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Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?

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PS 101 Political Socialization Fall 2008
PS 101 Political Socialization Fall 2008PS 101 Political Socialization Fall 2008
PS 101 Political Socialization Fall 2008

Political socialization is the process by which people acquire political beliefs and values. It is most influenced by what is learned early in life. Family is a key agent of political socialization, teaching respect for American political values and history. Generational effects refer to the impact of historical events on a specific group of people, like how the events of 9/11 impacted the views of Generation Y. Demographic factors like religion, education level, gender, race, and geography also influence political socialization.


Intergovernmental partnerships play a key role in achieving development goals through funding, technical assistance, policymaking, and norm-setting. Effective global governance requires cooperation from governments and citizens. However, current global economic initiatives and rules have received inadequate attention and are unsatisfactory. Globalization has exacerbated issues like integration and interconnectivity among countries. Meanwhile, significant areas of shared understanding are being overlooked due to an unbalanced globalization framework.

Assessing local-journalism 100-communities
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Assessing local-journalism 100-communities

This study assessed the robustness of local journalism in 100 randomly selected US communities with populations between 20,000-300,000. Researchers identified local media outlets, archived over 16,000 news stories from a week in 2016, and analyzed stories for originality, locality, and whether they addressed critical information needs. The study found that some communities lacked original, local, or need-addressing stories. On average, only 17% of stories were truly local and 43% original. The study also identified relationships between community characteristics like distance from large markets, university presence, and ethnicity, with the robustness of local journalism.

Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Accelerated authoritarian entrenchment & expansion, suspension of democratic oversight,
coordinated, amplified & sustained influence operations on Facebook, rise in disinformation, Chinese
propaganda signatures, heightened mobile phone surveillance led by the military, hostility to privacy
safeguards, rapid increase in Islamophobia, heightened religiopolitical rhetoric, normalisation of
militarisation, racism & discrimination against religious & ethnic minorities, rise in majoritarianism,
seed & spread of rumours & misinformation over WhatsApp, incitement to hate & violence by leading
private TV channels close to government, terrestrial broadcast content featured social media resulting
in emotional contagions, coordinated production of thinly-veiled propaganda on Facebook to
overwhelm critical commentary, rise in nationalist rhetoric, a pandemic response framed as war
effort, strategically produced media frames supporting populism & cult of presidency, clamping down
on Freedom of Expression, complete impunity enjoyed by those close to political authority, doxxing &
abuse of select Covid-19 patients, an illegal curfew, suspension of parliamentary oversight, public
vilification of those who call for restoration of democratic governance, chaotic & confusing crisis
communications, government policies anchored to electoral advantage instead of pandemic
containment, suspended judicial oversight, arrest & prolonged detention of a senior lawyer, a growing
economic debacle including credit downgrades, debt servicing challenges, unprecedented decline in
remittances, shambolic tax structure, export & tourism sectors wiped out and a bankrupt government.

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NEA Spring 2014 - Demographics of Social Media Users - Dan BullmanNEA Spring 2014 - Demographics of Social Media Users - Dan Bullman
NEA Spring 2014 - Demographics of Social Media Users - Dan Bullman

This presentation was given by Dan Bullman at the 2014 New England Archivists Spring Meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on March 22, 2014. It was part of a panel workshop called "Monster Lake Trout: Landing the Big One With Social Media," which included presentations from VivianLea Solek, Dani Fazio, Erik Bauer, and Barbara Austen.

Decentralization in myanmar (2015)
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Decentralization in myanmar (2015)

This document summarizes a study on decentralization in Myanmar. It outlines the rationale, objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the study. The objectives were to examine community participation and awareness, perspectives of civil servants and MPs, and challenges to decentralization. Through focus groups and interviews, the study found weak community participation, a lack of transparency, and that centralization is still prevalent in the public sector. It concludes decentralization faces challenges including short trust in government, weak rule of law, and lack of community involvement in decision-making. It recommends strengthening service delivery, rule of law, access to information, and abolishing secret laws to gain public trust.

A theory of media politics
A theory of media politicsA theory of media politics
A theory of media politics

This document discusses the relationship between media and politics. It explores how media shapes society through its funding sources and accountability/independence. Politicians have become dependent on media to reach voters and media content has become increasingly "mediatized" by politics. Specifically, the decline of traditional media has weakened its ability to hold politicians accountable as the fourth estate. However, media also relies on politics for content and politicians require media access to campaign. Ultimately, media and politics have a symbiotic but tense relationship in democratic societies.

Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
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Global press freedom fell to its lowest level in over a decade in 2013 according to the report. Several countries saw significant declines in media freedom, including Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Ukraine, and some East African nations. Private media owners with close government ties also negatively impacted press freedom in some countries. Governments, especially authoritarian states, sought to control news content and restrict reporting on protests and sensitive issues through harassment of journalists and limitations on foreign media.

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The document discusses media censorship and its effect on public discourse. It argues that media outlets censor information by selectively reporting stories that appeal to their target audiences, failing to ask difficult questions, and framing issues in polarized ways. This can damage public trust and understanding of complex issues. The document also examines how government and self-censorship influence the information that reaches the public, and how agenda-setting and framing theories show that the media has significant power to shape public perceptions through censorship and biased reporting. Overall, the document argues that a transparent, uncensored media is vital for an informed citizenry and democratic society.

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Prospective Use of Remittances as a Development Tool, by Mitchell Sipus, International Development and Humanitarian Consultant

Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
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Presentation on Bauchi State Youth Employment Initiatives

The document summarizes youth empowerment programs in Bauchi State, Nigeria that were implemented between 2007-2013 to address high unemployment, poverty, and gang violence among youth. The Bauchi State government established the Bauchi State Commission for Youth and Women Rehabilitation and Development (BACYWORD) to provide skills training, education opportunities, public works jobs, and economic programs like a waste recycling plant. Over 58,000 youth received support through these interventions, which were funded by the state government and aimed to generate employment, promote peace, and improve lives.

Wef Global Risks Report 2014 - Part 2
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Wef Global Risks Report 2014 - Part 2

This document provides an overview of systemic risks and how they could interplay in the coming decade. It discusses how growing complexities and interdependencies between global systems like finance, supply chains, health, and the environment are increasing systemic risk. It then explores three potential threats: emerging market uncertainties as countries face economic and political challenges; the proliferation of interstate conflicts and frictions as countries prioritize domestic concerns; and slow progress on global challenges due to a lack of international cooperation. It concludes by discussing implications for systemically important sectors like energy, financial services, and healthcare.

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This document summarizes a report that examines how 14 democratic countries fund and protect the independence of public media. It finds that countries generally use several approaches: multi-year funding to lessen political pressure; structures that link public media directly to audiences; charters that require public-interest content while restricting government influence; and independent agencies/boards as buffers between media and governments. As a result, public media provide more public affairs coverage and viewpoints than commercial media. However, countries vary in how well their systems are funded and insulated from political interference. The report provides models for the U.S. to consider strengthening its own modest public media system.

Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
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his report was made possible by the generous support of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL), Google, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Internet Society, Yahoo, and Golden Frog. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Freedom House and does not necessarily represent the views of its donors.This booklet is a summary of findings for the 2017 edition of Freedom on the Net. A full volume with 65 country reports assessed in this year’s study can be found on our website at www.freedomonthenet.org. Manipulating Social Media to Undermine Democracy Online content manipulation contributed to a seventh consecutive year of overall decline in internet freedom, along with a rise in disruptions to mobile internet ser-vice and increases in physical and technical attacks on human rights defenders and independent media.Nearly half of the 65 countries assessed in Freedom on the Net 2017 experienced declines during the coverage period, while just 13 made gains, most of them minor. Less than one-quarter of users reside in countries where the internet is designated Free, meaning there are no major obstacles to access, onerous restrictions on content, or serious violations of user rights in the form of unchecked surveillance or unjust repercussions for legitimate speech.The use of “fake news,” automated “bot” accounts, and other manipulation methods gained particular atten-tion in the United States. While the country’s online environment remained generally free, it was troubled by a proliferation of fabricated news articles, divisive partisan vitriol, and aggressive harassment of many journalists, both during and after the presidential election campaign. Russia’s online efforts to influence the American election have been well documented, but the United States was hardly alone in this respect. Manipulation and disinformation tactics played an important role in elections in at least 17 other countries over the past year, damaging citizens’ ability to choose their leaders based on factual news and authentic debate. Although some governments sought to support their interests and expand their influence abroad—as with Russia’s disinformation campaigns in the United States and Europe—in most cases they used these methods inside their own borders to maintain their hold on power

cyber securityfreedom
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I am a girl- It only occurs naturally

India has a long history of discrimination against girls that has led to an unbalanced child sex ratio, with fewer girls than boys. The 2011 Census found only 914 girls for every 1000 boys aged 0-6, the lowest ratio ever recorded. States like Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Rajasthan had some of the worst ratios. The easy availability of ultrasound technology and its misuse for sex-selective abortions has contributed greatly to the declining number of girls. Other factors include the marriage and dowry system, patriarchal social norms, and a preference for sons. Despite government laws and schemes, the efforts to improve the child sex ratio have not been

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2nd administrative reforms commission india
UN Photo/Evan Schneider, 23 March 2018, United Nations, New York
• Decentralisation as institutional DNA
• Less 38th floor, more ground floor
• Less pensions, more ideas
• Radical intersectionality and interconnectedness
• Map, monitor & plan for disruption
• The new normal is the abnormal
• Deviation is innovation
• Values & voice over tradition & trepidation
• Network(ed) intelligence
Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
The world as it must be, not as it is
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Gender-based violence is one of the most prevalent human rights violations worldwide, with 30% of women experiencing violence from an intimate partner globally. One in five women will become victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. We must work to change attitudes that accept violence against women, especially among young people, through media campaigns and empowering women economically, politically, and over their own fertility. Technology and data visualization can help expose corruption and mismanagement, monitor elections, and flag issues to hold officials accountable. Predictive technologies also make communities safer by identifying patterns to improve transportation, public safety, and more.

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This document discusses strategies for sustaining civic engagement. It identifies barriers to participation such as lack of civics education and voter suppression. It describes a spectrum of civic actions from lightweight to heavyweight. Tactical actions are reactive while strategic actions work to implement long-term policy goals. Sustaining engagement requires countering fatigue, recognition for contributions, gamification, civic education, connecting actions to daily life, building community, and empowerment.

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500 Words Essay On How Corruption Works in Society
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500 Words Essay On How Corruption Works in Society

Corruption is a pervasive phenomenon that plagues societies across the globe. It undermines the rule of law, distorts economic systems, erodes public trust in institutions, and exacerbates inequality. Defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, corruption manifests in various forms, from bribery and embezzlement to nepotism and cronyism. Its detrimental effects are felt in both developed and developing nations, hindering progress, impeding development, and perpetuating poverty.

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Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
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LARRY DIAMOND Membro-sênior na Hoover Institution e no Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, na Universidade Stanford, onde leciona Ciência Política e Sociologia. Dirigiu por mais de seis anos o Centro sobre Democracia, Desenvolvimento e Estado de Direito (CDDRL), na mesma universidade. É coeditor e fundador do mundialmente respeitado Journal of Democracy. Pesquisa tendências e condições democráticas ao redor do mundo e políticas e reformas para defender e promover a democracia. Editou ou co-editou mais de 40 livros sobre o desenvolvimento democrático no planeta, sendo o mais recente "Ill winds: saving democracy from Russian rage, Chinese ambition, and American complacency" (Penguin Books, 2020).

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A Chat With Ai Propagandists are placing blame for Ukraine's war failures on the struggle of Black America to survive a denied genocide (for lack of a better term). Why is this a catastrophic false narrative and what are the short, mid, and long-term dangers of such abuse of authority at the micro and macro levels nationally as well as globally? "The narrative you described is a catastrophic false narrative for several reasons. Firstly, it seeks to link two unrelated issues—the war in Ukraine and the struggles of Black America—in an attempt to create a false cause-and-effect relationship. Such a connection is baseless and lacks any factual basis."

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This document provides an overview of mass media and its functions. It discusses how mass media reflects cultural values while also influencing attitudes and behaviors. Mass media is defined as communication targeting a large, anonymous audience through technologies like newspapers, radio, and television. Key points made include: - Mass media has immense power to incorporate people into society and influence their values, though direct links between media messages and behavior are difficult to prove. - Television in particular has become a dominant medium, with people spending half their free time watching on average. However, television may not fully capture viewers' attention. - Mass media serves important functions like warning of dangers, providing companionship through media personalities, and conferring status on individuals through

Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?
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Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?

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Sexual extortion or “sextortion” occurs when those entrusted with power use it to sexually exploit those dependent on that power. It is a gendered form of corruption that occurs in both developed and developing countries, affecting children and adults, vulnerable individuals (such as undocumented migrants crossing borders) and established professionals. While evidence shows that women are disproportionally targeted, men, transgender and gender non-conforming people are also affected. Sextortion has long been a silent form of corruption, hiding in plain view. Until recently, it was never discussed or recognised as a distinct phenomenon within either the corruption framework or the framework of gender-based violence. Lacking a name, sextortion remained largely invisible, and few research projects, laws or strategies were developed to address it. Barriers to reporting sextortion and obtaining effective redress further contributed to its low profile. As a result, researchers have failed to ask survivors/victims the right questions to properly understand sextortion; statistical systems lack the appropriate categories to register the few cases that go to court, and complaints have been poorly handled. The result has been that survivors/victims have largely been denied justice. This Transparency International report assesses the state of knowledge about the links between corruption and sextortion. It presents evidence on the prevalence of sextortion and the existing legal frameworks to address it, and it proposes recommendations for how to tackle it.

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The document discusses the effects of misleading information on students' perceptions in identifying facts. It begins by defining key terms like misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. It then presents studies that have identified factors like illusory truth effect and confirmation bias that impact students' abilities to identify facts. The purpose of the study is to explore how misleading information affects Esperanian students' perceptions. It will be conducted among junior and senior high students and aims to benefit students, teachers, and local communities by increasing awareness of misleading information.

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Beyond the global reset: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?

  • 8. Accelerated authoritarian entrenchment & expansion, suspension of democratic oversight, coordinated, amplified & sustained influence operations on Facebook, rise in disinformation, Chinese propaganda signatures, heightened mobile phone surveillance led by the military, hostility to privacy safeguards, rapid increase in Islamophobia, heightened religiopolitical rhetoric, normalisation of militarisation, racism & discrimination against religious & ethnic minorities, rise in majoritarianism, seed & spread of rumours & misinformation over WhatsApp, incitement to hate & violence by leading private TV channels close to government, terrestrial broadcast content featured social media resulting in emotional contagions, coordinated production of thinly-veiled propaganda on Facebook to overwhelm critical commentary, rise in nationalist rhetoric, a pandemic response framed as war effort, strategically produced media frames supporting populism & cult of presidency, clamping down on Freedom of Expression, complete impunity enjoyed by those close to political authority, doxxing & abuse of select Covid-19 patients, an illegal curfew, suspension of parliamentary oversight, public vilification of those who call for restoration of democratic governance, chaotic & confusing crisis communications, government policies anchored to electoral advantage instead of pandemic containment, suspended judicial oversight, arrest & prolonged detention of a senior lawyer, a growing economic debacle including credit downgrades, debt servicing challenges, unprecedented decline in remittances, shambolic tax structure, export & tourism sectors wiped out and a bankrupt government.
  • 21. UN Photo/Evan Schneider, 23 March 2018, United Nations, New York • Decentralisation as institutional DNA • Less 38th floor, more ground floor • Less pensions, more ideas • Radical intersectionality and interconnectedness • Map, monitor & plan for disruption • The new normal is the abnormal • Deviation is innovation • Values & voice over tradition & trepidation • Network(ed) intelligence
  • 23. The world as it must be, not as it is