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Scala workshop
                   Created by
    Fredrik Vraalsen (fredrik@vraalsen.no)
  Alf Kristian Støyle (alf.kristian@gmail.com)

Bert Van Vreckem (bert.vanvreckem@hogent.be)
If I were to pick a language to use
today other than Java, it would be

          James Gosling
Scala, it must be stated, is the current heir
apparent to the Java throne. No other language
   on the JVM seems as capable of being a
   "replacement for Java" as Scala, and the
momentum behind Scala is now unquestionable.

      Charlies Olivier Nutter - JRuby lead
Though my tip though for the long term
  replacement of javac is Scala. I'm very
   impressed with it! I can honestly say if
someone had shown me the Programming
 in Scala book by by Martin Odersky, Lex
   Spoon & Bill Venners back in 2003 I'd
    probably have never created Groovy.

             James Strachen

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All about scala
All about scalaAll about scala
All about scala

The document is a slide presentation on Scala that provides an introduction to the language in 90 minutes or less. It covers Scala basics like being object oriented and functional, static typing, compilation to JVM bytecode, and interoperability with Java. It also discusses Scala tools, its use in open source projects and industry, recommended books, and jobs involving Scala. Code examples are provided to demonstrate Hello World programs, variables, methods, conditionals, sequences, and closures in Scala.

Scala vs Java 8 in a Java 8 World
Scala vs Java 8 in a Java 8 WorldScala vs Java 8 in a Java 8 World
Scala vs Java 8 in a Java 8 World

Scala is becoming the language of choice for many development teams. This talk highlights how Scala excels in the world of multi-core processing and explores how it compares to Java 8. Video Presentation: http://youtu.be/8vxTowBXJSg

bti360java 8scala

Martin Odersky discusses the past, present, and future of Scala over the past 5 years and next 5 years. Key points include: - Scala has grown significantly in usage and community over the past 6 years since its first release. - Scala 2.8 will include improvements like new collections, package objects, named/default parameters, and better tool support. - Over the next 5 years, Scala will focus on improving concurrency and parallelism through better abstractions, analyses, and static typing support.

public class Person {
    private int age;
    private String name;

      public Person(int age, String name) {
        this.age = age;
        this.name = name;

      public int getAge() {
        return this.age;

      public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

      public String getName() {
        return this.name;

      public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

class Person(var age: Int,
             var name: String)
List<Person> persons = ...
List<Person> adults = new LinkedList<Person>();
List<Person> kids = new LinkedList<Person>();
for (Person person : persons) {
  if (person.getAge() < 18) {
  } else {

     val (kids, adults) =
       persons.partition(_.age < 18)
String s = "!em esreveR";

     val s = "!em esreveR"

     => Reverse me!
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
  reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt"));
} finally {
  if (reader != null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Exception on close, ignore

using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt"))) {
    reader => println(reader.readLine())

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Scala fundamentals
Scala fundamentalsScala fundamentals
Scala fundamentals

This document provides an overview of Scala fundamentals including: - Scala is a programming language for the JVM that supports both object-oriented and functional paradigms. - It defines variables, values, lazy values, functions, types, classes, objects, traits, and higher-order functions. - Classes can extend other classes and traits, allowing for multiple inheritance. Objects are used as singletons. - Functional concepts like immutability, anonymous functions, and higher-order functions are supported.

scalatutorialfunctional programming
Scala introduction
Scala introductionScala introduction
Scala introduction

Scala is an object-oriented and functional programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It was created in 2001 by Martin Odersky and aims to integrate features of object-oriented and functional languages. Scala code is compiled to JVM bytecode and supports interoperability with Java libraries and frameworks. Some key features of Scala include support for immutable data structures, pattern matching, traits for mixing composition, and functional programming constructs like functions as first-class values. Scala has gained popularity in industry at companies like LinkedIn, Twitter, and The Guardian.

Scala at HUJI PL Seminar 2008
Scala at HUJI PL Seminar 2008Scala at HUJI PL Seminar 2008
Scala at HUJI PL Seminar 2008

This document provides an introduction to the Scala programming language. It begins with an overview of Scala's motivation and history. It then covers the basics of Scala including simple data structures, loops, objects, types and generics. More advanced topics such as traits, mixins, implicit conversions and sealed classes are also discussed. The document concludes with references for further reading.

I will never forget these words: "With great power
  comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my
         curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man.
val myList = List(1, 2, 3)
val res = (10 /: myList)(_+_)

=> ??
●   Object oriented and functional
●   Statically typed
●   Java compatible
    ●   Complies to Java bytecode (and CLR)
    ●   Existing libraries/frameworks
●   Better Java
Todays schedule
●   Basic syntax
●   REPL, IDEs and setup
●   First class functions
●   Pattern matching
●   OO and traits
●   Functional programming
●   Higher order functions

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Scaladroids: Developing Android Apps with Scala
Scaladroids: Developing Android Apps with ScalaScaladroids: Developing Android Apps with Scala
Scaladroids: Developing Android Apps with Scala

Android is a fast-growing mobile operating system with millions of users worldwide. Scala is a modern programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. Why not combine both of them?

Scala on Android
Scala on AndroidScala on Android
Scala on Android

This document provides an overview of the Scala programming language and discusses its usage on Android. Scala is a multi-paradigm language that integrates object-oriented and functional programming. It runs on the Java Virtual Machine and is used by companies like LinkedIn, Twitter, and The Guardian. Scala's features include being object-oriented, functional, statically typed, and expressive while allowing concise code. It supports classes, traits, pattern matching, and lazy evaluation among other things.

Scala traits training by Sanjeev Kumar @Kick Start Scala traits & Play, organ...
Scala traits training by Sanjeev Kumar @Kick Start Scala traits & Play, organ...Scala traits training by Sanjeev Kumar @Kick Start Scala traits & Play, organ...
Scala traits training by Sanjeev Kumar @Kick Start Scala traits & Play, organ...

Scala traits training by Sanjeev Kumar @Kick Start Scala traits & Play, organized by Knoldus Software LLP in New Delhi

scala traitsknoldus slidesharescala
Scala basics
Type definitions
Scala               Java

s: String           String s
i: Int              int i / Integer i
Scala:                   Java:

val s = "Hello World"    public final String s =
                           "Hello World";

var i = 1
                         public int i = 1;

private var j = 3
                         private int j = 3;

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Scala Back to Basics: Type Classes
Scala Back to Basics: Type ClassesScala Back to Basics: Type Classes
Scala Back to Basics: Type Classes

Watch video (in Hebrew): http://parleys.com/play/53f7a9cce4b06208c7b7ca1e Type classes are a fundamental feature of Scala, which allows you to layer new functionality on top of existing types externally, i.e. without modifying or recompiling existing code. When combined with implicits, this is a truly remarkable tool that enables many of the advanced features offered by the Scala library ecosystem. In this talk we'll go back to basics: how type classes are defined and encoded, and cover several prominent use cases. A talk given at the Underscore meetup on 19 August, 2014.

underscorescalatype classes
Scala 2013 review
Scala 2013 reviewScala 2013 review
Scala 2013 review

Slides from my talk at the Junction (Jan 24, 2013) Single-core performance has hit a ceiling, and building web-scale multi-core applications using imperative programming models is nightmarishly difficult. Parallel programming creates a new set of challenges, best practices and design patterns. Scala is designed to enable building scalable systems, elegantly blending functional and object oriented paradigms into an expressive and concise language, while retaining interoperability with Java. Scala is the fastest growing JVM programming language, being rapidly adopted by leading companies such as Twitter, LinkedIn and FourSquare. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the language, which managed to increase type safety while feeling more dynamic, being more concise and improving readability at the same time. We will see how Scala simplifies real life problems by empowering the developer with powerful functional programming primitives, without giving up on the object oriented paradigm. The overview includes tools for multi-core programming in Scala, the type system, collection framework and domain-specific languages. We’ll explore the power of compile-time meta-programming, which is made possible by the newly released Scala 2.10, and get a glimpse into what to expect from 2.11 in 2014. We will also see how Scala helps overcome the inherent limitations of Java, such as type erasure, array covariance and boxing overhead. Multiple examples emphasize how Scala pushes the JVM harder than any other mainstream language through the infinite number of boilerplate busters, increased type safety and productivity boosters from a Java developer’s perspective.

scalamulti-core programmingjvm

This document introduces developing a Scala DSL for Apache Camel. It discusses using Scala techniques like implicit conversion, passing functions as parameters, by-name parameters and currying to build a DSL. It provides examples of building simple routes in the Scala DSL using these techniques and compares them to the Java DSL. It also covers some caveats like interactions between Java and Scala generics and operator precedence. The goal is to introduce basic Scala concepts and syntax that can be used to build a Scala DSL, using Apache Camel as an example.

Methods (3)
Scala:                        Java:

override def toString = ...   @Override
                              public String toString()
Classes and constructors
Scala:                   Java:

class Person(val name:   public class Person {
  String)                   private final String
                            public Person(String
                              name) {
                               this.name = name;
                            public String getName() {
                               return name;
Traits (= Interface + Mixin)
Scala:                        Java:

trait Shape {                 interface Shape {
   def area: Double              public double area();
}                             }

class Circle extends Object   public class Circle extends
  with Shape                    Object implements Shape
No “static” in Scala
Scala:                           Java:

object PersonUtil {              public class PersonUtil {
  val ageLimit = 18                 public static final int
                                      AGE_LIMIT = 18;

    def countPersons(                public static int
      persons: List[Person]) =         countPersons(
      ...                                List<Person> persons)
}                                    {

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An Introduction to Scala for Java Developers
An Introduction to Scala for Java DevelopersAn Introduction to Scala for Java Developers
An Introduction to Scala for Java Developers

The document provides an introduction to Scala for Java developers. It outlines key features of Scala including cleaning up Java syntax, going beyond Java with features like case classes, traits, and pattern matching, and its functional focus including support for higher-order functions, the Option type, and for comprehensions. The document also briefly discusses the Scala IDE for Eclipse.

Procedure Typing for Scala
Procedure Typing for ScalaProcedure Typing for Scala
Procedure Typing for Scala

The great attractiveness of purely functional languages is their ability to depart from sequential order of computation. Theoretically, it enables two important features of the compiler: 1) The ability to reorder computation flow, making the program implicitly parallelisable. Modern imperative language compilers, even using careful synchronization of concurrent code, still generate huge chunks of sequential instructions that need to be executed on a single processor core; a purely functional language compilers can dispatch very small chunks to many (hundreds and thousands) of cores, carefully eliminating as many execution path dependencies as possible. 2) As the compiler formalizes different types of side effects, it can detect a whole new class of program errors at compile time, including resource acquisition and releasing problems, concurrent access to shared resources, many types of deadlocks etc. It is not yet a full-fledged program verification, but it is a big step in that direction. Scala is a semi-imperative language with strong support for functional programming and rich type system. One can isolate the purely functional core of the language which can be put on the firm mathematical foundation of dependent type theories. We argue that it is possible to treat Scala code as it's written by now as an implicit do-notation which can be then reduced to a purely functional core by means of recently introduced Scala macros. The formalism of arrows and applicative contexts can bring Scala to a full glory of an implicitly parallelisable programming language, while still keeping its syntax mostly unchanged.


A slide used to introduce scala and rdd in china mobile

Scala:                 Java:

while (true) {         while (true) {
    ...                    ...
}                      }
Scala:                    Java:

throw new                 throw new
  Exception(“...”)          Exception(“...”)

try {                     try {
} catch {                 } catch (IOException e) {
   case e: IOException       ...
     => ...               } finally {
} finally {               }
def foo(values: String*){ }     public void foo(String... values){ }

foo("bar", "baz")               foo("bar", "baz");

val arr = Array("bar", "baz")   String[] arr =
                                  new String[]{"bar", "baz"}
foo(arr: _*)                    foo(arr);
(Almost) everything is an expression
val res = if (foo) x else y

val res = for (i <- 1 to 10) yield i
   // List(1, ..., 10)

val res = try { x } catch { ...; y }
 finally { } // x or y

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Here are the answers to your questions: 1. The main differences between a Trait and Abstract Class in Scala are: - Traits can be mixed in to classes using with, while Abstract Classes can only be extended. - Traits allow for multiple inheritance as they can be mixed in, while Abstract Classes only allow single inheritance. - Abstract Classes can have fields and constructor parameters while Traits cannot. - Abstract Classes can extend other classes, while Traits can only extend other Traits. 2. abstract class Animal { def isMammal: Boolean def isFriendly: Boolean = true def summarize: Unit = { println("Characteristics of animal:") }

Scala+spark 2nd
Scala+spark 2ndScala+spark 2nd
Scala+spark 2nd

2nd version of scala & spark presentation.

Scala meetup - Intro to spark
Scala meetup - Intro to sparkScala meetup - Intro to spark
Scala meetup - Intro to spark

This document provides an introduction to Apache Spark, including its core components, architecture, and programming model. Some key points: - Spark uses Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) as its fundamental data structure, which are immutable distributed collections that allow in-memory computing across a cluster. - RDDs support transformations like map, filter, reduce, and actions like collect that return results. Transformations are lazy while actions trigger computation. - Spark's execution model involves a driver program that coordinates tasks on worker nodes using an optimized scheduler. - Spark SQL, MLlib, GraphX, and Spark Streaming extend the core Spark API for structured data, machine learning, graph processing, and stream processing

big datascalakafka
Scala:             Java:

List[String]       List<String>
Scala:                   Java:

val tuple: Tuple2[Int,   Pair<Integer, String> tuple
  String] =                = new Pair<Integer,
                           String>(1, “apple”)
  (1, “apple”)

val quadruple =
                         ... yeah right... ;-)
  (2, “orange”, 0.5d,
Scala:                  Java:

package mypackage       package mypackage;
...                     ...
Scala:                        Java:

import java.util.{List,       import java.util.List
                              import java.util.ArrayList

import java.io._
                              import java.io.*
import scala.util.Sorting._   ???

import java.sql.{Date =>      ???

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One vagrantfile to rule them all
One vagrantfile to rule them allOne vagrantfile to rule them all
One vagrantfile to rule them all

Slides for my lightning talk at Config Management Camp 2016. See the video here: https://youtu.be/qJ0VNO6z68M Writing Vagrantfiles is tedious, especially when you’re setting up a multi-VM environment. Typically, people will copy/paste code blocks that define hosts, but that becomes unwieldy. However, a Vagrantfile is “just” Ruby, so can’t we simplify things a bit using the power of the language? Turns out, we can! In this presentation I propose a reusable Vagrantfile that reads the configuration of the environment from a simple YAML file. See my blog post about this at https://bertvv.github.io/notes-to-self/2015/10/05/one-vagrantfile-to-rule-them-all/

Spark tutorial @ KCC 2015
Spark tutorial @ KCC 2015Spark tutorial @ KCC 2015
Spark tutorial @ KCC 2015

- The document discusses a presentation given by Jongwook Woo on introducing Spark and its uses for big data analysis. It includes information on Woo's background and experience with big data, an overview of Spark and its components like RDDs and task scheduling, and examples of using Spark for different types of data analysis and use cases.

sparkbig datascala

This document provides an overview of a machine learning workshop including tutorials on decision tree classification for flight delays, clustering news articles with k-means clustering, and collaborative filtering for movie recommendations using Spark. The tutorials demonstrate loading and preparing data, training models, evaluating performance, and making predictions or recommendations. They use Spark MLlib and are run in Apache Zeppelin notebooks.

REPL, IDE and setup
REPL: Read-Eval-Print Loop
●   Command line shell for on-the-fly execution of
    Scala statements
    $ cd ${SCALA_HOME}/bin
    $ scala
    ●   Windows, e.g. C:Program FilesScala 2.8.0
    ●   Linux, e.g. /opt/scala or /usr/local/scala
●   They are all !#$&§? compared to what you are
    used to with Java support
    ●   Netbeans (very good) but bad in other areas...
    ●   IntelliJ IDEA (pretty good) but slow compilation,
        bonus community edition is free (with Scala)
    ●   Eclipse (not all that good) but very fast when
Netbeans 6.9.x installation
●   Download plugins
●   In NetBeans "Tools" | "Plugins",
     ●   click on "Downloaded" tab title,
     ●   click on "Add Plugins..." button,
     ●   choose the directory where the Scala plugins are unzipped,
     ●   select all listed *.nbm files, following the instructions.
●   Set ${SCALA_HOME} or %SCALA_HOME% environment variable
●   Edit ${NETBEANS_HOME}/etc/netbeans.conf
     ●   Add "-J-Dscala.home=/opt/scala" to
●   More info: http://wiki.netbeans.org/Scala

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HDFS & MapReduce
HDFS & MapReduceHDFS & MapReduce
HDFS & MapReduce

This Hadoop HDFS Tutorial will unravel the complete Hadoop Distributed File System including HDFS Internals, HDFS Architecture, HDFS Commands & HDFS Components - Name Node & Secondary Node. Not only this, even Mapreduce & practical examples of HDFS Applications are showcased in the presentation. At the end, you'll have a strong knowledge regarding Hadoop HDFS Basics. Session Agenda: ✓ Introduction to BIG Data & Hadoop ✓ HDFS Internals - Name Node & Secondary Node ✓ MapReduce Architecture & Components ✓ MapReduce Dataflows ---------- What is HDFS? - Introduction to HDFS The Hadoop Distributed File System provides high-performance access to data across Hadoop clusters. It forms the crux of the entire Hadoop framework. ---------- What are HDFS Internals? HDFS Internals are: 1. Name Node – This is the master node from where all data is accessed across various directores. When a data file has to be pulled out & manipulated, it is accessed via the name node. 2. Secondary Node – This is the slave node where all data is stored. ---------- What is MapReduce? - Introduction to MapReduce MapReduce is a programming framework for distributed processing of large data-sets via commodity computing clusters. It is based on the principal of parallel data processing, wherein data is broken into smaller blocks rather than processed as a single block. This ensures a faster, secure & scalable solution. Mapreduce commands are based in Java. ---------- What are HDFS Applications? 1. Data Mining 2. Document Indexing 3. Business Intelligence 4. Predictive Modelling 5. Hypothesis Testing ---------- Skillspeed is a live e-learning company focusing on high-technology courses. We provide live instructor led training in BIG Data & Hadoop featuring Realtime Projects, 24/7 Lifetime Support & 100% Placement Assistance. Email: sales@skillspeed.com Website: https://www.skillspeed.com

hadoop & mapreducemapreduce in hdfsflume

「Spark 手把手 - 快速上手營」適合對於想了解如何應用Apache Spark/Hadoop/Kafka來建構大數據資料平台或是處理分析大數據的工程師或工程主管來參加。參加本次活動,參與者都將會有機會體驗 Apache Spark Family 中各項知名的專案,包括 Spark、Spark-SQL、Spark-Streaming、Kafka、HDFS、Parquet、Zeppelin 以及 Java, Scala等工具與技術。 整個活動設計區分為兩大階段: 階段一 Spark應用於批次型資料處理 (Spark for Batch process): 約4週, 每週2小時 階段二 Spark應用於串流式事件處理 (Spark for Streaming process): 約2週, 每週2小時

e2-spk-s01apache sparkspark

這是Spark手把手的第二個活動[e2-spk-s02] 主要是介紹Spark SQL與DataFrame的應用。 Spark SQL結構化資料處理應用 不同資料結構型態的挑戰 SPARK RDD概念範例#2-進化版 Spark-SQL與DataFrame介詔 Spark-SQL與DataFrame應用範例

spark dataframespark sqleighty20.cc
Tasks (20 min)
●   Run REPL
    ●   Windows: %scala_home%/bin/scala
    ●   Linux: scala or /opt/scala/bin/scala
    ●   Execute a few statements
●   Copy & unpack
    ●   into 'DocumentenNetbeansProjects' (Windows)
    ●   Into '/home/student/NetbeansProjects' (Linux)
Tasks (20 min)
●   Run unit test in IDE (JUnit 4)
    ●   Open the 'ScalaTraining' project in NetBeans
    ●   Try to compile and test the project (should work)
    ●   scalaexamples.intro.MyFirstTest
         –   Create a failing test
         –   Make it run
●   Make the two classes scalaexamples/intro/HelloWorld.scala
    print “Hello world”. What is the difference?
●   Remove comments from @Test for the methods in
    scalaexamples/intro/CreateStuffTest.scala. Make tests pass.
First class functions
First class functions

val even = Function[Int, Boolean] {
    def apply(i: Int) = i % 2 == 0

val even: (Int => Boolean) = (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0
val even = (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0

even.apply(42)       // true
even(13)             // false

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了解了Spark的基本架構之後, 對大多數的人來說如何可以開始把Spark跟自己的日常資料的處理程序掛上勾。Spark手把手:[e2-spk-s03]著重在體驗如何Spark SQL來處理資料庫的資料以及一些實用的小技巧。 內容包括了: • DataFrame Pivot功能 • Parquet資料格式與Spark的結合 • Spark SQL給合JDBC資訊源 • Spark-SQL/Zeppelin與北風資料庫結合練習

spark dataframeapache zeppelinpivot
Functional Programming for OO Programmers (part 2)
Functional Programming for OO Programmers (part 2)Functional Programming for OO Programmers (part 2)
Functional Programming for OO Programmers (part 2)

Code examples demonstrating Functional Programming concepts, with JavaScript and Haskell. Part 1 can be found here - http://www.slideshare.net/calvinchengx/functional-programming-part01 Source code can be found here - http://github.com/calvinchengx/learnhaskell Let me know if you spot any errors! Thank you! :-)

functional programminghaskelljavascript

Spark手把手:[e2-spk-s04], 我們要以DevOpts的角度來討論Spark與現有資料處理系統的結合與異同, 同時討論一些在開發、設計、除錯、效能優化及部置Spark程式的相關問題。

spark trainingspark-devopsspark
First class functions
val numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

numbers.filter(even)                // List(2, 4)

numbers.filter((i: Int) => i > 2)   // List(3, 4, 5)
numbers.filter(i => i > 2)          // List(3, 4, 5)
numbers.filter(_ > 2)               // List(3, 4, 5)

numbers.filter(i =>   i   > 2)   //   List(3, 4, 5)
numbers.find(i => i   >   2)     //   Some(3)
numbers.exists(i =>   i   > 2)   //   true
numbers.forall(i =>   i   > 2)   //   false

numbers.map(i => i * 2)          // List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

numbers.foldLeft(0) { (a, b) => a + b }          // 15

val people = List(Person(“Alf”), Person(“Fredrik”))

var name = “Fredrik”
val nameFilter = (p: Person) => p.name == name

people.filter(nameFilter)     // Person(“Fredrik”)
name = “Alf”
people.filter(nameFilter)     // Person(“Alf”)
Tasks (30 min)
●   Open the 'first-class-functions' project
●   Tests in package
●   Add @Test to one and one method
●   Follow instructions in the code
●   Make the tests pass

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Dev Ops Training
Dev Ops TrainingDev Ops Training
Dev Ops Training

The document provides an agenda for a DevOps advanced class on Spark being held in June 2015. The class will cover topics such as RDD fundamentals, Spark runtime architecture, memory and persistence, Spark SQL, PySpark, and Spark Streaming. It will include labs on DevOps 101 and 102. The instructor has over 5 years of experience providing Big Data consulting and training, including over 100 classes taught.

spark summit 2015apache spark
Run Your First Hadoop 2.x Program
Run Your First Hadoop 2.x ProgramRun Your First Hadoop 2.x Program
Run Your First Hadoop 2.x Program

This document provides an overview of Hadoop and related big data technologies. It begins with defining big data and discussing why traditional systems are inadequate. It then introduces Hadoop as a framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets. The key components of Hadoop - HDFS for storage and MapReduce for processing - are described at a high level. HDFS architecture and read/write operations are outlined. MapReduce paradigm and an example word count job are also summarized. Finally, Hive is introduced as a data warehouse tool built on Hadoop that provides SQL-like queries for large datasets.

Getting started with Apache Spark
Getting started with Apache SparkGetting started with Apache Spark
Getting started with Apache Spark

Spark is a fast and general processing engine compatible with Hadoop data. It can run in Hadoop clusters through YARN or Spark's standalone mode, and it can process data in HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Hive, and any Hadoop InputFormat. It is designed to perform both batch processing (similar to MapReduce) and new workloads like streaming, interactive queries, and machine learning.

spark streamapache sparkspark streaming
Pattern matching
myObject   match {
  case 1   => println("First was hit")
  case 2   => println("Second was Hit")
  case _   => println("Unknown")
myObject match {
   case i: Int => println("Found an int")
   case s: String => println("Found a String")
   case _ => println("Unknown")
myObject match {
   case i: Int => println("Found an int")
   case s: String => println("Found a String")
   case other => println("Unknown " + other)

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Spark tutorial py con 2016 part 2
Spark tutorial py con 2016   part 2Spark tutorial py con 2016   part 2
Spark tutorial py con 2016 part 2

Discover insight about car manufacturers from Twitter Data using a Python Notebook connected to Apache Spark

apache sparkdashdbtwitter
Data Science with Spark
Data Science with SparkData Science with Spark
Data Science with Spark

The document outlines an agenda for a conference on Apache Spark and data science, including sessions on Spark's capabilities and direction, using DataFrames in PySpark, linear regression, text analysis, classification, clustering, and recommendation engines using Spark MLlib. Breakout sessions are scheduled between many of the technical sessions to allow for hands-on work and discussion.

data scienceapache sparkanalytics
Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)
Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)
Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)

The document provides an overview of Spark and its machine learning library MLlib. It discusses how Spark uses resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) to perform distributed computing tasks across clusters in a fault-tolerant manner. It summarizes the key capabilities of MLlib, including its support for common machine learning algorithms and how MLlib can be used together with other Spark components like Spark Streaming, GraphX, and SQL. The document also briefly discusses future directions for MLlib, such as tighter integration with DataFrames and new optimization methods.

spark summit 2015apache spark
myObject match {
   case i: Int if i == 1 => println("Found an int")
   case s: String => println("Found a String")
   case other => println("Unknown " + other)
val res = myObject match {
    case i: Int if i == 1 => "Found an int"
    case s: String => "Found a String"
    case other => "Unknown " + other
val res = myObject match {
    case (first, second) => second
    case (first, second, third) => third
val mathedElement = list match {
  case List(firstElement, lastElement) => lastElement
  case List(firstElement, _ *) => firstElement
  case _ => "failed"

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Spark tutorial pycon 2016 part 1
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This document outlines steps for developing analytic applications using Apache Spark and Python. It covers prerequisites for accessing flight and weather data, deploying a simple data pipe tool to build training, test, and blind datasets, and using an IPython notebook to train predictive models on flight delay data. The agenda includes accessing necessary services on Bluemix, preparing the data, training models in the notebook, evaluating model accuracy, and deploying models.

1.2 scala basics
1.2 scala basics1.2 scala basics
1.2 scala basics

This document summarizes key similarities and differences between Scala and Java types, variables, methods, classes, collections, control structures, and other language features. Some of the main points covered include: - Type definitions, variables, and methods are defined similarly but with different syntax in Scala vs Java - Classes and traits in Scala are like classes and interfaces in Java - Scala avoids static methods and instead uses singleton objects - Control structures like if/else, for loops, and exceptions work similarly - Scala supports features like tuples, pattern matching, and expression-oriented programming that have no direct equivalent in Java

Scala uma poderosa linguagem para a jvm
Scala   uma poderosa linguagem para a jvmScala   uma poderosa linguagem para a jvm
Scala uma poderosa linguagem para a jvm

Scala is a powerful language for the JVM that is compatible with JDK 1.5+. It is a functional language maintained by Typesafe along with the community. Scala compiles to JVM bytecode like Java but has features like objects, traits, pattern matching and functional programming. James Gosling, the creator of Java, said that if he were to pick a language other than Java today, it would be Scala.

def length(list: List[_]): Int =
  list match {
    case Nil => 0
    case head :: tail => 1 + length(tail)
public static Integer getSecondOr0(List<Integer> list) {
    if (list != null && list.size() >= 2) {
        return list.get(1);
    } else {
        return 0;

def second_or_0(list:List[Int]) = list match {
  case List(_, x, _*) => x
  case _ => 0
Case classes
●   Class types that can be used in pattern
●   Generated into your class:
    ●   equals
    ●   hashCode
    ●   toString
    ●   getters (and optionally setters)
    ●   ++
abstract class Person(name: String)
case class Man(name: String) extends Person(name)
case class Woman(name: String, children: List[Person])
  extends Person(name)

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Introduction to Scala
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Introduction to Scala

An overview of the Scala programming language, focusing on differences with Java and in language novelties (in Italian)

scala java introduction trenta3dev
Intro to scala
Intro to scalaIntro to scala
Intro to scala

Scala is a multi-paradigm programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It is both object-oriented and functional, with support for immutable data and concise syntax. Scala has gained popularity due to its advantages like type safety, concurrency support, and interoperability with Java. However, some of Scala's advanced features can be difficult to read and use for beginners, and tooling support is not as robust as Java. Overall, Scala represents a promising approach that prioritizes simplicity over ease of use.

1.1 motivation
1.1 motivation1.1 motivation
1.1 motivation

The document summarizes Scala as a replacement for Java, highlighting its capabilities as both an object-oriented and functional language that compiles to Java bytecode. It provides code examples demonstrating Scala's concise syntax for common tasks like defining classes, filtering collections, string reversal, and exception handling. The document also outlines an agenda for a Scala workshop covering its basic syntax, REPL/IDE setup, functions, pattern matching, OO features, and functional programming concepts.

p match {
  case Man(name) => println("Man with name " + name)
  case Woman(name, children) => println("Woman with name "
                              + name + " and with " +
                                children.size + " children")
val regex = """(d+)(w+)""".r

val myString = ...

val res: String = myString match {
  case regex(digits, word) => digits
  case _ => "None"
val regex = """(d+)(w+)""".r

val myString = ...

val res: Option[String] = myString match {
  case regex(digit, word) => Some(digit)
  case _ => None
The Option type, never again
●   Option has two possible values
    ●   Some(value)
    ●   None

    val someOption: Option[String] = Some("value")
    val noOption:   Option[String] = None

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Scala in a nutshell by venkat
Scala in a nutshell by venkatScala in a nutshell by venkat
Scala in a nutshell by venkat

The document provides an overview of the Scala programming language. It begins with an agenda that outlines topics like differences between Java and Scala, Scala data types, variables, classes, functions, closures, exception handling and collections. It then discusses specific aspects of Scala like verbosity reduction compared to Java, functional programming influences, object-oriented features, interoperability with Java and compilation to Java bytecode. Examples are provided to illustrate Scala concepts like functions, classes, recursion, higher-order functions and exception handling. The document aims to explain Scala and reasons for differences from Java.

2.1 recap from-day_one
2.1 recap from-day_one2.1 recap from-day_one
2.1 recap from-day_one

This document provides a recap of concepts covered on day 1 of a Scala training, including: - How variables, methods, classes, tuples, and the Option type work differently in Scala compared to Java. - Key Scala features like first class functions, closures, pattern matching, and traits. - An overview of the schedule for day 1 which includes higher order functions, implicit conversions, XML support, and building a quiz game task.

Scala ntnu
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Scala ntnu

The document discusses Scala and why some developers think it could replace Java on the JVM. It provides quotes from several influential developers, including the creator of Java and Groovy, expressing their view that Scala is the best candidate to replace Java in the long run. Specifically, James Gosling says that if he had to pick another language on the JVM besides Java, it would be Scala. Charlie Nutter describes Scala as the current heir apparent to the Java throne and the momentum behind Scala is now unquestionable. James Strachan says that if he had seen the Programming in Scala book in 2003, he may have never created Groovy and that his tip for a long term replacement for Java is

def getValue(s: Any): Option[String]

getValue(object) match {
  case Some(value) => println(value)
  case None => println("Nothing")

val result = getValue(object).getOrElse("Nothing")
Tasks (30 min)
●   Open the 'pattern-matching' project
●   Tests in package
●   Add @Test to one and one method
●   Follow instructions in the code
●   Make the tests pass
Object orientation and
Annotations – not marker interfaces

       @serializable class Person

       @SerialVersionUID(1) class Person

       @cloneable class Person

       @remote class Service

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Scala at GenevaJUG by Iulian Dragos
Scala at GenevaJUG by Iulian DragosScala at GenevaJUG by Iulian Dragos
Scala at GenevaJUG by Iulian Dragos

Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It has established itself as one of the main alternative languages on the Java Virtual Machine, being used by companies like Twitter and LinkedIn. Scala fuses functional programming (from which it borrows higher-order functions and closures, generic typing and immutable data structures) and object-oriented programming programming (from which it takes inheritance and encapsulation). It interoperates fully with Java, allowing a smooth transition and access to all existing Java libraries. Scala’s lightweight syntax makes it easy to extend the language through DSLs. In this talk we are going to have a quick overview of Scala’s main features (closures, higher-order functions, implicits), and collection classes in the standard library. We’ll see how a new concurrency model, such as actors, can be added to the language through a library.

Scala - en bedre Java?
Scala - en bedre Java?Scala - en bedre Java?
Scala - en bedre Java?

Scala er et Java-relateret, statisk typet programmeringssprog i hastig fremmarch. Sproget kombinerer aspekter fra objekt- og funktionsorienterede sprog og fokuserer på skalerbarhed og effektivitet, både på det kodemæssige og afviklingsmæssige niveau. Syntaksen er elegant og koncis. Samtidig indeholder sproget stærke konstruktioner til understøttelse af parallelle applikationer, der udnytter fremtidens hardwarearkitekturer. Java som sprog har ikke bevæget sig meget de seneste år. Vi har stadig ikke closures eller funktionelle aspekter som f.eks. C# har haft siden version 3. Er Scala svaret på enhver Javaudviklers bønner eller er sproget kun interessant for tågehoveder som mig, som begynder at synes bedre og bedre om funktionsorientering? Er den store portion syntaktisk sukker, Scala bringer på bordet, bare tomme kalorier?

java scala danish cd10
Scala - en bedre og mere effektiv Java?
Scala - en bedre og mere effektiv Java?Scala - en bedre og mere effektiv Java?
Scala - en bedre og mere effektiv Java?

Scala er et Java-relateret, statisk typet programmeringssprog i hastig fremmarch. Sproget kombinerer aspekter fra objekt- og funktionsorienterede sprog og fokuserer på skalerbarhed og effektivitet, både på det kodemæssige og afviklingsmæssige niveau. Syntaksen er elegant og koncis. Samtidig indeholder sproget stærke konstruktioner til understøttelse af parallelle applikationer, der udnytter fremtidens hardwarearkitekturer.

●   object is a “singleton” class
    ●    Call may look like static method calls in Java
    ●    Can inherit from other classes and traits
    ●    Can be passed as a reference

        object MyObject {
          def foo = "bar"

        var baz = MyObject.foo
        val personObject = MyObject
        baz = personObject.foo
Companion object
●   Can read the companion class' private fields
●   Has to be in the same source file

class Person(private val age: Int)

object Person {
  def getPersonAge(p: Person) = p.age

val personInstance = new Person(30)
val age = Person.getPersonAge(personInstance)
Magical apply

class Person private(val age: Int)

object Person {
  def apply(age: Int) = new Person(age)

var personInstance = Person.apply(30)
    personInstance = Person(30)
Not built in, clever use of apply

val myList = List(1, 2, 3)
val mySet = Set(1, 2, 3)
val myMap = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two")

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BCS SPA 2010 - An Introduction to Scala for Java Developers
BCS SPA 2010 - An Introduction to Scala for Java DevelopersBCS SPA 2010 - An Introduction to Scala for Java Developers
BCS SPA 2010 - An Introduction to Scala for Java Developers

This document provides an introduction to Scala for Java developers. It outlines how Scala cleans up Java syntax by making semi-colons optional, using == for equals and eq for reference equality, and allowing periods to be omitted. It also describes how Scala goes beyond Java by supporting features like case classes, pattern matching, named and default arguments, and mixin composition with traits. The document provides examples of using these features and explains how Scala seamlessly interoperates with Java.

1.2 Scala Basics
1.2 Scala Basics1.2 Scala Basics
1.2 Scala Basics

This document provides a summary of key Scala basics and comparisons to Java, including: 1) It describes type definitions, variables, methods and how they are defined in Scala versus Java. It also covers method invocation syntax differences. 2) It explains classes and constructors, traits versus interfaces, and static methods in Scala versus Java. 3) It provides examples of control structures like if/else, for loops, while loops and exceptions in both languages.

Qcon2011 functions rockpresentation_scala
Qcon2011 functions rockpresentation_scalaQcon2011 functions rockpresentation_scala
Qcon2011 functions rockpresentation_scala

Scala functions provide powerful ways to decompose problems and harness the benefits of functional programming. The presentation introduces core concepts of functional programming using Scala as an example language, highlighting how Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming. It presents benefits like immutability, higher-order functions, and improved concurrency while avoiding past performance issues through modern virtual machines and libraries.

programmingscalafunctional programming
●   Always one primary constructor
●   Parameters are automatically instance variables
●   Class “body” is the primary constructors content
●   Auxiliary constructors MUST call or chain to primary
    class MyClass(myString: String, myInt: Int)

        val myOtherInt = 10
        println("In main body")

Auxiliary constructors
class MyClass(myString: String, myInt: Int) {

    def this(myString: String) = this(myString, 0)

    def this() = {
      println("In default constructor")


class MyClass(myString: String)

class MySubClass(myString: String, myInt: Int)
      extends MyClass(myString) {

    println("MyString: '" + myString +
            "', MyInt: '" + myInt + "'")

●   Single class inheritance
●   Multiple trait mixins

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Java patterns in Scala
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Java patterns in Scala

This document discusses design patterns in Scala compared to Java. It covers functional interface, command, builder, iterator, template method, strategy, null object, and decorator patterns. The agenda outlines discussing these patterns in part one covering OO patterns. Each pattern section provides a Java example and how it can be implemented in Scala using functions and other Scala features like case classes.

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Scala provides many features that simplify programming tasks compared to Java such as type inference, less verbose syntax, simpler definition of classes and collections, closures, pattern matching, implicit conversions, and concise concurrency constructs. However, Scala also has disadvantages like less mature tools compared to Java and lack of binary compatibility between major versions.

Getting Started With Scala
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Getting Started With Scala

This presentation was presented at OSS camp in New Delhi. It deals with the basics of Scala language and how we can use it to build scalable Applications


class Person extends AnyRef
             with java.io.Serializable
             with java.rmi.Remote

class Person extends java.io.Serializable
             with java.rmi.Remote
●   “Multiple inheritance done right”
●   Implement methods
●   Initialized fields
●   Abstract methods
●   Abstract fields
●   Abstract types
●   Does not have constructors
●   Call to super → strict semantics
scala.Ordered trait

trait Ordered[A] {
  def compare(that: A): Int

    def   <    (that:   A):   Boolean   =   (this   compare   that)   <    0
    def   >    (that:   A):   Boolean   =   (this   compare   that)   >    0
    def   <=   (that:   A):   Boolean   =   (this   compare   that)   <=   0
    def   >=   (that:   A):   Boolean   =   (this   compare   that)   >=   0
The Ordered trait

class Person(private val age: Int)
      extends Ordered[Person] {

    def compare(other: Person) =
      this.age - other.age

val person1 = new Person(21)
val person2 = new Person(31)
person1 < person2 // true
person1 <= person2 // true
person1 >= person2 // false

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This presentation offers a tutorial for introducing Scala. Readers should be familiar with C++, C# or Java

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Can two JVM languages, none of them Java, work harmoniously, side by side? Should they? In this lecture we’ll see how code written in Groovy and Scala work with Java and how they can be made to work with each other. The lecture is based on the experience of introducing Scala to an actual Groovy project.

groovydinko srkočhujak
Scala - core features
Scala - core featuresScala - core features
Scala - core features

This document provides an introduction to Scala concepts and features compared to Java, including how to set up Scala, the Simple Build Tool (SBT), case classes, lazy definitions, imports, objects, pattern matching, collections, higher-order functions, partial functions, currying, implicit conversions, and implicit parameters. Useful Scala resources are also listed.

“Dynamic mixins”

class Person(age: Int) {
  override def toString = "my age is " + age

trait MyTrait {
  override def toString = "I am sure " +

val person = new Person(30) with MyTrait

=> I am sure my age is 30
is-a vs has-a
●   Inheritance as usual
●   Easier to implement has-a
●   Inheritance vs composition
Tasks (30 min)
●   Open 'oo-traits' project
●   Tests under scalaexamples
    ●   companionobject
    ●   inheritance
    ●   traits
●   Add @Test to one and one method
●   Follow instructions in code
●   Make tests pass
Functional programming

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Dit zijn de slides voor de introductieles van de cursus Enterprise Linux, opleiding ProfBach Toegepaste Informatica, HoGent Bedrijf en Organisatie. Bekijk de opname op http://youtu.be/GGTS37Tsl-M

“Functional programming”
●   First class functions
●   Pattern matching
●   Higher order functions
Functional programming
●   Purity
●   Mathematical functions have no side effects
    ●   f(x) = 2x + 3
    ●   y = sin(x)
●   Mathematical functions always give same result
    for same input
    ●   Only immutable objects (and object graphs)
In practice
●   All fields must be immutable
●   All methods must return something
●   No side-effects from method calls
        println("...") is also a side effect!
●   head :: tail
●   Prepends to the head of the list
●   Other operations (filter, map, remove,
    partition...) returns a new List instance

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Paper presented at MISTA2013, Gent. In this paper, we present a method based on Learning Automata to solve Hybrid Flexible Flowline Scheduling Problems (HFFSP) with additional constraints like sequence dependent setup times, precedence relations between jobs and machine eligibility. This category of production scheduling problems is noteworthy because it involves several types of constraints that occur in complex real-life production scheduling problems like those in process industry and batch production. In the proposed technique, Learning Automata play a dispersion game to determine the order of jobs to be processed in a way that makespan is minimized, and precedence constraint violations are avoided. Experiments on a set of benchmark problems indicate that this method can yield better results than the ones known until now.

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Slides bij screencast http://youtu.be/1gmdMSNNo4I. Voor details, zie daar.

●   ...or scala.collection.mutable
●   Pick your poison!
Scala 2.8
●   Case classes get copy methods
●   Constructors and methods get
    ●   named parameters
        def resize(width: Int, height: Int) = { ... }
        resize(height = 42, width = 120)
    ●   default parameters
        def f(elems: List[Int], x: Int = 0,
              cond: Boolean = true)
        f(Nil, cond = false)
Strive to be pure
●   Parallelization and concurrency (no
●   Usually easier to find errors (a lot less state)
●   Easier to test
Refactoring imperative style code
def printMultiTable () {
  var i = 1 // row
  while (i <= 10) {
    var j = 1 // column
    while (j <= 10) {
      val prod = (i * j).toString
      var k = prod.length // padding
      while (k < 4) {              1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 10
        print(" ")                 2    4    6    8   10   12   14   16   18 20
        k += 1                     3    6    9   12   15   18   21   24   27 30
      }                            4    8   12   16   20   24   28   32   36 40
      print(prod)                  5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45 50
      j += 1                       6   12   18   24   30   36   42   48   54 60
                                   7   14   21   28   35   42   49   56   63 70
                                   8   16   24   32   40   48   56   64   72 80
    println()                      9   18   27   36   45   54   63   72   81 90
    i += 1                        10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90 100

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In deze presentatie die ik gaf aan collega's, licht ik enkele topics toe uit deze boeken: - Robert C. Martin, Clean Code - Joshua Bloch, Effective Java

javabest practiceclean code
Refactoring imperative style code
●   Side effect: printing table
    ●   Functional style: return String
●   Harder to test
    ●   How to test result of println()?
●   While loop & vars
    ●   Functional style: val, for expressions, helper
    ●   Helper functions can be tested separately
Functional style multiplication table

    def makeRowSeq(row: Int) =
      for (col <- 1 to 10) yield {
        val prod = (row * col).toString
        val padding = " " * (4 - prod.length)
        padding + prod

    def makeRow(row: Int) = makeRowSeq(row).mkString

    def multiTable = {
      val tableSeq =
        for (row <- 1 to 10)
          yield makeRow(row)
A closer look at Collections
 ●   Overview of collection traits

●    One abstract method:
     def foreach[U](f: Elem => U)
●    50+ concrete methods
      ●   Addition, mapping, conversion, copying, size info,
          element retrieval, sub-collection retrieval,
          subdivision, element tests, folds, string operations,


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In June 2020, L.L. McKinney, a Black author of young adult novels, began the #publishingpaidme hashtag to create a discussion on how the publishing industry treats Black authors: “what they’re paid. What the marketing is. How the books are treated. How one Black book not reaching its parameters casts a shadow on all Black books and all Black authors, and that’s not the same for our white counterparts.” (Grady 2020) McKinney’s call resulted in an online discussion across 65,000 tweets between authors of all races and the creation of a Google spreadsheet that collected information on over 2,000 titles. While the conversation was originally meant to discuss the ethical value of book publishing, it became an economic assessment by authors of how publishers treated authors of color and women authors without a full analysis of the data collected. This paper would present the data collected from relevant tweets and the Google database to show not only the range of advances among participating authors split out by their race, gender, sexual orientation and the genre of their work, but also the publishers’ treatment of their titles in terms of deal announcements and pre-pub attention in industry publications. The paper is based on a multi-year project of cleaning and evaluating the collected data to assess what it reveals about the habits and strategies of American publishers in acquiring and promoting titles from a diverse group of authors across the literary, non-fiction, children’s, mystery, romance, and SFF genres.

book publishing race gender
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Chapter 2 Era of One party Dominance Class 12 Political Science Notes

●   Abstract method iterator
●   Default implementation of foreach:
    def foreach[U](f:Elem => U): Unit = {
      val it = iterator
      while (it.hasNext) f(it.next())
    ●   Subclasses may override
●   Some concrete methods
    ●   Subcollections, "zippers", comparison
Seq, IndexedSeq, LinearSeq
●   Sequence:
    ●   iterable that has a length,
    ●   elements have fixed index position, starting with 0
●   Operations:
    ●   Indexing (apply), search, addition, update, sorting,
        reversal, comparison, set operations
●   IndexedSeq, LinearSeq
    ●   No new operations, but different performance
         –   LinearSeq: efficient head, tail
         –   IndexedSeq: efficient apply, length
Sets, SortedSet
●   Set = iterable that contain no duplicates
    ●   Operations for tests, addition, removal, set
●   SortedSet
    ●   Iterator/foreach visit elements in given ordering
    ●   Default implementation: binary tree
●   Map = collection of pairs of keys and values
    e.g. Map("x" -> 24, "y" -> 25, "z" -> 26)
    ●   Operations for lookup, addition/update, removal,
        subcollections, transformations

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Lecture_Notes_Unit4_Chapter_8_9_10_RDBMS for the students affiliated by alaga...

Title: Relational Database Management System Concepts(RDBMS) Description: Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in RDBMS, offering a structured approach to understanding databases in the context of modern computing. PDF content is prepared from the text book Learn Oracle 8I by JOSE A RAMALHO. Key Topics Covered: Main Topic : DATA INTEGRITY, CREATING AND MAINTAINING A TABLE AND INDEX Sub-Topic : Data Integrity,Types of Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Primary Key, Foreign key, unique key, self referential integrity, creating and maintain a table, Modifying a table, alter a table, Deleting a table Create an Index, Alter Index, Drop Index, Function based index, obtaining information about index, Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM Target Audience: Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in RDBMS principles for academic and practical applications. About the Author: Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in database management. Disclaimer: This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the author’s understanding in the field of RDBMS as of 2024. Feedback and Contact Information: Your feedback is valuable! For any queries or suggestions, please contact muruganjit@agacollege.in

data integritytypes of integrityintegrity constraints
Immutable collections

Mutable collections
Higher order functions
Higher order functions
●   Functions which take functions as parameters
    and/or return functions

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Higher order functions
Short summary of first class functions:
val even: (Int => Boolean) = (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0

Same type definition:
def test(numbers: List[Int], f: Int => Boolean) = ...

test(List(1, 2, 3), (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0)
Higher order functions

def test(numbers: List[Int],
         f: Int => Boolean) =
  numbers.map(tall => f(tall))

// List[Boolean]
Higher order functions
Functions with several parameters must list them
in parenthesis:

def test(l: List[String],
         f: (Int, String) => Boolean)
call-by-value vs. call-by-name
●   by-value: expressions are evaluated before
    being passed to the function

●   by-name: expressions evaluated inside function
    ●   nice when computationally expensive
    ●   possible to create nice APIs

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Front desk officers are responsible for taking care of guests and customers. Their work mainly involves interacting with customers and business partners, either in person or through phone calls.

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There are 3 types of inheritance in odoo Classical, Extension, and Delegation. Delegation inheritance is used to sink other models to our custom model. And there is no change in the views. This slide will discuss delegation inheritance and its use cases in odoo 17.

inheritance in odooodoo 17inheritance in odoo 17
call-by-value vs. call-by-name
Example: Logging

def thisTakesTime = {
    println(“Slow computation”)
def debug(s: String) {
      if (logLevel <= DEBUG) println(s)

// Slow computation
// debug
// result
def debug(s: => String) {
      if (logLevel <= DEBUG) println(s)

// debug
// Slow computation
// result
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
  reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt"));
} finally {
  if (reader != null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Exception on close, ignore

using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt"))) {
  reader => println(reader.readLine())

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we may assume that God created the cosmos to be his great temple, in which he rested after his creative work. Nevertheless, his special revelatory presence did not fill the entire earth yet, since it was his intention that his human vice-regent, whom he installed in the garden sanctuary, would extend worldwide the boundaries of that sanctuary and of God’s presence. Adam, of course, disobeyed this mandate, so that humanity no longer enjoyed God’s presence in the little localized garden. Consequently, the entire earth became infected with sin and idolatry in a way it had not been previously before the fall, while yet in its still imperfect newly created state. Therefore, the various expressions about God being unable to inhabit earthly structures are best understood, at least in part, by realizing that the old order and sanctuary have been tainted with sin and must be cleansed and recreated before God’s Shekinah presence, formerly limited to heaven and the holy of holies, can dwell universally throughout creation

shekinah sanctuary sabbath
def using[T <: { def close() }, A]
         (closeable: T)
         (f: T => A) = {
  try {
  } finally {
    if (closeable != null) {
      try {
      catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          // Do something clever!?
Tasks (30 min)
●   Open 'higher-order-functions' project
●   Tests in scalaexamples.higherorderfunctions
●   Add @Test to one and one method
●   Implement missing functions in PersonFilter
    and so on.
●   Follow instructions in code
●   Make tests pass
Where to go next?
Advanced topics
●   Type inference
●   Implicit conversions
●   Extractors
●   Annotations
●   XML
●   Parallel programming with Actors
●   Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)
●   GUI programming with Scala Swing

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AI Risk Management: ISO/IEC 42001, the EU AI Act, and ISO/IEC 23894
AI Risk Management: ISO/IEC 42001, the EU AI Act, and ISO/IEC 23894AI Risk Management: ISO/IEC 42001, the EU AI Act, and ISO/IEC 23894
AI Risk Management: ISO/IEC 42001, the EU AI Act, and ISO/IEC 23894

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, understanding the complexities and regulations regarding AI risk management is more crucial than ever. Amongst others, the webinar covers: • ISO/IEC 42001 standard, which provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving AI management systems within organizations • insights into the European Union's landmark legislative proposal aimed at regulating AI • framework and methodologies prescribed by ISO/IEC 23894 for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with AI systems Presenters: Miriama Podskubova - Attorney at Law Miriama is a seasoned lawyer with over a decade of experience. She specializes in commercial law, focusing on transactions, venture capital investments, IT, digital law, and cybersecurity, areas she was drawn to through her legal practice. Alongside preparing contract and project documentation, she ensures the correct interpretation and application of European legal regulations in these fields. Beyond client projects, she frequently speaks at conferences on cybersecurity, online privacy protection, and the increasingly pertinent topic of AI regulation. As a registered advocate of Slovak bar, certified data privacy professional in the European Union (CIPP/e) and a member of the international association ELA, she helps both tech-focused startups and entrepreneurs, as well as international chains, to properly set up their business operations. Callum Wright - Founder and Lead Consultant Founder and Lead Consultant Callum Wright is a seasoned cybersecurity, privacy and AI governance expert. With over a decade of experience, he has dedicated his career to protecting digital assets, ensuring data privacy, and establishing ethical AI governance frameworks. His diverse background includes significant roles in security architecture, AI governance, risk consulting, and privacy management across various industries, thorough testing, and successful implementation, he has consistently delivered exceptional results. Throughout his career, he has taken on multifaceted roles, from leading technical project management teams to owning solutions that drive operational excellence. His conscientious and proactive approach is unwavering, whether he is working independently or collaboratively within a team. His ability to connect with colleagues on a personal level underscores his commitment to fostering a harmonious and productive workplace environment. Date: June 26, 2024 Tags: ISO/IEC 42001, Artificial Intelligence, EU AI Act, ISO/IEC 23894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find out more about ISO training and certification services Training: ISO/IEC 42001 Artificial Intelligence Management System - EN | PECB Webinars: https://pecb.com/webinars Article: https://pecb.com/article -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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●   99 Scala Problems:
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A lot of blogs

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Curricuum Map in Grade 7 English aligned with matatag

Several books

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                     Scala Training Code
  git clone git://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-code

                     Scala Training Slides
git clone git://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-slides.git

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Workshop Scala

  • 1. Scala workshop Created by Fredrik Vraalsen (fredrik@vraalsen.no) and Alf Kristian Støyle (alf.kristian@gmail.com) Adapted Bert Van Vreckem (bert.vanvreckem@hogent.be)
  • 2. If I were to pick a language to use today other than Java, it would be Scala. James Gosling
  • 3. Scala, it must be stated, is the current heir apparent to the Java throne. No other language on the JVM seems as capable of being a "replacement for Java" as Scala, and the momentum behind Scala is now unquestionable. Charlies Olivier Nutter - JRuby lead
  • 4. Though my tip though for the long term replacement of javac is Scala. I'm very impressed with it! I can honestly say if someone had shown me the Programming in Scala book by by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon & Bill Venners back in 2003 I'd probably have never created Groovy. James Strachen
  • 5. public class Person { private int age; private String name; public Person(int age, String name) { this.age = age; this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return this.age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } class Person(var age: Int, var name: String)
  • 6. List<Person> persons = ... List<Person> adults = new LinkedList<Person>(); List<Person> kids = new LinkedList<Person>(); for (Person person : persons) { if (person.getAge() < 18) { kids.add(person); } else { adults.add(person); } } val (kids, adults) = persons.partition(_.age < 18)
  • 7. String s = "!em esreveR"; System.out.println(s.reverse()); val s = "!em esreveR" println(s.reverse) => Reverse me!
  • 8. BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt")); System.out.println(reader.readLine()); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Exception on close, ignore } } } using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt"))) { reader => println(reader.readLine()) }
  • 9. I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man.
  • 10. val myList = List(1, 2, 3) val res = (10 /: myList)(_+_) => ??
  • 11. Scala ● Object oriented and functional ● Statically typed ● Java compatible ● Complies to Java bytecode (and CLR) ● Existing libraries/frameworks ● Better Java
  • 12. Todays schedule ● Basic syntax ● REPL, IDEs and setup ● First class functions ● Pattern matching ● OO and traits ● Functional programming ● Higher order functions
  • 14. ;
  • 15. Type definitions Scala Java s: String String s i: Int int i / Integer i
  • 16. Variables Scala: Java: val s = "Hello World" public final String s = "Hello World"; var i = 1 public int i = 1; private var j = 3 private int j = 3;
  • 17. Methods (3) Scala: Java: override def toString = ... @Override public String toString() {...}
  • 18. Classes and constructors Scala: Java: class Person(val name: public class Person { String) private final String name; public Person(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getName() { return name; } }
  • 19. Traits (= Interface + Mixin) Scala: Java: trait Shape { interface Shape { def area: Double public double area(); } } class Circle extends Object public class Circle extends with Shape Object implements Shape
  • 20. No “static” in Scala Scala: Java: object PersonUtil { public class PersonUtil { val ageLimit = 18 public static final int AGE_LIMIT = 18; def countPersons( public static int persons: List[Person]) = countPersons( ... List<Person> persons) } { ... } }
  • 21. While-loops Scala: Java: while (true) { while (true) { ... ... } }
  • 22. Exceptions Scala: Java: throw new throw new Exception(“...”) Exception(“...”) try { try { } catch { } catch (IOException e) { case e: IOException ... => ... } finally { } finally { } }
  • 23. Varargs def foo(values: String*){ } public void foo(String... values){ } foo("bar", "baz") foo("bar", "baz"); val arr = Array("bar", "baz") String[] arr = new String[]{"bar", "baz"} foo(arr: _*) foo(arr);
  • 24. (Almost) everything is an expression val res = if (foo) x else y val res = for (i <- 1 to 10) yield i // List(1, ..., 10) val res = try { x } catch { ...; y } finally { } // x or y
  • 25. Generics Scala: Java: List[String] List<String>
  • 26. Tuples Scala: Java: val tuple: Tuple2[Int, Pair<Integer, String> tuple String] = = new Pair<Integer, String>(1, “apple”) (1, “apple”) val quadruple = ... yeah right... ;-) (2, “orange”, 0.5d, false)
  • 27. Packages Scala: Java: package mypackage package mypackage; ... ...
  • 28. Imports Scala: Java: import java.util.{List, import java.util.List ArrayList} import java.util.ArrayList import java.io._ import java.io.* import scala.util.Sorting._ ??? import java.sql.{Date => ??? SDate}
  • 29. REPL, IDE and setup
  • 30. REPL: Read-Eval-Print Loop ● Command line shell for on-the-fly execution of Scala statements ● $ cd ${SCALA_HOME}/bin $ scala ● Windows, e.g. C:Program FilesScala 2.8.0 ● Linux, e.g. /opt/scala or /usr/local/scala
  • 31. IDE ● They are all !#$&§? compared to what you are used to with Java support ● Netbeans (very good) but bad in other areas... ● IntelliJ IDEA (pretty good) but slow compilation, bonus community edition is free (with Scala) ● Eclipse (not all that good) but very fast when working
  • 32. Netbeans 6.9.x installation ● Download plugins http://sf.net/projects/erlybird/files/nb-scala/6.9v1.1.0/ ● In NetBeans "Tools" | "Plugins", ● click on "Downloaded" tab title, ● click on "Add Plugins..." button, ● choose the directory where the Scala plugins are unzipped, ● select all listed *.nbm files, following the instructions. ● Set ${SCALA_HOME} or %SCALA_HOME% environment variable ● Edit ${NETBEANS_HOME}/etc/netbeans.conf ● Add "-J-Dscala.home=/opt/scala" to netbeans_default_options ● More info: http://wiki.netbeans.org/Scala
  • 33. Tasks (20 min) ● Run REPL ● Windows: %scala_home%/bin/scala ● Linux: scala or /opt/scala/bin/scala ● Execute a few statements ● Copy & unpack 'HeliumPublicCursussenNavorming ScalaScalaTraining.zip' ● into 'DocumentenNetbeansProjects' (Windows) ● Into '/home/student/NetbeansProjects' (Linux)
  • 34. Tasks (20 min) ● Run unit test in IDE (JUnit 4) ● Open the 'ScalaTraining' project in NetBeans ● Try to compile and test the project (should work) ● scalaexamples.intro.MyFirstTest – Create a failing test – Make it run ● Make the two classes scalaexamples/intro/HelloWorld.scala print “Hello world”. What is the difference? ● Remove comments from @Test for the methods in scalaexamples/intro/CreateStuffTest.scala. Make tests pass.
  • 36. First class functions val even = Function[Int, Boolean] { def apply(i: Int) = i % 2 == 0 } val even: (Int => Boolean) = (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0 val even = (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0 even.apply(42) // true even(13) // false
  • 37. First class functions val numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) numbers.filter(even) // List(2, 4) numbers.filter((i: Int) => i > 2) // List(3, 4, 5) numbers.filter(i => i > 2) // List(3, 4, 5) numbers.filter(_ > 2) // List(3, 4, 5)
  • 38. Collections numbers.filter(i => i > 2) // List(3, 4, 5) numbers.find(i => i > 2) // Some(3) numbers.exists(i => i > 2) // true numbers.forall(i => i > 2) // false numbers.map(i => i * 2) // List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10) numbers.foldLeft(0) { (a, b) => a + b } // 15
  • 39. Closures val people = List(Person(“Alf”), Person(“Fredrik”)) var name = “Fredrik” val nameFilter = (p: Person) => p.name == name people.filter(nameFilter) // Person(“Fredrik”) name = “Alf” people.filter(nameFilter) // Person(“Alf”)
  • 40. Tasks (30 min) ● Open the 'first-class-functions' project ● Tests in package scalaexamples.firstclassfunctions ● Add @Test to one and one method ● Follow instructions in the code ● Make the tests pass
  • 42. myObject match { case 1 => println("First was hit") case 2 => println("Second was Hit") case _ => println("Unknown") }
  • 43. myObject match { case i: Int => println("Found an int") case s: String => println("Found a String") case _ => println("Unknown") }
  • 44. myObject match { case i: Int => println("Found an int") case s: String => println("Found a String") case other => println("Unknown " + other) }
  • 45. myObject match { case i: Int if i == 1 => println("Found an int") case s: String => println("Found a String") case other => println("Unknown " + other) }
  • 46. val res = myObject match { case i: Int if i == 1 => "Found an int" case s: String => "Found a String" case other => "Unknown " + other }
  • 47. val res = myObject match { case (first, second) => second case (first, second, third) => third }
  • 48. val mathedElement = list match { case List(firstElement, lastElement) => lastElement case List(firstElement, _ *) => firstElement case _ => "failed" }
  • 49. def length(list: List[_]): Int = list match { case Nil => 0 case head :: tail => 1 + length(tail) }
  • 50. public static Integer getSecondOr0(List<Integer> list) { if (list != null && list.size() >= 2) { return list.get(1); } else { return 0; } } def second_or_0(list:List[Int]) = list match { case List(_, x, _*) => x case _ => 0 }
  • 51. Case classes ● Class types that can be used in pattern matching ● Generated into your class: ● equals ● hashCode ● toString ● getters (and optionally setters) ● ++
  • 52. abstract class Person(name: String) case class Man(name: String) extends Person(name) case class Woman(name: String, children: List[Person]) extends Person(name)
  • 53. p match { case Man(name) => println("Man with name " + name) case Woman(name, children) => println("Woman with name " + name + " and with " + children.size + " children") }
  • 54. val regex = """(d+)(w+)""".r val myString = ... val res: String = myString match { case regex(digits, word) => digits case _ => "None" }
  • 55. val regex = """(d+)(w+)""".r val myString = ... val res: Option[String] = myString match { case regex(digit, word) => Some(digit) case _ => None }
  • 56. The Option type, never again NullPointerException ● Option has two possible values ● Some(value) ● None val someOption: Option[String] = Some("value") val noOption: Option[String] = None
  • 57. def getValue(s: Any): Option[String] getValue(object) match { case Some(value) => println(value) case None => println("Nothing") } val result = getValue(object).getOrElse("Nothing")
  • 58. Tasks (30 min) ● Open the 'pattern-matching' project ● Tests in package scalaexamples.patternmatching ● Add @Test to one and one method ● Follow instructions in the code ● Make the tests pass
  • 60. Annotations – not marker interfaces @serializable class Person @SerialVersionUID(1) class Person @cloneable class Person @remote class Service
  • 61. object ● object is a “singleton” class ● Call may look like static method calls in Java ● Can inherit from other classes and traits ● Can be passed as a reference object MyObject { def foo = "bar" } var baz = MyObject.foo val personObject = MyObject baz = personObject.foo
  • 62. Companion object ● Can read the companion class' private fields ● Has to be in the same source file class Person(private val age: Int) object Person { def getPersonAge(p: Person) = p.age } val personInstance = new Person(30) val age = Person.getPersonAge(personInstance)
  • 63. Magical apply class Person private(val age: Int) object Person { def apply(age: Int) = new Person(age) } var personInstance = Person.apply(30) personInstance = Person(30)
  • 64. Not built in, clever use of apply val myList = List(1, 2, 3) val mySet = Set(1, 2, 3) val myMap = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two")
  • 65. Constructors ● Always one primary constructor ● Parameters are automatically instance variables ● Class “body” is the primary constructors content ● Auxiliary constructors MUST call or chain to primary constructor class MyClass(myString: String, myInt: Int) val myOtherInt = 10 println("In main body") }
  • 66. Auxiliary constructors class MyClass(myString: String, myInt: Int) { def this(myString: String) = this(myString, 0) def this() = { this("foo") println("In default constructor") } }
  • 67. Inheritance class MyClass(myString: String) class MySubClass(myString: String, myInt: Int) extends MyClass(myString) { println("MyString: '" + myString + "', MyInt: '" + myInt + "'") }
  • 68. Inheritance ● Single class inheritance ● Multiple trait mixins
  • 69. Syntax class Person extends AnyRef with java.io.Serializable with java.rmi.Remote class Person extends java.io.Serializable with java.rmi.Remote
  • 70. Traits ● “Multiple inheritance done right” ● Implement methods ● Initialized fields ● Abstract methods ● Abstract fields ● Abstract types ● Does not have constructors ● Call to super → strict semantics
  • 71. scala.Ordered trait trait Ordered[A] { def compare(that: A): Int def < (that: A): Boolean = (this compare that) < 0 def > (that: A): Boolean = (this compare that) > 0 def <= (that: A): Boolean = (this compare that) <= 0 def >= (that: A): Boolean = (this compare that) >= 0 }
  • 72. The Ordered trait class Person(private val age: Int) extends Ordered[Person] { def compare(other: Person) = this.age - other.age } val person1 = new Person(21) val person2 = new Person(31) person1 < person2 // true person1 <= person2 // true person1 >= person2 // false
  • 73. “Dynamic mixins” class Person(age: Int) { override def toString = "my age is " + age } trait MyTrait { override def toString = "I am sure " + super.toString } val person = new Person(30) with MyTrait println(person) => I am sure my age is 30
  • 74. is-a vs has-a ● Inheritance as usual ● Easier to implement has-a ● Inheritance vs composition
  • 75. Tasks (30 min) ● Open 'oo-traits' project ● Tests under scalaexamples ● companionobject ● inheritance ● traits ● Add @Test to one and one method ● Follow instructions in code ● Make tests pass
  • 77. “Functional programming” ● First class functions ● Pattern matching ● Higher order functions
  • 78. Functional programming ● Purity ● Mathematical functions have no side effects ● f(x) = 2x + 3 ● y = sin(x) ● Mathematical functions always give same result for same input ● Only immutable objects (and object graphs)
  • 79. In practice ● All fields must be immutable ● All methods must return something ● No side-effects from method calls ● println("...") is also a side effect!
  • 80. List ● head :: tail ● Prepends to the head of the list ● Other operations (filter, map, remove, partition...) returns a new List instance
  • 81. scala.collection.immutable ● ...or scala.collection.mutable ● Pick your poison!
  • 82. Scala 2.8 ● Case classes get copy methods ● Constructors and methods get ● named parameters def resize(width: Int, height: Int) = { ... } resize(height = 42, width = 120) ● default parameters def f(elems: List[Int], x: Int = 0, cond: Boolean = true) f(List(1)) f(Nil, cond = false)
  • 83. Strive to be pure ● Parallelization and concurrency (no synchronization) ● Usually easier to find errors (a lot less state) ● Easier to test
  • 84. Refactoring imperative style code def printMultiTable () { var i = 1 // row while (i <= 10) { var j = 1 // column while (j <= 10) { val prod = (i * j).toString var k = prod.length // padding while (k < 4) { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 print(" ") 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 k += 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 } 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 print(prod) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 j += 1 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 } 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 println() 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 i += 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 } }
  • 85. Refactoring imperative style code ● Side effect: printing table ● Functional style: return String ● Harder to test ● How to test result of println()? ● While loop & vars ● Functional style: val, for expressions, helper functions ● Helper functions can be tested separately
  • 86. Functional style multiplication table def makeRowSeq(row: Int) = for (col <- 1 to 10) yield { val prod = (row * col).toString val padding = " " * (4 - prod.length) padding + prod } def makeRow(row: Int) = makeRowSeq(row).mkString def multiTable = { val tableSeq = for (row <- 1 to 10) yield makeRow(row) tableSeq.mkString("n") }
  • 87. A closer look at Collections ● Overview of collection traits http://www.decodified.com/scala/collections-api.xml
  • 88. Traversable ● One abstract method: def foreach[U](f: Elem => U) ● 50+ concrete methods ● Addition, mapping, conversion, copying, size info, element retrieval, sub-collection retrieval, subdivision, element tests, folds, string operations, view http://www.scala-lang.org/api/ http://www.scala-lang.org/docu/files/collections-api/
  • 89. Iterable ● Abstract method iterator ● Default implementation of foreach: def foreach[U](f:Elem => U): Unit = { val it = iterator while (it.hasNext) f(it.next()) } ● Subclasses may override ● Some concrete methods ● Subcollections, "zippers", comparison
  • 90. Seq, IndexedSeq, LinearSeq ● Sequence: ● iterable that has a length, ● elements have fixed index position, starting with 0 ● Operations: ● Indexing (apply), search, addition, update, sorting, reversal, comparison, set operations ● IndexedSeq, LinearSeq ● No new operations, but different performance – LinearSeq: efficient head, tail – IndexedSeq: efficient apply, length
  • 91. Sets, SortedSet ● Set = iterable that contain no duplicates ● Operations for tests, addition, removal, set operations ● SortedSet ● Iterator/foreach visit elements in given ordering ● Default implementation: binary tree
  • 92. Maps ● Map = collection of pairs of keys and values e.g. Map("x" -> 24, "y" -> 25, "z" -> 26) ● Operations for lookup, addition/update, removal, subcollections, transformations
  • 96. Higher order functions ● Functions which take functions as parameters and/or return functions
  • 97. Higher order functions Short summary of first class functions: val even: (Int => Boolean) = (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0 Same type definition: def test(numbers: List[Int], f: Int => Boolean) = ... Call: test(List(1, 2, 3), (i: Int) => i % 2 == 0)
  • 98. Higher order functions def test(numbers: List[Int], f: Int => Boolean) = numbers.map(tall => f(tall)) // List[Boolean]
  • 99. Higher order functions Functions with several parameters must list them in parenthesis: def test(l: List[String], f: (Int, String) => Boolean)
  • 100. call-by-value vs. call-by-name ● by-value: expressions are evaluated before being passed to the function ● by-name: expressions evaluated inside function ● nice when computationally expensive ● possible to create nice APIs
  • 101. call-by-value vs. call-by-name Example: Logging def thisTakesTime = { println(“Slow computation”) “result” } logger.debug(thisTakesTime())
  • 102. call-by-value def debug(s: String) { println(“debug”) if (logLevel <= DEBUG) println(s) } // Slow computation // debug // result
  • 103. call-by-name def debug(s: => String) { println(“debug”) if (logLevel <= DEBUG) println(s) } // debug // Slow computation // result
  • 104. BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt")); System.out.println(reader.readLine()); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Exception on close, ignore } } } using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("f.txt"))) { reader => println(reader.readLine()) }
  • 105. def using[T <: { def close() }, A] (closeable: T) (f: T => A) = { try { f(closeable) } finally { if (closeable != null) { try { closeable.close() } catch { case e: Exception => // Do something clever!? } } } }
  • 106. Tasks (30 min) ● Open 'higher-order-functions' project ● Tests in scalaexamples.higherorderfunctions ● Add @Test to one and one method ● Implement missing functions in PersonFilter and so on. ● Follow instructions in code ● Make tests pass
  • 107. Where to go next?
  • 108. Advanced topics ● Type inference ● Implicit conversions ● Extractors ● Annotations ● XML ● Parallel programming with Actors ● Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) ● GUI programming with Scala Swing
  • 109. Exercises ● Solutions to exercises: http://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-code/zipball/solutions ● 99 Scala Problems: http://aperiodic.net/phil/scala/s-99/
  • 111. A lot of blogs http://www.planetscala.com/
  • 112. Mailing lists scala@listes.epfl.ch scala-announce@listes.epfl.ch scala-user@listes.epfl.ch scala-debate@listes.epfl.ch scala-tools@listes.epfl.ch scala-internals@listes.epfl.ch http://www.scala-lang.org/node/199
  • 113. Several books +++ http://www.scala-lang.org/node/959
  • 114. Creative Commons http://programming-scala.labs.oreilly.com/index.html
  • 116. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Scala Training Code http://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-code git clone git://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-code Scala Training Slides http://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-slides git clone git://github.com/javaBin/scala-training-slides.git