaller number of uncorrelated variables called
      principal components (PCs)

Objectives of PCA

   Reduce dimensionality (pre-processing for other
   Choose the most useful (informative) variables
   Compress the data
   Visualize multidimensional data
       to identify groups of objects
       to identify outliers

Basic idea
   Goal: map data points into a few dimensions while
    trying to preserve the variance of the data as much as



Each component is a linear combination of
         the original variables
  A1      A2      A3      A4      A5      A6      A7     A8      A9     A10                      PC1     PC2
 -0.39   -0.38   0.29    0.65    0.15    0.73    -0.57 0.91     -0.89   -0.17                    0.62   -0.33
  -2.3   -1.2    -4.5    -0.15   0.86    -0.85   0.43 -0.19     -0.83   -0.4                     -2.3    -1.2
  0.9    0.4     -0.11   0.62    0.94    0.97    0.1    -0.41   0.01    0.1                      0.88    0.31
 -0.82   -0.31   0.14    0.22    -0.49   -0.76   0.27    0      -0.43   -0.81                   -0.18   -0.05
  0.71   0.39    -0.09   0.26    -0.46   -0.05   0.46   0.39    -0.01   0.64                    -0.39   -0.01
 -0.25   0.27    -0.81   -0.42   0.62    0.54    -0.67 -0.15    -0.46   0.69                    -0.61    0.53
                                                                                  Scores for
                                                                                 each sample
                                                                                   and PC
PC1=0.2*A1+3.4*A2-4.5*A3                                                          VAR(PC1)=4.5  45%
PC2=0.4*A4+5.6*A5+2.3*A7                                                          VAR(PC2)=3.3  33%
                                 ...                                                           ...
 Loading of a variable                                                          For each component, we
  Gives an idea of its importance in
                                                                                have a measure of the
 the component                                                                  percentage of the variance
  Can be use for selecting
                                                                                of the initial data that it
 biomarkers                                                                     contains
   Reference textbooks for the course
        The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and
         prediction. T. Hastie et al, Springer, 2001
        Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and
         Statistics). C.M.Bishop, Springer, 2004
   Other textbooks
        Pattern classification (2nd edition). R.Duda, P.Hart, D.Stork, Wiley
         Interscience, 2000
        Introduction to Machine Learning. Ethan Alpaydin, MIT Press, 2004.
        Machine Learning. Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997.

   More advanced topics
        kernel methods for pattern analysis. J. Shawe-Taylor and N. Cristianini.
         Cambridge University Press, 2004
        Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. R.S. Sutton and A.G. Barto.
         MIT Press, 1998
        Neuro-Dynamic Programming. D.P Bertsekas and J.N. Tsitsiklis. Athena
         Scientific, 1996
        Semi-supervised learning. Chapelle et al., MIT Press, 2006
        Predicting structured data. G. Bakir et al., MIT Press, 2007


   Pepito
       www.pepite.be
       Free for academic research and education
   WEKA
       http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
   Many R and Matlab packages
       http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/spider/
       http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.html


   Journal of Machine Learning Research
   Machine Learning
   IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
   Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
   Neural computation
   Annals of Statistics
   IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
   Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
   ...
   International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
   European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML)
   Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
   Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
   International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
   International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
   Computational Learning Theory (COLT)
   Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD)
   ...

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An introduction to Machine Learning

  • 1. An introduction to Machine Learning Pierre Geurts p.geurts@ulg.ac.be Department of EE and CS & GIGA-R, Bioinformatics and modelling University of Liège
  • 2. Outline ● Introduction ● Supervised Learning ● Other learning protocols/frameworks 2
  • 3. Machine Learning: definition  Machine Learning is concerned with the development, the analysis, and the application of algorithms that allow computers to learn  Learning:  A computer learns if it improves its performance at some task with experience (i.e. by collecting data)  Extracting a model of a system from the sole observation (or the simulation) of this system in some situations.  A model = some relationships between the variables used to describe the system.  Two main goals: make prediction and better understand the system 3
  • 4. Machine learning: when ?  Learning is useful when:  Human expertise does not exist (navigating on Mars),  Humans are unable to explain their expertise (speech recognition)  Solution changes in time (routing on a computer network)  Solution needs to be adapted to particular cases (user biometrics)  Example: It is easier to write a program that learns to play checkers or backgammon well by self-play rather than converting the expertise of a master player to a program. 4
  • 5. Applications: autonomous driving  DARPA Grand challenge 2005: build a robot capable of navigating 175 miles through desert terrain in less than 10 hours, with no human intervention  The actual wining time of Stanley [Thrun et al., 05] was 6 hours 54 minutes. http://www.darpa.mil/grandchallenge/ 5
  • 6. Applications: recommendation system  Netflix prize: predict how much someone is going to love a movie based on their movies preferences  Data: over 100 million ratings that over 480,000 users gave to nearly 18,000 movies  Reward: $1,000,000 dollars if 10% improvement with respect to Netflix's current system http://www.netflixprize.com 6
  • 7. Applications: credit risk analysis  Data:  Logical rules automatically learned from data: 7
  • 8. Applications  Machine learning has a wide spectrum of applications including:  Retail: Market basket analysis, Customer relationship management (CRM)  Finance: Credit scoring, fraud detection  Manufacturing: Optimization, troubleshooting  Medicine: Medical diagnosis  Telecommunications: Quality of service optimization, routing  Bioinformatics: Motifs, alignment  Web mining: Search engines  ... 8
  • 9. Related fields  Artificial Intelligence: smart algorithms  Statistics: inference from a sample  Computer Science: efficient algorithms and complex models  Systems and control: analysis, modeling, and control of dynamical systems  Data Mining: searching through large volumes of data 9
  • 10. Problem definition One part of the data Data generation mining process Raw data  Each step generates many questions:  Data generation: data types, sample Preprocessing size, online/offline...  Preprocessing: normalization, missing values, feature Preprocessed data selection/extraction...  Machine learning: hypothesis, Machine choice of learning learning paradigm/algorithm...  Hypothesis validation: cross- Hypothesis validation, model deployment... Validation Knowledge/Predictive model 10
  • 11. Glossary  Data=a table (dataset, database, sample) Variables (attributes, features) = measurements made on objects VAR 1 VAR 2 VAR 3 VAR 4 VAR 5 VAR 6 VAR 7 VAR 8 VAR 9 VAR 10 VAR 11 ... Object 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 ... Object 2 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 ... Object 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 2 ... Object 4 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 ... Object 5 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 ... Object 6 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... Object 7 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 ... Object 8 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 ... Object 9 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 ... Object 10 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Objects (samples, observations, individuals, examples, patterns) Dimension=number of variables Size=number of objects  Objects: samples, patients, documents, images...  Variables: genes, proteins, words, pixels... 11
  • 12. Outline ● Introduction ● Supervised Learning  Introduction  Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting  Some supervised learning algorithms  Beyond classification and regression ● Other learning protocols/frameworks 12
  • 13. Supervised learning Inputs Output A1 A2 A3 A4 Y Supervised -0.69 -0.72 Y 0.47 Healthy learning -2.3 -1.2 N 0.15 Disease 0.32 0.37 -0.9 -1 N Y -0.76 -0.59 Healthy Disease Ŷ = h(A1,A2,A3,A4) -0.67 -0.53 N 0.33 Healthy 0.51 -0.09 Y -0.05 Disease model, Learning sample hypothesis  Goal: from the database (learning sample), find a function h of the inputs that approximates at best the output  Symbolic output ⇒ classification problem,  Numerical output ⇒ regression problem 13
  • 14. Two main goals  Predictive: Make predictions for a new sample described by its attributes A1 A2 A3 A4 Y 0.83 -0.54 T 0.68 Healthy -2.3 -1.2 F -0.83 Disease 0.08 0.63 F 0.76 Healthy 0.06 -0.29 T -0.57 Disease -0.98 -0.18 F -0.38 Healthy -0.68 0.82 T -0.95 Disease 0.92 -0.33 F -0.48 ?  Informative: Help to understand the relationship between the inputs and the output Y=disease if A3=F and A2<0.3 Find the most relevant inputs 14
  • 15. Example of applications  Biomedical domain: medical diagnosis, differentiation of diseases, prediction of the response to a treatment... Gene expression, Metabolite concentrations... A1 A2 ... A4 Y -0.61 0.23 ... 0.49 Healthy -2.3 -1.2 ... -0.11 Disease Patients -0.82 -0.41 ... 0.24 Healthy -0.74 -0.1 ... -0.15 Disease -0.14 0.98 ... -0.13 Healthy -0.37 0.27 ... -0.67 Disease 15
  • 16. Example of applications  Perceptual tasks: handwritten character recognition, speech recognition... Inputs: ● a grey intensity [0,255] for each pixel ● each image is represented by a vector of pixel intensities ● eg.: 32x32=1024 dimensions Output: ● 9 discrete values ● Y={0,1,2,...,9} 16
  • 17. Example of applications  Time series prediction: predicting electricity load, network usage, stock market prices... 17
  • 18. Outline ● Introduction ● Supervised Learning  Introduction  Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting  Some supervised learning algorithms  Beyond classification and regression ● Other learning protocols/frameworks 18
  • 19. Illustrative problem  Medical diagnosis from two measurements (eg., weights and temperature) 1 M1 M2 Y 0.52 0.18 Healthy 0.44 0.29 Disease 0.89 0.88 Healthy M2 0.99 0.37 Disease ... ... ... 0.95 0.47 Disease 0.29 0.09 Healthy 0 0 1 M1  Goal: find a model that classifies at best new cases for which M1 and M2 are known 19
  • 20. Learning algorithm  A learning algorithm is defined by:  a family of candidate models (=hypothesis space H)  a quality measure for a model  an optimization strategy  It takes as input a learning sample and outputs a function h in H of maximum quality 1 a model obtained by supervised G2 learning 0 0 1 G1 20
  • 21. Linear model Disease if w0+w1*M1+w2*M2>0 h(M1,M2)= Normal otherwise 1 M2 0 0 1 M1  Learning phase: from the learning sample, find the best values for w0, w1 and w2  Many alternatives even for this simple model (LDA, Perceptron, SVM...) 21
  • 22. Quadratic model Disease if w0+w1*M1+w2*M2+w3*M12+w4*M22>0 h(M1,M2)= Normal otherwise 1 M2 0 0 1 M1  Learning phase: from the learning sample, find the best values for w0, w1,w2, w3 and w4  Many alternatives even for this simple model (LDA, Perceptron, SVM...) 22
  • 23. Artificial neural network Disease if some very complex function of M1,M2>0 h(M1,M2)= Normal otherwise 1 M2 0 0 1 M1  Learning phase: from the learning sample, find the numerous parameters of the very complex function 23
  • 24. Which model is the best? linear quadratic neural net 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1  Why not choose the model that minimises the error rate on the learning sample? (also called re- substitution error)  How well are you going to predict future data drawn from the same distribution? (generalisation error) 24
  • 25. The test set method 1.Randomly choose 30% of the data 1 to be in a test sample 2.The remainder is a learning sample 3.Learn the model from the learning 0 0 1 sample 4.Estimate its future performance on the test sample 25
  • 26. Which model is the best? linear quadratic neural net 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 LS error= 3.4% LS error= 1.0% LS error= 0% TS error= 3.5% TS error= 1.5% TS error= 3.5%  We say that the neural network overfits the data  Overfitting occurs when the learning algorithm starts fitting noise.  (by opposition, the linear model underfits the data) 26
  • 27. The test set method  Upside:  very simple  Computationally efficient  Downside:  Wastes data: we get an estimate of the best method to apply to 30% less data  Very unstable when the database is small (the test sample choice might just be lucky or unlucky) 27
  • 28. Leave-one-out Cross Validation For k=1 to N  remove the kth object from the 1 learning sample  learn the model on the remaining objects  apply the model to get a prediction 0 0 1 for the kth object report the proportion of missclassified objects 28
  • 29. Leave-one-out Cross Validation  Upside:  Does not waste the data (you get an estimate of the best method to apply to N-1 data)  Downside:  Expensive (need to train N models)  High variance 29
  • 30. k-fold Cross Validation  Randomly partition the dataset into k subsets (for example 10) TS  For each subset:  learn the model on the objects that are not in the subset  compute the error rate on the points in the subset  Report the mean error rate over the k subsets  When k=the number of objects ⇒ leave-one-out cross validation 30
  • 31. Which kind of Cross Validation?  Test set:  Cheap but waste data and unreliable when few data  Leave-one-out:  Doesn't waste data but expensive  k-fold cross validation:  compromise between the two  Rule of thumb:  a lot of data (>1000): test set validation  small data (100-1000): 10-fold CV  very small data(<100): leave-one-out CV 31
  • 32. CV-based complexity control Error Under-fitting Over-fitting CV error LS error Optimal complexity Complexity 32
  • 33. Complexity  Controlling complexity is called regularization or smooting  Complexity can be controlled in several ways  The size of the hypothesis space: number of candidate models, range of the parameters...  The performance criterion: learning set performance versus parameter range, eg. minimizes Err(LS)+λ C(model)  The optimization algorithms: number of iterations, nature of the optimization problem (one global optimum versus several local optima)... 33
  • 34. CV-based algorithm choice  Step 1: compute 10-fold (or test set or LOO) CV error for different algorithms Algo 4 Algo 2 CV Algo 1 Algo 3 error  Step 2: whichever algorithm gave best CV score: learn a new model with all data, and that's the predictive model  What is the expected error rate of this model? 34
  • 35. Warning: Intensive use of CV can overfit  If you compare many (complex) models, the probability that you will find a good one by chance on your data increases  Solution:  Hold out an additional test set before starting the analysis (or, better, generate this data afterwards)  Use it to estimate the performance of your final model (For small datasets: use two stages of 10-fold CV) 35
  • 36. A note on performance measures True class Model 1 Model 2 1 2 Negative Negative Positive Negative Negative Negative  Which of these two models 3 Negative Positive Positive is the best? 4 Negative Positive Negative 5 6 Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative  The choice of an error or 7 8 Negative Negative Negative Negative Positive Negative quality measure is highly 9 Negative Negative Negative application dependent. 10 Positive Positive Positive 11 Positive Positive Negative 12 Positive Positive Positive 13 Positive Positive Positive 14 Positive Negative Negative 15 Positive Positive Negative 36
  • 37. A note on performance measures  The error rate is not the only way to assess a predictive model  In binary classification, results can be summarized in a contingency table (aka confusion matrix) Predicted class Actual class p n Total p True Positive False Negative P n False Positive True Negative N  Various criterion Error rate = (FP+FN)/(N+P) Sensitivity = TP/P (aka recall) Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(N+P) Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) = 1-Error rate Precision = TP/(TP+FP) (aka PPV) 37
  • 38. ROC and Precision/recall curves  Each point corresponds to a particular choice of the decision threshold True Positive Rate (Sensitivity) Precision False Positive Rate Recall (1-Specificity) (Sensitivity) 38
  • 39. Outline  Introduction  Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting  Some supervised learning algorithms  k-NN  Linear methods  Artificial neural networks  Support vector machines  Decision trees  Ensemble methods  Beyond classification and regression 39
  • 40. Comparison of learning algorithms  Three main criteria:  Accuracy:  Measured by the generalization error (estimated by CV)  Efficiency:  Computing times and scalability for learning and testing  Interpretability:  Comprehension brought by the model about the input- output relationship  Unfortunately, there is usually a tradeoff between these criteria 40
  • 41. 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN) (prototype based method, instance based learning, non-parametric method)  One of the simplest learning algorithm:  outputs as a prediction the output associated to the sample which is the closest to the test object M1 M2 Y 1 0.32 0.81 Healthy 2 0.15 0.38 Disease 3 0.39 0.34 Healthy 4 0.62 0.11 Disease 5 0.92 0.43 ? ?  2 2 d  5,1 =  0. 32−0 . 92   0 . 81−0 . 43  =0 . 71 d  5,2 =  0. 15− 0 .92   0 . 38−0 . 43  =0 . 77 2 2 d  5,3 =  0. 39−0 . 92   0 . 34− 0. 43  =0 . 71 2 2 d  5,4 =  0 .62−0 . 92   0 . 43−0 . 43  = 0 . 44 2 2  closest=usually of minimal Euclidian distance 41
  • 42. Obvious extension: k-NN ?  Find the k nearest neighbors (instead of only the first one) with respect to Euclidian distance  Output the most frequent class (classification) or the average outputs (regression) among the k neighbors. 42
  • 43. Effect of k on the error Error Under-fitting Over-fitting CV error LS error Optimal k k 43
  • 44. Small exercise  In this classification problem with two inputs:  What it the resubstitution error (LS error) of 1-NN?  What is the LOO error of 1- NN?  What is the LOO error of 3- NN?  What is the LOO error of 22-NN? Andrew Moore 44
  • 45. k-NN  Advantages:  very simple  can be adapted to any data type by changing the distance measure  Drawbacks:  choosing a good distance measure is a hard problem  very sensitive to the presence of noisy variables  slow for testing 45
  • 46. Linear methods  Find a model which is a linear combinations of the inputs  Regression: y=w 0 w 1 x 1 w 2 x 2 ...w n w n  Classification: y=c 1 if w 0 w1 x1 ...w n x n 0 , c 2 otherwise  Several methods exist to find coefficients w0,w1... corresponding to different objective functions, optimization algorithms, eg.:  Regression: least-square regression, ridge regression, partial least square, support vector regression, LASSO...  Classification: linear discriminant analysis, PLS-discriminant 46 analysis, support vector machines...
  • 47. Example: ridge regression  Find w that minimizes (λ>0): ∑i  y i −w x i  ∥w∥ 2 2  From simple algebra, the solution is given by: r T −1 T w = X X  I  X y where X is the input matrix and y is the output vector  λ regulates complexity (and avoids problems related to the singularity of XTX) 47
  • 48. Example: perceptron  Find w that minimizes: ∑i  y i −w x i 2 using gradient descent: given a training example  x , y    y−wT x ∀ j w j w j  x j  Online algorithm, ie. that treats every example in turn (vs Batch algorithm that treats all examples at once)  Complexity is regulated by the learning rate η and the number of iterations  Can be adapted to classification 48
  • 49. Linear methods  Advantages:  simple  there exist fast and scalable variants  provide interpretable models through variable weights (magnitude and sign)  Drawbacks:  often not as accurate as other (non-linear) methods 49
  • 50. Non-linear extensions  Generalization of linear methods:  y=w 0 w1 1  xw 2 2  x 2 ...w n n  x  Any linear methods can be applied (but regularization becomes more important)  Artificial neural networks (with a single hidden layer):  y= g ∑ W j g ∑ w i , j x i  j i where g is a non linear function (eg. sigmoid)  (a non linear function of a linear combination of non linear functions of linear combinations of inputs)  Kernel methods:  y=∑ w i i  x  ⇔ y=∑  j k  x j , x  i j where k  x , x ' =〈 x ,  x ' 〉 is the dot-product in the feature space and j indexes training examples 50
  • 51. Artificial neural networks  Supervised learning method initially inspired by the behaviour of the human brain  Consists of the inter-connection of several small units  Essentially numerical but can handle classification and discrete inputs with appropriate coding  Introduced in the late 50s, very popular in the 90s 51
  • 52. Hypothesis space: a single neuron 1 A2 A1 x w0 x w1 + A2 x w2 + tanh Y _ … A1 AN x wN tanh Y=tanh(w1*A1+w2*A2+…+wN*AN+w0) +1 -1 52
  • 53. Hypothesis space: Multi-layers Perceptron  Inter-connection of several neurons (just like in the human brain) Hidden layer Input layer Output layer  With a sufficient number of neurons and a sufficient number of layers, a neural network can model any function of the inputs. 53
  • 54. Learning  Choose a structure  Tune the value of the parameters (connections between neurons) so as to minimize the learning sample error.  Non-linear optimization by the back-propagation algorithm. In practice, quite slow.  Repeat for different structures  Select the structure that minimizes CV error 54
  • 55. Illustrative example 1 1 neuron G2 0 0 1 G1 1 2 +2 neurons G2 0 0 1 10 +10 neurons G1 1 ... ... G2 0 55 0 1 G1
  • 56. Artificial neural networks  Advantages:  Universal approximators  May be very accurate (if the method is well used)  Drawbacks:  The learning phase may be very slow  Black-box models, very difficult to interprete  Scalability 56
  • 57. Support vector machines  Recent (mid-90's) and very successful method  Based on two smart ideas:  large margin classifier  kernelized input space 57
  • 58. Linear classifier  Where would you place a linear classifier? 58
  • 59. Margin of a linear classifier  The margin = the width that the boundary could be increased by before hitting a datapoint. 59
  • 60. Maximum-margin linear classifier  The linear classifier with the maximum margin (= Linear SVM)  Intuitively, this feels safest  Works very well in practice Support vectors: the samples the closest to the hyperplane 60
  • 61. Mathematically  Linearly separable case: amount at solving the following quadratic programming optimization problem: 1 2 minimizes ∥w∥ 2 T subject to y i w x i −b1, ∀ i=1,... , N  Decision function: T  y=1 if w x−b0, y =−1 otherwise  Non linearly separable case: 1 ∥w∥ C ∑  i 2 minimizes 2 i T subject to y i w x i −b1−i , ∀ i=1,... , N 61
  • 62. Non-linear boundary – What about this problem? x1 x12 φ x2 x22  Solution:  map the data into a new feature space where the boundary is linear  Find the maximum margin model in this new space 62
  • 63. The kernel trick  Intuitively:  You don't need to compute explicitly the mapping φ  All you need is a (special) similarity measure between objects (like for the kNN)  This similarity measure is called a kernel  Mathematically:  The maximum-margin classifier in some feature space can be written only in terms of dot-products in that feature space: k(x,x')=<φ(x),φ(x')> 63
  • 64. Mathematically  Primal form of the optimization problem: 1 2 minimizes ∥w∥ 2 subject to y i 〈 w ,  xi 〉−b1, ∀ i=1,... , N  Dual form: 1 minimizes ∑ i − ∑ i  j yi y j 〈 xi  ,  x j 〉 i 2 i, j subject to i 0 and ∑ i y i =0 i w=∑ i y i  x i  i  Decision function:  y=1 if 〈 w , x 〉=∑ i y i 〈 x i  ,  x〉=∑ i y i k  x i , x0 i i  y=−1 otherwise 64
  • 65. Support vector machines G1 G2 Y 1 0.21 0.64 C1 2 0.57 0.26 C2 3 0.21 0.68 C2 4 0.69 0.52 C1 5 0.83 0.96 C1 6 0.48 -0.52 C2 kernel matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 0.14 0.96 0.17 0.01 0.24 2 0.14 1 0.02 0.17 0.22 0.67 SVM 3 0.96 0.02 1 0.15 0.27 0.07 4 0.17 0.7 0.15 1 0.37 0.55 algorithm 5 0.01 0.22 0.27 0.37 1 -0.25 6 0.24 0.67 0.07 0.55 -0.25 1 Y Class labels 1 C1 2 C2 3 C2 Classification G1 Y 1 ACGCTCTATAG C1 4 C1 model 5 C1 2 ACTCGCTTAGA C2 6 C2 3 GTCTCTGAGAG C2 4 CGCTAGCGTCG C1 5 CGATCAGCAGC C1 6 GCTCGCGCTCG C2 65
  • 66. Examples of kernels  Linear kernel: k(x,x')= <x,x'>  Polynomial kernel k(x,x')=(<x,x'>+1)d (main parameter: d, the maximum degree)  Radial basis function kernel: k(x,x')=exp(-||x-x'||2/(22)) (main parameter: , the spread of the distribution) ● + many kernels that have been defined for structured data types (eg. texts, graphs, trees, images) 66
  • 67. Feature ranking with linear kernel  With a linear kernel, the model looks like: C1 if w0+w1*x1+w2*x2+...+wK*xK>0 h(x1,x2,...,xK)= C2 otherwise  Most important variables are those corresponding to large |wi| 100 |w| 75 50 25 0 variables 67
  • 68. SVM parameters  Mainly two sets of parameters in SVM:  Optimization algorithm's parameters:  Control the number of training errors versus the margin (when the learning sample is not linearly separable)  Kernel's parameters:  choice of particular kernel  given this choice, usually one complexity parameter  eg, the degree of the polynomial kernel  Again, these parameters can be determined by cross- validation 68
  • 69. Support vector machines  Advantages:  State-of-the-art accuracy on many problems  Can handle any data types by changing the kernel (many applications on sequences, texts, graphs...)  Drawbacks:  Tuning the parameter is very crucial to get good results and somewhat tricky  Black-box models, not easy to interprete 69
  • 70. A note on kernel methods  The kernel trick can be applied to any (learning) algorithm whose solution can be expressed in terms of dot-products in the original input space  It makes a non-linear algorithm from a linear one  Can work in a very highly dimensional space (even infinite) without requiring to explicitly compute the features  Decouple the representation stage from the learning stage. The same learning machine can be applied to a large range of problems  Examples: ridge regression, perceptron, PCA, k- means... 70
  • 71. Decision (classification) trees  A learning algorithm that can handle:  Classification problems (binary or multi-valued)  Attributes may be discrete (binary or multi-valued) or continuous.  Classification trees were invented at least twice:  By statisticians: CART (Breiman et al.)  By the AI community: ID3, C4.5 (Quinlan et al.) 71
  • 72. Decision trees  A decision tree is a tree where:  Each interior node tests an attribute  Each branch corresponds to an attribute value  Each leaf node is labeled with a class A1 a13 a11 a12 A2 A3 c1 a21 a22 a31 a32 c1 c2 c2 c1 72
  • 73. A simple database: playtennis Day Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play Tennis D1 Sunny Hot High Weak No D2 Sunny Hot High Strong No D3 Overcast Hot High Weak Yes D4 Rain Mild Normal Weak Yes D5 Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes D6 Rain Cool Normal Strong No D7 Overcast Cool High Strong Yes D8 Sunny Mild Normal Weak No D9 Sunny Hot Normal Weak Yes D10 Rain Mild Normal Strong Yes D11 Sunny Cool Normal Strong Yes D12 Overcast Mild High Strong Yes D13 Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes D14 Rain Mild High Strong No 73
  • 74. A decision tree for playtennis Outlook Sunny Rain Overcast Humidity Wind yes High Normal Strong Weak no yes no yes Should we play tennis on D15? Day Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play Tennis D15 Sunny Hot High Weak ? 74
  • 75. Top-down induction of DTs  Choose « best » attribute  Split the learning sample  Proceed recursively until each object is correctly classified Outlook Rain Sunny Overcast Day Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Play Day Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Play D1 Sunny Hot High Weak No D4 Rain Mild Normal Weak Yes D2 Sunny Hot High Strong No D5 Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes D8 Sunny Mild High Weak No D6 Rain Cool Normal Strong No D9 Sunny Hot Normal Weak Day Yes Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Play D10 Rain Mild Normal Strong Yes D11 Sunny Cool Normal Strong D3 Yes Overcast Hot High Weak Yes D14 Rain Mild High Strong No D7 Overcast Cool High Strong Yes D12 Overcast Mild High Strong Yes D13 Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes 75
  • 76. Top-down induction of DTs Procedure learn_dt(learning sample, LS)  If all objects from LS have the same class  Create a leaf with that class  Else  Find the « best » splitting attribute A  Create a test node for this attribute  For each value a of A  Build LSa= {o  LS | A(o) is a}  Use Learn_dt(LSa) to grow a subtree from LSa. 76
  • 77. Which attribute is best ? A1=? [29+,35-] A2=? [29+,35-] T F T F [21+,5-] [8+,30-] [18+,33-] [11+,2-]  A “score” measure is defined to evaluate splits  This score should favor class separation at each step (to shorten the tree depth)  Common score measures are based on information theory I (LS, A) H( LS)  | LS left | H(LS left )  | LSright | H(LS right) | LS | | LS | 77
  • 78. Effect of number of nodes on error Error Under-fitting Over-fitting CV error LS error Optimal complexity Nb nodes 78
  • 79. How can we avoid overfitting?  Pre-pruning: stop growing the tree earlier, before it reaches the point where it perfectly classifies the learning sample  Post-pruning: allow the tree to overfit and then post- prune the tree  Ensemble methods (later) 79
  • 80. Post-pruning Error Under-fitting Over-fitting CV error 2. Tree pruning 1. Tree growing LS error Optimal complexity Nb nodes 80
  • 81. Numerical variables  Example: temperature as a number instead of a discrete value  Two solutions:  Pre-discretize: Cold if Temperature<70, Mild between 70 and 75, Hot if Temperature>75  Discretize during tree growing: Temperature 65.4 >65.4 no yes optimization of the threshold to maximize the score 81
  • 82. Illustrative example 1 M2<0.33? yes no M2 Healthy M1<0.91? 0 0 1 M1<0.23? M2<0.91? M1 Healthy Sick M2<0.75? M2<0.49? Healthy Sick M2<0.65? Sick Sick Healthy 82
  • 83. Regression trees Trees for regression problems: exactly the same model but with a number in each leaf instead of a class Outlook Rain Sunny Overcast Humidity Wind 45.6 High Normal Strong Weak 22.3 Temperature 64.4 7.4 <71 >71 1.2 3.4 83
  • 84. Interpretability and attribute selection  Interpretability  Intrinsically, a decision tree is highly interpretable  A tree may be converted into a set of “if…then” rules.  Attribute selection  If some attributes are not useful for classification, they will not be selected in the (pruned) tree  Of practical importance, if measuring the value of a variable is costly (e.g. medical diagnosis)  Decision trees are often used as a pre-processing for other learning algorithms that suffer more when there are irrelevant variables 84
  • 85. Attribute importance  In many applications, all variables do not contribute equally in predicting the output.  We can evaluate variable importances with trees Outlook Humidity Wind Temperature 85
  • 86. Decision and regression trees  Advantages:  very fast and scalable method (able to handle a very large number of inputs and objects)  provide directly interpretable models and give an idea of the relevance of attributes  Drawbacks:  high variance (more on this later)  often not as accurate as other methods 86
  • 87. Ensemble methods ... Sick Healthy ... Sick Sick  Combine the predictions of several models built with a learning algorithm. Often improve very much accuracy.  Often used in combination with decision trees for efficiency reasons  Examples of algorithms: Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting... 87
  • 88. Bagging: motivation  Different learning samples yield different models, especially when the learning algorithm overfits the data 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 As there is only one optimal model, this variance is source of error  Solution: aggregate several models to obtain a more stable one 1 88 0 0 1
  • 89. Bagging: bootstrap aggregating Boostrap sampling (sampling with replacement) 0 ... 0 0 10 ... Sick Healthy ... Sick Sick Note: the more models, the better. 89
  • 90. Bootstrap sampling  Sampling with replacement G1 G2 Y G1 G2 Y 1 0.74 0.68 Healthy 3 0.86 0.09 Healthy 2 0.78 0.45 Disease 7 -0.34 -0.45 Healthy 3 0.86 0.09 Healthy 2 0.78 0.45 Disease 4 0.2 0.61 Disease 9 0.1 0.3 Healthy 5 0.2 -5.6 Healthy 3 0.86 0.09 Healthy 6 0.32 0.6 Disease 10 -0.34 -0.65 Healthy 7 -0.34 -0.45 Healthy 1 0.74 0.68 Healthy 8 0.89 -0.34 Disease 8 0.89 -0.34 Disease 9 0.1 0.3 Healthy 6 0.32 0.6 Disease 10 -0.34 -0.65 Healthy 10 -0.34 -0.65 Healthy  Some objects do not appear, some objects appear several times 90
  • 91. Boosting  Idea of boosting: combine many « weak » models to produce a more powerful one.  Weak model = a model that underfits the data (strictly, in classification, a model slightly better than random guessing)  Adaboost:  At each step, adaboost forces the learning algorithm to focus on the cases from the learning sample misclassified by the last model  The predictions of the models are combined through a weighted vote. More accurate models have more weights in the vote. Eg., by duplicating the missclassified examples in the learning sample 91
  • 92. Boosting LS LS1 LS2 … LST ... … Healthy Sick Healthy w1 w2 wT Healthy 92
  • 93. Interpretability and efficiency  When combined with decision trees, ensemble methods loose interpretability and efficiency  However,  We still can use the ensemble to compute the importance of variables (by averaging it over all trees) 100 75 50 25 0  Ensemble methods can be parallelized and boosting type algorithm uses smaller trees. So, the increase of computing times is not so detrimental. 93
  • 94. Example on microarray data  72 patients, 7129 gene expressions, 2 classes of Leukemia (ALL and AML) (Golub et al., Science, 1999)  Leave-one-out error with several variants Method Error 1 decision tree 22.2% (16/72) Random forests (k=85,T=500) 9.7% (7/72) Extra-trees (sth=0.5, T=500) 5.5% (4/72) Adaboost (1 test node, T=500) 1.4% (1/72)  Variable importance with boosting 100 Importance 75 50 25 0 94 variables
  • 95. Method comparison Method Accuracy Efficiency Interpretability Ease of use kNN ++ + + ++ DT + +++ +++ +++ Linear ++ +++ ++ +++ Ensemble +++ +++ ++ +++ ANN +++ + + ++ SVM ++++ + + +  Note:  The relative importance of the criteria depends on the specific application  These are only general trends. Eg., in terms of accuracy, no algorithm is always better than all 95 others.
  • 96. Outline ● Introduction ● Supervised Learning  Introduction  Model selection, cross-validation, overfitting  Some supervised learning algorithms  Beyond classification and regression ● Other learning protocols/frameworks 96
  • 97. Beyond classification and regression  All supervised learning problems can not be turned into standard classification or regression problems  Examples:  Graph predictions  Sequence labeling  image segmentation 97
  • 98. Structured output approaches  Decomposition:  Reduce the problem to several simpler classification or regression problems by decomposing the output  Not always possible and does not take into account interactions between suboutputs  Kernel output methods  Extend regression methods to handle an output space endowed with a kernel  This can be done with regression trees or ridge regression for example  Large margin methods  Use SVM-based approaches to learn a model that scores directly input-output pairs: y=arg max y ' ∑ w i  i  x , y '  98 i
  • 99. Outline  Introduction  Supervised learning  Other learning protocols/frameworks ● Semi-supervised learning ● Transductive learning ● Active learning ● Reinforcement learning ● Unsupervised learning 99
  • 100. Labeled versus unlabeled data  Unlabeled data=input-output pairs without output value  In many settings, unlabeled data is cheap but labeled data can be hard to get  labels may require human experts  human annotation is expensive, slow, unreliable  labels may require special devices  Examples:  Biomedical domain  Speech analysis  Natural language parsing  Image categorization/segmentation  Network measurement 100
  • 101. Semi-supervised learning  Goal: exploit both labeled and unlabeled data to build better models than using each one alone A1 A2 A3 A4 Y 0.01 0.37 T 0.54 Healthy labeled data -2.3 -1.2 F 0.37 Disease 0.69 -0.78 F 0.63 Healthy -0.56 -0.89 T -0.42 unlabeled data -0.85 0.62 F -0.05 -0.17 0.09 T 0.29 test data -0.09 0.3 F 0.17 ?  Why would it improve? 101
  • 102. Some approaches  Self-training  Iteratively label some unlabeled examples with a model learned from the previously labeled examples  Semi-supervised SVM (S3VM)  Enumerate all possible labeling of the unlabeled examples  Learn an SVM for each labeling  Pick the one with the largest margin 102
  • 103. Some approaches  Graph-based algorithms  Build a graph over the (labeled and unlabeled) examples (from the inputs)  Learn a model that predicts well labeled examples and is smooth over the graph 103
  • 104. Transductive learning  Like supervised learning but we have access to the test data from the beginning and we want to exploit it  We don't want a model, only compute predictions for the unlabeled data  Simple solution:  Apply semi-supervised learning techniques using the test data as unlabeled data to get a model  Use the resulting model to make predictions on the test data  There exist also specific algorithms that avoid building a model 104
  • 105. Active learning  Goal:  given unlabeled data, find (adaptively) the examples to label in order to learn an accurate model  The hope is to reduce the number of labeled instances with respect to the standard batch SL  Usually, in an online setting:  choose the k “best” unlabeled examples  determine their labels  update the model and iterate  Algorithms differ in the way the unlabeled examples are selected  Example: choose the k examples for which the model predictions are the most uncertain 105
  • 106. Reinforcement learning Learning form interactions a0 a1 a2 s0 s1 s2 ... r0 r1 r2 Goal: learn to choose sequence of actions (= policy) that maximizes 2 r 0 r 1 r 2 ... , where 01 106
  • 107. RL approaches  System is usually modeled by  state transition probabilities P  st 1∣s t , at   reward probabilities P r t1∣st , at  (= Markov Decision Process)  Model of the dynamics and reward is known try to compute optimal policy by dynamic programming  Model is unknown  Model-based approaches first learn a model of the dynamics and then derive an optimal policy from it (DP)  Model-free approaches learn directly a policy from the observed system trajectories 107
  • 108. Reinforcement versus supervised learning  Batch-mode SL: learn a mapping from input to output from observed input-output pairs  Batch-mode RL: learn a mapping from state to action from observed (state,action,reward) triplets  Online active learning: combine SL and (online) selection of instances to label  Online RL: combine policy learning with control of the system and generation of the training trajectories  Note:  RL would reduce to SL if the optimal action was known in each state  SL is used inside RL to model system dynamics and/or value functions 108
  • 109. Examples of applications  Robocup Soccer Teams (Stone & Veloso, Riedmiller et al.)  Inventory Management (Van Roy, Bertsekas, Lee &Tsitsiklis)  Dynamic Channel Assignment, Routing (Singh & Bertsekas, Nie & Haykin, Boyan & Littman)  Elevator Control (Crites & Barto)  Many Robots: navigation, bi-pedal walking, grasping, switching between skills...  Games: TD-Gammon and Jellyfish (Tesauro, Dahl) 109
  • 110. Unsupervised learning  Unsupervised learning tries to find any regularities in the data without guidance about inputs and outputs A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 -0.27 -0.15 -0.14 0.91 -0.17 0.26 -0.48 -0.1 -0.53 -0.65 0.23 0.22 0.98 0.57 0.02 -0.55 -0.32 0.28 -0.33 -2.3 -1.2 -4.5 -0.01 -0.83 0.66 0.55 0.27 -0.65 0.39 -1.3 -0.2 -3.5 0.4 0.21 -0.87 0.64 0.6 -0.29 0.41 0.77 -0.44 0 0.03 -0.82 0.17 0.54 -0.04 0.6 0.41 0.66 -0.27 -0.86 -0.92 0 0.48 0.74 0.49 0.28 -0.71 -0.82 0.27 -0.21 -0.9 0.61 -0.57 0.44 0.21 0.97 -0.27 0.74 0.2 -0.16 0.7 0.79 0.59 -0.33 -0.28 0.48 0.79 -0.14 0.8 0.28 0.75 0.26 0.3 -0.78 -0.72 0.94 -0.78 0.48 0.26 0.83 -0.88 -0.59 0.71 0.01 0.36 0.03 0.03 0.59 -0.5 0.4 -0.88 -0.53 0.95 0.15 0.31 0.06 0.37 0.66 -0.34 0.79 -0.12 0.49 -0.53 -0.8 -0.64 -0.93 -0.51 0.28 0.25 0.01 -0.94 0.96 0.25 -0.12 0.27 -0.72 -0.77 -0.31 0.44 0.58 -0.86 0.04 0.94 -0.92 -0.38 -0.07 0.98 0.1 0.19 -0.57 -0.69 -0.23 0.05 0.13 -0.28 0.98 -0.08 -0.3 -0.84 0.47 -0.88 -0.73 -0.4 0.58 0.24 0.08 -0.2 0.42 -0.61 -0.13 -0.47 -0.36 -0.37 0.95 -0.31 0.25 0.55 0.52 -0.66 -0.56 0.97 -0.93 0.91 0.36 -0.14 -0.9 0.65 0.41 -0.12 0.35 0.21 0.22 0.73 0.68 -0.65 -0.4 0.91 -0.64  Are there interesting groups of variables or samples? outliers? What are the dependencies between variables? 110
  • 111. Unsupervised learning methods  Many families of problems exist, among which:  Clustering: try to find natural groups of samples/variables  eg: k-means, hierarchical clustering  Dimensionality reduction: project the data from a high- dimensional space down to a small number of dimensions  eg: principal/independent component analysis, MDS  Density estimation: determine the distribution of data within the input space  eg: bayesian networks, mixture models. 111
  • 112. Clustering  Goal: grouping a collection of objects into subsets or “clusters”, such that those within each cluster are more closely related to one another than objects assigned to different clusters 112
  • 113. Clustering variables  Clustering rows grouping similar objects  Clustering columns grouping similar variables objects across samples  Bi-Clustering/Two-way clustering grouping objects that are Bi-cluster Cluster of objects similar across a subset of Cluster of variables variables 113
  • 114. Clustering  Two essential components of cluster analysis:  Distance measure: A notion of distance or similarity of two objects: When are two objects close to each other?  Cluster algorithm: A procedure to minimize distances of objects within groups and/or maximize distances between groups 114
  • 115. Examples of distance measures  Euclidean distance measures average difference across coordinates  Manhattan distance measures average difference across coordinates, in a robust way  Correlation distance measures difference with respect to trends 115
  • 116. Clustering algorithms  Popular algorithms for clustering  hierarchical clustering  K-means  SOMs (Self-Organizing Maps)  autoclass, mixture models...  Hierarchical clustering allows the choice of the dissimilarity matrix.  k-Means and SOMs take original data directly as input. Attributes are assumed to live in Euclidean space. 116
  • 117. Hierarchical clustering Agglomerative clustering: 1. Each object is assigned to its own cluster 2. Iteratively:  the two most similar clusters are joined and replaced by a new one  the distance matrix is updated with this new cluster replacing the two joined clusters (divisive clustering would start from a big cluster) 117
  • 118. Distance between two clusters  Single linkage uses the smallest distance  Complete linkage uses the largest distance  Average linkage uses the average distance 118
  • 120. Dendrogram  Hierarchical clustering are visualized through dendrograms  Clusters that are joined are combined by a line  Height of line is distance between clusters  Can be used to determine visually the number of clusters 120
  • 121. Hierarchical clustering  Strengths  No need to assume any particular number of clusters  Can use any distance matrix  Find sometimes a meaningful taxonomy  Limitations  Find a taxonomy even if it does not exist  Once a decision is made to combine two clusters it cannot be undone  Not well theoretically motivated 121
  • 122. k-Means clustering  Partitioning algorithm with a prefixed number k of clusters  Use Euclidean distance between objects  Try to minimize the sum of intra-cluster variances k ∑ ∑ d 2  o,c j  j= 1 o∈Cluster j where cj is the center of cluster j and d2 is the Euclidean distance 122
  • 126. k-Means clustering  Strengths  Simple, understandable  Can cluster any new point (unlike hierarchical clustering)  Well motivated theoretically  Limitations  Must fix the number of clusters beforehand  Sensitive to the initial choice of cluster centers  Sensitive to outliers 126
  • 127. Suboptimal clustering  You could obtain any of these from a random start of k-means  Solution: restart the algorithm several times 127
  • 128. Principal Component Analysis  An exploratory technique used to reduce the dimensionality of the data set to a smaller space (2D, 3D) A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 PC1 PC2 0.25 0.93 0.04 -0.78 -0.53 0.57 0.19 0.29 0.37 -0.22 0.36 0.1 -2.3 -1.2 -4.5 -0.51 -0.76 0.07 0.81 0.95 0.99 0.26 -2.3 -1.2 -0.29 -1 0.73 -0.33 0.52 0.13 0.13 0.53 -0.5 -0.48 0.27 -0.89 -0.16 -0.17 -0.26 0.32 -0.08 -0.38 -0.48 0.99 -0.95 0.34 -0.19 0.7 0.07 -0.87 0.39 0.5 -0.63 -0.53 0.79 0.88 0.74 -0.14 -0.77 -0.7 0.61 0.15 0.68 -0.94 0.5 0.06 -0.56 0.49 0 -0.77 -0.65 -0.99  Transform some large number of variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables called principal components (PCs) 128
  • 129. Objectives of PCA  Reduce dimensionality (pre-processing for other methods)  Choose the most useful (informative) variables  Compress the data  Visualize multidimensional data  to identify groups of objects  to identify outliers 129
  • 130. Basic idea  Goal: map data points into a few dimensions while trying to preserve the variance of the data as much as possible First component Second component 130
  • 131. Each component is a linear combination of the original variables A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 PC1 PC2 -0.39 -0.38 0.29 0.65 0.15 0.73 -0.57 0.91 -0.89 -0.17 0.62 -0.33 -2.3 -1.2 -4.5 -0.15 0.86 -0.85 0.43 -0.19 -0.83 -0.4 -2.3 -1.2 0.9 0.4 -0.11 0.62 0.94 0.97 0.1 -0.41 0.01 0.1 0.88 0.31 -0.82 -0.31 0.14 0.22 -0.49 -0.76 0.27 0 -0.43 -0.81 -0.18 -0.05 0.71 0.39 -0.09 0.26 -0.46 -0.05 0.46 0.39 -0.01 0.64 -0.39 -0.01 -0.25 0.27 -0.81 -0.42 0.62 0.54 -0.67 -0.15 -0.46 0.69 -0.61 0.53 Scores for each sample and PC PC1=0.2*A1+3.4*A2-4.5*A3 VAR(PC1)=4.5  45% PC2=0.4*A4+5.6*A5+2.3*A7 VAR(PC2)=3.3  33% ... ... Loading of a variable For each component, we  Gives an idea of its importance in have a measure of the the component percentage of the variance  Can be use for selecting of the initial data that it biomarkers contains 131
  • 132. Books  Reference textbooks for the course  The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. T. Hastie et al, Springer, 2001  Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics). C.M.Bishop, Springer, 2004  Other textbooks  Pattern classification (2nd edition). R.Duda, P.Hart, D.Stork, Wiley Interscience, 2000  Introduction to Machine Learning. Ethan Alpaydin, MIT Press, 2004.  Machine Learning. Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997. 132
  • 133. Books  More advanced topics  kernel methods for pattern analysis. J. Shawe-Taylor and N. Cristianini. Cambridge University Press, 2004  Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. R.S. Sutton and A.G. Barto. MIT Press, 1998  Neuro-Dynamic Programming. D.P Bertsekas and J.N. Tsitsiklis. Athena Scientific, 1996  Semi-supervised learning. Chapelle et al., MIT Press, 2006  Predicting structured data. G. Bakir et al., MIT Press, 2007 133
  • 134. Softwares  Pepito  www.pepite.be  Free for academic research and education  WEKA  http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/  Many R and Matlab packages  http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/spider/  http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.html  134
  • 135. Journals  Journal of Machine Learning Research  Machine Learning  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research  Neural computation  Annals of Statistics  IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery  ... 135
  • 136. Conferences  International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)  European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML)  Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)  Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)  International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)  International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)  Computational Learning Theory (COLT)  Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD)  ... 136