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November 30, 2016
Amazon EFS Deep Dive
Edward Naim, Head of Product
Darryl Osborne, Storage Solutions Architect
David Green, Enterprise Solutions Architect
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
Data Transfer
Snowball 3rd Party
Kinesis Firehose
Amazon EFS
Amazon EBS
Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2
Instance Store
How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
Data Transfer
Snowball 3rd Party
Kinesis Firehose
Amazon EFS
Amazon EBS
Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2
Instance Store
How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
Data Transfer
Snowball 3rd Party
Kinesis Firehose
Amazon EFS
Amazon EBS
Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2
Instance Store
How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
Data Transfer
Snowball 3rd Party
Kinesis Firehose
Amazon EFS
Amazon EBS
Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2
Instance Store
How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
We focused on changing the game
Simple Elastic Scalable
1 2 3
Highly durable
Highly available
Amazon EFS is simple
• Fully managed
- No hardware, network, file layer
- Create a scalable file system in seconds!
• Seamless integration with existing tools and apps
- NFS v4.1—widespread, open
- Standard file system access semantics
- Works with standard OS file system APIs
• Simple pricing = simple forecasting
Amazon EFS is elastic
• File systems grow and shrink automatically as
you add and remove files
• No need to provision storage capacity or
• You pay only for the storage space you use,
with no minimum fee
• File systems can grow to petabytes of
• Throughput scales automatically as file
systems grow
• Consistent low latencies regardless of file
system size
• Support for thousands of concurrent NFS
Amazon EFS is scalable
• Every file system object is redundantly
stored across multiple Availability Zones in a
• Designed to sustain Availability Zone offline
• Superior to traditional NAS availability
• Appropriate for production/tier 0 applications
Highly durable and highly available (Multi-AZ)
In which Regions can I use EFS today?
• US West (Oregon)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US East (Ohio)
• EU (Ireland)
More coming soon!
Do you need an EFS file system?
If you have an EC2 application or use case that requires a
file system AND
• Requires multi-attach OR
• Multi-AZ availability/durability OR
• GBs/s throughput OR
• Requires automatic scaling (grow/shrink) of storage
Operating your own multi-attach file storage on
the cloud is complex and expensive
Use an NFS
server or shared
file layer
Replicate EBS
volumes (1 per
EC2 instance)
 Substantial management overhead (sync data, provision
and manage volumes)
 Costly (one volume per instance)
 Complex to set up and maintain
 Scale challenges
 HA challenges
 Costly (compute + storage)
What customers are using EFS for today
Web serving Content management
Media and Entertainment
Workflow management
Home directories
Container storage
Database backups
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
What is a file system?
• The primary resource in EFS
• Where you store files and directories
• Can create 125 file systems per account
What is a mount target?
• To access your file system within
a VPC, you create mount targets
in the VPC
• A mount target is an NFS endpoint
that lives in your VPC
• A mount target has an IP address
and a DNS name you use in your
mount command
• A mount target is highly available
How to access a file system from an instance
• You “mount” a file system on an Amazon EC2 instance (standard
command) — the file system appears like a local set of directories
and files
• An NFS v4.1 client is standard on Linux distributions
mount –t nfs4 –o nfsvers=4.1
[file system DNS name]:/
/[user’s target directory]
How does it all fit together?
File system
Data can be accessed from any AZ in the Region while maintaining full consistency
Several security mechanisms
 Control network traffic to and from file systems (mount targets) by
using VPC security groups and network ACLs
 Control file and directory access by using POSIX permissions
 Control administrative access (API access) to file systems by
using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
 EFS supports action-level and resource-level permissions
The AWS Management Console, CLI, and SDK each allow
you to perform a variety of management tasks
 Create a file system
 Create and manage mount targets
 Tag a file system
 Delete a file system
 View details on file systems in your AWS account
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
Amazon EFS is designed for wide spectrum of
performance needs
High throughput and parallel I/O
Low latency and serial I/O
Big data analytics
Scale-out jobs
Home directories
Content management
Web serving
Choose the performance mode best suited to
your workload
Mode What’s it for? Advantages Tradeoffs When to use
applications and
Lowest latencies
for file operations
Limit of 7,000 ops/sec Best choice for most
Max I/O Large-scale and data-
heavy applications
Virtually unlimited
ability to scale out
Slightly higher
Consider if 10s (or
more) instances
access your file
system concurrently
Use the PercentIOLimit CloudWatch metric to determine
if you’re constrained by General Purpose mode
Amazon EFS has a distributed data storage design
• File systems distributed across
unconstrained number of servers
• Avoids bottlenecks/constraints of
traditional file servers
• Enables high levels of aggregate
• Data also distributed across
Availability Zones (durability,
How to think about EFS perf relative to EBS
Amazon EFS Amazon EBS PIOPS
Low, consistent Lowest, consistent
Multiple GBs per second Single GB per second
Data availability
/ durability
Stored redundantly across multiple AZs Stored redundantly in a single AZ
1 to 1000s of EC2 instances, from
multiple AZs, concurrently
Single EC2 instance in a single AZ
Use cases
Big Data and analytics, media processing
workflows, content management, web
serving, home directories
Boot volumes, transactional and
NoSQL databases, data warehousing
An implication of per-operation latency: I/O size
impacts throughput of serialized operations
4 KB 32 KB 256 KB 2 MB 16 MB
I/O size
How to take advantage of EFS’s distributed architecture:
Parallelize via multiple threads and/or multiple instances
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
# of Total Threads
Aggregate IOPS of parallel writes using
10 m4.xlarge instances
Use CloudWatch for a number of views of file
system performance
Measure throughput (‘Sum’ of bytes divided by
seconds in time period) or ops/sec (‘Data
Samples’ divided by seconds in time period)
BurstCreditBalance Monitor your burst credit usage over time to
ensure sufficient throughput capacity
PermittedThroughput Compare to actual throughput to determine
whether you’re being constrained by the burst
ClientConnections View the number of clients connected to your
file system
PercentIOLimit Determine whether you’re being constrained by
General Purpose mode (PercentIOLimit at or
near 100%)
Recommended kernel version and NFS mount options
 Use Linux kernel 4.0+ (e.g., Amazon Linux 2016.03.0, Ubuntu
15.10 or 16.04)
 Mount via NFSv4.1
 Specify 1MB read/write buffers (“rsize”/”wsize”)
 Ensure operations are asynchronous
Recommend the following mount options:
-o nfsvers=4.1,
Key recommendations
• Test your application!
• Use General Purpose mode for lowest latency, Max-I/O for
• Use Linux kernel version 4.0 or newer, mount via NFSv4.1
• To optimize, look for opportunities to:
• Aggregate I/O
• Perform async operations
• Parallelize (demo later)
• Cache (demo later)
• Don’t forget to check your burst credit earn/spend rate when
testing – ensure sufficient amount of storage
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action: Copying data (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
Goal: Move Data Quickly!!
Two Scenarios:
Transferring media assets to EFS
• Size ranges from a few GB to
100+GB per file
• Data sources:
• Amazon S3
• Amazon EBS
Transferring many small files to EFS
• Size ranges from 64K to 256K
• Data sources:
• Amazon S3
• Amazon EBS
Serial vs Parallel
Serial file transfer
Parallel file transfer
How do we do this?
GNU parallel
• Tool for executing jobs in parallel
• Similar to xargs
• Replace loops in shell scripts
• GNU parallel makes sure output
from the commands is the same
output as you would get if you had
run the commands sequentially
For people who live life in the parallel lane
Use parallel threads – GNU parallel
# Create destination directory tree from source
find . -type d -print0 | parallel -j $N_THREADS -0
"mkdir -p ${DST_DIR}/{}" > /dev/null 2>&1
# Copy files
find . ! ( -type d ) -print0 | parallel -j
$N_THREADS -0 "cp -f {} ${DST_DIR}/{}"
Optimizing Transfers
Monitoring performance
• Data-driven results
• Repeatable outcomes
• Optimize for costs
Benchmark different instance types
• Determine the optimal instance size
• What is best? T2, C3, C4, M3, M4,
R3, X?
• Transfer test set of 1000 small files
• Increase thread count from 1-1024
concurrent threads
• Command orchestration
• Instance configuration
• Log collection
• Visualization
• Instance performance
Test Results – Large Files
Large Files: Four Instances
Large Files: Four Instances
Adding Additional Instances
Large File: 50 Instances
Test Results – Small Files
Small File Performance - Instance Family Test
~200 threads
c3.large – 5,342 files per minute @ 200 threads
Increase Instance Count
• Using optimal instance size
• c3.large
• Using optimal thread counts
• ~200 per instance
• Increase instance count
• 300 instances
• Optimize for costs
• EC2 Spot Market
EC2 Spot
c3.large – 300 instances
Summary / tl;dr
Small files – 300 instancesLarge files – 50 instances
Summary / tl;dr
• Parallelize everything
• Threads
• Instances
• Test, test, test
• Capture & analyze test data
• Less than $5/hr for 300 instances
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action: WordPress (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
Content management & web serving
Web-based applications for creating
and managing website content.
Free and open-source content management system hosted
on a web platform
Web software to create beautiful websites, blogs, or apps
“Free and priceless at the same time” – WordPress.org
27% of all websites (November 2016) – Web Technology Surveys
Easiest and most popular blogging system in use on the
Web – CMS Usage Statistics
Supporting more than 60 million websites – Forbes
Available as..
• Managed Web Hosting Service
• Software package from WordPress.org installed on self-
provisioned web platform
Components Resources
Structured data
(Posts, pages, comments, categories, tags, etc.)
Amazon EFSUnstructured data
(directories, php files, config, themes, plugins, etc.)
Amazon RDS
AWS Architecture
AWS Architecture
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
Simple and predictable pricing
• With Amazon EFS, you pay only for the storage space you use
 No minimum commitments or up-front fees
 No need to provision storage in advance
 No other fees, charges, or billing dimensions
• EFS price: $0.30/GB-month (US Regions)
Compute nodes to
manage 3rd-party
file system layer
storage volumes
Inter-AZ traffic for
Typical multi-AZ file system setup without EFS
NFS client
accessing file
TCO example
Let’s say you need to store ~500 GB and require high availability and durability
Using a shared file layer on top of EBS, you might provision 600 GB (with ~85% utilization)
and fully replicate the data to a second Availability Zone for availability/durability
Example comparative cost:
Storage (2x 600 GB EBS gp2 volumes): $120 per month
Compute (2x m4.xlarge instances): $350 per month
Inter-AZ data transfer costs (est.): $129 per month
Total $599 per month
EFS cost is (500GB * $0.30/GB-month) = $150 per month, with no additional charges
What to expect from this session
Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS
Understand key technical/security concepts
Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance
See EFS in action (hands-on)
Review EFS’s economics
Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
Exciting new features coming late this year
and in early 2017…
Coming soon: Encryption of data at rest
• Additional layer of protection – helps you meet
your organization’s regulatory/compliance
• Integrated with AWS KMS
• Encryption/decryption handled transparently
• No extra cost
Coming early 2017
Coming soon: Easier mounting
• Single DNS name associated with a file system
• DNS name automatically resolves to mount target in local
Availability Zone
• Simpler mount command
Coming early 2017
mount –t nfs4 –o nfsvers=4.1
[file system DNS name]:/
/[user’s target directory]
New DNS name will resolve to local mount target’s IP
mount –t nfs4 –o nfsvers=4.1
Today’s DNS name
Future DNS name
Coming early 2017
Four scenarios for working with file data across on-
premises environments and EFS
 Move entire data set permanently to EFS
 Access the data from applications running on EC2 instances
 Move data set temporarily to EFS
 Access the data from applications running on EC2 instances
 Move data back on premises once processing finishes
 Store part of data set permanently on EFS, and keep part of data set
on premises
 Access the entire data set from applications running on on-premises
Backup and Disaster
 Maintain copy of entire data set on EFS
 Restore the data to on premises storage or (for DR) access the data
from failed-over applications running on EC2 instances
Now announcing: Access your EFS file system via
AWS Direct Connect
Direct Connect EFS in your Amazon VPCOn-premises servers
Direct Connect support addresses three of the
Backup / DR
Latency of AWS Direct Connect connection impacts
• Added latency can be 10s of milliseconds (propagation delay over long
• If serializing I/O, latency of each operation directly impacts rate of data transfer
As with copying from within EC2, using a script
based on the GNU parallel tool reduces transfer time
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of Threads
Total Time to Copy 26200 Files vs Number of
AWS Direct Connect access available today in
three Regions
• US West (Oregon)
• US East (Ohio)
• EU (Ireland)
Coming soon to US East (N. Virginia)
Wrapping up
Related Sessions
STG207 – EFS Case Study: w/ Atlassian – Wed @ 11:30am and
Friday @ 12:30pm
STG206 – EFS Case Study w/ Spokeo – Friday @ 9:30am
STG208 – EFS Case Study: w/ Monsanto – Friday @ 11:00am
EFS Resources
AWS Storage Booth @ re:invent
10 Minute Demos @ AWS Booth
• Wednesday @ 3:30pm
• Wednesday @ 4:50pm
• Thursday @ 3:30pm
Reference Architecture - https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/
qwikLABS - https://aws.qwiklabs.com/
Thank you!
Remember to complete
your evaluations!

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AWS re:Invent 2016: Deep Dive on Amazon Elastic File System (STG202)

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. November 30, 2016 Amazon EFS Deep Dive Edward Naim, Head of Product Darryl Osborne, Storage Solutions Architect David Green, Enterprise Solutions Architect STG202
  • 2. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 3. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 4. Data Transfer Direct Connect Snowball 3rd Party Connectors Transfer Acceleration Storage Gateway Kinesis Firehose File Amazon EFS Block Amazon EBS (persistent) Object Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2 Instance Store (ephemeral) How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
  • 5. Data Transfer Direct Connect Snowball 3rd Party Connectors Transfer Acceleration Storage Gateway Kinesis Firehose File Amazon EFS Block Amazon EBS (persistent) Object Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2 Instance Store (ephemeral) How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
  • 6. Data Transfer Direct Connect Snowball 3rd Party Connectors Transfer Acceleration Storage Gateway Kinesis Firehose File Amazon EFS Block Amazon EBS (persistent) Object Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2 Instance Store (ephemeral) How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
  • 7. Data Transfer Direct Connect Snowball 3rd Party Connectors Transfer Acceleration Storage Gateway Kinesis Firehose File Amazon EFS Block Amazon EBS (persistent) Object Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2 Instance Store (ephemeral) How EFS fits in to the AWS storage platform
  • 8. We focused on changing the game Simple Elastic Scalable 1 2 3 Highly durable Highly available
  • 9. Amazon EFS is simple • Fully managed - No hardware, network, file layer - Create a scalable file system in seconds! • Seamless integration with existing tools and apps - NFS v4.1—widespread, open - Standard file system access semantics - Works with standard OS file system APIs • Simple pricing = simple forecasting 1
  • 10. Amazon EFS is elastic • File systems grow and shrink automatically as you add and remove files • No need to provision storage capacity or performance • You pay only for the storage space you use, with no minimum fee 2
  • 11. • File systems can grow to petabytes of capacity • Throughput scales automatically as file systems grow • Consistent low latencies regardless of file system size • Support for thousands of concurrent NFS connections Amazon EFS is scalable 3
  • 12. • Every file system object is redundantly stored across multiple Availability Zones in a Region • Designed to sustain Availability Zone offline conditions • Superior to traditional NAS availability models • Appropriate for production/tier 0 applications Highly durable and highly available (Multi-AZ)
  • 13. In which Regions can I use EFS today? • US West (Oregon) • US East (N. Virginia) • US East (Ohio) • EU (Ireland) More coming soon!
  • 14. Do you need an EFS file system? If you have an EC2 application or use case that requires a file system AND • Requires multi-attach OR • Multi-AZ availability/durability OR • GBs/s throughput OR • Requires automatic scaling (grow/shrink) of storage
  • 15. Operating your own multi-attach file storage on the cloud is complex and expensive Use an NFS server or shared file layer Replicate EBS volumes (1 per EC2 instance)  Substantial management overhead (sync data, provision and manage volumes)  Costly (one volume per instance)  Complex to set up and maintain  Scale challenges  HA challenges  Costly (compute + storage)
  • 16. What customers are using EFS for today Web serving Content management Analytics Media and Entertainment workflows Workflow management Home directories Container storage Database backups
  • 17. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 18. What is a file system? • The primary resource in EFS • Where you store files and directories • Can create 125 file systems per account
  • 19. What is a mount target? • To access your file system within a VPC, you create mount targets in the VPC • A mount target is an NFS endpoint that lives in your VPC • A mount target has an IP address and a DNS name you use in your mount command • A mount target is highly available AVAILABILITY ZONE 1 REGION AVAILABILITY ZONE 2 AVAILABILITY ZONE 3 VPC EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 Mount target
  • 20. How to access a file system from an instance • You “mount” a file system on an Amazon EC2 instance (standard command) — the file system appears like a local set of directories and files • An NFS v4.1 client is standard on Linux distributions mount –t nfs4 –o nfsvers=4.1 [file system DNS name]:/ /[user’s target directory]
  • 21. How does it all fit together? AVAILABILITY ZONE 1 REGION AVAILABILITY ZONE 2 AVAILABILITY ZONE 3 VPC EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 File system Data can be accessed from any AZ in the Region while maintaining full consistency
  • 22. Several security mechanisms  Control network traffic to and from file systems (mount targets) by using VPC security groups and network ACLs  Control file and directory access by using POSIX permissions  Control administrative access (API access) to file systems by using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)  EFS supports action-level and resource-level permissions
  • 23. The AWS Management Console, CLI, and SDK each allow you to perform a variety of management tasks  Create a file system  Create and manage mount targets  Tag a file system  Delete a file system  View details on file systems in your AWS account
  • 24. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 25. Amazon EFS is designed for wide spectrum of performance needs High throughput and parallel I/O Low latency and serial I/O Genomics Big data analytics Scale-out jobs Home directories Content management Web serving Metadata-intensive jobs
  • 26. Choose the performance mode best suited to your workload Mode What’s it for? Advantages Tradeoffs When to use General purpose (default) Latency-sensitive applications and general-purpose workloads Lowest latencies for file operations Limit of 7,000 ops/sec Best choice for most workloads Max I/O Large-scale and data- heavy applications Virtually unlimited ability to scale out throughput/IOPS Slightly higher latencies Consider if 10s (or more) instances access your file system concurrently
  • 27. Use the PercentIOLimit CloudWatch metric to determine if you’re constrained by General Purpose mode
  • 28. Amazon EFS has a distributed data storage design EC2 EC2 … EC2 EC2 … EC2 EC2 … • File systems distributed across unconstrained number of servers • Avoids bottlenecks/constraints of traditional file servers • Enables high levels of aggregate IOPS/throughput • Data also distributed across Availability Zones (durability, availability)
  • 29. How to think about EFS perf relative to EBS Amazon EFS Amazon EBS PIOPS Performance Per-operation latency Low, consistent Lowest, consistent Throughput scale Multiple GBs per second Single GB per second Characteristics Data availability / durability Stored redundantly across multiple AZs Stored redundantly in a single AZ Access 1 to 1000s of EC2 instances, from multiple AZs, concurrently Single EC2 instance in a single AZ Use cases Big Data and analytics, media processing workflows, content management, web serving, home directories Boot volumes, transactional and NoSQL databases, data warehousing & ETL
  • 30. An implication of per-operation latency: I/O size impacts throughput of serialized operations 4 KB 32 KB 256 KB 2 MB 16 MB I/O size Throughput
  • 31. How to take advantage of EFS’s distributed architecture: Parallelize Parallelize via multiple threads and/or multiple instances 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 IOPS # of Total Threads Aggregate IOPS of parallel writes using 10 m4.xlarge instances
  • 32. Use CloudWatch for a number of views of file system performance DataReadIOBytes DataWriteIOBytes MetadataIOBytes TotalIOBytes Measure throughput (‘Sum’ of bytes divided by seconds in time period) or ops/sec (‘Data Samples’ divided by seconds in time period) BurstCreditBalance Monitor your burst credit usage over time to ensure sufficient throughput capacity PermittedThroughput Compare to actual throughput to determine whether you’re being constrained by the burst model ClientConnections View the number of clients connected to your file system PercentIOLimit Determine whether you’re being constrained by General Purpose mode (PercentIOLimit at or near 100%)
  • 33. Recommended kernel version and NFS mount options Kernel version  Use Linux kernel 4.0+ (e.g., Amazon Linux 2016.03.0, Ubuntu 15.10 or 16.04) Mount options  Mount via NFSv4.1  Specify 1MB read/write buffers (“rsize”/”wsize”)  Ensure operations are asynchronous Recommend the following mount options: -o nfsvers=4.1, rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard, timeo=600,retrans=2,async
  • 34. Key recommendations • Test your application! • Use General Purpose mode for lowest latency, Max-I/O for scale-out • Use Linux kernel version 4.0 or newer, mount via NFSv4.1 • To optimize, look for opportunities to: • Aggregate I/O • Perform async operations • Parallelize (demo later) • Cache (demo later) • Don’t forget to check your burst credit earn/spend rate when testing – ensure sufficient amount of storage
  • 35. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action: Copying data (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 36. Goal: Move Data Quickly!!
  • 38. Transferring media assets to EFS • Size ranges from a few GB to 100+GB per file • Data sources: • Amazon S3 • Amazon EBS
  • 39. Transferring many small files to EFS • Size ranges from 64K to 256K • Data sources: • Amazon S3 • Amazon EBS
  • 43. How do we do this?
  • 44. GNU parallel • Tool for executing jobs in parallel • Similar to xargs • Replace loops in shell scripts • GNU parallel makes sure output from the commands is the same output as you would get if you had run the commands sequentially https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/ For people who live life in the parallel lane
  • 45. Use parallel threads – GNU parallel # Create destination directory tree from source find . -type d -print0 | parallel -j $N_THREADS -0 "mkdir -p ${DST_DIR}/{}" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Copy files find . ! ( -type d ) -print0 | parallel -j $N_THREADS -0 "cp -f {} ${DST_DIR}/{}"
  • 47. Monitoring performance • Data-driven results • Repeatable outcomes • Optimize for costs
  • 48. Benchmark different instance types • Determine the optimal instance size • What is best? T2, C3, C4, M3, M4, R3, X? • Transfer test set of 1000 small files • Increase thread count from 1-1024 concurrent threads
  • 49. Tools • Command orchestration • Instance configuration • Log collection • Visualization • Instance performance
  • 50. Test Results – Large Files
  • 51. Large Files: Four Instances
  • 52. Large Files: Four Instances
  • 54. Large File: 50 Instances
  • 55. Test Results – Small Files
  • 56. Small File Performance - Instance Family Test ~200 threads
  • 57. c3.large – 5,342 files per minute @ 200 threads
  • 58. Increase Instance Count • Using optimal instance size • c3.large • Using optimal thread counts • ~200 per instance • Increase instance count • 300 instances • Optimize for costs • EC2 Spot Market
  • 60. c3.large – 300 instances
  • 62. Results Small files – 300 instancesLarge files – 50 instances
  • 63. Summary / tl;dr • Parallelize everything • Threads • Instances • Test, test, test • Capture & analyze test data • Less than $5/hr for 300 instances
  • 64. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action: WordPress (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 65. Content management & web serving Web-based applications for creating and managing website content. wikis blogs discussion boards
  • 66. Free and open-source content management system hosted on a web platform Web software to create beautiful websites, blogs, or apps “Free and priceless at the same time” – WordPress.org CODE IS POETRY
  • 67. 27% of all websites (November 2016) – Web Technology Surveys Easiest and most popular blogging system in use on the Web – CMS Usage Statistics Supporting more than 60 million websites – Forbes CODE IS POETRY
  • 68. Available as.. • Managed Web Hosting Service • Software package from WordPress.org installed on self- provisioned web platform CODE IS POETRY
  • 69. Components Resources Structured data (Posts, pages, comments, categories, tags, etc.) Amazon EFSUnstructured data (directories, php files, config, themes, plugins, etc.) Amazon RDS
  • 72. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 73. Simple and predictable pricing • With Amazon EFS, you pay only for the storage space you use  No minimum commitments or up-front fees  No need to provision storage in advance  No other fees, charges, or billing dimensions • EFS price: $0.30/GB-month (US Regions)
  • 74. AVAILABILITY ZONE 1 REGION EC2 AVAILABILITY ZONE 2 AVAILABILITY ZONE 3 EC2 Compute nodes to manage 3rd-party file system layer EBS Replicated storage volumes EBS Inter-AZ traffic for replication Typical multi-AZ file system setup without EFS EC2 NFS client accessing file system NFS
  • 75. TCO example Let’s say you need to store ~500 GB and require high availability and durability Using a shared file layer on top of EBS, you might provision 600 GB (with ~85% utilization) and fully replicate the data to a second Availability Zone for availability/durability Example comparative cost: Storage (2x 600 GB EBS gp2 volumes): $120 per month Compute (2x m4.xlarge instances): $350 per month Inter-AZ data transfer costs (est.): $129 per month Total $599 per month EFS cost is (500GB * $0.30/GB-month) = $150 per month, with no additional charges
  • 76. What to expect from this session Recognize why and when to use Amazon EFS Understand key technical/security concepts Learn how to leverage EFS’s performance See EFS in action (hands-on) Review EFS’s economics Discover some of our upcoming feature plans
  • 77. Exciting new features coming late this year and in early 2017…
  • 78. Coming soon: Encryption of data at rest • Additional layer of protection – helps you meet your organization’s regulatory/compliance requirements • Integrated with AWS KMS • Encryption/decryption handled transparently • No extra cost Coming early 2017
  • 79. Coming soon: Easier mounting • Single DNS name associated with a file system • DNS name automatically resolves to mount target in local Availability Zone • Simpler mount command Coming early 2017 mount –t nfs4 –o nfsvers=4.1 [file system DNS name]:/ /[user’s target directory]
  • 80. New DNS name will resolve to local mount target’s IP address mount –t nfs4 –o nfsvers=4.1 fs-096f99a0.efs.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:/ /efs Today’s DNS name [AZ].[fs-id].efs.[region].amazonaws.com Future DNS name [AZ].[fs-id].efs.[region].amazonaws.com Coming early 2017
  • 81. Four scenarios for working with file data across on- premises environments and EFS Bursting Migration  Move entire data set permanently to EFS  Access the data from applications running on EC2 instances  Move data set temporarily to EFS  Access the data from applications running on EC2 instances  Move data back on premises once processing finishes Tiering  Store part of data set permanently on EFS, and keep part of data set on premises  Access the entire data set from applications running on on-premises servers Backup and Disaster Recovery  Maintain copy of entire data set on EFS  Restore the data to on premises storage or (for DR) access the data from failed-over applications running on EC2 instances
  • 82. Now announcing: Access your EFS file system via AWS Direct Connect Direct Connect EFS in your Amazon VPCOn-premises servers
  • 83. Direct Connect support addresses three of the scenarios Bursting Migration Tiering Backup / DR
  • 84. Latency of AWS Direct Connect connection impacts performance • Added latency can be 10s of milliseconds (propagation delay over long distances) • If serializing I/O, latency of each operation directly impacts rate of data transfer
  • 85. As with copying from within EC2, using a script based on the GNU parallel tool reduces transfer time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time Number of Threads Total Time to Copy 26200 Files vs Number of Threads
  • 86. AWS Direct Connect access available today in three Regions • US West (Oregon) • US East (Ohio) • EU (Ireland) Coming soon to US East (N. Virginia)
  • 88. Related Sessions STG207 – EFS Case Study: w/ Atlassian – Wed @ 11:30am and Friday @ 12:30pm STG206 – EFS Case Study w/ Spokeo – Friday @ 9:30am STG208 – EFS Case Study: w/ Monsanto – Friday @ 11:00am
  • 89. EFS Resources AWS Storage Booth @ re:invent 10 Minute Demos @ AWS Booth • Wednesday @ 3:30pm • Wednesday @ 4:50pm • Thursday @ 3:30pm Reference Architecture - https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/ qwikLABS - https://aws.qwiklabs.com/