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AngularJS: Good parts
Евгений Жарков
Watchers ]:>
Track Watchers
Angular adds a watcher to the digest cycle for each of these:
• {{expression}} — templates
• $scope.$watch — in the code
Track Watchers
function	getWatchers(root)	{	
		root	=	angular.element(root	||	document.documentElement);	
		var	watcherCount	=	0;	
		function	getElemWatchers(element)	{	
				var	isolateWatchers	=	getWatchersFromScope(element.data().$isolateScope);	
				var	scopeWatchers	=	getWatchersFromScope(element.data().$scope);	
				var	watchers	=	scopeWatchers.concat(isolateWatchers);	
				angular.forEach(element.children(),	function	(childElement)	{	
						watchers	=	watchers.concat(getElemWatchers(angular.element(childElement)));	
				return	watchers;	
		function	getWatchersFromScope(scope)	{	
				if	(scope)	{	
						return	scope.$$watchers	||	[];	
				}	else	{	
						return	[];	
		return	getElemWatchers(root);	
Track Watchers
//	get	all	watchers	on	the	whole	page	
//	get	watchers	of	a	specific	element	(and	its	children)	
//	select	the	element	of	interest	in	Chrome	Dev	tools	
Евгений Жарков AngularJS: Good parts
Track Watchers
Евгений Жарков AngularJS: Good parts
Евгений Жарков AngularJS: Good parts
Евгений Жарков AngularJS: Good parts
AngularJS > ES6
ES6, require.js
function	MainController	()	{	
export	{	MainController	}	
import	{	MainController	}	from	‘./path/to/MainController';	
ES6, require.js
class	MainController	{	
				constructor(searchService)	{	
								this.searchService	=	searchService;	
				search	()	{	
												.then(response	=>	{	
																this.items	=	response.data.items;	
export	{	MainController	}
ES6, require.js
import	{	MainController	}	from	'./MainController';	
import	{	SearchService	}	from	'./SearchService';	
				.module('app',	[])	
				.controller('mainController',	MainController)	
				.service('searchService',	SearchService);
class	PageController	{	
				constructor(title)	{	
								this._title	=	title;	
				title	()	{	
								return	'Title:	'	+	this._title;	
export	{	PageController	}
import	{	PageController	}	from	'./PageController';	
class	ProductPageController	extends	PageController	{	
				constructor()	{	
								super('ES6	inheritance	with	Angular’);	
export	{	ProductPageController	}
import	{	ProductPageController	}	from	'./ProductPageController';	
				.module('app',	[])	
				.controller('ProductPageController',	ProductPageController);
Service Inheritance
YES, instantiated with the new operator under the hood
Don’t forget about minification
MainController.$inject	=	['SearchService'];
and/or ng-annotate
export	default	class	NameService	{	
		constructor($q)	{	..	}	
ES6 Babel Browserify Boilerplate
Angular ES6
AngularJS > ES6 > Tests
ES5, Karma, Jasmine, PhantomJS
describe('TodoService',	function()	{	
				var	TodoService,	InitialTodosMock;	
				//	Instantiate	Angular	JS	context	
				//	Register	mocks	in	Angular	JS	context	
				beforeEach(module(function($provide)	{	
								InitialTodosMock	=	[	
																label:	'Test	todo',	
																done:	false	
								$provide.value('initialTodos',	InitialTodosMock);	
				//	Get	instance	of	TodoService	with	mocked	dependencies	from	Angular	JS	context	
				beforeEach(inject(function	(_TodoService_)	{	
								TodoService	=	_TodoService_;	
				//	Oh,	...	do	the	actual	testing	!!!	
				it('should	have	initial	todo',	function()	{	
								expect(TodoService.todos[0].label]).toBe('Test	todo');	
ES5, Karma, Jasmine, PhantomJS
describe('TodoController',	function()	{	
				var	scope,	$rootScope,	$controller;	
				//	Instantiate	Angular	JS	context	
				//	Register	mocks	in	Angular	JS	context		
				//	(sometimes	not	necessary,	we	can	use	real	services	too,	but	the	Angular	context	grows...)	
				beforeEach(module(function($provide)	{	
								var	TodoServiceMock	=	{	
												todos:	[],	
												addTodo:	function()	{	/*……*/	},	
												toggleTodo:	function()	{	/*……*/	},	
												removeDoneTodost()	{	/*……*/	}	
								$provide.value('TodoService',	TodoServiceMock);	
				//	Get	instance	of	TodoController,	you	know,	create	new	$scope	from	$rootScope	by	yourself	and	stuff...	
				//	It	is	possible	to	not	use	$scope	when	using	'controllerAs'	syntax,		
				//	but	you	still	have	to	use	at	least	$controller	to	get	the	refference	to	controller	itself	
				beforeEach(inject(function(_$rootScope_,	_$controller_,	_TodoService_){	
								$controller	=	_$controller_;	
								$rootScope	=	_$rootScope_;	
								scope	=	$rootScope.$new();	
								$controller('TodoController',	{	
												$scope:	scope	
												TodoService:	_TodoService_	
				//	Oh,	...	do	the	actual	testing	!!!	
				it('should	have	initial	todos',	function()	{	
• Angular context module(‘app’) must be instantiated to be able to do any
testing. Without Angular context you can’t get access (reference) to your
controllers / services.
• Angular and all other used libraries must be included during testing so that it
is even possible to instantiate Angular context.
• Angular context can grow quite large so that it’s creation will consume
considerable amount of time for every test file.

• Karma exclusion syntax doesn’t follow standard node glob pattern which
can make you go crazy when you try to solve timeout errors caused by
insufficient memory on PhantomJS by splitting test execution into
multiple batches, while supporting dev mode single test execution
(karma uses extra exclude property instead of supporting standard “!”)
ES6, Mocha, chai
import	{	assert	}	from	'chai';	
import	TodoService	from	'./todo.service.js';	
let	service;	
describe('TodoService',	function()	{	
				beforeEach(function()	{	
								service	=	TodoService();	
				it('should	contain	empty	todos	after	initialization',	function	()	{	
								assert.equal(service.todos.length,	0);	
				it('should	toggle	todo',	function	()	{	
								service.addTodo('Finish	example	project');	
								assert.equal(service.todos[0].done,	false);	
								service.toggleTodo('Finish	example	project');	
								assert.equal(service.todos[0].done,	true);	
								service.toggleTodo('Finish	example	project');	
								assert.equal(service.todos[0].done,	false);	
ES6, Mocha, chai
import	{	assert	}	from	'chai';	
import	SomeComponent	from	‘./some-component';	
let	component;	
describe('some-component',	function()	{	
				beforeEach(function()	{	
								component	=	new	SomeComponent();	
				it('should	start	with	counter	value	20',	function	()	{	
								assert.equal(component.counter,	20);	
				it('should	accept	initial	counter	value	as	dependency',	function	()	{	
								component	=	new	SomeComponent(30);	
								assert.equal(component.counter,	30);	
				it('should	increment	counter	value	after	increment	is	called',	function	()	{	
								assert.equal(component.counter,	20);	
								assert.equal(component.counter,	21);	
Dependencies are passed explicitly as a parameter of function
Dig, read, criticise
• Pagination

• angular-formly 

• angular-translate

• LumX (material design) 


<formly-form	model="vm.user"	fields="vm.userFields">	
		<button	type="submit"	class="btn	btn-default"		
vm.userFields	=	[	
						key:	'email',	
						type:	'input',	
						templateOptions:	{	
								type:	'email',	
								label:	'Email	address',	
								placeholder:	'Enter	email'	
				},	{	
						key:	'password',	
						type:	'input',	
						templateOptions:	{	
								type:	'password',	
								label:	'Password',	
								placeholder:	'Password'	
						key:	'file',	
						type:	'file',	
						templateOptions:	{	
								label:	'File	input',	
								description:	'Example	block-
level	help	text	here',	
								url:	'https://example.com/
				},	{	
						key:	'checked',	
						type:	'checkbox',	
						templateOptions:	{	
								label:	'Check	me	out'	
				dir-paginate="expression	|	itemsPerPage:	(int|
expression)	[:	paginationId	(string	literal)]"	
Евгений Жарков AngularJS: Good parts

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