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Deep Learning
Conceptual Understanding & Application Variants
The aim of this slide is at conceptual understanding of deep learning, rather than
implementing it for practical applications. That is, this is more for paper readers, less for
system developers.

Note that, some variables are not uniquely defined nor consistently used for convenience.
Also, variable/constant and vector/matrix are not clearly distinct.

More importantly, some descriptions may be incorrect due to lack of my ability.
Deep Learning (DL)
is, in concise,
a deep and wide neural network.
That is half-true.
Deep Learning is difficult
because of
lack of understanding
— artificial neural network (ANN)
— unfamiliar applications.
— Signal transmission between neurons
— Graphical model (Belief network)
— Linear regression / logistic regression
— Weight, bias & activation
— (Feed-forward) Multi-layer perceptron (MLP)
— Optimization
— Back-propagation
— (Stochastic) Gradient-decent
— Applications
— Speech recognition (Audio)
— Natural language processing (Text)
— Information retrieval (Text)
— Image recognition (Vision)
— & yours (+)
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
ANN is a nested ensemble of [logistic] regressions.
Perceptron & Message Passing
5 5
y = x
Message passing
y = Σ x
y = Σ wx
y = Σ wx + b
Linear regression
y = sigm(Σwx + b)
Logistic regression
Activation function
— Linear g(a) = a
— Sigmoid g(a) = sigm(a) = 1 / (1 + exp(-a))
— Tanh g(a) = tanh(a) = (exp(a) - exp(-a)) / (exp(a) + exp(-a))
— Rectified linear g(a) = reclin(a) = max(0, a)
— Step
— Gaussian
— Softmax, usually for the output layer
Bias controls activation.
y = ax
y = ax + b
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Linearly non-separable by a single perceptron
Input layer
Hidden layer
Output layer
Interconnecting weight
Activation function
Back-Propagation & Optimization
{x, y} h=a(wx+b) y'=a2(w2h+b2)
l = y - y'w2 & b2w & b
R & b2
RwR & bR
{x, y}
—> feed-forward

<— back-propagation
Reinforced through epoch
ANN is a reinforcement learning.
Local minimum Plateaus
Stochastic Gradient Descent
The slide excludes details. 

See reference tutorial for that.
ANN is a good approximator of any functions,
if well-designed and trained.
Deep Learning
DL (DNN) is a deep and wide neural network.
many (2+) hidden layers
many input/hidden nodes
Large matrix
Many matrix
Image from googling
Brain image from Simon Thorpe

Other from googling
Many large connection matrices (W)
— Computational burden (GPU)
— Insufficient labeled data (Big Data)
— Under-fitting (Optimization)
— Over-fitting (Regularization)
Unsupervised makes DL success.
Unsupervised pre-training
— Initialize W matrices in an unsupervised manner
— Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)
— Auto-encoder
— Pre-train in a layer-wise (stacking) fashion
— Fine-tune in a supervised manner
Unsupervised representation learning
— Construct a feature space
— Auto-encoder
— Sparse coding
— Feed new features to a shallow ANN as input
cf, PCA + regression
Deep learning - Conceptual understanding and applications
Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)
Boltzmann Machine Example
if k <= n (single & linear), then AE becomes PCA.
otherwise, AE can be arbitrary (over-complete).
Hidden & Output layers plays the role of semantic
feature space in general

- compresses & latent feature (under-complete)

- expanded & primitive feature (over-complete)
Denoising auto-encoder
Contractive auto-encoder
Regularized auto-encoder
Same as Ridge (or similar to Lasso) Regression
Hinton and Salakhutdinov, Science, 2006
Deep auto-encoder
(k > n, over-complete)
Sparse coding

Training in the order of RBM1, RBM2, RBM3, …
Neural Network+
- Sparse coding
- Auto-encoder
Stochastic Dropout Training
for preventing over-fitting
Deep Architecture
Deep architecture is an ensemble of shallow networks.
Key Deep Architectures
— Deep Neural Network (DNN)
— Deep Belief Network (DBN)
— Deep Boltzmann Machine (DBM)
— Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
— Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
— Multi-modal/multi-tasking
— Deep Stacking Network (DSN)
— Speech recognition
— Natural language processing
— Image recognition
— Information retrieval
Application Characteristic

- Non-numeric data

- Large dimension (curse of dimensionality)
Natural language processing
— Word embedding
— Language modeling
— Machine translation
— Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
— Named entity recognition
— Sentiment analysis
— Paraphrase detection
— …
Deep-structured semantic modeling (DSSM)
BM25(Q, D) vs Corr(sim(Q, D), CTR)
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Recursive Neural Network
Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
CBOW & Skip-gram (Word2Vec)
Deep Stacking Network (DSN)
Tensor Deep Stacking Network (TDSN)
Multi-modal / Mulit-tasking
Google Picture to Text
Content-based Spotify Recommendation
In various applications,
Deep Learning provides either
— better performance than state-of-the-art
— similar performance with less labor
Deep Personalization
with Rich Profile in a Vector Representation
- Versatile / flexible input

- Dimension reduction

- Same feature space

==> Similarity computation
RNN for CF
Hard work
— Application-specific configuration
— Network structure
— Objective and loss function
— Parameter optimization
Deep learning - Conceptual understanding and applications
Yann LeCun —> Facebook
Geoffrey Hinton —> Google
Andrew Ng —> Baidu
Joshua Benjio —> U of Montreal
— http://info.usherbrooke.ca/hlarochelle/neural_networks/content.html
— http://deeplearning.stanford.edu/tutorial
— Deep learning: Method and Applications (Deng & Yu, 2013)
— Representation learning: A review and new perspective (Benjio et al., 2014)
— Learning deep architecture for AI (Benjio, 2009)
Slide & Video
— http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fleet/courses/cifarSchool09/slidesBengio.pdf
— http://nlp.stanford.edu/courses/NAACL2013
— Deep learning (Benjio et al. 2015) http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioy/dlbook/
Open Sources (from wikipedia)
— Torch (Lua) https://github.com/torch/torch7
— Theano (Python) https://github.com/Theano/Theano/
— Deeplearning4j (word2vec for Java) https://github.com/SkymindIO/deeplearning4j
— ND4J (Java) http://nd4j.org https://github.com/SkymindIO/nd4j
— DeepLearn Toolbox (matlab) https://github.com/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox/
— convnetjs (javascript) https://github.com/karpathy/convnetjs
— Gensim (word2vec for Python) https://github.com/piskvorky/gensim
— Caffe (image) http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org
— More+++
Some reference citations are missed.
Many of them come from the first tutorial and the
first paper, and others from googling.
All rights of those images captured, albeit not explicitly
cited, are reserved to original authors.
Free to share, but cautious of that.
Left to Blank

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