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© 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
to Agile
Mike Cohn
June 7, 2010
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Mike Cohn
Founding member and
director of Agile Alliance
and Scrum Alliance
Founder of Mountain
Goat Software
Doing Scrum since 1995
Started my career as a
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why transitioning to agile is hard
ADAPTing to agile development
Iterating toward agility
The role of leadership
Overcoming resistance
© 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Two simplistic views of change:
Top down: Powerful leader shares a vision
Bottom-up:A team starts and everyone else sees the
But, transitioning to agile is neither top-down nor
It’s both at the same time
Change is not top-down or bottom-up;
it’s both
© 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
It is tempting to codify things that work in a given
context into best practices
Once we know what’s “best” we stop adapting
Or even thinking about what we’re doing
Once we’ve stopped inspecting and adapting we’re
not agile, or won’t be for long
Best practices are tempting
†Anderson, P. “Seven Layers for Guiding the Evolving Enterprise”
in The Biology of Business.
© 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
The transition process must be congruent
with the development process
Write feature 1
Write feature 2
Part of the move to agile is a
move to self-organizing teams
Moving to self-organization
requires self-organization!
© 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Traditional view of the organization is as a machine
Organizations are unpredictable, living systems
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Assessment Gap Analysis Plan
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
We need a different mental model
The organization as a Complex Adaptive System
John Holland in Complexity:The Emerging Science at the
Edge of Order and Chaos
Overall system behavior is the result of a huge
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Local agents (individuals, project teams, discipline
coworkers) identify local gaps based on their goals
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Closing the gap with
the desired state
Newtonian View
of Success
Achieving a good fit
with the environment
CAS View
of Success
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
CAS view
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
CAS view
Relationships are empowering
Responsiveness to the environment is the
measure of value
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why transitioning to agile is hard
ADAPTing to agile development
Iterating toward agility
The role of leadership
Overcoming resistance
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Awareness that there is room for
Ability to work in an agile mannerA
momentum and get others to follow
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
We also have the issue with at least one other developer as
1. Is this a problem of Awareness, Desire or Ability?
2.Thinking about ADAPT, what might you try?
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
All individuals will need to move through the
Awareness, Desire, and Ability stage
But will do so at different rates
Early adapters and leaders:
Use the Promote stage to build Awareness
and Desire in later adopters
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Tools for building...
Communicate that there’s a problem
Use metrics
Provide exposure to new people and experiences
Focus attention on the most important reason or
two for changing
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
On the following slides, identify
create ability, promote the
transition, and transfer its
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Desire Ability
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
My thoughts on desire,
ability, transfer and promote
are on the following pages.
You don’t want to see them
before you think about your
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Tools for building...
Communicate that there’s a better way
Create a sense of urgency
Build momentum
Get the team to take agile for a test drive
Align incentives (or, at least, remove disincentives)
Focus on addressing any fears
Help people let go
Don’t discredit the past
Engage everyone in the transition
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Provide coaching and training
Hold individuals accountable
Share information
Set reasonable targets
Just do it
Publicize success stories
Host an agile safari
Attract attention
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Transfer the effects of agile beyond the current group
A team transfers to its department
A department transfers to its division
If you don’t transfer, the transition will eventually and
inevitably fail
organizational gravity
status quo
If you don’t align promotions, raises, annual reviews, those
will work against you
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why transitioning to agile is hard
ADAPTing to agile development
Iterating toward agility
The role of leadership
Overcoming resistance
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Enterprise Transition Community
Improvement Communities
Energy, suppport, resources,
guidance, & direction (occasionally)
Iterating toward agility
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Enterprise Transition Community (ETC)
Creates a culture in which passion and
desire to improve thrive
Does not direct the transition effort
Removes organizational impediments to agility
Encourages Improvement Communities to
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
ETC members
From any level but driven by desire to
Disbands when the “transition” part of
adopting agile is over
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
ETC responsibilities
Engage everyone
Set appropriate aspirations
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Item Who Note
Jim (CTO) to talk this up at
monthly development meeting.
Let’s see if there’s any interest.
Establish an internal program How do we identify good
develop them?
in this.
Get more teams to do
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Form around the passion of a small number
of people
Expand from there
Do the real work of improving how the
organization implements agile
Focus on goals with practical relevance
ScrumMaster,Testing, Product Owner,
Continuous Integration
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Working with an IC
An IC works with a project team
Work is not done in an ivory tower
Most ICs work in 2–4-week iterations
Disband or refocus when goal has been
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
ETC Improvement
Establish an internal
program for developing
Not everything on an
IC’s improvement
backlog needs to tie
back to the ETC’s
An IC Improvement Backlog
Figure out how to identify good
in this program).
Establish an internal mentoring program.
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Improvement backlogs
1.Write some items that you would like an on
your organization’s initial improvement backlogs.
2.What improvement communities would you like
to see form that could help with some of these
3.What obstacles are in the way of making these
4.What obstacles are in the way of forming an
ETC or improvement community to get started?
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why transitioning to agile is hard
ADAPTing to agile development
Iterating toward agility
The role of leadership
Overcoming resistance
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Transition team and other formal leaders
must lead the transition
but cannot do so in the usual ways
Self-organizing groups still require leadership
Lead through example, questions, and focus
“Nudge” the organization; Poke and prod;
See how the organization responds
Leading an agile transition
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Glenda Eoyang: Conditions for Self-Organizing in Human Systems
Transforming Exchanges
Information, money, energy (vision)
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Using the CDE model
by altering the:
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Enlarge or shrink teams
Enlarge or shrink the responsibility
boundary of teams
Change team membership
Create new teams or groups
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Don’t require consensus
Ask hard questions
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Encourage communication between teams
and groups
Who isn’t talking who should?
Add or remove people from exchanges
Change reporting relationships
Encourage learning
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
trouble spots.Think about how you might help them by
Cotrainers, amplifying or dampening
Note whether you are tweaking their Container,
than one.)
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
database engineer and you.The developers and
testers are not working well together. Developers
work in isolation until two days are left in the
the testers.
The team is failing to deliver potentially shippable
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
will soon.
team has its own testers who are starting to go in
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Jeff, a senior developer, is very domineering. During
iteration planning the team defers to him on every
when he suggest very low estimates on some tasks.
You are responsible for two teams.Team members on
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
The self-organizing path
Self-organization is not something that
happens one time
A team is never done doing it
and-respond manner to its environment
As you see the team self-organize you can
We can view this as the evolution of a team
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
~Philip Anderson
divisions of labor and routines not only emerge but
also self-adjust in response to environmental
mastered the art of planning and monitoring
†Anderson, P. “Seven Layers for Guiding the
Evolving Enterprise” in The Biology of Business.
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Evolution is the result of three elements:
Variation, selection and retention
Consider a giraffe:


 A random mutation that leads to





 a longer neck


 The long neck helps it reach food





 others can’t; so it it more likely to





 survive and breed

 The mutation is passed to its





© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
2. Manage meaning
3. Evolve vicarious selection systems
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
help us survive will be the ones retained
should survive
What message is your organization sending about the
What messages are sent if the organization:
Provides training
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Manage meaning
bees responding to a “danger” message
ants responding to a “food found over here” message
e.g., putting the the team in touch with customers
Or keep messages out
are repeated
“Our GM counts the cars in the lot every day at 5 PM”
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Can take a long time
rather than eating it
takes too long
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why transitioning to agile is hard
ADAPTing to agile development
Iterating toward agility
The role of leadership
Overcoming resistance
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why They Resist
Like status quo Dislike agile
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Pick one type of resistor. (Or two if you have time.)
Identify some underlying reasons for the behavior
and some things you could try to overcome it.
Why They Resist
Like status quo Dislike agile
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why They Resist
Like status quo Dislike agile
Let time run its course
Provide training
Solicit peer anecdotes
Appoint a champion skeptic
Push the issue
Build awareness
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why They Resist
Like status quo Dislike agile
Reiterate and reinforce the
Move them
Fire them
Encourage a thriving set of
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why They Resist
Like status quo Dislike agile
Align incentives
Create dissatisfaction with the
status quo
Acknowledge and confront fear
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Why They Resist
Like status quo Dislike agile
Change team composition
Praise the right behavior
Model the right behavior
Involve them
Identify the true barrier
(awareness, desire, ability)
© Copyright Mountain Goat Software®
Mike Cohn
(720) 890−6110

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ADAPTing to Agile Development

  • 1. © 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ADAPTing to Agile Mike Cohn mike@mountaingoatsoftware.com June 7, 2010 1
  • 2. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Mike Cohn Founding member and director of Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance Founder of Mountain Goat Software Doing Scrum since 1995 Started my career as a programmer 2
  • 3. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Agenda Why transitioning to agile is hard ADAPTing to agile development Iterating toward agility The role of leadership Overcoming resistance 3
  • 4. © 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Two simplistic views of change: Top down: Powerful leader shares a vision Bottom-up:A team starts and everyone else sees the But, transitioning to agile is neither top-down nor bottom-up It’s both at the same time Change is not top-down or bottom-up; it’s both 1 4
  • 5. © 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® It is tempting to codify things that work in a given context into best practices † Once we know what’s “best” we stop adapting Or even thinking about what we’re doing Once we’ve stopped inspecting and adapting we’re not agile, or won’t be for long Best practices are tempting 2 †Anderson, P. “Seven Layers for Guiding the Evolving Enterprise” in The Biology of Business. 5
  • 6. © 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® The transition process must be congruent with the development process 3 Self-organize Write feature 1 Write feature 2 Part of the move to agile is a move to self-organizing teams Moving to self-organization requires self-organization! 6
  • 7. © 2009 Mountain Goat Software© Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Traditional view of the organization is as a machine together Organizations are unpredictable, living systems 4 7
  • 8. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Assessment Gap Analysis Plan Current State Desired State Vision 8
  • 9. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® We need a different mental model The organization as a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) John Holland in Complexity:The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos Overall system behavior is the result of a huge agents 9
  • 10. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Local agents (individuals, project teams, discipline coworkers) identify local gaps based on their goals Vision Current State Desired State Current State Desired State Current State Desired State 10
  • 11. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Closing the gap with the desired state Newtonian View of Success Achieving a good fit with the environment CAS View of Success 11
  • 12. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Traditional view CAS view 12
  • 13. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Traditional view CAS view Relationships are empowering Responsiveness to the environment is the measure of value value tensions 13
  • 14. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Agenda Why transitioning to agile is hard ADAPTing to agile development Iterating toward agility The role of leadership Overcoming resistance 14
  • 15. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Awareness that there is room for improvement A DesireD Ability to work in an agile mannerA Promote momentum and get others to follow P Transfer T 15
  • 16. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® We also have the issue with at least one other developer as well.” 1. Is this a problem of Awareness, Desire or Ability? Why? 2.Thinking about ADAPT, what might you try? ? 16
  • 17. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® All individuals will need to move through the Awareness, Desire, and Ability stage But will do so at different rates Early adapters and leaders: Use the Promote stage to build Awareness and Desire in later adopters fail 17
  • 18. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Tools for building... Awareness Communicate that there’s a problem Use metrics Provide exposure to new people and experiences Focus attention on the most important reason or two for changing 18
  • 19. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® On the following slides, identify create ability, promote the transition, and transfer its implications. 19
  • 20. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Desire Ability 20
  • 21. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® TransferPromote 21
  • 22. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Stop! My thoughts on desire, ability, transfer and promote are on the following pages. You don’t want to see them before you think about your own. 22
  • 23. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Tools for building... Desire Communicate that there’s a better way Create a sense of urgency Build momentum Get the team to take agile for a test drive Align incentives (or, at least, remove disincentives) Focus on addressing any fears Help people let go Don’t discredit the past Engage everyone in the transition 23
  • 24. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Ability Provide coaching and training Hold individuals accountable Share information Set reasonable targets Just do it Promote Publicize success stories Host an agile safari Attract attention 24
  • 25. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Transfer Transfer the effects of agile beyond the current group A team transfers to its department A department transfers to its division If you don’t transfer, the transition will eventually and inevitably fail organizational gravity status quo Example: If you don’t align promotions, raises, annual reviews, those will work against you 25
  • 26. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Agenda Why transitioning to agile is hard ADAPTing to agile development Iterating toward agility The role of leadership Overcoming resistance 26
  • 27. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Enterprise Transition Community (ETC) Improvement backlog Improvement Communities Improvement backlog Improvement backlog Improvement backlog Impediments Energy, suppport, resources, guidance, & direction (occasionally) Iterating toward agility 27
  • 28. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Enterprise Transition Community (ETC) Creates a culture in which passion and desire to improve thrive Does not direct the transition effort Removes organizational impediments to agility Encourages Improvement Communities to form 28
  • 29. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® ETC members Sponsor supported Others From any level but driven by desire to improve Disbands when the “transition” part of adopting agile is over 29
  • 30. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® ETC responsibilities Engage everyone Set appropriate aspirations impediments 30
  • 31. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Item Who Note Jim (CTO) to talk this up at monthly development meeting. Let’s see if there’s any interest. Establish an internal program How do we identify good develop them? SC in this. JS Get more teams to do AR 31
  • 32. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Form around the passion of a small number of people Expand from there Do the real work of improving how the organization implements agile Focus on goals with practical relevance Examples: ScrumMaster,Testing, Product Owner, Continuous Integration 32
  • 33. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Working with an IC An IC works with a project team Work is not done in an ivory tower Most ICs work in 2–4-week iterations Disband or refocus when goal has been achieved 33
  • 34. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® ETC Improvement Backlog … Establish an internal program for developing … Not everything on an IC’s improvement backlog needs to tie back to the ETC’s backlog An IC Improvement Backlog Figure out how to identify good in this program). Establish an internal mentoring program. 34
  • 35. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Improvement backlogs 1.Write some items that you would like an on your organization’s initial improvement backlogs. 2.What improvement communities would you like to see form that could help with some of these improvements? 3.What obstacles are in the way of making these improvements? 4.What obstacles are in the way of forming an ETC or improvement community to get started? 35
  • 36. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Agenda Why transitioning to agile is hard ADAPTing to agile development Iterating toward agility The role of leadership Overcoming resistance 36
  • 37. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Transition team and other formal leaders must lead the transition but cannot do so in the usual ways Self-organizing groups still require leadership Lead through example, questions, and focus “Nudge” the organization; Poke and prod; See how the organization responds Leading an agile transition 37
  • 38. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Container Glenda Eoyang: Conditions for Self-Organizing in Human Systems Differences system Transforming Exchanges Information, money, energy (vision) 38
  • 39. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Using the CDE model by altering the: Containers D E tools 39
  • 40. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Containers Enlarge or shrink teams Enlarge or shrink the responsibility boundary of teams Change team membership Create new teams or groups 40
  • 41. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Don’t require consensus Ask hard questions 41
  • 42. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Encourage communication between teams and groups Who isn’t talking who should? Add or remove people from exchanges Change reporting relationships Encourage learning 42
  • 43. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® trouble spots.Think about how you might help them by Cotrainers, amplifying or dampening . Note whether you are tweaking their Container, than one.) 43
  • 44. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® database engineer and you.The developers and testers are not working well together. Developers work in isolation until two days are left in the the testers. 1 2 The team is failing to deliver potentially shippable 44
  • 45. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® will soon. 3 4 team has its own testers who are starting to go in 45
  • 46. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Jeff, a senior developer, is very domineering. During iteration planning the team defers to him on every when he suggest very low estimates on some tasks. 5 6 You are responsible for two teams.Team members on 46
  • 47. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® The self-organizing path Self-organization is not something that happens one time A team is never done doing it and-respond manner to its environment As you see the team self-organize you can We can view this as the evolution of a team 47
  • 48. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® ~Philip Anderson divisions of labor and routines not only emerge but also self-adjust in response to environmental mastered the art of planning and monitoring †Anderson, P. “Seven Layers for Guiding the Evolving Enterprise” in The Biology of Business. 48
  • 49. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Evolution is the result of three elements: Variation, selection and retention Consider a giraffe: Variation: A random mutation that leads to a longer neck Selection: The long neck helps it reach food others can’t; so it it more likely to survive and breed Retention: The mutation is passed to its descendants 49
  • 50. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® 1. 2. Manage meaning 3. Evolve vicarious selection systems 50
  • 51. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® help us survive will be the ones retained should survive What message is your organization sending about the What messages are sent if the organization: Provides training 51
  • 52. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Manage meaning bees responding to a “danger” message ants responding to a “food found over here” message e.g., putting the the team in touch with customers Or keep messages out are repeated “Our GM counts the cars in the lot every day at 5 PM” 52
  • 53. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Can take a long time rather than eating it takes too long 53
  • 54. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Agenda Why transitioning to agile is hard ADAPTing to agile development Iterating toward agility The role of leadership Overcoming resistance 54
  • 55. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Why They Resist Like status quo Dislike agile PassiveActive HowTheyResist Diehards Skeptics Saboteurs Followers 55
  • 56. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Pick one type of resistor. (Or two if you have time.) Identify some underlying reasons for the behavior and some things you could try to overcome it. Why They Resist Like status quo Dislike agile PassiveActive HowTheyResist Diehard Skeptic Saboteur Follower 56
  • 57. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Why They Resist Like status quo Dislike agile PassiveActive HowTheyResist Diehard Skeptic Saboteur Follower Skeptics Let time run its course Provide training Solicit peer anecdotes Appoint a champion skeptic Push the issue Build awareness 57
  • 58. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Why They Resist Like status quo Dislike agile PassiveActive HowTheyResist Diehard Skeptic Saboteur Follower Saboteurs Success Reiterate and reinforce the commitment Move them Fire them Encourage a thriving set of communities 58
  • 59. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Why They Resist Like status quo Dislike agile PassiveActive HowTheyResist Diehard Skeptic Saboteur Follower Diehards Align incentives Create dissatisfaction with the status quo Acknowledge and confront fear 59
  • 60. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Why They Resist Like status quo Dislike agile PassiveActive HowTheyResist Diehard Skeptic Saboteur Follower Followers Change team composition Praise the right behavior Model the right behavior Involve them Identify the true barrier (awareness, desire, ability) 60
  • 61. © Copyright Mountain Goat Software® ® Mike Cohn (720) 890−6110 61