This document discusses the performance evaluation and parametric study of basic and reheated cooled gas turbine cycles using exergy analysis. It presents schematic diagrams of the basic and reheated gas turbine cycles with air film blade cooling. Governing equations for modeling the cycle components are provided. Results from a MATLAB simulation show that for both cycles, coolant mass flow rate increases with increasing turbine inlet temperature and compressor pressure ratio. Exergy efficiency decreases with increasing turbine inlet temperature but increases with increasing pressure ratio. The basic cooled gas turbine cycle has higher exergy efficiency than the reheated cycle when the turbine inlet temperature is 1800K and pressure ratio is 30.
IRJET- Optimization and CFD Analysis on Profile Elements of Regenerative Rota...IRJET Journal
This document discusses the optimization and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of different profile elements in a regenerative rotary air preheater. It begins with an introduction to rotary air preheaters and describes the various profile types used as heat transfer elements. Experimental measurements from a coal-fired power plant are presented. CFD models of five profile elements are analyzed to determine their outlet air and flue gas temperatures. The results show that the advanced clear element profile provides the best performance with higher air outlet temperature and lower flue gas outlet temperature compared to other profiles.
Validation of Design Parameters of Radiator using Computational ToolIRJET Journal
This document discusses the validation of design parameters for automobile radiators using computational tools. It presents two case studies where the thermal performance of radiators is analyzed using the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) and number of transfer units (NTU) methods and the results are compared to those from a computational software tool (HXCombine). The results show good agreement between the manual calculations and software outputs, validating the use of computational tools for radiator design. Parameters like heat transfer rate, outlet temperatures, effectiveness and heat transfer area are compared for both case studies. This research demonstrates that computational tools can accurately analyze and design radiator performance.
An approach to evaluate the heat exchanger retrofit for installed industrial ...eSAT Journals
Abstract This paper is the first part of a two-part study aiming to introduce a new integrated approach to evaluate the techno-economic value of recuperator retrofit on existing gas turbine engines. The original gas turbines are designed for combined cycles so that the pressure ratios are moderate to secure suitable exhaust temperatures. One way to enhance the thermal efficiency of some gas turbines is by using recuperation to recover some of the exhaust heat. In this part, the developed model is described and implemented for two gas turbine engines so the obtained characteristics are evaluated against the actual data. The new approach will assist users to select the suitable gas turbine models with favorable recuperator characteristics based on a technical and economic prospective. Besides, the performance results are used to design an appropriate shell and tube heat exchanger. Moreover, a new technique has been established to define the typical heat exchanger parameters in order to ensure the highest possible improvements over the original cycles. One of the main features of this method is that it depends only on the velocity of hot and cold heat exchanger streams from which the rest of the heat exchanger design and performance characteristics were derived. Key Words: integrated approach, techno-economic value, recuperation, shell and tube heat exchanger, velocity
This document summarizes the results of a thermal analysis of a gas turbine power plant to improve performance efficiency. The analysis considers three gas turbine cycles: simple cycle, intercooled cycle, and regenerative cycle. For the intercooled cycle, the analysis found that thermal efficiency increases with higher intercooler effectiveness and decreases with higher ambient temperature. Compressor work also decreases with higher intercooler effectiveness. For the regenerative cycle, thermal efficiency decreases with higher ambient temperature and lower regenerator effectiveness. The regenerative cycle has higher thermal efficiency than the simple cycle under the same operating conditions. The analysis provides equations to calculate key performance parameters for optimizing efficiency.
Thermal analysis of cooling effect on gas turbine bladeeSAT Journals
This document analyzes the film cooling technique used to cool gas turbine blades where temperatures exceed 1122 K. It finds that the thermal efficiency of a cooled gas turbine is slightly lower than an uncooled one due to the decreased turbine inlet temperature from cooling. However, cooling is necessary to increase blade life as temperatures rise above 1123K. The document also examines how increasing the overall pressure ratio further decreases the net power output of cooled gas turbines.
IRJET-Detailed Energy Audit in a Captive Cogeneration PlantIRJET Journal
D.Rajani Kant , B.Sudheer Prem Kumar, N.Ravi Kumar, R.Virendra,J.Suresh Babu " Detailed Energy Audit in a Captive Cogeneration Plant ", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume2,issue-01 April 2015.e-ISSN:2395-0056, p-ISSN:2395-0072.
The rate of exploitation of the energy resources has been expanding over time and resulted in reduction of fossil fuel reserves. Efficiency of all resources is crucial both in environmental and economic sense. Using energy inefficiently creates waste in all the world’s economies. It has environmental impacts with regional, local and global implications.The key object is to adopt energy management in every field in order to reduce the wastage of energy sources and cost effectiveness without affecting productivity and growth.
IRJET- Design, Analysis & Weight Reduction of Shell of Refrigerator CompressorIRJET Journal
This document describes a study on optimizing the shell and piston of a refrigerator compressor to reduce weight and increase efficiency. The current shell and piston designs are modeled in CATIA and analyzed in ANSYS to determine stress distributions. Various optimization methods are then explored, including changing dimensions while keeping the same material, and changing the material while keeping dimensions the same. Iterative analyses are performed to identify optimized designs that reduce weight by 30-50% while still meeting strength requirements. The optimized designs will lower the power consumption and running costs of the refrigerator compressor.
Optimization of time step and cfd study of combustion in di diesel engineeSAT Publishing House
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
Investigation of Heat Dissipation in Petrol Engine Cylinder during Explosion ...IJARTES
The current work determines the rate of heat flow
from an engine cylinder. The heat addition during the heat
addition stage or during explosion is determined by using the
classical equations. The heat dissipation from the cylinder is
enhanced by the fins provided around the cylinder. The results
which are obtained are validated with the finite element
analysis software ANSYS APDL. A study is conducted by
considering various materials to obtain optimum material
selection to enhance the better flow of heat from the system.
ME 490_HaydenYoungs_FinalReport.FinalCopyHayden Youngs
This document discusses substituting natural gas burners for electric heaters in industrial drying processes. It analyzes a case study of a manufacturing plant that currently uses electric heaters. The proposal is to remove the electric heaters and install natural gas burners while utilizing existing air ducts. Combustion calculations show natural gas is a viable fuel. A physical model was constructed and CFD simulations were performed. The results suggest natural gas burners could reduce costs and carbon emissions while increasing production speed compared to electric heaters. However, further work is needed to address emissions and ensure proper mixing of fuel and air for safe, efficient combustion.
Analysis of Process Parameters to Improve Power Plant EfficiencyIOSRJMCE
This research paper analyses the operational parameters of a thermal power plant to improve effectively & efficient running of the machine while ensuring a degree of compliance with statutory regulations. This study aims to identify the operational gaps associated with running operational parameter in power plant process. It is focused to detect a different thermodynamic variable involved, being multivariate and automatic. For variation of each one of this operational parameters, performance calculations are find out to configure a database of energy variation. The variable data sets now can be used as assessment criteria based on detecting deviations from a reference system that has been updated during plant-performance tests. Although the most important outcome is the highly precise and valuable information that will be obtained on the live operating mode, leading to a head improvements in the cycle efficiency and achieved in the overall control system of the thermal plant. The main aim is to detect any abnormality, reacting as quickly as possible to return the plant to a normal operation mode at best efficient manner.
IRJET- A Review : Design, Analysis & Optimization of Pipe Stack Heat Exchange...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a review paper on the design, analysis, and optimization of a 22 meter pipe stack heat exchanger. It discusses pipe stack heat exchangers and their common use in industries. The paper reviews literature on heat exchanger design parameters like baffle position, cut percentage, tube patterns, and material selection. It describes modeling a heat exchanger in Solidworks software and analyzing it to optimize heat transfer and pressure drop. The document concludes that parameters like tube diameter, length, material, and temperature can improve heat transfer rates in pipe stack heat exchangers.
IRJET- Enhancement of Heat Transfer Effectiveness of Plate-Pin Fin Heat S...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study on enhancing the heat transfer effectiveness of plate-pin fin heat sinks. Nineteen different plate-pin fin heat sink models were numerically simulated and analyzed based on factors like heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, pressure drop, base plate temperature, fan power, and thermal resistance. The results showed that a plate-pin fin heat sink model with a plate cut thickness of D/3, where D is the pin diameter, performed the best with higher heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, and lower base plate temperature, pressure drop, fan power, and thermal resistance compared to other models. A heat sink model with pin fins containing two holes also showed improved performance over solid pin fins.
The purpose of current study is to analyze the performance of an open cycle gas turbine power plant using
the concepts of exergoeconomics. Exergoeconomic technique involves the use of Second law of
thermodynamics and assigns monetary values to the thermodynamic quantity known as exergy. Analyses
based on exergoeconomic criteria are done for the open cycle gas turbine power plant turbine. The
methodology is illustrated using the example of a 25 MW open cycle gas turbine power plant. Optimization
has been done for the open cycle gas turbine power plant as tradeoffs between the unit product cost of the
compressor and combustion chamber as functions of compressor pressure ratio and unit product costs of
combustion chamber and gas turbine as functions of turbine inlet temperature.
This document analyzes the performance enhancement of a 33.5 MW gas turbine power plant in Nigeria by modeling it with an evaporative cooler. Operating data from the plant over 5 years is collected and analyzed. A thermodynamic model of the simple gas turbine cycle and the cycle integrated with an evaporative cooler is developed. Key findings from the modeling show that inlet air cooling with an evaporative cooler can increase the plant's net power output by around 5-10% and thermal efficiency by 2-5%. Retrofitting the existing plant with an evaporative cooler is proposed as an attractive investment opportunity that could help address power shortages in Nigeria.
IRJET- Thermoelectrical Generator for Waste heat Recovery- ReviewIRJET Journal
This document reviews thermoelectric generators for recovering waste heat. It discusses how thermoelectric generators can directly convert waste heat into electrical energy in an environmentally friendly way. The document summarizes the operating principles of thermoelectric generators, which use the temperature difference across semiconductors to generate electricity. It also analyzes different heat exchanger designs and their impact on thermal uniformity and pressure drop when recovering heat from engine exhaust. Recovering only 30% of wasted heat could significantly improve engine efficiency.
Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPPs) are imperative for power generation with the capability for
deciphering power shortage during peak and off peak hours. To perk up the recital of the plant, foremost
locations of exergy losses are to be identified and analyzed. In the present work, exergetic analysis of a
CCPP is carried out using the computer programming tool Engineering Equation Solver (EES). The effects
of overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature on the exergy destruction in the CPR are
investigated. The results obtained are compared with that of simple gas turbine cycle power plant. During
real time operation of CCPP exergy destruction in different components is associated with change in
overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature (TIT). Out of the total exergy destruction in the cycle it
is the combustion chamber (CC) which is responsible for the maximum exergy destruction. Nearly 60% of
the total exergy is destroyed in CC. Results clearly show that with increase in complicacy of the power
plant structure, irreversibility of the processes can be improved.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc.
A Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Cylinder Head Water Jack...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the cylinder head water jacket of a diesel engine. The study aims to analyze heat transfer and fluid flow within the existing cooling jacket design. The cylinder head geometry is modeled in CATIA and CFD analysis is performed in ANSYS Fluent to investigate factors affecting cooling performance. Parameters will be optimized and validated against previous research to improve cooling performance through modifications to the jacket design and coolant mixture proportions.
IRJET- CFD Analysis and Optimization of Heat Transfer Basket Element Profiles...IRJET Journal
1) The document discusses CFD analysis and optimization of heat transfer basket element profiles in a Ljungstrom Air Preheater.
2) The analysis found that the Notched Corrugated profile provided lower flue gas outlet temperatures and higher air outlet temperatures compared to other profiles, improving heat transfer efficiency.
3) Temperature contour results from the CFD analysis showed how temperatures are distributed from the hot flue gases to the cold inlet air within the different element profiles.
Energy cost analysis of incorporating air intake cooling system in omotosho p...Alexander Decker
1) This document presents an energy cost analysis of incorporating an air intake cooling system at the Omotosho Phase 1 Thermal Power Plant in Nigeria.
2) Currently, the power plant's gas turbine units often operate above the standard ambient air temperature of 150C, resulting in lower thermal performance. Incorporating an air intake cooling system could improve the turbines' efficiency and power output.
3) The analysis found that retrofitting the plant with an air intake cooling system that lowers the air temperature from 26.14°C to 21°C would result in annual fuel savings of 498,138,760 Nigerian naira, making it an economically viable investment that improves the plant's performance.
Performance Enhancement of PV Cooling System – using Modifying Air Conditioni...IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on enhancing the performance of photovoltaic (PV) cooling systems using a modified air conditioning sizing approach. The key points are:
1) By using a smaller air conditioner size (e.g. 7 tons vs 10 tons) and higher air speeds, the study found solar fractions could be increased by 20-25% while still maintaining thermal comfort levels.
2) Analyzing annual load curves showed peak cooling loads above 75% capacity occurred over 90% of the time, suggesting air conditioners could be undersized.
3) Using a smaller air conditioner paired with higher ceiling fan speeds allowed indoor temperatures to be up to 3°C higher according to comfort standards
Design of Heat Exchanger Network for VCM Distillation Unit Using Pinch Techno...IJERA Editor
In process industries, heat exchanger networks represent an important part of the plant structure. The purpose of the networks is to maximize heat recovery, thereby lowering the overall plant costs. In process industries, during operation of any heat exchanger network (HEN), the major aim is to focus on the best performance of the network As in present condition of fuel crises is one of the major problem faced by many country & industrial utility is majorly depend on this. There is technique called process integration which is used for integrate heat within loop so optimize the given process and minimize the heating load and cooling load .In the present study of heat integration on VCM (vinyl chloride monomer) distillation unit, Heat exchanger network (HEN) is designed by using Aspen energy analyzer V8.0 software. This software implements a methodology for HEN synthesis with the use of pinch technology. Several heat integration networks are designed with different ΔT min and total annualized cost compared to obtain the optimal design. The network with a ΔT min of 90C is the most optimal where the largest energy savings are obtained with the appropriate use of utilities (Save 15.3764% for hot utilities and 47.52% for cold utilities compared with the current plant configuration). Percentage reduction in total operating cost is 18.333%. From calculation Payback Period for new design is 3.15 year. This save could be done through a plant revamp, with the addition of two heat exchangers. This improvement are done in the process associated with this technique are not due to the use of advance unit operation, but to the generation of heat integration scheme. The Pinch Design Method can be employed to give good designs in rapid time and with minimum data.
Conjugate Heat transfer Analysis of helical fins with airfoil cross-section a...IJERA Editor
Air Cooled Engines have been used in a variety of applications, ranging from airplanes to motorbikes and even stationary or portable engines. Since modern automobiles and airplanes use engines delivering more power, they have to be cooled more efficiently due to which a more complex water cooling system is used for cooling engines with large displacements. Hence air cooling is becoming a thing of the past, especially in the aviation sector due to the advent of more efficient gas turbine engines. However air cooled internal combustion engines are still being used in a wide variety of two-wheelers ranging from small single cylinder engines to heavy duty liter class V-twins and Inline fours, due to the non-practicalities associated with the installment of a bulky water cooling system in two-wheelers. So one can ascertain that there is a scope for improving the efficiency of air cooled engines even further. The objective of this paper is to analyze currently existing fin design employed in most of the air cooled engines and improve it by changing the cross-section to a streamlined one and also making the fins in a helical orientation as opposed to the regular circular fins employed. Our analysis comprises of a computational fluid dynamics study of both the fin models with identical dimensions and simulated in the same environment using ANSYS FLUENT 15 software and we attempt to compare their performance using the temperature and heat transfer coefficient distribution plots obtained.
Paper design and optimizaton of steam distribution systems for steam power pl...Tony Lewis
This document presents a methodology for optimizing the design of steam distribution networks (SDNs) for steam power plants. The methodology formulates the problem as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model to minimize total annualized cost. The model determines the optimal structure, configuration, and operation of the SDN as well as its interaction with the heat recovery system. Case studies are used to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the proposed simultaneous optimization approach.
This thesis analyzes the performance of a steam jet ejector chiller solar cooling system installed at Hochschule Karlsruhe during the summer of 2015. Key findings include:
1) The system operated reliably on days with temperatures under 32°C and provided the desired building cooling, though average cooling capacity was lower than the chiller's nominal rating.
2) Data analysis software was developed to evaluate seasonal performance indicators like collectors' yield, utilization factor, and COP values.
3) Over the summer, 25 operative days provided a total of 3,951 kWh of useful cooling while consuming 1,226 kWh of electricity. Thermal and electrical COP were 0.36 and 3.22 respectively
Shell and tube Heat exchanger (STHE) is one of the most common and widely used energy transporter suited for domestic usages as well as industrial applications. In this paper, we consider shell and tube heat exchanger as a device with known input and output parameters. This work utilizes imperative design constraints like tube configuration, fluids, surface and temperature (constant magnitude) as input parameters and energetic cycle efficiency considered as desired output parameter depicting performance of the device. The model was trained and tested by proposed Genetic algorithm (GA) technique. This entire computational procedure is implemented in MATLAB platform.
This document presents a thermo-economic analysis of evaporative cooling technology applied to a gas turbine power plant located in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The analysis shows that reducing the plant inlet temperature by 2 degrees C through evaporative cooling could lead to an increase in power output of 2.02 MW and a rise in plant efficiency from 21.76% to 21.90%. Economically, the total savings from applying evaporative cooling were estimated to be over $211,000 in 2004 due to the additional power generated. However, the plant may not see an immediate profit due to relatively low overall power output, but greater fuel savings and profits are expected in the long run as power output increases.
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
The combined cycle gas turbine integrates the Brayton cycle as topping cycle and the steam turbine
Rankine cycle as bottoming cycle in order to achieve higher thermal efficiency and proper utilization of
energy by minimizing the energy loss to a minimum. In this work, the effect of various operating
parameters such as maximum temperature and pressure of Rankine cycle, turbine inlet temperature and
pressure ratio of Brayton cycle on the net output work and thermal efficiency of the combine cycle are
investigated. The outcome of this work can be utilized in order to facilitate the design of a combined cycle
with higher efficiency and output work. A MATLAB simulation has been carried out to study the effects and
influences of the above mentioned parameters on the efficiency and work output.
Investigation of Heat Dissipation in Petrol Engine Cylinder during Explosion ...IJARTES
The current work determines the rate of heat flow
from an engine cylinder. The heat addition during the heat
addition stage or during explosion is determined by using the
classical equations. The heat dissipation from the cylinder is
enhanced by the fins provided around the cylinder. The results
which are obtained are validated with the finite element
analysis software ANSYS APDL. A study is conducted by
considering various materials to obtain optimum material
selection to enhance the better flow of heat from the system.
ME 490_HaydenYoungs_FinalReport.FinalCopyHayden Youngs
This document discusses substituting natural gas burners for electric heaters in industrial drying processes. It analyzes a case study of a manufacturing plant that currently uses electric heaters. The proposal is to remove the electric heaters and install natural gas burners while utilizing existing air ducts. Combustion calculations show natural gas is a viable fuel. A physical model was constructed and CFD simulations were performed. The results suggest natural gas burners could reduce costs and carbon emissions while increasing production speed compared to electric heaters. However, further work is needed to address emissions and ensure proper mixing of fuel and air for safe, efficient combustion.
Analysis of Process Parameters to Improve Power Plant EfficiencyIOSRJMCE
This research paper analyses the operational parameters of a thermal power plant to improve effectively & efficient running of the machine while ensuring a degree of compliance with statutory regulations. This study aims to identify the operational gaps associated with running operational parameter in power plant process. It is focused to detect a different thermodynamic variable involved, being multivariate and automatic. For variation of each one of this operational parameters, performance calculations are find out to configure a database of energy variation. The variable data sets now can be used as assessment criteria based on detecting deviations from a reference system that has been updated during plant-performance tests. Although the most important outcome is the highly precise and valuable information that will be obtained on the live operating mode, leading to a head improvements in the cycle efficiency and achieved in the overall control system of the thermal plant. The main aim is to detect any abnormality, reacting as quickly as possible to return the plant to a normal operation mode at best efficient manner.
IRJET- A Review : Design, Analysis & Optimization of Pipe Stack Heat Exchange...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a review paper on the design, analysis, and optimization of a 22 meter pipe stack heat exchanger. It discusses pipe stack heat exchangers and their common use in industries. The paper reviews literature on heat exchanger design parameters like baffle position, cut percentage, tube patterns, and material selection. It describes modeling a heat exchanger in Solidworks software and analyzing it to optimize heat transfer and pressure drop. The document concludes that parameters like tube diameter, length, material, and temperature can improve heat transfer rates in pipe stack heat exchangers.
IRJET- Enhancement of Heat Transfer Effectiveness of Plate-Pin Fin Heat S...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study on enhancing the heat transfer effectiveness of plate-pin fin heat sinks. Nineteen different plate-pin fin heat sink models were numerically simulated and analyzed based on factors like heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, pressure drop, base plate temperature, fan power, and thermal resistance. The results showed that a plate-pin fin heat sink model with a plate cut thickness of D/3, where D is the pin diameter, performed the best with higher heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, and lower base plate temperature, pressure drop, fan power, and thermal resistance compared to other models. A heat sink model with pin fins containing two holes also showed improved performance over solid pin fins.
The purpose of current study is to analyze the performance of an open cycle gas turbine power plant using
the concepts of exergoeconomics. Exergoeconomic technique involves the use of Second law of
thermodynamics and assigns monetary values to the thermodynamic quantity known as exergy. Analyses
based on exergoeconomic criteria are done for the open cycle gas turbine power plant turbine. The
methodology is illustrated using the example of a 25 MW open cycle gas turbine power plant. Optimization
has been done for the open cycle gas turbine power plant as tradeoffs between the unit product cost of the
compressor and combustion chamber as functions of compressor pressure ratio and unit product costs of
combustion chamber and gas turbine as functions of turbine inlet temperature.
This document analyzes the performance enhancement of a 33.5 MW gas turbine power plant in Nigeria by modeling it with an evaporative cooler. Operating data from the plant over 5 years is collected and analyzed. A thermodynamic model of the simple gas turbine cycle and the cycle integrated with an evaporative cooler is developed. Key findings from the modeling show that inlet air cooling with an evaporative cooler can increase the plant's net power output by around 5-10% and thermal efficiency by 2-5%. Retrofitting the existing plant with an evaporative cooler is proposed as an attractive investment opportunity that could help address power shortages in Nigeria.
IRJET- Thermoelectrical Generator for Waste heat Recovery- ReviewIRJET Journal
This document reviews thermoelectric generators for recovering waste heat. It discusses how thermoelectric generators can directly convert waste heat into electrical energy in an environmentally friendly way. The document summarizes the operating principles of thermoelectric generators, which use the temperature difference across semiconductors to generate electricity. It also analyzes different heat exchanger designs and their impact on thermal uniformity and pressure drop when recovering heat from engine exhaust. Recovering only 30% of wasted heat could significantly improve engine efficiency.
Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPPs) are imperative for power generation with the capability for
deciphering power shortage during peak and off peak hours. To perk up the recital of the plant, foremost
locations of exergy losses are to be identified and analyzed. In the present work, exergetic analysis of a
CCPP is carried out using the computer programming tool Engineering Equation Solver (EES). The effects
of overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature on the exergy destruction in the CPR are
investigated. The results obtained are compared with that of simple gas turbine cycle power plant. During
real time operation of CCPP exergy destruction in different components is associated with change in
overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature (TIT). Out of the total exergy destruction in the cycle it
is the combustion chamber (CC) which is responsible for the maximum exergy destruction. Nearly 60% of
the total exergy is destroyed in CC. Results clearly show that with increase in complicacy of the power
plant structure, irreversibility of the processes can be improved.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc.
A Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Cylinder Head Water Jack...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the cylinder head water jacket of a diesel engine. The study aims to analyze heat transfer and fluid flow within the existing cooling jacket design. The cylinder head geometry is modeled in CATIA and CFD analysis is performed in ANSYS Fluent to investigate factors affecting cooling performance. Parameters will be optimized and validated against previous research to improve cooling performance through modifications to the jacket design and coolant mixture proportions.
IRJET- CFD Analysis and Optimization of Heat Transfer Basket Element Profiles...IRJET Journal
1) The document discusses CFD analysis and optimization of heat transfer basket element profiles in a Ljungstrom Air Preheater.
2) The analysis found that the Notched Corrugated profile provided lower flue gas outlet temperatures and higher air outlet temperatures compared to other profiles, improving heat transfer efficiency.
3) Temperature contour results from the CFD analysis showed how temperatures are distributed from the hot flue gases to the cold inlet air within the different element profiles.
Energy cost analysis of incorporating air intake cooling system in omotosho p...Alexander Decker
1) This document presents an energy cost analysis of incorporating an air intake cooling system at the Omotosho Phase 1 Thermal Power Plant in Nigeria.
2) Currently, the power plant's gas turbine units often operate above the standard ambient air temperature of 150C, resulting in lower thermal performance. Incorporating an air intake cooling system could improve the turbines' efficiency and power output.
3) The analysis found that retrofitting the plant with an air intake cooling system that lowers the air temperature from 26.14°C to 21°C would result in annual fuel savings of 498,138,760 Nigerian naira, making it an economically viable investment that improves the plant's performance.
Performance Enhancement of PV Cooling System – using Modifying Air Conditioni...IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on enhancing the performance of photovoltaic (PV) cooling systems using a modified air conditioning sizing approach. The key points are:
1) By using a smaller air conditioner size (e.g. 7 tons vs 10 tons) and higher air speeds, the study found solar fractions could be increased by 20-25% while still maintaining thermal comfort levels.
2) Analyzing annual load curves showed peak cooling loads above 75% capacity occurred over 90% of the time, suggesting air conditioners could be undersized.
3) Using a smaller air conditioner paired with higher ceiling fan speeds allowed indoor temperatures to be up to 3°C higher according to comfort standards
Design of Heat Exchanger Network for VCM Distillation Unit Using Pinch Techno...IJERA Editor
In process industries, heat exchanger networks represent an important part of the plant structure. The purpose of the networks is to maximize heat recovery, thereby lowering the overall plant costs. In process industries, during operation of any heat exchanger network (HEN), the major aim is to focus on the best performance of the network As in present condition of fuel crises is one of the major problem faced by many country & industrial utility is majorly depend on this. There is technique called process integration which is used for integrate heat within loop so optimize the given process and minimize the heating load and cooling load .In the present study of heat integration on VCM (vinyl chloride monomer) distillation unit, Heat exchanger network (HEN) is designed by using Aspen energy analyzer V8.0 software. This software implements a methodology for HEN synthesis with the use of pinch technology. Several heat integration networks are designed with different ΔT min and total annualized cost compared to obtain the optimal design. The network with a ΔT min of 90C is the most optimal where the largest energy savings are obtained with the appropriate use of utilities (Save 15.3764% for hot utilities and 47.52% for cold utilities compared with the current plant configuration). Percentage reduction in total operating cost is 18.333%. From calculation Payback Period for new design is 3.15 year. This save could be done through a plant revamp, with the addition of two heat exchangers. This improvement are done in the process associated with this technique are not due to the use of advance unit operation, but to the generation of heat integration scheme. The Pinch Design Method can be employed to give good designs in rapid time and with minimum data.
Conjugate Heat transfer Analysis of helical fins with airfoil cross-section a...IJERA Editor
Air Cooled Engines have been used in a variety of applications, ranging from airplanes to motorbikes and even stationary or portable engines. Since modern automobiles and airplanes use engines delivering more power, they have to be cooled more efficiently due to which a more complex water cooling system is used for cooling engines with large displacements. Hence air cooling is becoming a thing of the past, especially in the aviation sector due to the advent of more efficient gas turbine engines. However air cooled internal combustion engines are still being used in a wide variety of two-wheelers ranging from small single cylinder engines to heavy duty liter class V-twins and Inline fours, due to the non-practicalities associated with the installment of a bulky water cooling system in two-wheelers. So one can ascertain that there is a scope for improving the efficiency of air cooled engines even further. The objective of this paper is to analyze currently existing fin design employed in most of the air cooled engines and improve it by changing the cross-section to a streamlined one and also making the fins in a helical orientation as opposed to the regular circular fins employed. Our analysis comprises of a computational fluid dynamics study of both the fin models with identical dimensions and simulated in the same environment using ANSYS FLUENT 15 software and we attempt to compare their performance using the temperature and heat transfer coefficient distribution plots obtained.
Paper design and optimizaton of steam distribution systems for steam power pl...Tony Lewis
This document presents a methodology for optimizing the design of steam distribution networks (SDNs) for steam power plants. The methodology formulates the problem as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model to minimize total annualized cost. The model determines the optimal structure, configuration, and operation of the SDN as well as its interaction with the heat recovery system. Case studies are used to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the proposed simultaneous optimization approach.
This thesis analyzes the performance of a steam jet ejector chiller solar cooling system installed at Hochschule Karlsruhe during the summer of 2015. Key findings include:
1) The system operated reliably on days with temperatures under 32°C and provided the desired building cooling, though average cooling capacity was lower than the chiller's nominal rating.
2) Data analysis software was developed to evaluate seasonal performance indicators like collectors' yield, utilization factor, and COP values.
3) Over the summer, 25 operative days provided a total of 3,951 kWh of useful cooling while consuming 1,226 kWh of electricity. Thermal and electrical COP were 0.36 and 3.22 respectively
Shell and tube Heat exchanger (STHE) is one of the most common and widely used energy transporter suited for domestic usages as well as industrial applications. In this paper, we consider shell and tube heat exchanger as a device with known input and output parameters. This work utilizes imperative design constraints like tube configuration, fluids, surface and temperature (constant magnitude) as input parameters and energetic cycle efficiency considered as desired output parameter depicting performance of the device. The model was trained and tested by proposed Genetic algorithm (GA) technique. This entire computational procedure is implemented in MATLAB platform.
This document presents a thermo-economic analysis of evaporative cooling technology applied to a gas turbine power plant located in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The analysis shows that reducing the plant inlet temperature by 2 degrees C through evaporative cooling could lead to an increase in power output of 2.02 MW and a rise in plant efficiency from 21.76% to 21.90%. Economically, the total savings from applying evaporative cooling were estimated to be over $211,000 in 2004 due to the additional power generated. However, the plant may not see an immediate profit due to relatively low overall power output, but greater fuel savings and profits are expected in the long run as power output increases.
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
The combined cycle gas turbine integrates the Brayton cycle as topping cycle and the steam turbine
Rankine cycle as bottoming cycle in order to achieve higher thermal efficiency and proper utilization of
energy by minimizing the energy loss to a minimum. In this work, the effect of various operating
parameters such as maximum temperature and pressure of Rankine cycle, turbine inlet temperature and
pressure ratio of Brayton cycle on the net output work and thermal efficiency of the combine cycle are
investigated. The outcome of this work can be utilized in order to facilitate the design of a combined cycle
with higher efficiency and output work. A MATLAB simulation has been carried out to study the effects and
influences of the above mentioned parameters on the efficiency and work output.
Thermodynamic modeling and Exergy Analysis of Gas Turbine Cycle for Different...IJPEDS-IAES
In this study an exergy analysis of 88.71 MW 13D2 gas turbine (GT) topping
cycle is carried out. Exergy analysis based on second law was applied to the
gas cycle and individual components through a modeling approach. The
analysis shows that the highest exergy destruction occurs in the combustion
chamber (CC). In addition, the effects of the gas turbine load and
performance variations with ambient temperature, compression ratio and
turbine inlet temperature (TIT) are investigated to analyse the change in
system behavior. The analysis shows that the gas turbine is significantly
affected by the ambient temperature and with increase there is decrease in
GT power output. The results of the load variation of the gas turbine show
that a reduction in gas turbine load results in a decrease in the exergy
efficiency of the cycle as well as all the components. The compressor has the
largest exergy efficiency of 92.84% compared to the other component of the
GT and combustion chamber is the highest source of exergy destruction of
109.89 MW at 100 % load condition. With increase in ambient temperature
both exergy destruction rate and exergy efficiency decreases.
Design and Optimization of Air Compressor Intake Valve Body Casing using ANSYSIRJET Journal
The document discusses the design optimization of an air compressor intake valve body casing using finite element analysis (FEA). It first provides background on compressed air systems and their components like compressors, intercoolers, and receivers. It then reviews literature on improving compressor efficiency through intercooling and material/design modifications. The methodology section outlines using ANSYS FEA to simulate the intake valve and assess the impact of design variables and metal matrix composite materials on structural performance. Results found the greatest deformation at the valve top and highest stress at the base/cylinder joint. Optimization identified the inner diameter as most affecting equivalent stress and outer diameter most affecting deformation.
Use of exhaust heat energy of two wheelers to generate power by seebeck effectIRJET Journal
This document summarizes research on using thermoelectric generators to convert waste heat from vehicle exhaust into electricity. It discusses how the Seebeck effect allows direct conversion of temperature differences into electric voltage. Studies have placed thermoelectric modules in contact with exhaust systems to generate power from the temperature difference between hot exhaust gases and coolant. The document reviews several past studies on thermoelectric generator design, materials, and power generation performance in vehicle exhaust systems. It finds that while thermoelectric generators can recover some wasted heat, the potential power is usually just enough to power vehicle accessories rather than significantly improving fuel efficiency. Proper system design is needed to maximize energy recovery from exhaust, cooling, and lubrication waste heat streams.
IRJET- Analysis of Cooling Techniques of a Gas Turbine BladeIRJET Journal
This document analyzes different cooling techniques for gas turbine blades. It begins with an introduction to gas turbines and the need for blade cooling as inlet gas temperatures exceed blade melting points. It then discusses various cooling techniques used for blades, including internal cooling channels. The document presents a case study analyzing three blade models - solid, vertical cooling channels, and a lattice structure model. Thermal and structural analysis using ANSYS software shows the lattice structure blade has lower temperatures, stresses, strains, and deformation compared to the other models. The analysis demonstrates that a lattice cooling channel structure is an effective technique for improving gas turbine blade performance and lifetime.
Performance evaluation and optimization of air preheater in thermal power plantIAEME Publication
This document summarizes a study on optimizing the performance of an air preheater at a thermal power plant in India. The study evaluated the performance of a Ljungstrom air preheater (model LAP 13494/2200) before and after adjusting radial sector plate clearances. Key findings include:
- Performance metrics like air leakage, gas side efficiency, and X-ratio were calculated from temperature and gas composition measurements taken at the air preheater inlet and outlet.
- Adjusting the radial sector plate clearances helped reduce air leakage and improve the air preheater's gas side efficiency.
IRJET-Numerical Investigation on Performance of VCR System using Shell and Tu...IRJET Journal
This document discusses numerically investigating the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration (VCR) system using different types of heat exchangers. It aims to replace an existing double pipe heat exchanger (DPHE) with a shell and tube heat exchanger (STHE) to improve efficiency. CFD analysis is conducted on both heat exchangers to compare their coefficient of performance (COP). The DPHE currently used has low efficiency, so a STHE is proposed as it has higher efficiency and requires less area. Helical baffles within the STHE may provide further improvements.
Now a day’s power generation is most important for
every country. This power is generated by some thermal
cycles. But single cycle cannot be attain complete power
requirements and its efficiency also very low so that to fulfill
this requirements to combine two or more cycles in a single
power plant then we can increase the efficiency of the power
plant. Its increased efficiency is more than that of if the plant
operated on single cycle. In which we are using two different
cycles and these two cycles are operated by means of different
working mediums. These type of power plants we can called
them like combined cycle power plants. In combined cycle
power plants above cycle is known as topping cycle and below
cycle is known as bottoming cycle. The above cycle generally
brayton cycle which uses air as a working medium. When the
power generation was completed the exhaust gas will passes
in to the waste heat recovery boiler. Another cycle also
involved in bottoming cycle. This cycle works on the basis on
rankine cycle. In which steam is used as working medium.
The main component in bottoming cycle is waste heat
recovery boiler. It will receive exhaust heat from the gas
turbine and converts water in to steam. The steam used for
generating power by expansion on steam turbine. Combined
cycle power plants are mostly used in commercial power
In this paper we are analyzing one practical
combined cycle power plant. In practical conditions due to
some losses it can not be generates complete power. So that
we are invistigated why it is not give that much of power and
the effect of various operating parameters such as maximum
temperature and pressure of rankine cycle, gas turbine inlet
temperature and pressure ratio of Brayton cycle on the net
output work and thermal efficiency of the combine cycle
power plant.
The outcome of this work can be utilized in order to
facilitate the design of a combined cycle with higher efficiency
and output work. Mathematical calculations and simple
graphs in ms excel, and auto cad has been carried out to
study the effects and influences of the above mentioned
parameters on the efficiency and work output.
Effect of Compression Ratio on Performance of Combined Cycle Gas
It is known the performance of a gas turbine (GT) has strong dependence of climate conditions. A suitable solution to minimize this negative effect is to raise inlet turbine temperature and reduce temperature of inlet air to GT compressor. Combined cycles gas turbines (CCGT) are a lot used to acquire a high-efficiency power plant. Increases the peak compression ratio has been proposed to improve the combined-cycle gas-turbine performance. The code of the performance model for CCGT power plant was developed utilizing the MATLAB software. The simulating results show that the overall efficiency increases with the increase of the peak compression ratio. The total power output increases with the increase of the peak compression ratio. The peak overall efficiency occurs at the higher compression ratio with low ambient temperature and higher turbine inlet temperature. The overall thermal efficiencies for CCGT are higher compared to gas-turbine plants.
IRJET- Performance and Evaluation of Aqua Ammonia Air Conditioner System ...IRJET Journal
This document discusses the performance evaluation of an aqua-ammonia air conditioning system for automobiles that uses waste exhaust heat from the vehicle engine. The study examines how the generator and absorption refrigeration system can utilize the available waste heat. Results found that the cooling capacity was affected by the ammonia concentration and provided acceptable cooling between 1-1.5 tons. The coefficient of performance was highest at higher generator and evaporator temperatures but decreased with increasing condenser and absorber temperatures. Overall, the study shows that an aqua-ammonia vapor absorption system has the potential to provide air conditioning for vehicles using only waste exhaust heat from the engine.
Using coolant modulation and pre cooling to avoid turbine bladeRakesh Rauth
This document examines methods to prevent turbine blade overheating when firing a gas turbine combined cycle power plant with low calorific value gas. Decreasing the firing temperature can prevent blade overheating but significantly reduces power output. Modulating the coolant supply to each blade row results in a much lower power penalty compared to under-firing. Pre-cooling the coolant before supplying it to the turbine further enhances power output by reducing the required coolant flow. Pre-cooling recovers 80% of the power gain possible from switching to low calorific value gas while providing higher combined cycle efficiency than under-firing.
Experimental and CFD Analysis of Exhaust Manifold to Improve Performance of I...IRJET Journal
This document presents an experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of different exhaust manifold designs to improve the performance of an internal combustion engine. Three manifold geometries - sharp bend, short bend, and long bend - were tested on a single cylinder diesel engine. Experimental results showed the long bend design reduced exhaust backpressure and increased brake thermal efficiency compared to the other designs. CFD analysis validated these results, demonstrating lower pressure and higher velocities within the long bend manifold. The study concluded the long bend manifold facilitates easier exhaust gas flow and lower backpressure to improve engine performance.
IRJET-Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater with Different Absorber Materi...IRJET Journal
1) The document compares the performance of two types of solar air heaters - one with a toughened glass absorber plate and the other with a GI (galvanized iron) absorber plate.
2) Experimental results showed that the efficiency of the solar air heater with the toughened glass plate was higher than the one with the GI plate. The air temperature achieved was also higher with the toughened glass plate.
3) Efficiency increased with higher air velocities for both types of heaters but the toughened glass plate design performed better overall according to the analysis.
Thermodynamic simulation of year round air conditioning system for variable r...eSAT Journals
This document summarizes a study on the thermodynamic simulation of a year-round air conditioning system with a variable rotational speed desiccant wheel. The system includes components like a desiccant wheel, evaporative cooler, heating coils, and cooling coils to provide cooling and humidity control for different weather conditions. Equations are presented for analyzing parameters like the outlet temperature and efficiency of the desiccant wheel, saturation efficiency and cooling pad volume of the evaporative cooler, and supply air conditions. Simulation results show that the outlet temperature of the desiccant wheel increases with rotational speed from 52.96°C to 63.28°C, while the efficiency increases and saturation efficiency of the evaporative cooler decreases. The cooling pad volume
Modelling & Thermal analysis of pulse jet engine using CFDIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study that used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to analyze the combustion characteristics of a pulse jet engine. The study modeled a pulse jet engine design using CAD software and then conducted a CFD analysis using two different combustion models: an eddy dissipation model and a finite rate chemistry model. The results showed that the eddy dissipation model generated higher thrust than the finite rate chemistry model. Specifically, the eddy dissipation model produced higher exit pressures and velocities. The study concluded the proper selection of combustion model is important for accurately evaluating performance metrics like thrust generated from a pulse jet engine.
Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle’s thermal efficiency based on Grey rela...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study that used the Taguchi method and grey relational analysis to optimize the thermal efficiency of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. Nine parameters that could impact the ORC's efficiency were examined across nine tests using an orthogonal array. Statistical analysis identified the optimum and worst combinations of parameter levels. The optimum conditions achieved a first law efficiency of 17.3% while the worst was 9.6%. The study provides insights into effective and ineffective ORC parameters and ranks their statistical impact on efficiency.
IRJET- Improve the Efficiency of Combined Cycle Power PlantIRJET Journal
This document discusses methods to improve the efficiency of combined cycle power plants. It begins with an introduction to combined cycle power plants, which improve efficiency by capturing waste heat from a gas turbine to power a steam turbine. Recent research has achieved total efficiencies of 50-60%. The document then discusses several proposed methods to further improve efficiency, such as increasing steam temperatures and pressures or implementing reheat. Calculations show these methods could increase the net efficiency of steam turbines by 22.1%, gas turbines by 12.9%, and the steam part of combined cycle plants by 4.2%. The conclusion states that improving efficiency is important as global energy demand grows to produce more electricity at lower cost.
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Air Preheater in Thermal Power PlantIRJET Journal
The document analyzes the performance of an air preheater at a thermal power plant before and after adjusting clearances between sectors, axial plates, and seals. An air preheater recovers waste heat from flue gases to preheat combustion air, improving boiler efficiency. Testing showed air leakage was reduced from 12.03% to 10.06% after adjustments, while gas-side and air-side efficiencies increased from 51.73% to 61.33% and 86.47% to 89.46% respectively. The optimization improved heat recovery in the air preheater system.
The document describes the design and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of a centrifugal compressor and radial inflow turbine for a supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle. The authors developed in-house software to perform meanline design of the compressor and turbine considering fluid properties and loss correlations. They then analyzed the designs using CFD software. Key results include achieving 80% isentropic efficiency for both machines and reducing compression work to 50% compared to ideal gas compression. The CFD analysis implemented real fluid properties and investigated flow behavior near the critical point of CO2.
The Science Information Network (SINET) is a Japanese academic backbone network for more than 800
universities and research institutions. The characteristic of SINET traffic is that it is enormous and highly
كتاب التفاصيل الانشائيه للمنشآت الخرسانيةo774656624
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Indian Soil Classification System in Geotechnical EngineeringRajani Vyawahare
This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Indian Soil Classification System, widely used in geotechnical engineering for identifying and categorizing soils based on their properties. It covers essential aspects such as particle size distribution, sieve analysis, and Atterberg consistency limits, which play a crucial role in determining soil behavior for construction and foundation design. The presentation explains the classification of soil based on particle size, including gravel, sand, silt, and clay, and details the sieve analysis experiment used to determine grain size distribution. Additionally, it explores the Atterberg consistency limits, such as the liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage limit, along with a plasticity chart to assess soil plasticity and its impact on engineering applications. Furthermore, it discusses the Indian Standard Soil Classification (IS 1498:1970) and its significance in construction, along with a comparison to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). With detailed explanations, graphs, charts, and practical applications, this presentation serves as a valuable resource for students, civil engineers, and researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering.
Defining the Future of Biophilic Design in Crete.pdfARENCOS
Biophilic design is emerging as a key approach to enhancing well-being by integrating natural elements into residential architecture. In Crete, where the landscape is rich with breathtaking sea views, lush olive groves, and dramatic mountains, biophilic design principles can be seamlessly incorporated to create healthier, more harmonious living environments.
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
• Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
• Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
• Total Length: 1204.20 MM
• Thickness: 6-8 mm
• Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
• Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
• Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
• Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
• Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
• Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
• Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
• Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
• Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
• All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
Mozambique, a country with vast natural resources and immense potential, nevertheless faces several economic challenges, including high unemployment, limited access to energy, and an unstable power supply. Underdeveloped infrastructure has slowed the growth of industry and hampered people’s entrepreneurial ambitions, leaving many regions in the dark—literally and figuratively.
This PPT covers the index and engineering properties of soil. It includes details on index properties, along with their methods of determination. Various important terms related to soil behavior are explained in detail. The presentation also outlines the experimental procedures for determining soil properties such as water content, specific gravity, plastic limit, and liquid limit, along with the necessary calculations and graph plotting. Additionally, it provides insights to understand the importance of these properties in geotechnical engineering applications.
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The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.