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Does American Manufacturing Have a Future? Oct 22, 2008 B r i a n  K i n d i l i e n M a n a g e r,  P r o c e s s  M o d e l i n g  a n d  S i m u l a t i o n C C A T Eastern Connecticut State University
The Big Question Princeton University professor and  New York Times   columnist Paul Krugman, won the 2008 Nobel Prize  for economics The Nobel committee hailed Krugman for his  approach  "based on the premise that many goods  and services can be produced more cheaply in long  series, a concept generally known as economies of scale." His theory shows that globalization tends to increase the pressures on urban living because specialization sucks people into these centers of concentration through processes that can result in  "regions become divided into a high-technology urbanized core and a less developed 'periphery',"  the Nobel jury said.  1 1. “US economist Paul Krugman wins Nobel Economics Prize”  by Nina Larson Nina Larson. AFP via Yahoo! News – Mon Oct 13, 9:31 am ET
(View CCAT Introduction Video) CCAT works to strengthen technology-led competitiveness via collaboration with industry, government, and academia Nurture existing companies Support a world-class work force Lead innovation and enterprise creation Innovation    Education    Business Incubation    Collaboration Advanced Power    Lasers    Next Generation Manufacturing    Nanotech    Biomedical Resource for Improving Competitiveness
Helping to Strengthen our Nation Strengthening Economic Competitiveness Education Economic Development Technology Innovation Collaboration E-learning Project Based Interdisciplinary Multicultural
Current Technology Resources
Laser Application Laboratory Laser Drilling Work Cell P50L Coupled to Work Cell Nutfield Laser Driller Lasertec DMG 80 Powerdrill Shape Kuka Robot IPG Photonics System Processing Fibers 10kW Yb:Glass  Fiber Laser Various Workstations
Machining Applications Laboratory CCAT/NCAL are working together to develop an Next Generation Machining Applications Laboratory (NGMAL) in the region to showcase technologies (Q1 2009) Best practices Training Facility The Center will serve as a: A test bed to evaluate machining process optimization software tools A test bed for the latest CNC machines, controllers, and cutting tool technology NGMAL Technical High School Curriculum OJT Regional Centers Community College Curriculum
From pp. 18-20 of the Schenectady Electrical Handbook by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. (Schenectady, NY: General Electric Press, 1904).  It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 621.3 A51s Is this your idea of manufacturing?
Image courtesy Shenyang Brilliant Elevator Co., Yuanda Enterprise Group Or is this?
Or this? Image courtesy VWVortex.com
What is Digital Manufacturing? 3D Product Design/CAD Assembly Sequence Ergonomics Robotics Machining Physics Based Machining Inspection DE Factory Simulation
What is Value Stream Mapping? A lean technique used to analyze the flow of materials and information currently required to bring a product or service to a consumer. At Toyota, where the technique originated, it is known as "Material and Information Flow Mapping"  1 Completed the Collaboration with AMPI and Techsolve on VSMs Machining Process of Integrally Bladed Rotors (IBR’s) at PWA and GE Small Hole Drilling processes at GE, PWA and RR Processes Documented in Electronic Value Stream Mapping (eVSM). Virtual Factory Models were Created As Process Baselines 1. Learning to See: Value-stream mapping to create value and eliminate muda  by Mike Rother and John Shook ISBN 0966784308
Electronic Value Stream Mapping (eVSM) Collects All the Data Required to Build a Factory Model Developing an Interface Directly from eVSM Able to Automatically Build Factory Model Shaped as VSM Interactive Building of Model on DXF Factory Layout Developing Automatic Building of Factory Model on top of DXF Layout
The Digital Factory: Tomorrow’s Factory Today Manufacture of F135 Inlet Case New Facility Plan Evaluation Currently Low Rate Production: 1 unit per quarter Anticipating a Full Rate of Production: 1 unit per day Resource Utilization/Qtys? Apply Lean Manufacturing Concepts Enhanced Communications Provided Road Map for Ramp Up
Virtual Factory Modeling: Electronic Assembly Received Process Value Stream Map in eVSM Imported Data to Build Factory Model Evaluated Number of Stations, People, Inspectors Required to Meet Projected Production Rates
Investigation of Data Visualization 3D Virtual Tours of CCAT/NCAL Facilities Links to Technology Information
Grinding Simulation – Vanes, Blades Blade Grinding CDCFG Software Optimized Process Benefits Apply to very complex and difficult to grind components Reduce cycle time (>40%) Reduce wheel usage (~30%) Develop more robust process wheel blade Technology successfully implemented at UTC divisions
Broaching Process Modeling Tool design controls chip  thickness &  specific force Benefits Apply to very complex and difficult to broach components Gain cycle time efficiencies Tackle more difficult operations Model Broaching of Turbine disks to predict force, stresses, and deformation Simulation Results Firtree Slots Broaching
Greenfield Facility Concept Stationary fuel cell power plants Building new fuel cell assembly facility Built QUEST model using VSM provided by ConnStep Identified material handling issues, predicted utilizations of resources Fuel Cell Energy, Wallingford, CT
Lean Manufacturing Machining Cell Turbine Blade Manufacturing Cell Generated electronic Value Stream Map using eVSM TM Used eVSM to Generate Factory Model of Workcell in QUEST “ What If” lean scenarios were tested in the virtual environment “ CCAT has provided access to tools that have helped us better understand how to make our value stream lean.  Using their value stream mapping and factory modeling software, we were able to run “what if” scenarios on our future state.  Our team was able to see the impact of batch sizes, buffer stock and asset utilization in a virtual environment before implementation.  This has given us the validation we needed to move forward on our shared resource value stream. I highly recommend any manufacturing company to tap into the CCAT’s state of the art offerings.” ~ Brian J. Wilczynski,  Continuous Improvement Manager GKN Aerospace – Manchester, CT
Robotic Laser Processing Workcell 8 Dof System, robot (6) integrated with worktable (2) Use Part Geometry to define the robot path Easily Creates robot path in proper part orientation and distance from work point
Metrology / Reverse Engineering Integration of Technology for Capturing Legacy System Part Definition into Digital Manufacturing Solutions Software Applications ( RapidForm, Geomagic, PolyWorks ) Inspection Technology for Data Collection Feature Based Machining
Reverse Engineering Original Corsair Pitot Fairing Scanned & Meshed Solid Model From This To This To This Electronic product definition does not exist Generate a feature based solid model from an original part.
Why is Virtual Reality Important?
Virtual Reality Based Training/Ergonomics Design  the process with the actual product definition during the product design phase Verify  the process with the actual product definition Document  the process for teaching the workforce Intuitive learning by doing, without the cost of having real hardware in place, ergonomic assessment Practice in virtual environment at lower cost Easy to track and document the students capabilities Tour of Virtual Reality lab at CCAT Pitkin St. facility
Virtual Prototyping of Functional Design Demonstration in SolidWorks for Virtual Prototyping to demonstrate Crane functionality and visual of assembly sequence for operation Same SolidWorks model was also used to determine the center of mass for each sub-assembly included within the crane in a matter of minutes
Using COMSOL Multiphysics® FEA Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell with GenCell Corporation Univ. of Arizona, Boeing, USAir Force program Fuel Cell Performance Analysis Ability to Analyze Fluid Flow Heat Transport Diffusion through Membrane Chemical Reaction Benefits Visualize and Optimize internal flow through channels Predict Electrical and Thermal Output Optimize Stack Design
What is Machining Optimization? CAD / CAM systems have a lot of onboard intelligence CNC machines and their controllers have a lot of onboard intelligence But there’s a disconnect! Design Post Processor G/M Codes Download NC code 3D CAD Generate NC code CAM CNC Machine CAM Software Applies Constant Feedrates Why not variable feedrates depending on the depth of cut/material/tools used? Case for toolpath optimization?
Machining Implementation Scenario Design 3D CAD Integrate Optimization Tool with CAM! Improved NC Code #2 Advanced Machining Implementation Scenario Machining Game Changer Scenario Seeking companies for application to beta test process. Current participants include: NIST  ■  NCDMM  ■  TechSolve  ■  CNC Software Soliciting participant recommendations from MAI Generate NC code CAM Download NC code Analysis of Process TWS CutPro NC Code #1 Additional Effort to Analyze Processes, with another piece of Software….. Multiple copies of NC Program to Track….. Not Associated to CAM Validate Process Machine Simulation NC Code #1 Minimal Additional Effort to Analyze Processes included in the CAM process…. Only one version of NC Program to track….
Machining Game Changer Optimization Machining of Titanium Ti-6Al-4V forging  Obtained MasterCAM files Tool data Workpiece geometry NC files from the CNC machine tool Identified roughing tools for optimization Applied Machining Game Changer  Inserted variable feed rates Balanced tangential force Actual cycle time savings of 11 minutes per part, or 10% per piece 11 minutes x 3,000 parts =  550 hours saved “ What CCAT accomplished for us would not have been possible for us as we are a small manufacturing company with limited resources to complete projects such as these.  It is great to have CCAT as a resource to help us remain competitive in a global marketplace.”  Tony Nanni, VP of Eng. and Quality
Verifying the Machine and Process Modeled Bridgeport CNC Machine in CCSU’s machining laboratory for use in CAD / CAM curriculum Engaging with suppliers to: Demonstrate value of NC verification Build kinematic machine models, controllers, tools, & fixtures Provide library of common aerospace tools and machine components Compare Opti-Path optimization tool capability with others
Interactive Learning Environment Teaches the concepts of machining, NC programming and robotics Implemented via USNALI.ORG web site with access to both industry and academia NC Programming System Used at CCSU and West Springfield Tech HS Working on Introduction within All state of Connecticut Technical High Schools
Questions? B r i a n  K i n d i l i e n M a n a g e r,  P r o c e s s  M o d e l i n g  a n d  S i m u l a t i o n b k i n d i l i e n @ c c a t . u s C  C  A  T 2 2 2  P i t k i n  S t r e e t,  S u i t e  1 0 6 E a s t  H a r t f o r d,  C T  0 6 1 0 8 w  w  w . c  c  a  t . u  s 8 6 0 - 2 9 1 - 8 8 3 2

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B Kindilien-Does Manufacturing Have a Future?

  • 1. Does American Manufacturing Have a Future? Oct 22, 2008 B r i a n K i n d i l i e n M a n a g e r, P r o c e s s M o d e l i n g a n d S i m u l a t i o n C C A T Eastern Connecticut State University
  • 2. The Big Question Princeton University professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, won the 2008 Nobel Prize for economics The Nobel committee hailed Krugman for his approach "based on the premise that many goods and services can be produced more cheaply in long series, a concept generally known as economies of scale." His theory shows that globalization tends to increase the pressures on urban living because specialization sucks people into these centers of concentration through processes that can result in "regions become divided into a high-technology urbanized core and a less developed 'periphery'," the Nobel jury said. 1 1. “US economist Paul Krugman wins Nobel Economics Prize” by Nina Larson Nina Larson. AFP via Yahoo! News – Mon Oct 13, 9:31 am ET
  • 3. (View CCAT Introduction Video) CCAT works to strengthen technology-led competitiveness via collaboration with industry, government, and academia Nurture existing companies Support a world-class work force Lead innovation and enterprise creation Innovation  Education  Business Incubation  Collaboration Advanced Power  Lasers  Next Generation Manufacturing  Nanotech  Biomedical Resource for Improving Competitiveness
  • 4. Helping to Strengthen our Nation Strengthening Economic Competitiveness Education Economic Development Technology Innovation Collaboration E-learning Project Based Interdisciplinary Multicultural
  • 6. Laser Application Laboratory Laser Drilling Work Cell P50L Coupled to Work Cell Nutfield Laser Driller Lasertec DMG 80 Powerdrill Shape Kuka Robot IPG Photonics System Processing Fibers 10kW Yb:Glass Fiber Laser Various Workstations
  • 7. Machining Applications Laboratory CCAT/NCAL are working together to develop an Next Generation Machining Applications Laboratory (NGMAL) in the region to showcase technologies (Q1 2009) Best practices Training Facility The Center will serve as a: A test bed to evaluate machining process optimization software tools A test bed for the latest CNC machines, controllers, and cutting tool technology NGMAL Technical High School Curriculum OJT Regional Centers Community College Curriculum
  • 8. From pp. 18-20 of the Schenectady Electrical Handbook by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. (Schenectady, NY: General Electric Press, 1904). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 621.3 A51s Is this your idea of manufacturing?
  • 9. Image courtesy Shenyang Brilliant Elevator Co., Yuanda Enterprise Group Or is this?
  • 10. Or this? Image courtesy VWVortex.com
  • 11. What is Digital Manufacturing? 3D Product Design/CAD Assembly Sequence Ergonomics Robotics Machining Physics Based Machining Inspection DE Factory Simulation
  • 12. What is Value Stream Mapping? A lean technique used to analyze the flow of materials and information currently required to bring a product or service to a consumer. At Toyota, where the technique originated, it is known as "Material and Information Flow Mapping" 1 Completed the Collaboration with AMPI and Techsolve on VSMs Machining Process of Integrally Bladed Rotors (IBR’s) at PWA and GE Small Hole Drilling processes at GE, PWA and RR Processes Documented in Electronic Value Stream Mapping (eVSM). Virtual Factory Models were Created As Process Baselines 1. Learning to See: Value-stream mapping to create value and eliminate muda by Mike Rother and John Shook ISBN 0966784308
  • 13. Electronic Value Stream Mapping (eVSM) Collects All the Data Required to Build a Factory Model Developing an Interface Directly from eVSM Able to Automatically Build Factory Model Shaped as VSM Interactive Building of Model on DXF Factory Layout Developing Automatic Building of Factory Model on top of DXF Layout
  • 14. The Digital Factory: Tomorrow’s Factory Today Manufacture of F135 Inlet Case New Facility Plan Evaluation Currently Low Rate Production: 1 unit per quarter Anticipating a Full Rate of Production: 1 unit per day Resource Utilization/Qtys? Apply Lean Manufacturing Concepts Enhanced Communications Provided Road Map for Ramp Up
  • 15. Virtual Factory Modeling: Electronic Assembly Received Process Value Stream Map in eVSM Imported Data to Build Factory Model Evaluated Number of Stations, People, Inspectors Required to Meet Projected Production Rates
  • 16. Investigation of Data Visualization 3D Virtual Tours of CCAT/NCAL Facilities Links to Technology Information
  • 17. Grinding Simulation – Vanes, Blades Blade Grinding CDCFG Software Optimized Process Benefits Apply to very complex and difficult to grind components Reduce cycle time (>40%) Reduce wheel usage (~30%) Develop more robust process wheel blade Technology successfully implemented at UTC divisions
  • 18. Broaching Process Modeling Tool design controls chip thickness & specific force Benefits Apply to very complex and difficult to broach components Gain cycle time efficiencies Tackle more difficult operations Model Broaching of Turbine disks to predict force, stresses, and deformation Simulation Results Firtree Slots Broaching
  • 19. Greenfield Facility Concept Stationary fuel cell power plants Building new fuel cell assembly facility Built QUEST model using VSM provided by ConnStep Identified material handling issues, predicted utilizations of resources Fuel Cell Energy, Wallingford, CT
  • 20. Lean Manufacturing Machining Cell Turbine Blade Manufacturing Cell Generated electronic Value Stream Map using eVSM TM Used eVSM to Generate Factory Model of Workcell in QUEST “ What If” lean scenarios were tested in the virtual environment “ CCAT has provided access to tools that have helped us better understand how to make our value stream lean.  Using their value stream mapping and factory modeling software, we were able to run “what if” scenarios on our future state.  Our team was able to see the impact of batch sizes, buffer stock and asset utilization in a virtual environment before implementation.  This has given us the validation we needed to move forward on our shared resource value stream. I highly recommend any manufacturing company to tap into the CCAT’s state of the art offerings.” ~ Brian J. Wilczynski, Continuous Improvement Manager GKN Aerospace – Manchester, CT
  • 21. Robotic Laser Processing Workcell 8 Dof System, robot (6) integrated with worktable (2) Use Part Geometry to define the robot path Easily Creates robot path in proper part orientation and distance from work point
  • 22. Metrology / Reverse Engineering Integration of Technology for Capturing Legacy System Part Definition into Digital Manufacturing Solutions Software Applications ( RapidForm, Geomagic, PolyWorks ) Inspection Technology for Data Collection Feature Based Machining
  • 23. Reverse Engineering Original Corsair Pitot Fairing Scanned & Meshed Solid Model From This To This To This Electronic product definition does not exist Generate a feature based solid model from an original part.
  • 24. Why is Virtual Reality Important?
  • 25. Virtual Reality Based Training/Ergonomics Design the process with the actual product definition during the product design phase Verify the process with the actual product definition Document the process for teaching the workforce Intuitive learning by doing, without the cost of having real hardware in place, ergonomic assessment Practice in virtual environment at lower cost Easy to track and document the students capabilities Tour of Virtual Reality lab at CCAT Pitkin St. facility
  • 26. Virtual Prototyping of Functional Design Demonstration in SolidWorks for Virtual Prototyping to demonstrate Crane functionality and visual of assembly sequence for operation Same SolidWorks model was also used to determine the center of mass for each sub-assembly included within the crane in a matter of minutes
  • 27. Using COMSOL Multiphysics® FEA Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell with GenCell Corporation Univ. of Arizona, Boeing, USAir Force program Fuel Cell Performance Analysis Ability to Analyze Fluid Flow Heat Transport Diffusion through Membrane Chemical Reaction Benefits Visualize and Optimize internal flow through channels Predict Electrical and Thermal Output Optimize Stack Design
  • 28. What is Machining Optimization? CAD / CAM systems have a lot of onboard intelligence CNC machines and their controllers have a lot of onboard intelligence But there’s a disconnect! Design Post Processor G/M Codes Download NC code 3D CAD Generate NC code CAM CNC Machine CAM Software Applies Constant Feedrates Why not variable feedrates depending on the depth of cut/material/tools used? Case for toolpath optimization?
  • 29. Machining Implementation Scenario Design 3D CAD Integrate Optimization Tool with CAM! Improved NC Code #2 Advanced Machining Implementation Scenario Machining Game Changer Scenario Seeking companies for application to beta test process. Current participants include: NIST ■ NCDMM ■ TechSolve ■ CNC Software Soliciting participant recommendations from MAI Generate NC code CAM Download NC code Analysis of Process TWS CutPro NC Code #1 Additional Effort to Analyze Processes, with another piece of Software….. Multiple copies of NC Program to Track….. Not Associated to CAM Validate Process Machine Simulation NC Code #1 Minimal Additional Effort to Analyze Processes included in the CAM process…. Only one version of NC Program to track….
  • 30. Machining Game Changer Optimization Machining of Titanium Ti-6Al-4V forging Obtained MasterCAM files Tool data Workpiece geometry NC files from the CNC machine tool Identified roughing tools for optimization Applied Machining Game Changer Inserted variable feed rates Balanced tangential force Actual cycle time savings of 11 minutes per part, or 10% per piece 11 minutes x 3,000 parts = 550 hours saved “ What CCAT accomplished for us would not have been possible for us as we are a small manufacturing company with limited resources to complete projects such as these. It is great to have CCAT as a resource to help us remain competitive in a global marketplace.” Tony Nanni, VP of Eng. and Quality
  • 31. Verifying the Machine and Process Modeled Bridgeport CNC Machine in CCSU’s machining laboratory for use in CAD / CAM curriculum Engaging with suppliers to: Demonstrate value of NC verification Build kinematic machine models, controllers, tools, & fixtures Provide library of common aerospace tools and machine components Compare Opti-Path optimization tool capability with others
  • 32. Interactive Learning Environment Teaches the concepts of machining, NC programming and robotics Implemented via USNALI.ORG web site with access to both industry and academia NC Programming System Used at CCSU and West Springfield Tech HS Working on Introduction within All state of Connecticut Technical High Schools
  • 33. Questions? B r i a n K i n d i l i e n M a n a g e r, P r o c e s s M o d e l i n g a n d S i m u l a t i o n b k i n d i l i e n @ c c a t . u s C C A T 2 2 2 P i t k i n S t r e e t, S u i t e 1 0 6 E a s t H a r t f o r d, C T 0 6 1 0 8 w w w . c c a t . u s 8 6 0 - 2 9 1 - 8 8 3 2