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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the award of degree
SESSION (2016-17)
Mr. Nikhil Gupta Samra
Assistant Professor MBA 3rd Semester
Roll No.
Chapter No. Chapter Name
Page No.
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 112
Chapter 2 COMPANY PROFILE 13-19
Chapter 9 DISCUSSIONS 44
Chapter 10 CONCLUSIONS 45
I, Samra, Roll No.15021121 full time bonafide student of Master of Business
Administration (MBA) Program of IFTM University, Moradabad. I hereby certify that this
project work carried out by me at “Decoria Walls and Floor Solution” and the report
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the programme is an original work
of mine under the guidance of the industry mentor Ms. Arshil Wara and faculty mentor
Mr. Nikhil Gupta, and is not based or reproduced from any existing work of any other
person or on any earlier work undertaken at any other time or for any other purpose, and
has not been submitted anywhere else at any time.
(Student Signature)
Date: __________________
(Faculty Mentor Signature)
Date: __________________
It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly
contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking,
behavior, and acts during the course of study.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Manjula Jain (Director, School of Business
Management, IFTM University) for providing me an opportunity to undergo
summer training at Decoria Walls and Floor Solution.
I am thankful to Ms. Arshil Wara my corporate guide, for her support, cooperation,
and motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence
and blessings.
I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr. Nikhil Gupta my faculty mentor, who
provided his valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project
Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and
my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of
suggestions that improved my quality of work.
I had started my Summer Training Program at DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS
SOLUTION. This is situated in 2/3, 3rd Floor, Opposite Surya Hotel, New
Delhi, Delhi. I have done my Internship there for the one months. And got the Topic
for my Project Report. The Topic was given by the head of the Company person and
as per my Mentors also. Her name is Arshil Wara who really gives me great
Confidence to do the work at DWNF.
She gives me relevant Company information for preparing my Project as well. She
tells me so many things that how I can pitch the JD to the Candidate so that I can
easily convince to them for the Interview regarding the Current job profile.
Here I want to discuss briefly about the Recruitment and Selection Process which I
have done earlier at the DWNF.
 Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated
Organizational vacancies. It makes it possible to acquire the number and
types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the
 In simple terms, it is an attempt to draw attention of applicants in the market,
get interested applicants, and generate a pool of prospective employees so
that management can select the right person for the right job.
 The recruitment process is one of the most critical aspects of running a
successful business .Because every organization’s performance is largely
dependent on the quality of its workers.
 The question comes into the mind that why I have chosen my topic as
“Recruitment and Selection Process”. Because as a HR and Finance
professional in M.B.A this topic is covers all those aspects which really help
me for using my theoretical knowledge in Practical aspects.
Being as an HR Executive it was really great challenges to recruit a person for the
Acquiring and retaining high-quality talent is critical to an organization’s success. As
the job market becomes increasingly competitive and the available skills grow more
diverse, recruiters need to be more selective in their choices, since poor recruiting
decisions can produce long-term negative effects, among them high training and
development costs to minimize the incidence of poor performance and high turnover
which, in turn, impact staff morale, the production of high quality goods and services
and the retention of organizational memory. At worst, the organization can fail to
achieve its objectives thereby losing its competitive edge and its share of the market.
Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function,
Recruitment is a process which provides the organization with a pool of potentially
qualified job candidates from which judicious selection can be made to fill vacancies.
Successful recruitment begins with proper employment planning and forecasting. In
this phase of the staffing process, an organization formulates plans to fill or eliminate
future job openings based on an analysis of future needs, the talent available within
and outside of the organization, and the current and anticipated resources that can be
expended to attract and retain such talent.
Selection is a process of hiring the best among the pool of candidates available.
‘Right person for the right job’ is the basic principle in recruitment and selection.
Every organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially
its managers. The operative manpower is equally important and essential for the
orderly working of an enterprise. Every business organization/unit needs manpower
for carrying different business activities smoothly and efficiently and for this
recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is essential. Human resource
management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable persons are selected
and employment in a business unit.
“Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting
that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient
working force”. “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for
employment and stimulating them to apply for job in the organizations recruitment is
the activity that links the employers and the job seekers”.
Recruitment is the discovery of potential applicants for actual or anticipated
organizational vacancies. It is the linking activity bringing people together those with
jobs and those without jobs.
Recruitment is the process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting
that manpower to meet job requirement and job satisfactions.
- By Dale Yoder
Recruitment is both negative and positive activity. It is a process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an
organization. It is positive as its stimulates people to apply for job selection tends to
be negative as it rejects people who are not suitable. - By Flippo
1. To induct outsider with new perspective to lead the company.
2. To infuse fresh blood at all levels of organization.
3. To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the
4. To search or headhunt people whose skill fit the company’s values?
5. To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent
6. To devise methodology for assessing psychological traits.
7. To induct outsider with new perspective to lead the company
8. To search for talent globally not just within the company.
9. To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.
10. To anticipate and find people for position that doesn’t exists yet.
The various sources of external recruitment are:
1. Advertising.
2. Employment agencies
3. Employee referrals
4. Colleges and professional institutions
5. Labor unions
6. Casual applicants.
7. Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters
8. Unconsolidated applications
9. Leasing
10. Computer data banks.
 Benefits of new skills, new talents and new experiences to organization
 Compliance with reservation policy is easy
 Scope for resentment, jealousies and heartburn are avoide
 Better morale and motivation associated with internal recruiting is denied to
the Organization
 It is costly
 Chances of creeping in false positive and fake negative errors.
 Adjustment of new employees to the organizational culture takes longer time.
SELECTION:- “Selection is the process of examining the applicants with
regard to their suitability for the given job or jobs, and choosing the best candidate
and rejecting the others.”
Good recruitment practices are only one key to generating a pool of top job
candidates. Equally important is having a strong basis from which to recruit. If an
organization’s policies and practices are unattractive to candidates, the organization’s
ability to generate good candidates will be limited regardless of the specific
recruitment practices they employee.
But what policies and practice do “good” applicants find attractive? Unfortunately,
there is no easy answer to this question because not all “good” applicants are alike,
and research shows that organization’s policies and the individual’s characteristics.
Financial considerations, supply and demand, and other variables impact the
recruitment process.
Looking for a qualified person for the IT department is likely to require a broader
and possibly more expensive search. Recruitment indicate that there is an increase in
the use of the internet and interactive employment websites, such as searching web
databases, placing online ads at various career sites, purchasing candidate
information from resume services, sending recruitment materials, to targeted
individuals, and placing ads in newspapers can all yield positive results
In General―Selection is the process of allowing a right candidate for the right job,
at the right time, at the right place to attain various goal and objectives of the
organization for the work.
Purpose & Importance of Selection
 It assists in finding the right person for the right job
 It focuses on knowledge, skills, aptitude and compatibility of the employees so
that a person shares potential in order to attain the goals and objectives of an
 It ensures efficacy, effectiveness, productivity, work environment, conducive
culture, proactive-practical-positive-pragmatic approach of the employees, not
only assists in higher quality and quantitatively production but also it helps in
harnessing harmonious relationship.
 It provides a competitive aid in neck cutting competition in terms of providing a
skilled manpower in their fields.
Barriers to Effective Selection : The main objective of selection process is to
hire people having competence and commitment towards the given job profile. But
due to some reason the main purpose of effectively selecting candidates is defeated.
These reasons are:
1: Perception or the Halo effect:
Many a times the interviewer selects a candidate according to the perception he has
or he made up while talking or looking at the individual. This way he does not see
through the caliber or the efficiency of the individual and many times it leads to the
selection of the wrong candidates.
2: Fairness:
During the selection process the interviewer does not select the individual on the
basis of his knowledge and hence the right type of the candidates is not selected.
3: Pressure:
The people from the HR department and also have a lot of pressure from the top
management and from other top class people for selecting the candidates they want.
This ways the purpose of effective selection process of effective selection process is
defeated as they have to select that individual whether or not he is capable of the job.
That is being offers
4. Stereotyping: This is one of the most common barriers to selection in
stereotyping; we generally categorize the candidates such as:
 All professors and teachers are absent minded.
 All females are basically sincere and honest.
5. Gender Issue: Gender issue also hampers effective selection in early days, men
predominantly held managerial jobs and if those jobs are viewed as being primarily
miscellaneous in nature, such stereotyping may produce negative reaction in
selecting right candidates.
Figure No 01
Screening Interview
Application Blank
Selection Test
Selection Interview
Reference Check
Hiring Decision
The various steps in the selection of desirable in the employment of the organization
should be finalized by the company. Selection procedure starts only after the
application from the prospective employees are received by the concern. These
applications are scrutinized out at each step and those who are found fit for the job
are selected finally. More or less above mentioned steps are to be followed by the
organizations, an elaboration has been given below.
1. Reception
Company has to create favorable impression on the applicants. There should be
friendly and courteous behavior towards the applicants. Employment possibilities
must be presented honesty and clearly.
2. Screening Interview
Preliminary interview is generally planned by large organization to cut the costs
of selections by allowing only eligible candidate to get through the further stages of
The purpose of this type of interview is to eliminate the unqualified or unsuitable
candidates. It should be quite brief just to have an idea of general education,
experience, training, appearance, personality, etc. of the candidate and to obtain his
salary requirement. If the applicants appear to have some chance of being selected,
he is given the application blank to fill in.
3. Application Blank
An application blank or application form is the next paramount device in the
selection procedure. The successful candidates in the preliminary interviews are
supplied the Application Blank to get a written record of the following information.
a) Identifying Information
b) Information regarding education
c) Information regarding experience
d) Expected Salaries and Allowances
e) Information regarding community Activities.
f) Other information (reference, extracurricular etc.)
Such information helps the management in screening the undesirable applicants and
in maintaining the record for the future. Form of the Application Blank may differ
from organization to organization.
4. Selection Test
A test is a standardized objective measure of a person’s behavior performance
or attitude. Tests are the important device used in the selection of the candidates. A
test is designed to measure such skills and abilities in a worker as are found by job
analysis to be essential for successful job performance.
5. Selection Interview
Perhaps this is the most important and difficult part of the selection process.
The purpose of the interview is to determine the suitability of the applicant for the
job and the job for the applicant. Interview must be conducted in friendly atmosphere
and the candidate must be made to feel at ease. Generally the question should be
asked on the basis of the job specification. Unwarranted questions should be avoided.
A verification of the information furnished by the candidate in application blank may
be made or additional information may be sought for the future record. The candidate
should be given a chance to ask questions to satisfy him regarding the history of the
concern, future prospects, salary offered and nature of the job.
6. Medical/ Physical Examination
In almost all the companies ‘vein in India, Medical Examination is a part of
selection for all suitable applicants. It is conducted after the final decision has been
made to select the candidate. This is very important because a person of poor health
may generally be absent or may spread it amongst the workers
If a candidate successfully overcomes all the parameters or tests given above, he
would be declared selected. An appointment letter will later be given to him
mentioning the post for which he is selected, etc.
7. Reference Check
Employments generally provide a column in the Application Blank for reference. If
the applicant crosses all the above parameters, an investigation may be made on the
reference supplied by the applicants regarding his past employment, education,
character, personnel reputation, etc.
8. Hiring Decision
On the basis of factual data and certain assumptions, a selector has to select a right
employee for the organization. The decision about employment is taken by the line
manager of the department where the job is available. By considering the information
available from the various steps as mentioned above, the line manager has to decide
whether or not the candidate should be appointed for the job.
9. Placement
When the candidate accepts the offer made to him by the personnel department and
reports for the work in the organization, he is placed on the job for which he is
selected. Such employee is kept on probation for certain duration and during the
probation period he is kept under observation.
Steps covered in selection procedure are not rigid. They may vary from
organization or in the same organization from job to job. The arrangement of steps
may be reduced or some new steps may be added.
Selection Test
A test is a standardized objective measure of a person’s behavior performance or
attitude. Tests are the important device used in the selection of the candidates. A test
is designed to measure such skills and abilities in a worker as are found by job
analysis to be essential for successful job performance.
Psychological and other tests are becoming increasingly popular, even in India, as a
part of the selection procedure; however, their utility is controversial. The Personnel
Department can guide and help in the selection types of tests appropriate for a
particular position. There are various kinds of employment tests taken by various
organizations stated below
1. Aptitude Test
 Measures an individual’s potential to learn certain skills, clerical, mechanical,
mathematical etc.
 This test indicates whether or not an individual has the ability to learn a given job
quickly and effectively.
 Administered in combination with other tests like intelligence and personality
2. Intelligence Test
 These are mental ability tests. This measure the person’s learning ability and also
the ability to understand instruction and make judgments.
 Basic objective is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at learning things
so that they can be offered adequate training to improve their skills.
 Also measures memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, perception etc.
3. Personality Test
 These test are used to measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality such as
motivation, emotional balance, self confidence, optimism, decisiveness,
sociability, conformity, objectivity, patience, distrust, stability etc.
 Example of personality test is objective test and projective test.
 Personality test has disadvantages in the sense that they can be faked by
sophisticated candidates and most candidates give socially acceptable answers.
4. Achievement Test
 These tests are designed to measure what the applicant can do on the job
currently i.e. whether the test actually knows what he or she claims to know.
 Job knowledge test and Work sample test are the part of Achievement test.
5. Simulation Test
 Simulation test duplicates many of the activities and persons an employee faces
while at work.
 Such exercises are used for hiring managers at various levels in an organization.
6. Integrity Test
 These are designed to measure employee’s honesty to predict those who are more
likely to steal from an employer or otherwise act in a manner unacceptable to the
7. Graphology
 Graphology involves using a trained evaluator to examine the lines, loops, hooks,
strokes, curves and flourishes in a person’s hand writing to assess the person’s
personality and emotional make up.
8. Polygraph
 The polygraph records physical changes in the body as the test subject answers a
series of questions.
 It records fluctuation in blood pressure, respiration and perspiration.
Objectives of Interview
 To get an opportunity to judge an applicant’s qualifications and characteristics.
 To give an applicant essential facts about the job and the company.
 To establish a rapport, or a feeling of mutual understanding and confidence
between the personnel department and the applicant who is to be employed.
 Interviewing is an invaluable tool of disciplinary action, grievance handling and
relations with unions.
 To get a real feel of the candidate, observe his appearance, confidence and typical
ways of reacting to questions of various sorts.
 To find out why an employee is leaving the company and seeking job elsewhere.
Types of Interviews
Here are various types of interviews which are followed by the companies at the time
of selection of the candidate, from which some important interviews are given below.
1. Structured or Directive Interview:
 This interview a predetermined checklist of questions usually asked of all
 It is useful when dealing with large no. of applicants.
 Time and energy consuming.
2. Unstructured or nondirective Interview:
 In this type of interview no specific format is followed.
 Questions are asked as they came in mind.
 Broad open-ended questions.
 Useful when the interviewer try probe personal details of the candidate to analyze
by them are not right for the job
3. Mixed interview:
 A combination of structured and unstructured questions which reasonable what is
usually done in practice.
 A realistic approach that yielded comparable answer plus in depth in sights.
4. Behavioral interview:
 This interview is done on the basis of interviewees ‘last experience
 How he behaves in a particular situations in his previous job.
 Evaluation is based on the solution and approach of the applicants.
 Useful to understand applicants’ reasoning and analytical abilities under modest
5. Stress interview:
 Interviewer attempts to find how applicants good responds to aggressive,
embarrassing, rude and insulting questions.
 A series of harsh rapid fire questions are asked in order to upset the applicants.
 Useful stressful jobs such as handling complaints.
6. Panel Interview:
 Applicants meet with three or five interviewers to take turns asking questions.
 More stressed condition.
 Personal biases are less.
7. Situational Interview:
 Hypothetical Situation is given and applicants’ responses are examined.
 Responses are measured relative to pre-established benchmark standards.
Let us begin with our brief introduction. We started 10 years ago as MILLENNIUM
BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, a leading signage manufacturer and authorized
distributor or 3M films and veneers, worked with almost leading architectural firms,
contractors and PMCs. A great appreciation from our clients encouraged us to
expand our services so we established a new firm OPTIMUS INTERNATIONAL.
Its an authorized distributor in India for Kuberit Profiles Systems, Germany, importer
of wall covering and have a highly skilled team of stretch fabric system.
We approached you from our rather new established firm DECORIA WALLS AND
FLOORS SOLUTION known as DWNF. Its an authorized distributor in Delhi NCR
for Progress Profiles Which is an Italian company for profiles system. We deal in
High Pressure Laminates, WPC ,Pine wood and many other architectural products.
DWNF is a Delhi NCR based company who imports, markets and distributes
Movable Walls, Sliding Folding Partitions, WPC products, cladding and decking
materials, profiles for floors and walls to the middle to high end of the consumer
market. We also offer wallpapers, Wooden and Vinyl Floorings. We tied up with
different companies all around the world to offer you great range of products.
Customer service is key to successful long terms business, DWNF prides itself on
this; offering expert and friendly advice, in depth product knowledge and fantastic
after sales service. We are here from start to finish always on hand answering any
questions even on Weekends. We have developed close working relationships with
our suppliers, enabling us to offer the best quality products at affordable prices every
VISION: -DWNF will become a global leader in commercial flooring systems by
creating sustainable solutions for our customer.
MISSION:- To launch innovative and world class products to help customers realize
their dreams
Quality Objective:
1- To provide products that meet customer requirements consistently.
2- To constantly improve quality through preventive action.
3- To Develop employees through continuous training in knowledge and
Our Products
Movable Walls, Sliding Folding Partitions
The effective division of space sometimes requires utmost flexibility. Whether the
requirement is to divide a teaching area, temporarily partition a conference suite, or
simply create extra rooms out of one large space, the answer is – movable walls
Movable walls, operable walls, sliding folding partitions
This group of products is synonymous with one name; Dividers.
Dividers is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of movable wall systems.
Dividers provides unrivalled experience in the design and manufacture of space
utilization products.
Alongside Dividers sliding folding partitions family of products also include, hinged
partitions and concertina partitions, along with a range of glass movable walls.
This comprehensive range of movable wall and door systems are manufactured from
its plant based in the UK.
Whether your essential requirement is sound attenuation, ease of operation, or
aesthetics, there is a solution in the Dividers movable wall product range.
Water Proof, Moisture Proof, Termite Proof, Fungal Proof, Moth Proof, Weather
Proof, Antisepsis (Rot Resistant), Split Resistant, High grade UV Resistance, Fading
Resistance, Great Outdoor Adaptability, Highly durable (20 years warranty), No
painting required, Fire Retardant, High Strength & Stability, Chemical Resistant,
Natural Timber Look, Different colors coating available, Easy to Install, Eco-
friendly, 100% Recyclable, Pollution free.
We invite you to experience our WPC products by viewing our display and learn
about our rich and stylish designs. Discover why WPC products make a critical
difference in decorating your home.
This particular range of products is made from a new revolutionary product (WPC)
which is made entirely from recycled products. It is environment friendly as it emits
almost zero emission making it one of the safest products to use. It is weatherproof
and waterproof which makes these Doors stronger and more stable than traditional
Doors. This particular range of Doors is still in its early days i n India but we are
confident these will be the product of future. These Doors are particularly suitable
for external/internal application especially where exposure to the elements and
ongoing maintenance is an issue. Available in a number of finishes like Spray
Painted system or Transfer Coating, or can be supplied Raw for onsite painting.
Boards All Size
All furniture making board, partition, cabinets’ partition, modular kitchen,
wardrobes, reusable construction concrete formwork board.
Fire retardant, excellent thermal properties, contains no toxic chemicals or
preservatives, environment friendly, recyclable, no sting of wood.
Easy to produce and easily fabricate, easy to cut, fix and glue, easy to tenon, drill and
nail, less maintenance, cost effective.
WPC Decking
Our wood plastic composite decking board is no ordinary decking board. Made from
recycled timber and plastics, the WPC decking system combines their unique
properties in one base material. With the low maintenance and durability of the
plastic and the texture, appearance and strength of the wood, our wood composite
decking board is eco-friendly, extremely stable and is perfectly suited for outdoor use
around the garden as well as hotels, pubs, leisure centers etc.
WPC Cladding
Our wood plastic composite cladding profiles are an ever increasingly popular choice
for finishing the outside of buildings both domestic and commercial. Our WPC
cladding can handle whatever the weather throws at it. The durable and hardwearing,
environmentally friendly and maintenance free protective barrier offers excellent
insulation properties with the wood plastic composite combining the durability of
plastic along with the textured feel of the wood. A stylish yet affordable finish for
any paneling application.
To get right person at right place and in right time, the organization should have the
specific and clear policies and recruitment and selection methods which are essential
for the growth of the organization.
 To analyze the actual recruitment process in DECORIA WALLS AND
 To find whether the existing processes of recruitment and selection are
taking place scientifically or not.
 To review the importance and needs of recruitment and selection process.
 To study the level of job satisfaction in the organization.
The scope of the study is very wide. Through this study DECORIA WALLS AND
FLOORS SOLUTION we can understand the satisfaction level of the employees in
the organization and the welfare activities followed in the organization were found
suitable with the employees’ point of view. With the help of this study the
management can increase the motivation level of the employees by placing the
different HR practices like welfare activities, promotion plans; reward system,
compensation plan, and active participation are involved because of these types of
activities. When any new employee enters in the organization he has faced several
type of difficulties for adjusting themselves with the working environment of the
company. So management performs several practices in the favor of employees by
which the employees feel comfortable. With the help of this study DECORIA
WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION can significance to maintain the healthy
relation with the newly joined employees. And also help the superior to understand
the need of the new employee from their side.
The researcher has considered the following literatures which are discussed below:-
(Cassette, 2002, p. 109) Recruitment activities entail organizing staff, generating
applicant pools, matching individual talents with interests and opportunities, and
adjusting and developing personnel. If an effective recruitment process is in place
and qualified candidates found, future personnel and selection problems would be
minimized and future high achievers or innovative leaders would be attracted to the
school system.
Thomas et al. (2003) in their review of the research literature and consideration of
cultural audit results of organizations found that the majority of organizations favor
the use of informal recruitment and selection processes, such as small social
networks and employee referrals. Many organizations rely on informal, rather than
merit-based, processes in order to be able to select the best candidates and to screen
out large numbers of unsuitable applicants. Such processes also minimize the cost of
the recruitment process.
(Powell 2004) Informal recruitment processes can also lead to bias because recruiters
tend to determine job requirements according to the current job-holder's gender. If
the current job-holder is male (or female) and displays certain characteristics and
abilities, then these characteristics and abilities are determined as being necessary to
the job. Applicants are then assessed according to these requirements and, where
these are perceived as being held more often by one particular sex than the other;
applicants of that sex are preferred. This sort of process tends to limit the number of
women applicants for 'men's' jobs and men applicants for 'women's' jobs. It
reinforces occupational segregation and contributes to building stereotypical views of
men and women's roles and abilities.
Bias can also arise in the recruitment and selection process when the range and type
of information to be collected on each applicant, and the effort given to collection of
information (such as CVs, referee reports), varies. This includes effort given to
recruitment. Casting a wide net to attract applicants from outside mainstream groups
for instance requires more effort, as does putting together a panel of interviewer’s
representative of a diverse candidate pool.
Thomas et al. (2007) Interviews are a central part of the selection process that are
used by the majority of employers. According to him the interview process can be
biased in favor of individuals whose behavior and appearance conform to society's
dominant cultural norms. They argue that often the primary intent of the interview is
to assess the candidate's personal qualities as opposed to focusing the interview on
the job requirements, as would be expected in a sound interview process. While a
typical interview might centre around the candidate's past work experience and
indicators of dependability and willingness to work, as well as verification of the
information provided, employers were found to have developed their own subjective
tests of productivity and character. For example, they focused attention on how
expressive or open a candidate was and the candidate's personal philosophy about
work. Even though some employers recognize that some differences might be based
on culture or gender, they can feel that such differences are not appropriate in the
work environment, and as a result candidates are excluded from particular
Gate wood and Field (2008) conclude that many factors that only marginally relate
to job activities can influence an interviewer's evaluation, even if the interviewer is
experienced. They disagree with the argument that because most jobs require some
social interaction, these cues are important for at least some aspects of job
performance. They argue that behaviors and characteristics can be learned by
interviewees specifically for the interview and might not be representative of their
behavior in other situations. Lack of agreement about what characteristics such as
appearance and liking actually mean in terms of job performance, limit the
usefulness of these factors.
McDonnell (2009) Many employers also utilize employment tests as part of the
recruitment process. He examined research findings on the validity and reliability of
employment tests, such as cognitive ability and personality tests. Cognitive ability
tests were found to have moderate predictive ability for managerial jobs but to have
an adverse impact on minorities, as they are not fair predictors of future job
performance. In contrast to employment tests, the selection interview, when
conducted in a structured manner, has been found to have moderate to high
predictive validity and to be fairer to women and minorities because the focus of the
interview is on critical job requirements.
Townie (2010) Employment testing continues to be used by employers in spite of
evidence that such testing can contain gender and ethnic biases and those tests are
often weak indicators of job performance and successful employment. He argues that
employers continue to use employment testing because it gives the semblance of
being objective and scientific, and, concomitantly, efficient. She concludes that
'selection, by definition, involves a process of discrimination, and that the
opportunity for management to emphasize employee 'acceptability', or the 'good
bloke syndrome', rather than 'suitability' residing in task-based criteria, has been well
documented in the discussion of recruitment and selection decisions'. However, she
also notes that other studies have questioned the extent to which these factors have
been elevated over task-based activities.
(Bartlett and Ghoshal, 2011) Recruitment and selection related decisions made by
individuals and organizations cumulatively affect the representation of women and
men in particular areas of work and at different levels within organizations.
Assumptions about women's role and abilities have led to women being over-
represented in particular occupations and positions, thus constraining women's work
opportunities. These initial limitations are compounded by the level and nature of
training and development opportunities offered to women. During the last few
decades, companies have been confronted with an increasingly competitive
environment. Forces facilitating globalization, such as the liberalization of
international trade, the international integration of production, research and
marketing by major MNCs, as well as the emergence of major economic regions like
the European Union, have enabled companies to invest overseas to gain or maintain
competitive advantage. It has been argued that human assets are an emerging source
of competitive advantage for MNCs. HRM is evolving from being just a support
function to one of strategic importance.
Research is common parlance refresh to a search for knowledge. One can also define
research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific
In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced Learner’s
dictionary of current English lay down the meaning research as “a careful
investigation and inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch
Introduction of the problem: To study the training and development at V.S. Group.
Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical
sense. According to Clifford woody research comprises defining and redefining
problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and
evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusion; and at last carefully
testing the conclusion to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.
The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of theory is
also research. As such the term “Research” refers to the systematic method
consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts
of data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in the form of
solution towards the concerned problem or certain in certain generalization for some
theoretical formulation.
There are the following types of research, which are as follows:-
1. Descriptive vs. Analytical: Descriptive research includes
surveys and fact- finding enquiries of different kinds. The majors’ purpose of
descriptive research is description the set of affairs it exists at present. In analytical
research, on the other hand, the research has to use facts or information already
available, and analyze these to use fact or information already available, and analyze
these to make a critical evaluation of material.
3. Applied vs. Fundamental:Research can either be applied research
Or fundamental research. Applied research aims at finding a solution for an
immediate problem facing a society or and industrial / Business origination,
Whereas Fundamental research is mainly concern with generalization and with the
formulation of a theory.
4. Quantitative vs. Qualitative: Quantitative research is based on the
Measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be
expressed in terms of quantity. Qualitative research, on the other hand is concerned
with Qualitative phenomenon, that is, phenomenon relating to or involving quality or
5. Conceptual vs. Empirical: Conceptual research is that related some
Abstract idea or theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop
new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones.
On the other hand, Empirical research realizes on experience or observation alone,
often without due regard for system and theory. It is a data based research.
“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analyses of
data in a manner that aims to combined relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure”. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within
which research is conducted; it is constitute the blue print for the collection,
measurement and analyses of data.
The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and
research design/plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection
to be used for study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data.
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
1. Primary data: These data are collected afresh & for the first time and thus
happen to be original in character. Data collected by the investigator himself/ herself
for a specific purpose.
2. Secondary data: These data are already collected by someone else and which
have already been passed through the statistical process. The researcher would have
to decide which sort of data he would be using for his study and accordingly he will
have to select one or other method of data collection.
Collection of Primary data
We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in an experimental
research but in case we do research of the descriptive nature and perform surveys,
whether sample survey or census surveys, then we can obtain primary data either
through observation or through personal interviews. This in other words means that
there are several other methods of collecting data, particularly in surveys &
descriptive researches. Important ones are:
1. Observation method
2. Interview method
3. Through questionnaire
4. Through schedules
5. Other methods
Collection of secondary data
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e.; they refer to data, which
have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. When the researcher
utilizes secondary data, then he has to look into various sources from where he can
obtain them. In this case he is certainly not confronted with the problems that are
usually associated with the collection of original data. Secondary data may either be
published data or unpublished data. Usually published data are available in:
 Various publications of central, state and local governments
 Various publications of foreign governments or of international bodies and
their subsidiary organizations
 Technical and trade journals
 Books, magazines and newspapers etc
 Reports and publication of various associations connected with business and
industry, banks, stock exchanges etc.
 Reports prepared by research scholars, universities, economists etc
 Public records and statistics, historical documents
Our project is based on secondary data also which we have collected from various
 Annual reports
 Websites
 Journals
In this research project, secondary data were used. Magazines, journals, annual
reports, statements and periodicals were consulted to fetch the information
about Venture Capital in India. Research project is also based on the
information collected from various websites and e-links.
Research plan:-
Data sources : Primary and Secondary
.Data approaches : Questionnaire.
Sample size : 30
Sample Unit : Employees of DWNF
Sample Area : New Delhi
Sample procedure : Convenience sampling.
Research Design : Descriptive.
Q 1. Do you adopt the process of recruitment & selection in your organization?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Options Percentage
1 Yes 70
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 10
Table No.01
Chart No. 1
The above Pie Diagram shows that 70% of respondents adopts the process of
recruitment & selection in their organization where as 20% don’t adopts and the rest
10% don’t know about it.
Cannot say
Q2. If yes than how many stages are involved in selecting the candidates?
One () Two () Three () More than three ()
Options Percentage
1 One 10
2 Two 10
3 Three 10
4 More than Three 70
Table No. 02
Chart No. 02
The above pie chart shows that 70% of respondents said that there are more than 3
stages in selection process. Where as 10% agreed to two stages, again 10% agreed to
one stage and rest 10% agreed to three stages.
More than three
Q 3. Do you follow different recruitment process for different types of employees?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Options Percentage
1 Yes 60
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 20
Table No. 03
Chart No. 03
The above pie chart shows that 60% of the respondents a followed different
recruitment process for different types of employees where as 20% of respondents
didn’t followed different recruitment process for different types of employees and
rest 20% was not sure.
Cannot say
Q 4. Is the organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Options Percentage
1 Yes 50
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 30
Table No. 04
Chart No. 04
The above pie chart shows that 50% respondents said yes organization doing timely
recruitments & Selection Process, 20% said No, 30% said cannot Say.
Cannot say
Q 5. Is the HR department efficient in designing the Selection policy of the
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Options Percentage
1 Yes 50
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 30
Table No. 05
Chart No. 05
The above pie chart shows that 50% respondents said that Yes HR department
efficient in designing the Selection policy of the employees, 20% said No, 30% said
cannot Say.
Cannot say
Q 6. Which amongst the following person takes final decision for selecting the
HR Manager () Recruiting manager () All Level manager () Any Other ()
Options Percentage
1 HR Manager 40
2 Recruiting Manager 40
3 All level Manager 10
4 Any Other 10
Table No. 06
Chart No. 06
The above pie chart shows that 40% respondents said that HR Manager takes final
decision for selecting the employees, 40% said Recruiting Manager, 10% said All
level Manager 10% say Any Other.
HR manager
Any other
Q 7. Is the medical examination necessary for selecting an employee?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Sr. No. Options Percentage
1 Yes 70
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 10
Table No. 07
Chart No. 07
The pie chart shows that 20% respondents said Yes medical examination necessary
for selecting an employee, 30% said No, 50% said cannot Say.
Cannot say
Q 8. Which amongst the following rewards do you get from the company
Bonus () Incentive () Perquisites () Any other ()
Options Percentage
1 Bonus 20
2 Incentive 20
3 Perquisites 20
4 Any Other 40
Table No. 08
Chart No. 08
The above pie chart shows that 20% respondents said that they get Bonus from the
company, 20% said Incentive, 20% said Perquisites and other 40% said any other
Any other
Q 9. Are you satisfied with the recruitment & selection policy of your company?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Options Percentage
1 Yes 50
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 30
Table No. 09
Chart No. 09
The above pie chart shows that 50% respondents said that Yes they satisfied with the
recruitment & selection policy of your company, 20% said No, 30% said cannot Say
Cannot say
Q 10. Are the important guidelines & technical support available in your
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
1 Yes 70
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 10
Table No.10
Chart No. 10
The above pie chart shows that 70% respondents said Yes important guidelines &
technical support available in your organization, 20% said No, 10% said cannot Say
Cannot say
Q 11. Does the company provide any type of incentives to employees?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Sr. No. Options Percentage
1 Yes 70
2 No 20
3 Cannot Say 10
Table No. 11
Chart No. 11
The above pie chart shows that 70% respondents said Yes the company provides
incentives to employees, 20% said No, 10% said cannot Says
Cannot say
Q 12. Is there a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Sr. No. Options Percentage
1 Yes 40
2 No 40
3 Cannot Say 20
Table No. 12
Char No. 12
The pie chart shows that 40% respondents said Yes there a facility of felicitating an
employee for long service in the felicitate organization, 40% said No, 20% said
cannot Say
Cannot say
Q 13. How would you rate HR department performance in recruitment &
Poor () Adequate () excellent ()
Sr. No. Options Percentage
1 Poor 10
2 Adequate 60
3 Excellent 30
Table No. 14
Chart No.13
The above pie chart shows that 60% respondents said that Adequate performance
of HR department in recruitment & selection, 30% said Excellent, 10% said Poor.
After a thorough study and discussion on the companies recruitment & selection
policy, to know its effectiveness in the organization a self designed questionnaire has
been prepared to gather the views of employees.
The questionnaire contains 13 questions related to recruitment & selection topic. The
questionnaire has been distributed to 30 employees from various departments and
asked them to answer the questions by selection the given choices.
The responses of all the questions were summed up from all the answered
questionnaires. These summed up responses were calculated to derive the
percentages to make the interpretation more meaningful, being represented in the
form of pie chart.
These are the findings:
1. The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the company is
helpful to meet the company’s manpower requirement to some extent.
2. The company should follow three stages in recruitment and selection
3. The company follow different recruitment process for different types of
4. The organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process.
5. The HR department efficient in designing the Selection policy of the
6. HR manager and recruiting manager takes final decision for selecting the
7. In the organization medical examination necessary for selecting an
8. Employees said that they get Bonus incentives and perquisite rewards from
the company.
9. The employees are satisfied with the recruitment & selection policy of their
10. Important guidelines & technical support available in their organization.
11. Company provide incentives to the employees.
12. There is a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate
13. Adequate performance of HR department in recruitment & selection process.
Through this study we can understand the satisfaction level of the employees in the
organization the welfare activities followed in the organization were suitable with the
employees’ point of view.
The management can increase the motivation level of the employees by placing the
different HR practices like welfare activities, promotion plans; reward system,
compensation plan, and active participation are involved because of these types of
When any new employee enters in the organization he has faced several types of
difficulties for adjusting themselves with the working environment of the company
So management performs several practices in the favor of employees by which the
employees feel comfortable.
This study has significance to maintain the healthy relation with the newly joined
employees. And also help the superior to understand the need of the new employee
from their side.
In conclusion it may be observed that the recruitment process of any company is an
expression of intent and plans of management’s design to attain the objectives of an
organization and guide for management’s decisions plan of action and which governs
the enterprise in its relationship with its employees. As we all know human resource
is the most important part of any organization for its proper functioning. So it’s very
necessary to have a well trained employees. So that they are fully fit for the jobs they
are assigned to. In modern industrial organization the need for training of employees
is also widely recognized so as to keep the employees in touch with the new
technological development. Hence every company must have a systematic training
programmer for the growth and development of its employees. This study brings us
to the conclusion that careful selection is very important for the growth and
development of any organization. Because the success of the company is depends on
the employees, so the employee should be able to manage the things. The working
efficiency and morale of the employees should be increased so that their productivity
is stepped up, the cost of production brought down and the quality of production
improved. Every member should create an atmosphere of respect for the human
personality and human relations. By doing this project I have come to know that how
training plays a vital role for the employees as well as for the organizations
development/a skill acquired through training is an asset for the organization and for
the employees as well. In DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION most of
the employees feel that the HR department is good. About Most of the managers says
that they prefer both internal as well as external source for recruitment. About Most
of the mangers go for direct recruitment and less number for mangers prefer indirect
or third party. Mostly the manpower planning is done Quarterly DECORIA WALLS
AND FLOORS SOLUTION prefers to go for campus interviews and even casual
application that are received for recruitment but they hardly prefer placement
agencies. There various HR practices followed in the organization by having the
study we can understand the type of program are conducted for the newly joined
The limitations are as follows:-
 The study thus conducted is restricted to the DECORIA WALLS AND
 In some cases data is collected from the companies past records.
 Working environment did not permit more thorough way of collecting data.
 Most of the information has been kept confidential and as such was not
passed an as part of the policy of the company
The outcome of the study illustrates that DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS
SOLUTION has a good recruitment policy where the employees are recruited by
each department as per the requirement from time to time. But there is still a scope
for improvement of its recruitment policy. The following are some of the suggestion
which enables the company to enhance its recruitment methodology.
 Time management is very essential and it should not be ignored at any level of
the process.
 Recruitment policy is satisfactory in DWNF but the periodicity of recruitment is
being more which needs to be reduced.
 Communication, personal and technical skills need to be tested for employees
 The company needs to further focus on talent auditions and job fairs.
 The organization cannot develop a recruitment strategy without simultaneously
formulating an employee retention plan. It is one thing to attract workers, but
quite another to retain them.
 H.R Department should be more practical and efficient so that the recruitment
and selection become more effective.
 Stress should be given on proper maintenance of database of application for
future recruitment in the organization.
 The company should follow new traits trends in the recruitment process.
 The stress should be given on knowledge and the experience should be the major
criteria for selection of employees.
 More stress should be given to recruit qualification & skills percentage for
scrutinizing the application of prospective candidates.
 Aswathappa, K (2002) ‘Human Resource and Personnel Management’,
3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication Pvt. Limited, New Delhi,
 Dessler, Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall, 9th edition, pp.
 J.Bratton and J Gold, Human Resource Management: Theory and
Practice, Palgrave, 2003, pp.115-201.
 Kothari C.R., Research Methodology- Methods and techniques, new age
international publishers, 2007, 2nd edition, pp. 26, 95, 111.
 http://www.citehr.com/14439-difference-between-recruitment-
 http://www.colgate.co.in/app/Colgate/IN/Corp/Careers/Recruitment
 http://www.dnbasia.com/hk/english/services/education/detail/hr0909.pdf
Dear respondent,
I am the student of IFTM university (Moradabad) conducting a survey. Kindly spare
few minutes to fill up this questionnaire. Any information provided by you will be
used for academic purpose only.
Information of Respondent
Q. Do you adopt the process of recruitment & selection in your organization?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 2. If yes than how many stages are involved in selecting the candidates?
One () Two () Three () More than three ()
Q 3. Do you follow different recruitment process for different types of employees?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 4. Is the organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process?
Yes () No () Cannot Say
Q 5. Does the HR department is efficient in designing the selection Policy of the
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 6. Which amongst the following person takes final decision for selecting the
HR Manager () Recruiting manager () All Level manager () Any Other ()
Q 7. Is the medical examination is necessary for selecting an employee’s?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 8. Which the amongst the following rewards do you get from the company?
Bonus () Incentive () Perquisites () Any other ()
Q 9. Are you satisfied with recruitment & selection policy of your company?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 10. Are the important guidelines & technical support is available in your
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 11. does the company provides any type of incentives to employees?
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 12. Is there a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate
Yes () No () Cannot Say ()
Q 13. How would you rate HR department performance in recruitment & selection?
Poor () Adequate () Excellent ()

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MBA Report on Recruitment and Selection procedure

  • 3. 3 STUDENT DECLARATION I, Samra, Roll No.15021121 full time bonafide student of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program of IFTM University, Moradabad. I hereby certify that this project work carried out by me at “Decoria Walls and Floor Solution” and the report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the programme is an original work of mine under the guidance of the industry mentor Ms. Arshil Wara and faculty mentor Mr. Nikhil Gupta, and is not based or reproduced from any existing work of any other person or on any earlier work undertaken at any other time or for any other purpose, and has not been submitted anywhere else at any time. (Student Signature) Date: __________________ (Faculty Mentor Signature) Date: __________________
  • 4. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior, and acts during the course of study. I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Manjula Jain (Director, School of Business Management, IFTM University) for providing me an opportunity to undergo summer training at Decoria Walls and Floor Solution. I am thankful to Ms. Arshil Wara my corporate guide, for her support, cooperation, and motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings. I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr. Nikhil Gupta my faculty mentor, who provided his valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project report. Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work. (Samra)
  • 5. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I had started my Summer Training Program at DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION. This is situated in 2/3, 3rd Floor, Opposite Surya Hotel, New Delhi, Delhi. I have done my Internship there for the one months. And got the Topic for my Project Report. The Topic was given by the head of the Company person and as per my Mentors also. Her name is Arshil Wara who really gives me great Confidence to do the work at DWNF. She gives me relevant Company information for preparing my Project as well. She tells me so many things that how I can pitch the JD to the Candidate so that I can easily convince to them for the Interview regarding the Current job profile. Here I want to discuss briefly about the Recruitment and Selection Process which I have done earlier at the DWNF.  Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated Organizational vacancies. It makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the Organization.  In simple terms, it is an attempt to draw attention of applicants in the market, get interested applicants, and generate a pool of prospective employees so that management can select the right person for the right job.  The recruitment process is one of the most critical aspects of running a successful business .Because every organization’s performance is largely dependent on the quality of its workers.  The question comes into the mind that why I have chosen my topic as “Recruitment and Selection Process”. Because as a HR and Finance professional in M.B.A this topic is covers all those aspects which really help me for using my theoretical knowledge in Practical aspects. Being as an HR Executive it was really great challenges to recruit a person for the job.
  • 7. 7 INTRODUCTION Acquiring and retaining high-quality talent is critical to an organization’s success. As the job market becomes increasingly competitive and the available skills grow more diverse, recruiters need to be more selective in their choices, since poor recruiting decisions can produce long-term negative effects, among them high training and development costs to minimize the incidence of poor performance and high turnover which, in turn, impact staff morale, the production of high quality goods and services and the retention of organizational memory. At worst, the organization can fail to achieve its objectives thereby losing its competitive edge and its share of the market. Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, Recruitment is a process which provides the organization with a pool of potentially qualified job candidates from which judicious selection can be made to fill vacancies. Successful recruitment begins with proper employment planning and forecasting. In this phase of the staffing process, an organization formulates plans to fill or eliminate future job openings based on an analysis of future needs, the talent available within and outside of the organization, and the current and anticipated resources that can be expended to attract and retain such talent. Selection is a process of hiring the best among the pool of candidates available. ‘Right person for the right job’ is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Every organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers. The operative manpower is equally important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise. Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activities smoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is essential. Human resource management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable persons are selected and employment in a business unit.
  • 8. 8 DEFINITION: “Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force”. “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for job in the organizations recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers”. Recruitment is the discovery of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It is the linking activity bringing people together those with jobs and those without jobs. Recruitment is the process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower to meet job requirement and job satisfactions. - By Dale Yoder Recruitment is both negative and positive activity. It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. It is positive as its stimulates people to apply for job selection tends to be negative as it rejects people who are not suitable. - By Flippo AIMS OF RECRUITMENT 1. To induct outsider with new perspective to lead the company. 2. To infuse fresh blood at all levels of organization. 3. To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company. 4. To search or headhunt people whose skill fit the company’s values? 5. To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent 6. To devise methodology for assessing psychological traits. 7. To induct outsider with new perspective to lead the company 8. To search for talent globally not just within the company. 9. To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum. 10. To anticipate and find people for position that doesn’t exists yet.
  • 9. 9 SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT The various sources of external recruitment are: 1. Advertising. 2. Employment agencies 3. Employee referrals 4. Colleges and professional institutions 5. Labor unions 6. Casual applicants. 7. Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters 8. Unconsolidated applications 9. Leasing 10. Computer data banks. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF EXTERNAL SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT ADVANTAGES:  Benefits of new skills, new talents and new experiences to organization  Compliance with reservation policy is easy  Scope for resentment, jealousies and heartburn are avoide DISADVANTAGES:  Better morale and motivation associated with internal recruiting is denied to the Organization  It is costly  Chances of creeping in false positive and fake negative errors.  Adjustment of new employees to the organizational culture takes longer time.
  • 10. 10 SELECTION:- “Selection is the process of examining the applicants with regard to their suitability for the given job or jobs, and choosing the best candidate and rejecting the others.” Good recruitment practices are only one key to generating a pool of top job candidates. Equally important is having a strong basis from which to recruit. If an organization’s policies and practices are unattractive to candidates, the organization’s ability to generate good candidates will be limited regardless of the specific recruitment practices they employee. But what policies and practice do “good” applicants find attractive? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question because not all “good” applicants are alike, and research shows that organization’s policies and the individual’s characteristics. Financial considerations, supply and demand, and other variables impact the recruitment process. Looking for a qualified person for the IT department is likely to require a broader and possibly more expensive search. Recruitment indicate that there is an increase in the use of the internet and interactive employment websites, such as searching web databases, placing online ads at various career sites, purchasing candidate information from resume services, sending recruitment materials, to targeted individuals, and placing ads in newspapers can all yield positive results Definition In General―Selection is the process of allowing a right candidate for the right job, at the right time, at the right place to attain various goal and objectives of the organization for the work. Purpose & Importance of Selection  It assists in finding the right person for the right job  It focuses on knowledge, skills, aptitude and compatibility of the employees so that a person shares potential in order to attain the goals and objectives of an organization.
  • 11. 11  It ensures efficacy, effectiveness, productivity, work environment, conducive culture, proactive-practical-positive-pragmatic approach of the employees, not only assists in higher quality and quantitatively production but also it helps in harnessing harmonious relationship.  It provides a competitive aid in neck cutting competition in terms of providing a skilled manpower in their fields. Barriers to Effective Selection : The main objective of selection process is to hire people having competence and commitment towards the given job profile. But due to some reason the main purpose of effectively selecting candidates is defeated. These reasons are: 1: Perception or the Halo effect: Many a times the interviewer selects a candidate according to the perception he has or he made up while talking or looking at the individual. This way he does not see through the caliber or the efficiency of the individual and many times it leads to the selection of the wrong candidates. 2: Fairness: During the selection process the interviewer does not select the individual on the basis of his knowledge and hence the right type of the candidates is not selected. 3: Pressure: The people from the HR department and also have a lot of pressure from the top management and from other top class people for selecting the candidates they want. This ways the purpose of effective selection process of effective selection process is defeated as they have to select that individual whether or not he is capable of the job. That is being offers 4. Stereotyping: This is one of the most common barriers to selection in stereotyping; we generally categorize the candidates such as:  All professors and teachers are absent minded.  All females are basically sincere and honest.
  • 12. 12 5. Gender Issue: Gender issue also hampers effective selection in early days, men predominantly held managerial jobs and if those jobs are viewed as being primarily miscellaneous in nature, such stereotyping may produce negative reaction in selecting right candidates. SELECTION PROCESS: Figure No 01 Reception Screening Interview Application Blank Selection Test Selection Interview Medical/physical Examination Reference Check Hiring Decision Placement
  • 13. 13 The various steps in the selection of desirable in the employment of the organization should be finalized by the company. Selection procedure starts only after the application from the prospective employees are received by the concern. These applications are scrutinized out at each step and those who are found fit for the job are selected finally. More or less above mentioned steps are to be followed by the organizations, an elaboration has been given below. 1. Reception Company has to create favorable impression on the applicants. There should be friendly and courteous behavior towards the applicants. Employment possibilities must be presented honesty and clearly. 2. Screening Interview Preliminary interview is generally planned by large organization to cut the costs of selections by allowing only eligible candidate to get through the further stages of selection. The purpose of this type of interview is to eliminate the unqualified or unsuitable candidates. It should be quite brief just to have an idea of general education, experience, training, appearance, personality, etc. of the candidate and to obtain his salary requirement. If the applicants appear to have some chance of being selected, he is given the application blank to fill in. 3. Application Blank An application blank or application form is the next paramount device in the selection procedure. The successful candidates in the preliminary interviews are supplied the Application Blank to get a written record of the following information. a) Identifying Information b) Information regarding education c) Information regarding experience d) Expected Salaries and Allowances e) Information regarding community Activities. f) Other information (reference, extracurricular etc.)
  • 14. 14 Such information helps the management in screening the undesirable applicants and in maintaining the record for the future. Form of the Application Blank may differ from organization to organization. 4. Selection Test A test is a standardized objective measure of a person’s behavior performance or attitude. Tests are the important device used in the selection of the candidates. A test is designed to measure such skills and abilities in a worker as are found by job analysis to be essential for successful job performance. 5. Selection Interview Perhaps this is the most important and difficult part of the selection process. The purpose of the interview is to determine the suitability of the applicant for the job and the job for the applicant. Interview must be conducted in friendly atmosphere and the candidate must be made to feel at ease. Generally the question should be asked on the basis of the job specification. Unwarranted questions should be avoided. A verification of the information furnished by the candidate in application blank may be made or additional information may be sought for the future record. The candidate should be given a chance to ask questions to satisfy him regarding the history of the concern, future prospects, salary offered and nature of the job. 6. Medical/ Physical Examination In almost all the companies ‘vein in India, Medical Examination is a part of selection for all suitable applicants. It is conducted after the final decision has been made to select the candidate. This is very important because a person of poor health may generally be absent or may spread it amongst the workers If a candidate successfully overcomes all the parameters or tests given above, he would be declared selected. An appointment letter will later be given to him mentioning the post for which he is selected, etc. 7. Reference Check Employments generally provide a column in the Application Blank for reference. If the applicant crosses all the above parameters, an investigation may be made on the reference supplied by the applicants regarding his past employment, education, character, personnel reputation, etc.
  • 15. 15 8. Hiring Decision On the basis of factual data and certain assumptions, a selector has to select a right employee for the organization. The decision about employment is taken by the line manager of the department where the job is available. By considering the information available from the various steps as mentioned above, the line manager has to decide whether or not the candidate should be appointed for the job. 9. Placement When the candidate accepts the offer made to him by the personnel department and reports for the work in the organization, he is placed on the job for which he is selected. Such employee is kept on probation for certain duration and during the probation period he is kept under observation. Steps covered in selection procedure are not rigid. They may vary from organization or in the same organization from job to job. The arrangement of steps may be reduced or some new steps may be added. Selection Test A test is a standardized objective measure of a person’s behavior performance or attitude. Tests are the important device used in the selection of the candidates. A test is designed to measure such skills and abilities in a worker as are found by job analysis to be essential for successful job performance. Psychological and other tests are becoming increasingly popular, even in India, as a part of the selection procedure; however, their utility is controversial. The Personnel Department can guide and help in the selection types of tests appropriate for a particular position. There are various kinds of employment tests taken by various organizations stated below 1. Aptitude Test  Measures an individual’s potential to learn certain skills, clerical, mechanical, mathematical etc.  This test indicates whether or not an individual has the ability to learn a given job quickly and effectively.  Administered in combination with other tests like intelligence and personality test.
  • 16. 16 2. Intelligence Test  These are mental ability tests. This measure the person’s learning ability and also the ability to understand instruction and make judgments.  Basic objective is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at learning things so that they can be offered adequate training to improve their skills.  Also measures memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, perception etc. 3. Personality Test  These test are used to measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality such as motivation, emotional balance, self confidence, optimism, decisiveness, sociability, conformity, objectivity, patience, distrust, stability etc.  Example of personality test is objective test and projective test.  Personality test has disadvantages in the sense that they can be faked by sophisticated candidates and most candidates give socially acceptable answers. 4. Achievement Test  These tests are designed to measure what the applicant can do on the job currently i.e. whether the test actually knows what he or she claims to know.  Job knowledge test and Work sample test are the part of Achievement test. 5. Simulation Test  Simulation test duplicates many of the activities and persons an employee faces while at work.  Such exercises are used for hiring managers at various levels in an organization. 6. Integrity Test  These are designed to measure employee’s honesty to predict those who are more likely to steal from an employer or otherwise act in a manner unacceptable to the organization. 7. Graphology  Graphology involves using a trained evaluator to examine the lines, loops, hooks, strokes, curves and flourishes in a person’s hand writing to assess the person’s personality and emotional make up. 8. Polygraph  The polygraph records physical changes in the body as the test subject answers a series of questions.
  • 17. 17  It records fluctuation in blood pressure, respiration and perspiration. Objectives of Interview  To get an opportunity to judge an applicant’s qualifications and characteristics.  To give an applicant essential facts about the job and the company.  To establish a rapport, or a feeling of mutual understanding and confidence between the personnel department and the applicant who is to be employed.  Interviewing is an invaluable tool of disciplinary action, grievance handling and relations with unions.  To get a real feel of the candidate, observe his appearance, confidence and typical ways of reacting to questions of various sorts.  To find out why an employee is leaving the company and seeking job elsewhere. Types of Interviews Here are various types of interviews which are followed by the companies at the time of selection of the candidate, from which some important interviews are given below. 1. Structured or Directive Interview:  This interview a predetermined checklist of questions usually asked of all applicants  It is useful when dealing with large no. of applicants.  Time and energy consuming. 2. Unstructured or nondirective Interview:  In this type of interview no specific format is followed.  Questions are asked as they came in mind.  Broad open-ended questions.  Useful when the interviewer try probe personal details of the candidate to analyze by them are not right for the job 3. Mixed interview:  A combination of structured and unstructured questions which reasonable what is usually done in practice.  A realistic approach that yielded comparable answer plus in depth in sights.
  • 18. 18 4. Behavioral interview:  This interview is done on the basis of interviewees ‘last experience  How he behaves in a particular situations in his previous job.  Evaluation is based on the solution and approach of the applicants.  Useful to understand applicants’ reasoning and analytical abilities under modest stress. 5. Stress interview:  Interviewer attempts to find how applicants good responds to aggressive, embarrassing, rude and insulting questions.  A series of harsh rapid fire questions are asked in order to upset the applicants.  Useful stressful jobs such as handling complaints. 6. Panel Interview:  Applicants meet with three or five interviewers to take turns asking questions.  More stressed condition.  Personal biases are less. 7. Situational Interview:  Hypothetical Situation is given and applicants’ responses are examined.  Responses are measured relative to pre-established benchmark standards.
  • 19. 19 DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION Let us begin with our brief introduction. We started 10 years ago as MILLENNIUM BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, a leading signage manufacturer and authorized distributor or 3M films and veneers, worked with almost leading architectural firms, contractors and PMCs. A great appreciation from our clients encouraged us to expand our services so we established a new firm OPTIMUS INTERNATIONAL. Its an authorized distributor in India for Kuberit Profiles Systems, Germany, importer of wall covering and have a highly skilled team of stretch fabric system. We approached you from our rather new established firm DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION known as DWNF. Its an authorized distributor in Delhi NCR for Progress Profiles Which is an Italian company for profiles system. We deal in High Pressure Laminates, WPC ,Pine wood and many other architectural products. DWNF is a Delhi NCR based company who imports, markets and distributes Movable Walls, Sliding Folding Partitions, WPC products, cladding and decking materials, profiles for floors and walls to the middle to high end of the consumer market. We also offer wallpapers, Wooden and Vinyl Floorings. We tied up with different companies all around the world to offer you great range of products. Customer service is key to successful long terms business, DWNF prides itself on this; offering expert and friendly advice, in depth product knowledge and fantastic after sales service. We are here from start to finish always on hand answering any questions even on Weekends. We have developed close working relationships with our suppliers, enabling us to offer the best quality products at affordable prices every time. VISION: -DWNF will become a global leader in commercial flooring systems by creating sustainable solutions for our customer. MISSION:- To launch innovative and world class products to help customers realize their dreams
  • 20. 20 Quality Objective: 1- To provide products that meet customer requirements consistently. 2- To constantly improve quality through preventive action. 3- To Develop employees through continuous training in knowledge and skills. Our Products Movable Walls, Sliding Folding Partitions The effective division of space sometimes requires utmost flexibility. Whether the requirement is to divide a teaching area, temporarily partition a conference suite, or simply create extra rooms out of one large space, the answer is – movable walls Movable walls, operable walls, sliding folding partitions This group of products is synonymous with one name; Dividers. Dividers is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of movable wall systems. Dividers provides unrivalled experience in the design and manufacture of space utilization products. Alongside Dividers sliding folding partitions family of products also include, hinged partitions and concertina partitions, along with a range of glass movable walls. This comprehensive range of movable wall and door systems are manufactured from its plant based in the UK. Whether your essential requirement is sound attenuation, ease of operation, or aesthetics, there is a solution in the Dividers movable wall product range.
  • 21. 21 WPC – WOOD POLYMER COMPOSITE PRODUCTS Water Proof, Moisture Proof, Termite Proof, Fungal Proof, Moth Proof, Weather Proof, Antisepsis (Rot Resistant), Split Resistant, High grade UV Resistance, Fading Resistance, Great Outdoor Adaptability, Highly durable (20 years warranty), No painting required, Fire Retardant, High Strength & Stability, Chemical Resistant, Natural Timber Look, Different colors coating available, Easy to Install, Eco- friendly, 100% Recyclable, Pollution free. We invite you to experience our WPC products by viewing our display and learn about our rich and stylish designs. Discover why WPC products make a critical difference in decorating your home.
  • 22. 22 WPC DOORS This particular range of products is made from a new revolutionary product (WPC) which is made entirely from recycled products. It is environment friendly as it emits almost zero emission making it one of the safest products to use. It is weatherproof and waterproof which makes these Doors stronger and more stable than traditional Doors. This particular range of Doors is still in its early days i n India but we are confident these will be the product of future. These Doors are particularly suitable for external/internal application especially where exposure to the elements and ongoing maintenance is an issue. Available in a number of finishes like Spray Painted system or Transfer Coating, or can be supplied Raw for onsite painting.
  • 23. 23 Boards All Size All furniture making board, partition, cabinets’ partition, modular kitchen, wardrobes, reusable construction concrete formwork board. Fire retardant, excellent thermal properties, contains no toxic chemicals or preservatives, environment friendly, recyclable, no sting of wood. Easy to produce and easily fabricate, easy to cut, fix and glue, easy to tenon, drill and nail, less maintenance, cost effective.
  • 24. 24 WPC Decking Our wood plastic composite decking board is no ordinary decking board. Made from recycled timber and plastics, the WPC decking system combines their unique properties in one base material. With the low maintenance and durability of the plastic and the texture, appearance and strength of the wood, our wood composite decking board is eco-friendly, extremely stable and is perfectly suited for outdoor use around the garden as well as hotels, pubs, leisure centers etc.
  • 25. 25 WPC Cladding Our wood plastic composite cladding profiles are an ever increasingly popular choice for finishing the outside of buildings both domestic and commercial. Our WPC cladding can handle whatever the weather throws at it. The durable and hardwearing, environmentally friendly and maintenance free protective barrier offers excellent insulation properties with the wood plastic composite combining the durability of plastic along with the textured feel of the wood. A stylish yet affordable finish for any paneling application.
  • 26. 26 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To get right person at right place and in right time, the organization should have the specific and clear policies and recruitment and selection methods which are essential for the growth of the organization.  To analyze the actual recruitment process in DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS.  To find whether the existing processes of recruitment and selection are taking place scientifically or not.  To review the importance and needs of recruitment and selection process.  To study the level of job satisfaction in the organization.
  • 27. 27 SCOPE AND RATIONALE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is very wide. Through this study DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION we can understand the satisfaction level of the employees in the organization and the welfare activities followed in the organization were found suitable with the employees’ point of view. With the help of this study the management can increase the motivation level of the employees by placing the different HR practices like welfare activities, promotion plans; reward system, compensation plan, and active participation are involved because of these types of activities. When any new employee enters in the organization he has faced several type of difficulties for adjusting themselves with the working environment of the company. So management performs several practices in the favor of employees by which the employees feel comfortable. With the help of this study DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION can significance to maintain the healthy relation with the newly joined employees. And also help the superior to understand the need of the new employee from their side.
  • 28. 28 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The researcher has considered the following literatures which are discussed below:- (Cassette, 2002, p. 109) Recruitment activities entail organizing staff, generating applicant pools, matching individual talents with interests and opportunities, and adjusting and developing personnel. If an effective recruitment process is in place and qualified candidates found, future personnel and selection problems would be minimized and future high achievers or innovative leaders would be attracted to the school system. Thomas et al. (2003) in their review of the research literature and consideration of cultural audit results of organizations found that the majority of organizations favor the use of informal recruitment and selection processes, such as small social networks and employee referrals. Many organizations rely on informal, rather than merit-based, processes in order to be able to select the best candidates and to screen out large numbers of unsuitable applicants. Such processes also minimize the cost of the recruitment process. (Powell 2004) Informal recruitment processes can also lead to bias because recruiters tend to determine job requirements according to the current job-holder's gender. If the current job-holder is male (or female) and displays certain characteristics and abilities, then these characteristics and abilities are determined as being necessary to the job. Applicants are then assessed according to these requirements and, where these are perceived as being held more often by one particular sex than the other; applicants of that sex are preferred. This sort of process tends to limit the number of women applicants for 'men's' jobs and men applicants for 'women's' jobs. It reinforces occupational segregation and contributes to building stereotypical views of men and women's roles and abilities. Bias can also arise in the recruitment and selection process when the range and type of information to be collected on each applicant, and the effort given to collection of information (such as CVs, referee reports), varies. This includes effort given to recruitment. Casting a wide net to attract applicants from outside mainstream groups for instance requires more effort, as does putting together a panel of interviewer’s representative of a diverse candidate pool.
  • 29. 29 Thomas et al. (2007) Interviews are a central part of the selection process that are used by the majority of employers. According to him the interview process can be biased in favor of individuals whose behavior and appearance conform to society's dominant cultural norms. They argue that often the primary intent of the interview is to assess the candidate's personal qualities as opposed to focusing the interview on the job requirements, as would be expected in a sound interview process. While a typical interview might centre around the candidate's past work experience and indicators of dependability and willingness to work, as well as verification of the information provided, employers were found to have developed their own subjective tests of productivity and character. For example, they focused attention on how expressive or open a candidate was and the candidate's personal philosophy about work. Even though some employers recognize that some differences might be based on culture or gender, they can feel that such differences are not appropriate in the work environment, and as a result candidates are excluded from particular occupations. Gate wood and Field (2008) conclude that many factors that only marginally relate to job activities can influence an interviewer's evaluation, even if the interviewer is experienced. They disagree with the argument that because most jobs require some social interaction, these cues are important for at least some aspects of job performance. They argue that behaviors and characteristics can be learned by interviewees specifically for the interview and might not be representative of their behavior in other situations. Lack of agreement about what characteristics such as appearance and liking actually mean in terms of job performance, limit the usefulness of these factors. McDonnell (2009) Many employers also utilize employment tests as part of the recruitment process. He examined research findings on the validity and reliability of employment tests, such as cognitive ability and personality tests. Cognitive ability tests were found to have moderate predictive ability for managerial jobs but to have an adverse impact on minorities, as they are not fair predictors of future job performance. In contrast to employment tests, the selection interview, when conducted in a structured manner, has been found to have moderate to high predictive validity and to be fairer to women and minorities because the focus of the interview is on critical job requirements.
  • 30. 30 Townie (2010) Employment testing continues to be used by employers in spite of evidence that such testing can contain gender and ethnic biases and those tests are often weak indicators of job performance and successful employment. He argues that employers continue to use employment testing because it gives the semblance of being objective and scientific, and, concomitantly, efficient. She concludes that 'selection, by definition, involves a process of discrimination, and that the opportunity for management to emphasize employee 'acceptability', or the 'good bloke syndrome', rather than 'suitability' residing in task-based criteria, has been well documented in the discussion of recruitment and selection decisions'. However, she also notes that other studies have questioned the extent to which these factors have been elevated over task-based activities. (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 2011) Recruitment and selection related decisions made by individuals and organizations cumulatively affect the representation of women and men in particular areas of work and at different levels within organizations. Assumptions about women's role and abilities have led to women being over- represented in particular occupations and positions, thus constraining women's work opportunities. These initial limitations are compounded by the level and nature of training and development opportunities offered to women. During the last few decades, companies have been confronted with an increasingly competitive environment. Forces facilitating globalization, such as the liberalization of international trade, the international integration of production, research and marketing by major MNCs, as well as the emergence of major economic regions like the European Union, have enabled companies to invest overseas to gain or maintain competitive advantage. It has been argued that human assets are an emerging source of competitive advantage for MNCs. HRM is evolving from being just a support function to one of strategic importance.
  • 31. 31 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH Research is common parlance refresh to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced Learner’s dictionary of current English lay down the meaning research as “a careful investigation and inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch knowledge”. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction of the problem: To study the training and development at V.S. Group. Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense. According to Clifford woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusion; and at last carefully testing the conclusion to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of theory is also research. As such the term “Research” refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts of data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in the form of solution towards the concerned problem or certain in certain generalization for some theoretical formulation. TYPES OF RESEARCH There are the following types of research, which are as follows:- 1. Descriptive vs. Analytical: Descriptive research includes surveys and fact- finding enquiries of different kinds. The majors’ purpose of descriptive research is description the set of affairs it exists at present. In analytical research, on the other hand, the research has to use facts or information already available, and analyze these to use fact or information already available, and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of material. 2.
  • 32. 32 3. Applied vs. Fundamental:Research can either be applied research Or fundamental research. Applied research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or and industrial / Business origination, Whereas Fundamental research is mainly concern with generalization and with the formulation of a theory. 4. Quantitative vs. Qualitative: Quantitative research is based on the Measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. Qualitative research, on the other hand is concerned with Qualitative phenomenon, that is, phenomenon relating to or involving quality or kind. 5. Conceptual vs. Empirical: Conceptual research is that related some Abstract idea or theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. On the other hand, Empirical research realizes on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and theory. It is a data based research. RESEARCH DESIGN “A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analyses of data in a manner that aims to combined relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure”. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it is constitute the blue print for the collection, measurement and analyses of data. DATA SOURCES The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design/plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data. 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data 1. Primary data: These data are collected afresh & for the first time and thus happen to be original in character. Data collected by the investigator himself/ herself for a specific purpose.
  • 33. 33 2. Secondary data: These data are already collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. The researcher would have to decide which sort of data he would be using for his study and accordingly he will have to select one or other method of data collection. Collection of Primary data We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in an experimental research but in case we do research of the descriptive nature and perform surveys, whether sample survey or census surveys, then we can obtain primary data either through observation or through personal interviews. This in other words means that there are several other methods of collecting data, particularly in surveys & descriptive researches. Important ones are: 1. Observation method 2. Interview method 3. Through questionnaire 4. Through schedules 5. Other methods Collection of secondary data Secondary data means data that are already available i.e.; they refer to data, which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. When the researcher utilizes secondary data, then he has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them. In this case he is certainly not confronted with the problems that are usually associated with the collection of original data. Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data. Usually published data are available in:  Various publications of central, state and local governments  Various publications of foreign governments or of international bodies and their subsidiary organizations  Technical and trade journals  Books, magazines and newspapers etc  Reports and publication of various associations connected with business and industry, banks, stock exchanges etc.  Reports prepared by research scholars, universities, economists etc  Public records and statistics, historical documents
  • 34. 34 Our project is based on secondary data also which we have collected from various sources-  Annual reports  Websites  Journals In this research project, secondary data were used. Magazines, journals, annual reports, statements and periodicals were consulted to fetch the information about Venture Capital in India. Research project is also based on the information collected from various websites and e-links. Research plan:- Data sources : Primary and Secondary .Data approaches : Questionnaire. Sample size : 30 Sample Unit : Employees of DWNF Sample Area : New Delhi Sample procedure : Convenience sampling. Research Design : Descriptive.
  • 35. 35 Q 1. Do you adopt the process of recruitment & selection in your organization? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 70 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 10 Table No.01 Chart No. 1 INTERPRETATION The above Pie Diagram shows that 70% of respondents adopts the process of recruitment & selection in their organization where as 20% don’t adopts and the rest 10% don’t know about it. Yes 70% No 20% Cannot say 10%
  • 36. 36 Q2. If yes than how many stages are involved in selecting the candidates? One () Two () Three () More than three () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 One 10 2 Two 10 3 Three 10 4 More than Three 70 Table No. 02 Chart No. 02 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 70% of respondents said that there are more than 3 stages in selection process. Where as 10% agreed to two stages, again 10% agreed to one stage and rest 10% agreed to three stages. One 10% two 10% Three 10% More than three 70%
  • 37. 37 Q 3. Do you follow different recruitment process for different types of employees? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 60 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 20 Table No. 03 Chart No. 03 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 60% of the respondents a followed different recruitment process for different types of employees where as 20% of respondents didn’t followed different recruitment process for different types of employees and rest 20% was not sure. Yes 60% no 2… Cannot say 20%
  • 38. 38 Q 4. Is the organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 50 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 30 Table No. 04 Chart No. 04 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 50% respondents said yes organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process, 20% said No, 30% said cannot Say. yYes 50% No 20% Cannot say 30%
  • 39. 39 Q 5. Is the HR department efficient in designing the Selection policy of the employees? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 50 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 30 Table No. 05 Chart No. 05 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 50% respondents said that Yes HR department efficient in designing the Selection policy of the employees, 20% said No, 30% said cannot Say. Yes 50% No 20% Cannot say 30%
  • 40. 40 Q 6. Which amongst the following person takes final decision for selecting the employees? HR Manager () Recruiting manager () All Level manager () Any Other () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 HR Manager 40 2 Recruiting Manager 40 3 All level Manager 10 4 Any Other 10 Table No. 06 Chart No. 06 INTERPRETATIONS The above pie chart shows that 40% respondents said that HR Manager takes final decision for selecting the employees, 40% said Recruiting Manager, 10% said All level Manager 10% say Any Other. Recruiting manager 40% HR manager 40% All 10% Any other 10%
  • 41. 41 Q 7. Is the medical examination necessary for selecting an employee? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 70 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 10 Table No. 07 Chart No. 07 INTERPRETATION The pie chart shows that 20% respondents said Yes medical examination necessary for selecting an employee, 30% said No, 50% said cannot Say. Cannot say 10% No 20% yes 70%
  • 42. 42 Q 8. Which amongst the following rewards do you get from the company Bonus () Incentive () Perquisites () Any other () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Bonus 20 2 Incentive 20 3 Perquisites 20 4 Any Other 40 Table No. 08 Chart No. 08 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 20% respondents said that they get Bonus from the company, 20% said Incentive, 20% said Perquisites and other 40% said any other Perquisites 20% Incentives 20% Bonus 20% Any other 40%
  • 43. 43 Q 9. Are you satisfied with the recruitment & selection policy of your company? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 50 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 30 Table No. 09 Chart No. 09 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 50% respondents said that Yes they satisfied with the recruitment & selection policy of your company, 20% said No, 30% said cannot Say Yes 50% No 20% Cannot say 30%
  • 44. 44 Q 10. Are the important guidelines & technical support available in your organization? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentag e 1 Yes 70 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 10 Table No.10 Chart No. 10 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 70% respondents said Yes important guidelines & technical support available in your organization, 20% said No, 10% said cannot Say Yes 70% No 20% Cannot say 10%
  • 45. 45 Q 11. Does the company provide any type of incentives to employees? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 70 2 No 20 3 Cannot Say 10 Table No. 11 Chart No. 11 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 70% respondents said Yes the company provides incentives to employees, 20% said No, 10% said cannot Says Yes 70% No 20% Cannot say 10%
  • 46. 46 Q 12. Is there a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate organization? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Yes 40 2 No 40 3 Cannot Say 20 Table No. 12 Char No. 12 INTERPRETATION The pie chart shows that 40% respondents said Yes there a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate organization, 40% said No, 20% said cannot Say No 40% Yes 40% Cannot say 20%
  • 47. 47 Q 13. How would you rate HR department performance in recruitment & selection? Poor () Adequate () excellent () Sr. No. Options Percentage 1 Poor 10 2 Adequate 60 3 Excellent 30 Table No. 14 Chart No.13 INTERPRETATION The above pie chart shows that 60% respondents said that Adequate performance of HR department in recruitment & selection, 30% said Excellent, 10% said Poor. Poor 10% Adequate 60% Excellent 30%
  • 48. 48 RESULTS AND FINDINGS After a thorough study and discussion on the companies recruitment & selection policy, to know its effectiveness in the organization a self designed questionnaire has been prepared to gather the views of employees. The questionnaire contains 13 questions related to recruitment & selection topic. The questionnaire has been distributed to 30 employees from various departments and asked them to answer the questions by selection the given choices. The responses of all the questions were summed up from all the answered questionnaires. These summed up responses were calculated to derive the percentages to make the interpretation more meaningful, being represented in the form of pie chart. These are the findings: 1. The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the company is helpful to meet the company’s manpower requirement to some extent. 2. The company should follow three stages in recruitment and selection process. 3. The company follow different recruitment process for different types of employees. 4. The organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process. 5. The HR department efficient in designing the Selection policy of the employees. 6. HR manager and recruiting manager takes final decision for selecting the employees. 7. In the organization medical examination necessary for selecting an employee. 8. Employees said that they get Bonus incentives and perquisite rewards from the company. 9. The employees are satisfied with the recruitment & selection policy of their company.
  • 49. 49 10. Important guidelines & technical support available in their organization. 11. Company provide incentives to the employees. 12. There is a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate organization. 13. Adequate performance of HR department in recruitment & selection process.
  • 50. 50 DISCUSSIONS Through this study we can understand the satisfaction level of the employees in the organization the welfare activities followed in the organization were suitable with the employees’ point of view. The management can increase the motivation level of the employees by placing the different HR practices like welfare activities, promotion plans; reward system, compensation plan, and active participation are involved because of these types of activities. When any new employee enters in the organization he has faced several types of difficulties for adjusting themselves with the working environment of the company So management performs several practices in the favor of employees by which the employees feel comfortable. This study has significance to maintain the healthy relation with the newly joined employees. And also help the superior to understand the need of the new employee from their side.
  • 51. 51 CONCLUSIONS In conclusion it may be observed that the recruitment process of any company is an expression of intent and plans of management’s design to attain the objectives of an organization and guide for management’s decisions plan of action and which governs the enterprise in its relationship with its employees. As we all know human resource is the most important part of any organization for its proper functioning. So it’s very necessary to have a well trained employees. So that they are fully fit for the jobs they are assigned to. In modern industrial organization the need for training of employees is also widely recognized so as to keep the employees in touch with the new technological development. Hence every company must have a systematic training programmer for the growth and development of its employees. This study brings us to the conclusion that careful selection is very important for the growth and development of any organization. Because the success of the company is depends on the employees, so the employee should be able to manage the things. The working efficiency and morale of the employees should be increased so that their productivity is stepped up, the cost of production brought down and the quality of production improved. Every member should create an atmosphere of respect for the human personality and human relations. By doing this project I have come to know that how training plays a vital role for the employees as well as for the organizations development/a skill acquired through training is an asset for the organization and for the employees as well. In DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION most of the employees feel that the HR department is good. About Most of the managers says that they prefer both internal as well as external source for recruitment. About Most of the mangers go for direct recruitment and less number for mangers prefer indirect or third party. Mostly the manpower planning is done Quarterly DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION prefers to go for campus interviews and even casual application that are received for recruitment but they hardly prefer placement agencies. There various HR practices followed in the organization by having the study we can understand the type of program are conducted for the newly joined employees.
  • 52. 52 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The limitations are as follows:-  The study thus conducted is restricted to the DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION” only.  In some cases data is collected from the companies past records.  Working environment did not permit more thorough way of collecting data.  Most of the information has been kept confidential and as such was not passed an as part of the policy of the company
  • 53. 53 SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The outcome of the study illustrates that DECORIA WALLS AND FLOORS SOLUTION has a good recruitment policy where the employees are recruited by each department as per the requirement from time to time. But there is still a scope for improvement of its recruitment policy. The following are some of the suggestion which enables the company to enhance its recruitment methodology.  Time management is very essential and it should not be ignored at any level of the process.  Recruitment policy is satisfactory in DWNF but the periodicity of recruitment is being more which needs to be reduced.  Communication, personal and technical skills need to be tested for employees  The company needs to further focus on talent auditions and job fairs.  The organization cannot develop a recruitment strategy without simultaneously formulating an employee retention plan. It is one thing to attract workers, but quite another to retain them.  H.R Department should be more practical and efficient so that the recruitment and selection become more effective.  Stress should be given on proper maintenance of database of application for future recruitment in the organization.  The company should follow new traits trends in the recruitment process.  The stress should be given on knowledge and the experience should be the major criteria for selection of employees.  More stress should be given to recruit qualification & skills percentage for scrutinizing the application of prospective candidates.
  • 54. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOK REFFERED  Aswathappa, K (2002) ‘Human Resource and Personnel Management’, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, 53-140.  Dessler, Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall, 9th edition, pp. 45-59.  J.Bratton and J Gold, Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Palgrave, 2003, pp.115-201.  Kothari C.R., Research Methodology- Methods and techniques, new age international publishers, 2007, 2nd edition, pp. 26, 95, 111. Websites  http://www.citehr.com/14439-difference-between-recruitment- selection.html  http://www.colgate.co.in/app/Colgate/IN/Corp/Careers/Recruitment Process.cvsp  http://www.dnbasia.com/hk/english/services/education/detail/hr0909.pdf
  • 56. 56 QUESTIONNAIRE Dear respondent, I am the student of IFTM university (Moradabad) conducting a survey. Kindly spare few minutes to fill up this questionnaire. Any information provided by you will be used for academic purpose only. Information of Respondent Name:- Age:- Occupation:- Address:- Q. Do you adopt the process of recruitment & selection in your organization? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 2. If yes than how many stages are involved in selecting the candidates? One () Two () Three () More than three () Q 3. Do you follow different recruitment process for different types of employees? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 4. Is the organization doing timely recruitments & Selection Process? Yes () No () Cannot Say Q 5. Does the HR department is efficient in designing the selection Policy of the employees? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 6. Which amongst the following person takes final decision for selecting the employees? HR Manager () Recruiting manager () All Level manager () Any Other ()
  • 57. 57 Q 7. Is the medical examination is necessary for selecting an employee’s? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 8. Which the amongst the following rewards do you get from the company? Bonus () Incentive () Perquisites () Any other () Q 9. Are you satisfied with recruitment & selection policy of your company? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 10. Are the important guidelines & technical support is available in your organization? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 11. does the company provides any type of incentives to employees? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 12. Is there a facility of felicitating an employee for long service in the felicitate organization? Yes () No () Cannot Say () Q 13. How would you rate HR department performance in recruitment & selection? Poor () Adequate () Excellent ()