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A Journey towards Effective Parenting
Parenting from the Heart
Parenting is a gift of God
Parenting is Gardening
The Universe blossoms in face of child. By
bringing out the best in your child, you bring
out the best in this universe.
Parenting is Trust
The biggest trust is being entrusted with a life.
The biggest responsibility is to live that trust
through out your life.

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Dealing with teenagers
Dealing with teenagersDealing with teenagers
Dealing with teenagers

The document discusses strategies for dealing with teenagers in the 21st century. It notes that teens today experience earlier physical and cultural maturation compared to previous generations. Parents are encouraged to practice positive parenting by providing nurturing support and clear rules, spending quality time with their teens, monitoring their activities, and maintaining open communication. Following these strategies can help teens develop better social skills, academic performance, and mental wellbeing compared to teens who do not receive such support from parents.

Parenting Styles
Parenting StylesParenting Styles
Parenting Styles

This document discusses four main parenting styles: permissive, uninvolved, authoritarian, and authoritative. It outlines the characteristics of each style and examines their typical psychological and biological effects on children. Authoritarian parenting is low in nurturance but high in control, and can lead to issues like low self-esteem and stress in children. Authoritative parenting, which is high in all areas, tends to produce children with confidence and self-control. An uninvolved style causes neglect, while permissive parenting lacks discipline. Overall, the authoritative approach generally has the most positive outcomes.

Parenting powerpoint
Parenting powerpointParenting powerpoint
Parenting powerpoint

The document discusses several important factors to consider before parenting, including fertility and the ability to conceive, pressure from family and peers, lifestyle factors, past childhood issues, and different parenting styles. Specifically, it notes that fertility declines with age, discusses the pros and cons of different parenting approaches like single parenting or adoption, and emphasizes that the traditional two-parent family structure tends to be the safest way to raise a child.

Parenting is Labor of Love
The sleepless nights, the career sacrifices, the
postponing of your so many activities. The
prize of parenting comes at a price.
Parenting is Enjoying
Smiling together, singing songs, playing together
with your child…..are most enjoyable
moments of life.
• Practical Meaning of Parenting
• Myths and Facts related to Parenting
• Different Parenting Styles and their outcomes
• Effective Parenting Skills (A-Z of Effective
Practically, Parenting is……
• Meeting the child’s needs to age of 18 or sometimes longer.
• Guiding the child toward the goal of becoming a competent

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Parenting Styles and Disclipine
Parenting Styles and DisclipineParenting Styles and Disclipine
Parenting Styles and Disclipine

The document discusses four main parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. The authoritarian style involves strict obedience and punishment, while authoritative parenting is warm but also sets clear rules and boundaries. Permissive parenting has few demands and rules, and uninvolved parenting means parents are neglectful and emotionally distant. Research shows authoritative parenting is linked to well-adjusted children, while other styles can be associated with issues like lower self-esteem, risky behaviors, and poor social skills. Cultural differences in these effects are also noted.

A journey towards effective parenting
A journey towards effective parentingA journey towards effective parenting
A journey towards effective parenting

This document discusses effective parenting and the journey toward becoming an effective parent. It notes that parenting skills must be learned and no one is a perfect parent. It discusses common parenting styles like authoritarian, permissive, and democratic and their outcomes. Factors important for child development are discussed. Common difficulties faced by parents and behaviors shown by children are also outlined. The document provides tips for positive parenting, understanding the child, discipline strategies, and an A-Z guide to parenting. It emphasizes showing love, respect, and being a role model.

parenttoolboxparenting stylesspecific learning disability
Effective parenting
Effective parentingEffective parenting
Effective parenting

Effective parenting requires effort to better a child's life. Different parenting styles like permissive, authoritarian, and attachment parenting are discussed. The key aspects of effective parenting are maintaining a positive mood, encouraging a child's passions, teaching basics, and accepting them unconditionally. Special thanks are given to child psychologists who helped inform this discussion on parenting.

effective parenting
Parenting Myths and Realities
Myth #1: All parenting skills are instinctive
No one is born with all the preparation needed to
be an effective parent
Many parenting skills must be learned through
gaining knowledge and experience
Myth# 2: A mature adult can be a perfect parentA mature
adult can be a perfect parent
adult can be a perfect parent
A mature adult can be a perfect parentA mature adult can be a perfect parent

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Parenting skills
Parenting skillsParenting skills
Parenting skills

Parenting styles, parenting skills and parenting skills required for parents with differently abled child/children

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Hands on Parenting Workshop
Hands on Parenting WorkshopHands on Parenting Workshop
Hands on Parenting Workshop

This document provides information on different parenting styles and tips for effective parenting. It discusses hands-on parenting, hands-off parenting, and half-hearted parenting. It includes worksheets to help identify your parenting style based on factors like involvement in your child's activities and communication. The document then covers topics like knowing your child's strengths, building their confidence, teaching social and cognitive skills, effective communication, discipline, and being a role model. It emphasizes the importance of family bonding, encouraging creativity, and using compassion when parenting.

Parenting-inspire yourself
Parenting-inspire yourselfParenting-inspire yourself
Parenting-inspire yourself

Sometimes its too late by the time we realise the flaws of our parenitng...introspect and avoid it...if your are still lucky.

Humans are not perfect, so no one can be a
perfect parent
Mature adults should strive to become competent
parents, not perfect parents
Myth 3#: Good parenting guarantees good children
Influences outside the family, such as peers, adults
other than parents, and media affect children in
healthy or unhealthy ways
Myth #4:Parenting is always fun

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Parenting Teens Effective Discipline
Parenting Teens  Effective DisciplineParenting Teens  Effective Discipline
Parenting Teens Effective Discipline

This document discusses effective discipline strategies for parenting teens. It argues that physical punishment is psychologically damaging and teaches teens that violence is acceptable. Instead, discipline should involve clear rules that are consistently and respectfully enforced through logical consequences. Effective discipline is also balanced with warmth and respect. The goals are to teach responsibility while maintaining a healthy relationship between parent and teen.

Parenting styles and their possible impact on children
Parenting styles and their possible impact on childrenParenting styles and their possible impact on children
Parenting styles and their possible impact on children

Information about authoritarian, permissive and democratic parenting styles and how they impact children.

Parenting Styles
Parenting StylesParenting Styles
Parenting Styles

The document discusses different parenting styles and their outcomes on children's development. It identifies three main parenting styles: authoritarian, where parents have absolute control and children are expected to obey without question; permissive, where parents make few demands and allow children freedom without limits; and democratic, which involves setting clear limits but also fostering independence and encouraging open communication. The outcomes associated with each style are also outlined, such as children from authoritarian homes often being unhappy and rebellious, while those from democratic homes tend to be happy, high-achieving and cooperative.

• Facts:
– Like any other job, parenting can be fun, sad,
exciting, boring, satisfying, and frustrating
– Adults should have realistic expectations about
Parenting Styles and Outcomes
Authoritarian: Limits without Freedom
These parents are
extremely strict
and are often cold.
They communicate
through lectures,
punishment, and
•No expression of
•Not High Achievers

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Parent child relationship
Parent child relationshipParent child relationship
Parent child relationship

This document discusses the impact of positive and negative parental relationships on children's development. It notes that children are greatly influenced by how their parents treat each other. Negative parental conflict can lead to behavioral, social, disciplinary, educational and emotional problems in children, while positive parental relationships provide social, behavioral and educational benefits. These include increased self-esteem, impulse control, problem solving skills, and academic achievement. The document provides tips for parents to improve their relationship with children such as spending quality time together, providing positive feedback, eating family dinners, and expressing love regularly.

Modern Indian parenting
Modern Indian parenting Modern Indian parenting
Modern Indian parenting

Success For Our Children Establishing “Smart Sanskar” India is now collision of the ancient and the modern.We are undergoing a transformation! 3 new forces are shaping our children! Like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmartSanskars?ref=stream We want the best for our children But we are still trying to raise our children like our parents did. Our plans and dreams for them will be obsolete. We could shortchange their goals. We need to be prepared, aware and participate. I believe that it is completely up to us.

success children smart sanskar
Parents' Role on Early Childhood Development
Parents' Role on Early Childhood DevelopmentParents' Role on Early Childhood Development
Parents' Role on Early Childhood Development

This is a short talk delivered to parents of La Salle Academy's (Iligan City) Kindergarten pupils. Thanks to the invitation of Mr. Pendang of the Guidance Office.

Permissive: Freedom without limits
On the other extreme of the
parenting spectrum is
permissive parenting. As the
name suggests, permissive
parenting is more of an
"anything goes" attitude.
These parents do not
attempt to exert any sort of
control over their children.
•Least self—reliant
•Least self-
•Least exploratory
•Most unhappy
Democratic: Freedom within limits
Democratic parenting
is the middle ground
approach and is often
considered the
parenting ideal.
Democratic parenting
is based on warmth,
love, guidance, and
positive discipline.
•Mostly self-reliant
•Mostly self-
•Content, friendly,

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Parenting styles
Parenting stylesParenting styles
Parenting styles

The document discusses different parenting styles and their effects on children. It describes authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting styles. Authoritarian parenting involves strict rules without discussion, while authoritative parenting uses discussion and negotiation. Permissive parenting allows children freedom with few rules. Authoritative parenting is associated with well-adjusted children, while authoritarian parenting relates to anxious children and permissive parenting relates to rebellious children. The document also defines child abuse and discusses causes and ways to prevent it.

4 types of parenting styles
4 types of parenting styles 4 types of parenting styles
4 types of parenting styles

This document discusses different parenting styles including authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. It outlines benefits and drawbacks of each style. For example, authoritarian parenting can lead to high academic achievement but also anxiety in children. Cultural factors influence parenting approaches as well, such as Asian cultures tending towards authoritarian styles. The document recommends counseling and education to help families adjust parenting to best support children's development.

Responsible parenthood
Responsible parenthoodResponsible parenthood
Responsible parenthood

This document discusses responsible parenthood, including its concept, components, importance, parenting styles, and stages. Responsible parenthood refers to being responsive to a child's needs and committed to their well-being and development. There are three main parenting styles described - authoritarian (strict obedience), permissive (few rules), and authoritative (balance of control and autonomy). Responsible parenting is important because parents are their child's primary teachers and influencers. There are six stages of responsible parenthood from pregnancy to a child's departure from the home.

A-Z of Parenting
A-Accept your child for the wonderful
person he or she is
B-Be a good role model in all you
say and do.
C- Communicate respectfully and listen
attentively to your child.

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Responsible parenthood
Responsible parenthoodResponsible parenthood
Responsible parenthood

Vincent and Susie have 6 children ages 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, and 2 months. Vincent works hard as a carpenter but also does other jobs, while Susie complains that there is never enough food or time. Most of the children have stopped school to work in fields. The doctor told Susie not to have more children as her health is poor. They did not plan family size due to customs. Responsible parenthood considers the parental role in guiding children, emotional readiness, building family relationships, and having knowledge to rear children well.

Gerakan pendidikan berbasis pendidikan berbasis potensi dan karakter bersama ...
Gerakan pendidikan berbasis pendidikan berbasis potensi dan karakter bersama ...Gerakan pendidikan berbasis pendidikan berbasis potensi dan karakter bersama ...
Gerakan pendidikan berbasis pendidikan berbasis potensi dan karakter bersama ...

Pendidikan Berbasis Potensi dan Akhlaq bersama Keluarga dan Komunitas oleh Millenial Learning Centre


The document is a presentation about enhancing parenting skills through parent involvement given by Chris Martin, a retired NFL player. He discusses the six levels of parent involvement using football analogies: 1) Parenting is like a ball carrier or coverage on the field 2) Communication is like plays being discussed in a huddle or changed at the line of scrimmage 3) Volunteering is like being a playmaker who makes big contributions 4) Learning at home gives an advantage like playing on your home field 5) Decision making relies on experts like signal callers 6) Collaboration taps community resources like man coverage or a balanced line. The presentation encourages parents to get involved in their child's education.

D- Discipline fairly, firmly and with love
E- Encourage good eating habits
F- Find ways to get and stay fit
G- Give chores that built responsibility

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Pendidikan karakter kunci kompetitif dan inovatif
Pendidikan karakter kunci kompetitif dan inovatifPendidikan karakter kunci kompetitif dan inovatif
Pendidikan karakter kunci kompetitif dan inovatif

"Try Not become A Man of Success But Rather Try Become Man of Value"

Parenting Styles
Parenting StylesParenting Styles
Parenting Styles

This document provides information on parenting styles and tips for effective parenting. It discusses how demanding, controlling or indulgent parenting can lead to issues for children like increased risky behaviors. The most effective parenting involves being warm, supportive, consistent and having open communication. Setting clear rules and avoiding knee-jerk reactions can help. The document recommends websites for more parenting resources and tips.

Parenting styles
Parenting stylesParenting styles
Parenting styles

There are two main dimensions of parenting: acceptance/warmth-responsiveness and demandingness-control. These dimensions give rise to four parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful. Authoritative parenting, which is high in both acceptance and control, tends to be associated with the best child outcomes while neglectful parenting, which is low in both, tends to be associated with the worst outcomes.

H- Hug your child to build self-
I- Instill respect for other people
J- Join PTMs and other school
activities to assess child’s progress
K- Keep your promise or do not
make them

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Parenting advice - parenting teens. By the time they need help, you will be the initial person withi...

Anti-bullying presentation #2
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Anti-bullying presentation #2

This document provides advice on how to stop bullying by standing up to bullies, getting help from adults, and supporting those being bullied. It suggests talking to a trusted adult if you are bullying others to understand why. For those being bullied, it advises asserting yourself, communicating with and getting help from others, agreeing with or ignoring bullies, and building inner strength and confidence. The causes of bullying are said to be insecurity, selfishness, a sense of superiority, and being bullied by others.

Advocacy: Anti-bullying
Advocacy: Anti-bullying Advocacy: Anti-bullying
Advocacy: Anti-bullying

The document outlines plans for a group meeting including a group presentation and creating an anti-bullying brochure. It also mentions exploring different ways to advocate on the topic.

L- Laugh together and enjoy each
other’s company
M- Make family rules and enforce
them consistently
N- Never Use physical force on your
O- Offer your help whenever it’s

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Violence against women
Violence against womenViolence against women
Violence against women

Violence against women is a global problem that occurs in every culture and social group. It takes many forms, from domestic abuse to child marriage and female circumcision. 80% of women who experience physical abuse by partners never report it. November 25th was declared the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls by the UN General Assembly in 1999. Violence against women includes domestic violence, sexual violence, physical violence, harassment in the workplace, eve teasing, and dowry-related violence.

How Generation Z Differs from Millennials (and Some Similarities)
How Generation Z Differs from Millennials (and Some Similarities)How Generation Z Differs from Millennials (and Some Similarities)
How Generation Z Differs from Millennials (and Some Similarities)

The verdict is still out on where the Millennial generation ends and Generation Z begins. Some studies start Generation Z as early as 1993 and others as late as 2000. But no matter how you slice it, there are clear differences in behavior and preferences between Generation Z and the Millennials. These differences are sure to prompt additional adjustment when in comes to leadership, recruiting, parenting, and marketing. In many ways, Generation Z is the extreme version and the opposite of Millennials. Some of these noticeable extremes and differences could help hiring managers, marketers, leaders, and parents better connect with the emerging generation and thrive tomorrow. Presented by Ryan Jenkins, Millennial & Generation Z keynote speaker and author. Website: http://ryan-jenkins.com

leadershipmillennialsnext generation
Filipino parenting
Filipino parentingFilipino parenting
Filipino parenting

In a traditional Filipino family, the father is typically seen as the head of the household and primary provider, while the mother takes responsibility for domestic duties and the emotional growth and values formation of children. Parents perform different but complementary roles, with mothers seen as more nurturing and involved in childrearing while fathers are regarded as strong authority figures. Filipino parenting styles can vary depending on factors like era, socioeconomic status, geography, and culture. Common parenting practices include emphasizing education, a combination of tough love and spoiling children, teaching children to care for elders, and strong adherence to religious worship. Physical punishment like hitting children with slippers is common, while curfews are more strictly enforced for daughters.

P- Praise your child for achievements as
well as for efforts
Q- Quickly stop your child from
harmful activities.
R- Read together often and make
reading fun
S- Show patience and remember
nobody is perfect

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Bullying in schools
Bullying in schoolsBullying in schools
Bullying in schools

This document discusses bullying and provides information about its different types. It defines physical, verbal, and relational bullying and provides examples of each. The document advises what to do if being bullied, such as ignoring the bully, not showing emotion, and telling someone else. It suggests ways to stop bullying like boosting self-esteem or talking to a counselor. The document also includes questions for potential bullies to consider about how their actions make others feel and whether they use their size to intimidate others. It credits the authors Ivan Leonardo Bejarano Ramirez, Rogelio Antonio Campiño Cadavid, and Jose Santiago Barragan Chaparro.

Responsible Parenthood
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Responsible Parenthood

This document provides 10 commandments for husbands and 10 commandments for wives within a marriage. For husbands, the commandments emphasize honoring, respecting, and prioritizing one's wife, maintaining the relationship, sharing responsibilities, and being attentive. For wives, the commandments stress building the marriage, approving of one's husband, submitting to him as head of the household, and maintaining a gentle and supportive demeanor. Overall, the document outlines biblical principles for maintaining a healthy Christian marriage through mutual respect, commitment, and fulfillment of roles.

how to become a good parent
Responsible parenthood2
Responsible parenthood2Responsible parenthood2
Responsible parenthood2

This document discusses responsible parenthood in Islam. It begins by defining parenthood and the characteristics of responsible parents, emphasizing the importance of nurturing children through positive parenting. It then provides several verses from the Quran and hadiths about the parental duty in Islam to raise children according to Islamic principles and guidance. The document stresses that every member of a Muslim family shares responsibility according to their role. It highlights the enormous responsibility Muslim parents have in Western societies to balance cultural adaptation with raising pious children. The goal of Islam, it says, is to liberate human minds and encourage intellectual and social engagement to lead humanity to full submission to Allah.

T- Teach health and safety rules.
U- Use every opportunity to
show your love
V- Value your child’s thoughts and
W- Wait until you cool down before
disciplining your child

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Responsible parenthood ncm lec
Responsible parenthood  ncm lecResponsible parenthood  ncm lec
Responsible parenthood ncm lec

The overall goal of family planning is to provide universal access to family planning services and information. It aims to reduce infant, neonatal, under-five, and maternal deaths. Responsible parenthood principles include respect for life, informed choice, birth spacing, and responsible parenting. Family planning methods include natural methods like fertility awareness and lactational amenorrhea, as well as barrier methods, hormonal methods, and sterilization. Nurses play an important role in educating clients on family planning options based on their individual needs, values, and circumstances.

Single parenthood
Single parenthoodSingle parenthood
Single parenthood

- Increase in single parenthood - Causes of single parenthood - Lone parents, benefits and the under class

Parents child relationship
Parents child relationshipParents child relationship
Parents child relationship

The parent-child relationship consists of unique behaviors, feelings, and expectations between a parent and child. Parenting is the process of promoting a child's development from infancy to adulthood using different styles such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or detached. Factors like family structure, social support, relationship history, and culture influence the parent-child relationship. A healthy relationship is maintained through flexible communication, discipline, boundaries, and connecting with the child by playing games, casual conversation, and visiting new places together.

X- Xerox and save records of your child’s
Y- You can make a difference in your
child’s life….so parent with pride.
Z- Zoom over this ABC again and again.
What are some appropriate solutions to the
following situations?
• Your daughter/son is throwing a ball in the
living room and knocks over a lamp.
• Your daughter/son leaves dirty clothes on the
floor instead of putting them in the bucket
where they are supposed to go.
• Your child refuses to do homework and keeps
on watching television.
• Your son takes her brother’s money from his
piggy bank and spends it.

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Anti-bullying Presentation #1
Anti-bullying Presentation #1Anti-bullying Presentation #1
Anti-bullying Presentation #1

This document discusses different types of bullying including verbal, physical, emotional/social, psychological, and cyber bullying. It provides tips on how to avoid bullies such as not showing emotion, sticking up for yourself and others, and telling authorities. It also discusses how to stop bullying through anti-bullying training and campaigns in schools, as well as encouraging acceptance and confidence in students. The causes of bullying are said to be insecurity and problems in the bully's own life.

A Journey towards Effective Parenting Toykraft
A Journey towards Effective Parenting ToykraftA Journey towards Effective Parenting Toykraft
A Journey towards Effective Parenting Toykraft

A child gives birth to a mother!! Sounds odd but so true as it symbolizes the journey of a woman from a daughter or wife to a mother. However looking at the current times where fathers are getting more and more involved in the children’s’ lives it would be more appropriate to say that a child gives birth to a parent. for more info visit www.toy-kraft.com

ajourneytowardseffectiveparenting upon reflection ppt.pptx
ajourneytowardseffectiveparenting upon reflection ppt.pptxajourneytowardseffectiveparenting upon reflection ppt.pptx
ajourneytowardseffectiveparenting upon reflection ppt.pptx

Learn some parenting skills

ABC of Parenting Skills
Parent’s Pledge
I Promise…I will
show my children I
LOVE them.
I will listen and
value what my
children say.

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Parenting Young Children Effectively.pptx
Parenting Young Children Effectively.pptxParenting Young Children Effectively.pptx
Parenting Young Children Effectively.pptx

The document provides guidance on parenting children ages 3 to 12. It discusses the key domains of child development - physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional. For the physical domain, it emphasizes the importance of nutrition, sleep, hygiene and physical activity. For cognitive development, it outlines theories of intelligence and cognitive stages. For socio-emotional development, it discusses the importance of praise, affection, self-esteem and the theories of Erikson and attachment. It addresses common parenting concerns and provides tips for being involved without being over-involved or neglectful.

AOT Ppt - Template.pptx
AOT Ppt - Template.pptxAOT Ppt - Template.pptx
AOT Ppt - Template.pptx

This document provides guidance to empower parents and help them build confidence through the parenting process. It discusses how to understand the simple yet profound impact of parenthood and become the best possible parents. It offers tips on how to take responsibility as a parent, create a loving home environment, engage in positive communication with children, provide discipline without anger, and help children focus on academics.

Parenting child relationship
Parenting child relationshipParenting child relationship
Parenting child relationship

This document discusses positive parenting techniques and strengthening the parent-child relationship. It provides tips for telling children you love them, playing with them, establishing rituals like bedtime stories, teaching about faith, respecting their choices, making them a priority, and eating meals together. It also describes different parenting styles like authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritative parenting. A healthy parent-child relationship is important for children's development and success.

I will praise my
child’s efforts
I will respect my
children as
I will enjoy with
my children

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Attach to me if you can: How modern society disconnects us from our youth and...

This document discusses the importance of strong attachments between children/youth and caring adults for mental health and resilience. Modern society weakens these attachments in several ways such as both parents working, increased screen time, and media that portrays parents negatively. Strong peer orientation and reliance on technology and material things cannot meet core emotional needs like parents can. The document provides strategies for reconnecting with youth, including spending one-on-one time, prioritizing the relationship, expressing affection, validating feelings, and bridging separations by discussing future reunions. Overall it emphasizes that while attachments are formed early, they require ongoing maintenance through adolescence.

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Programme on parenting
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Parenting is a great program-each and every mother should have some ideas about this: after having a beautiful child as you grow with the child you need to know the process how to take care of the cute emotion that helps it to be a person with sound emotion.

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Michele And Julie Inviting Children To Be

The document provides parenting strategies and tips to promote children's success. It discusses establishing respect, responsibility and relationships; being an active listener; offering children choices with limits; maintaining consistency; and focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. Specific parenting styles of consultant, helicopter and drill sergeant are compared. The importance of problem solving, empathy, and building developmental assets is also covered.

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