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Public Goods from Private Land CEPS 1 st  February 2010 Allan Buckwell Chairman ELO Policy Group Policy Director CLA
RISE Task Force Report:  Public Goods from Private Land   Context : The EU Budget and Policy Review Commodity and financial crisis 2007/08 Climate change; Biodiversity Loss The thesis : systematic underestimation of scale of environmental market failures in agriculture the actions and resources to put them right The biggest challenges Clarity on definition and specification of public goods  Agreeing the reference level for payments Fitting these principles into the ‘Green Box’ Agreeing the necessary adaptations to the CAP   Justifying this for EU policy and budget
The Food and Environmental  Security challenges The interdependence between EU food and environmental security 4/5ths of Europe’s land is farmed or forested The way we ‘do’ our farming and forestry massively impacts the environment The quality of the environment Soils Water Air Genetic diversity hugely affects our food producing capacity
What does a Food and Environment Security Policy do? It achieves  food security  by Ensuring there is a  profitable farming  industry Maintaining  production capacity  by By protecting best agricultural land  Providing R&D & Extension for productivity growth & reducing negative environmental impact Fair share for agriculture in the food chain It achieves  environmental security  by Precision, highly productive land management Active, appropriately-scaled set of environmental policy measures to deliver public goods from land management   Paying particular attention to the marginal areas

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Comments on Meeting by Noriko Hase
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This document discusses aligning climate change mitigation policies in Indonesia for a transition to a low-carbon economy. It notes Indonesia's National Mitigation Action Plan (RANGRK) addresses forestry and peatland, waste, agriculture, industry, and energy and transportation. It also references the National Mid-Term Development Planning (PRJMN) and questions whether projects are aligned. It provides an example of measuring forestry coverage ratio and notes potential misalignments between reducing deforestation (REDD+) and food security policies.

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CCAFS Theme 2 Strategy: Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk - Jim Hansen
CCAFS Theme 2 Strategy: Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk - Jim HansenCCAFS Theme 2 Strategy: Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk - Jim Hansen
CCAFS Theme 2 Strategy: Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk - Jim Hansen

This document discusses strategies for managing climate risk and increasing climate resilience. It outlines three objectives: 1) increasing resilience of rural livelihoods through local risk management, 2) enhancing food system risk management to improve food security, and 3) improving climate information and services. Some key strategies proposed are developing insurance programs, promoting diversification of agriculture, conducting research on climate impacts, and strengthening climate services to support decision making in food systems and rural communities. The overarching goals are to build resilience to climate change, reduce vulnerability, and improve food security.

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Opening essa silico workshop on Resilence and ABM
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Opening essa silico workshop on Resilence and ABM

This document discusses using agent-based modeling (ABM) to study resilience in agrifood systems. It notes that ABM is well-suited to represent the dynamics of complex social systems by modeling individual actors and their interactions. ABM can simulate how macro patterns emerge from micro behaviors and feedback between individual and system levels. The document argues ABM is an attractive tool for resilience research because it focuses on understanding systems through interactions with practitioners rather than optimization. It can integrate diverse data and theories to study interactions and interdependencies in agrifood systems and identify early warnings of instability.

Breadth & components of the interaction between land management & environment We can see this positively as the services provided by land managers - farming and forestry occupy 80% EU land resource protection, biodiversity & cultural landscape Or as market failures: too many environmental ‘bads’ – insufficient ‘goods’ Pollution of rivers and groundwater Over-exploitation of aquifers Insufficient rain absorption, too much run-off  Atmospheric pollution Green House Gases + ammonia Soil: erosion, compaction, organic matter depletion Biodiversity, habitat and species loss Landscape degradation Insufficient protection of cultural heritage
How to internalise these externalities? This is a question of who pays? Food consumers Food producers (but to be sustainable they must charge full social and environmental costs) Direct users of the environment Taxpayers The choice concerns cost/effectiveness & fairness and so, assignment of property rights in land use You would expect us to argue the value of private property rights - that is a  contractual basis for environmental service delivery  rather than a command and control regulatory approach
The scale of the environmental market failures - Global   Constanza   et al  (1997)  Global ecosystem services worth $33tr, 1.8 x GDP UNEP  Millennium Assessment  (2003) Substantial and largely irreversible loss of biodiversity WWF  (2005) Living Planet report Global footprint 30% > global biocapacity Stern  (2006) Economics of climate change Costs & risks if inaction equiv to 5% of GDP/yr Cost of action can be limited to 1% of GDP/yr The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity   TEEB (2008) who measured the Cost Of Policy Inaction By 2050 compared to 2000 = €14tr, 7% GDP pa
The scale of the environmental market failures - European Defra (2008) Environmental Accounts for UK agriculture,  figures are annual flows for 2007 £1.2b +ve;  £545m –ve;  net +£645m  ~12% GVA and -£2b air emissions (different calc n . basis)  Roewer (2008) Environmental protection expenditure by Industry in the EU 1997-2004 In 2004, €45.6b, 0.4% of GDP, 2.4% of GVA Manufacturing 80%, Elect, gas & water 17%, mining 3% Dutch Min of Ag. Nature and Food “ Nature and landscape pay, reason enough to continue to invest LUPG (2009)   UK cost of delivery is £1.99b, current spend is £0.74b. Scale of corrective actions does not yet match the scale of the problems

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This session will provide an overview of what climate change means for agriculture in Eastern Ontario. What does current scientific understanding predict for this region when it comes to growing conditions in the coming years? Concepts of adaptation and mitigation will be discussed, providing producers with practical suggestions to meet challenges and access opportunities that might arise from climate change. Current research and policy initiatives, designed to contribute to the resilience of the agriculture sector, will be introduced.

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The European Environment Agency (EEA) published the report "The European Environment: State and Outlook 2015" (SOER 2015) which assesses past environmental trends, current status, and future outlooks. The report finds that while resource efficiency has improved, trends for ecosystem resilience and human well-being are less positive. Two factors contributing to uneven progress are global challenges like competition for resources, and systemic challenges like complexity and uncertainty of environmental issues. The report calls for systemic solutions that achieve sustainability, resilience, well-being and equity goals together through transitions in key systems like food, energy, mobility, and finance.

Aspects of an EU food policy
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Aspects of an EU food policy

two suggestions on the aspect of food (chain) policy for a workshop organised by DG Agri May 2017 in Brussels. Intended to be a bit provocative to stimulate discussion

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Indicate scale of the problem to motivate commensurate policy action   Measurement problems :  total flows or marginal changes  valuation problems benefit transfer and aggregation What resources do we need to deliver Environmental Public Goods - EPGs ? Value of  Justifiable     Costs of  environmental  >   expenditure  >  delivery by services  to deliver EPGs  land managers EU budget review, Budget Heading 2, Protection and Management of Natural Resources
Delivery by  market s ,  clubs or government Create markets  where possible  Government role to make this happen e.g. carbon Caps on emissions, mandatory replacement of biodiversity  Private or charitable organisations  –  clubs Acquire land to provide services   Public payments  to private land managers  Costs and benefits of environmental services vary so spatially varied payments  Cross compliance, agri-environment schemes, LFA payments, Article 68 approach, the environmental value "pyramid” Incorporate environment in food purchases Organic, local, speciality, GIs
EU policy and budget or Member States? The five Cs… Relevant policy is already EU  Competence Reasons for EU budget contribution Cross boundary  effects Common interest Competitiveness Cohesion

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CEPS seminar -Public goods from private land

  • 1. Public Goods from Private Land CEPS 1 st February 2010 Allan Buckwell Chairman ELO Policy Group Policy Director CLA
  • 2. RISE Task Force Report: Public Goods from Private Land Context : The EU Budget and Policy Review Commodity and financial crisis 2007/08 Climate change; Biodiversity Loss The thesis : systematic underestimation of scale of environmental market failures in agriculture the actions and resources to put them right The biggest challenges Clarity on definition and specification of public goods Agreeing the reference level for payments Fitting these principles into the ‘Green Box’ Agreeing the necessary adaptations to the CAP Justifying this for EU policy and budget
  • 3. The Food and Environmental Security challenges The interdependence between EU food and environmental security 4/5ths of Europe’s land is farmed or forested The way we ‘do’ our farming and forestry massively impacts the environment The quality of the environment Soils Water Air Genetic diversity hugely affects our food producing capacity
  • 4. What does a Food and Environment Security Policy do? It achieves food security by Ensuring there is a profitable farming industry Maintaining production capacity by By protecting best agricultural land Providing R&D & Extension for productivity growth & reducing negative environmental impact Fair share for agriculture in the food chain It achieves environmental security by Precision, highly productive land management Active, appropriately-scaled set of environmental policy measures to deliver public goods from land management Paying particular attention to the marginal areas
  • 5. Breadth & components of the interaction between land management & environment We can see this positively as the services provided by land managers - farming and forestry occupy 80% EU land resource protection, biodiversity & cultural landscape Or as market failures: too many environmental ‘bads’ – insufficient ‘goods’ Pollution of rivers and groundwater Over-exploitation of aquifers Insufficient rain absorption, too much run-off Atmospheric pollution Green House Gases + ammonia Soil: erosion, compaction, organic matter depletion Biodiversity, habitat and species loss Landscape degradation Insufficient protection of cultural heritage
  • 6. How to internalise these externalities? This is a question of who pays? Food consumers Food producers (but to be sustainable they must charge full social and environmental costs) Direct users of the environment Taxpayers The choice concerns cost/effectiveness & fairness and so, assignment of property rights in land use You would expect us to argue the value of private property rights - that is a contractual basis for environmental service delivery rather than a command and control regulatory approach
  • 7. The scale of the environmental market failures - Global Constanza et al (1997) Global ecosystem services worth $33tr, 1.8 x GDP UNEP Millennium Assessment (2003) Substantial and largely irreversible loss of biodiversity WWF (2005) Living Planet report Global footprint 30% > global biocapacity Stern (2006) Economics of climate change Costs & risks if inaction equiv to 5% of GDP/yr Cost of action can be limited to 1% of GDP/yr The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity TEEB (2008) who measured the Cost Of Policy Inaction By 2050 compared to 2000 = €14tr, 7% GDP pa
  • 8. The scale of the environmental market failures - European Defra (2008) Environmental Accounts for UK agriculture, figures are annual flows for 2007 £1.2b +ve; £545m –ve; net +£645m ~12% GVA and -£2b air emissions (different calc n . basis) Roewer (2008) Environmental protection expenditure by Industry in the EU 1997-2004 In 2004, €45.6b, 0.4% of GDP, 2.4% of GVA Manufacturing 80%, Elect, gas & water 17%, mining 3% Dutch Min of Ag. Nature and Food “ Nature and landscape pay, reason enough to continue to invest LUPG (2009) UK cost of delivery is £1.99b, current spend is £0.74b. Scale of corrective actions does not yet match the scale of the problems
  • 9. Indicate scale of the problem to motivate commensurate policy action Measurement problems : total flows or marginal changes valuation problems benefit transfer and aggregation What resources do we need to deliver Environmental Public Goods - EPGs ? Value of Justifiable Costs of environmental > expenditure > delivery by services to deliver EPGs land managers EU budget review, Budget Heading 2, Protection and Management of Natural Resources
  • 10. Delivery by market s , clubs or government Create markets where possible  Government role to make this happen e.g. carbon Caps on emissions, mandatory replacement of biodiversity Private or charitable organisations – clubs Acquire land to provide services Public payments to private land managers Costs and benefits of environmental services vary so spatially varied payments Cross compliance, agri-environment schemes, LFA payments, Article 68 approach, the environmental value "pyramid” Incorporate environment in food purchases Organic, local, speciality, GIs
  • 11. EU policy and budget or Member States? The five Cs… Relevant policy is already EU Competence Reasons for EU budget contribution Cross boundary effects Common interest Competitiveness Cohesion