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Congestion Control
TCP Congestion Control
 The idea of TCP congestion control is for each source to determine how
much capacity is available in the network, so that it knows how many
packets it can safely have in transit.
– Once a given source has this many packets in transit, it uses the arrival of an
ACK as a signal that one of its packets has left the network, and that it is
therefore safe to insert a new packet into the network without adding to the
level of congestion.
– By using ACKs to pace the transmission of packets, TCP is said to be self-
Additive Increase/Multiplicative Decrease:
– TCP maintains a new state variable for each connection, called
CongestionWindow, which is used by the source to limit how much data it
is allowed to have in transit at a given time.
– The congestion window is congestion control’s counterpart to flow control’s
advertised window.
TCP Congestion Control
– TCP is modified such that the maximum number of bytes of
unacknowledged data allowed is now the minimum of the congestion
window and the advertised window.
MaxWindow = MIN(CongestionWindow, AdvertisedWindow)
EffectiveWindow = MaxWindow − (LastByteSent − LastByteAcked)
– That is, MaxWindow replaces AdvertisedWindow in the calculation of
– Thus, a TCP source is allowed to send no faster than the slowest
component—the network or the destination host—can accommodate.
– The problem, of course, is how TCP comes to learn an appropriate value for
– Unlike the AdvertisedWindow, which is sent by the receiving side of the
connection, there is no one to send a suitable CongestionWindow to the
sending side of TCP.
TCP Congestion Control
 The answer is that the TCP source sets the CongestionWindow based on the
level of congestion it perceives to exist in the network.
 This involves decreasing the congestion window when the level of congestion
goes up and increasing the congestion window when the level of congestion
goes down. Taken together, the mechanism is commonly called additive
increase/multiplicative decrease (AIMD)
– How does the source determine that the network is congested and that it
should decrease the congestion window?
 Based on the observation that the main reason packets are not delivered, and a
timeout results, is that a packet was dropped due to congestion. It is rare that a
packet is dropped because of an error during transmission.
 Therefore, TCP interprets timeouts as a sign of congestion and reduces the rate
at which it is transmitting.
 Specifically, each time a timeout occurs, the source sets CongestionWindow to
half of its previous value. This halving of the CongestionWindow for each
timeout corresponds to the “multiplicative decrease” part of AIMD.
 For example, suppose the CongestionWindow is currently set to 16 packets. If a
loss is detected, CongestionWindow is set to 8.
 Additional losses cause CongestionWindow to be reduced to 4, then 2, and
finally to 1 packet.
TCP Congestion Control
 CongestionWindow is not allowed to fall below the size of a single packet, i.e.,
maximum segment size (MSS).
– Increase the congestion window to take advantage of newly available
capacity in the network.
– This is the “additive increase” part of AIMD, and it works as follows.
 Every time the source successfully sends a CongestionWindow’s worth of
packets—that is, each packet sent out during the last RTT has been ACKed—it
adds the equivalent of 1 packet to CongestionWindow.
TCP Congestion Control
– TCP does not wait for an entire window’s worth of ACKs to add 1 packet’s
worth to the congestion window, but instead increments CongestionWindow
by a little for each ACK that arrives.
– Specifically, the congestion window is incremented as follows each time an
ACK arrives:
• Increment = MSS × (MSS/CongestionWindow)
• CongestionWindow+= Increment
• That is, rather than incrementing CongestionWindow by an entire MSS bytes
each RTT, we increment it by a fraction of MSS every time an ACK is received.
• Assuming that each ACK acknowledges the receipt of MSS bytes, then that
fraction is MSS/CongestionWindow.
TCP Congestion Control
Slow Start
 Additive Increase / Multiplicative Decrease is only suitable for source,
that is operating close to the available capacity of the network, but it
takes too long to ramp up a connection when it is starting from scratch.
 slow start, that is used to increase the congestion window rapidly from a
cold start.
 Slow start effectively increases the congestion window exponentially,
rather than linearly.
– the source starts out by setting CongestionWindow to one packet.
– When the ACK for this packet arrives, TCP adds 1 to CongestionWindow
and then sends two packets.
– Upon receiving the corresponding two ACKs, TCP increments
CongestionWindow by 2—one for each ACK—and next sends four packets.
– The end result is that TCP effectively doubles the number of packets it has
in transit every RTT.
TCP Congestion Control
TCP Congestion Control
Two different situations in which slow start runs,
 The first is at the very beginning of a connection, at which time the source
has no idea how many packets it is going to be able to have in transit at a
given time.
− In this situation, slow start continues to double CongestionWindow each RTT
until there is a loss, at which time a timeout causes multiplicative decrease to
divide CongestionWindow by 2.
 The second situation in which slow start is used is a bit more subtle; it
occurs when the connection goes dead while waiting for a timeout to occur.
− the source then uses slow start to restart the flow of data.
 Specifically, the source has a current (and useful) value of
CongestionWindow; this is the value of CongestionWindow that
existed prior to the last packet loss, divided by 2 as a result of the
 This value used as the “target” congestion window also called as
TCP Congestion Control
 Slow start is used to rapidly increase the sending rate up to this
value, and then additive increase is used beyond this point.
i.e., assume congestion window size is x at the time of timeout
 A time out happens, causing the congestion window to be divided by 2,
dropping the CongestionWindow size x to x/2 and CongestionThreshold
is set to this amount (x/2).
 CongestionWindow is reset to one packet, as the sender enters slow start.
 Slow start increases the congestion window exponentially until it reaches
CongestionThreshold .
 CongestionWindow then grows linearly (i.e., it uses additive increase)
TCP Congestion Control
Fast Retrasnmit and Fast Recovery
– The idea of fast retransmit is straightforward. Every time a data packet
arrives at the receiving side, the receiver responds with an acknowledgment,
even if this sequence number has already been acknowledged.
– Thus, when a packet arrives out of order— that is, TCP cannot yet
acknowledge the data the packet contains because earlier data has not yet
arrived—TCP resends the same acknowledgment it sent the last time.
– This second transmission of the same acknowledgment is called a duplicate
– When the sending side sees a duplicate ACK, it knows that the other side
must have received a packet out of order, which suggests that an earlier
packet might have been lost.
– Since it is also possible that the earlier packet has only been delayed rather
than lost, the sender waits until it sees some number of duplicate ACKs and
then retransmits the missing packet. In practice, TCP waits until it has seen
three duplicate ACKs before retransmitting the packet.
TCP Congestion Control
– When the fast retransmit mechanism signals congestion, rather than drop the
congestion window all the way back to one packet and run slow start, it is
possible to use the ACKs that are still in the pipe to clock the sending of
– This mechanism, which is called fast recovery, effectively removes the slow
start phase that happens between when fast retransmit detects a lost packet
and additive increase begins.

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Congestion control in TCP

  • 2. TCP Congestion Control  The idea of TCP congestion control is for each source to determine how much capacity is available in the network, so that it knows how many packets it can safely have in transit. – Once a given source has this many packets in transit, it uses the arrival of an ACK as a signal that one of its packets has left the network, and that it is therefore safe to insert a new packet into the network without adding to the level of congestion. – By using ACKs to pace the transmission of packets, TCP is said to be self- clocking. Additive Increase/Multiplicative Decrease: – TCP maintains a new state variable for each connection, called CongestionWindow, which is used by the source to limit how much data it is allowed to have in transit at a given time. – The congestion window is congestion control’s counterpart to flow control’s advertised window.
  • 3. TCP Congestion Control – TCP is modified such that the maximum number of bytes of unacknowledged data allowed is now the minimum of the congestion window and the advertised window. MaxWindow = MIN(CongestionWindow, AdvertisedWindow) EffectiveWindow = MaxWindow − (LastByteSent − LastByteAcked) – That is, MaxWindow replaces AdvertisedWindow in the calculation of EffectiveWindow. – Thus, a TCP source is allowed to send no faster than the slowest component—the network or the destination host—can accommodate. – The problem, of course, is how TCP comes to learn an appropriate value for CongestionWindow. – Unlike the AdvertisedWindow, which is sent by the receiving side of the connection, there is no one to send a suitable CongestionWindow to the sending side of TCP.
  • 4. TCP Congestion Control  The answer is that the TCP source sets the CongestionWindow based on the level of congestion it perceives to exist in the network.  This involves decreasing the congestion window when the level of congestion goes up and increasing the congestion window when the level of congestion goes down. Taken together, the mechanism is commonly called additive increase/multiplicative decrease (AIMD) – How does the source determine that the network is congested and that it should decrease the congestion window?  Based on the observation that the main reason packets are not delivered, and a timeout results, is that a packet was dropped due to congestion. It is rare that a packet is dropped because of an error during transmission.  Therefore, TCP interprets timeouts as a sign of congestion and reduces the rate at which it is transmitting.  Specifically, each time a timeout occurs, the source sets CongestionWindow to half of its previous value. This halving of the CongestionWindow for each timeout corresponds to the “multiplicative decrease” part of AIMD.  For example, suppose the CongestionWindow is currently set to 16 packets. If a loss is detected, CongestionWindow is set to 8.  Additional losses cause CongestionWindow to be reduced to 4, then 2, and finally to 1 packet.
  • 5. TCP Congestion Control  CongestionWindow is not allowed to fall below the size of a single packet, i.e., maximum segment size (MSS). – Increase the congestion window to take advantage of newly available capacity in the network. – This is the “additive increase” part of AIMD, and it works as follows.  Every time the source successfully sends a CongestionWindow’s worth of packets—that is, each packet sent out during the last RTT has been ACKed—it adds the equivalent of 1 packet to CongestionWindow.
  • 6. TCP Congestion Control – TCP does not wait for an entire window’s worth of ACKs to add 1 packet’s worth to the congestion window, but instead increments CongestionWindow by a little for each ACK that arrives. – Specifically, the congestion window is incremented as follows each time an ACK arrives: • Increment = MSS × (MSS/CongestionWindow) • CongestionWindow+= Increment • That is, rather than incrementing CongestionWindow by an entire MSS bytes each RTT, we increment it by a fraction of MSS every time an ACK is received. • Assuming that each ACK acknowledges the receipt of MSS bytes, then that fraction is MSS/CongestionWindow.
  • 7. TCP Congestion Control Slow Start  Additive Increase / Multiplicative Decrease is only suitable for source, that is operating close to the available capacity of the network, but it takes too long to ramp up a connection when it is starting from scratch.  slow start, that is used to increase the congestion window rapidly from a cold start.  Slow start effectively increases the congestion window exponentially, rather than linearly. – the source starts out by setting CongestionWindow to one packet. – When the ACK for this packet arrives, TCP adds 1 to CongestionWindow and then sends two packets. – Upon receiving the corresponding two ACKs, TCP increments CongestionWindow by 2—one for each ACK—and next sends four packets. – The end result is that TCP effectively doubles the number of packets it has in transit every RTT.
  • 9. TCP Congestion Control Two different situations in which slow start runs,  The first is at the very beginning of a connection, at which time the source has no idea how many packets it is going to be able to have in transit at a given time. − In this situation, slow start continues to double CongestionWindow each RTT until there is a loss, at which time a timeout causes multiplicative decrease to divide CongestionWindow by 2.  The second situation in which slow start is used is a bit more subtle; it occurs when the connection goes dead while waiting for a timeout to occur. − the source then uses slow start to restart the flow of data.  Specifically, the source has a current (and useful) value of CongestionWindow; this is the value of CongestionWindow that existed prior to the last packet loss, divided by 2 as a result of the loss.  This value used as the “target” congestion window also called as CongestionThreshold.
  • 10. TCP Congestion Control  Slow start is used to rapidly increase the sending rate up to this value, and then additive increase is used beyond this point. i.e., assume congestion window size is x at the time of timeout  A time out happens, causing the congestion window to be divided by 2, dropping the CongestionWindow size x to x/2 and CongestionThreshold is set to this amount (x/2).  CongestionWindow is reset to one packet, as the sender enters slow start.  Slow start increases the congestion window exponentially until it reaches CongestionThreshold .  CongestionWindow then grows linearly (i.e., it uses additive increase)
  • 11. TCP Congestion Control Fast Retrasnmit and Fast Recovery – The idea of fast retransmit is straightforward. Every time a data packet arrives at the receiving side, the receiver responds with an acknowledgment, even if this sequence number has already been acknowledged. – Thus, when a packet arrives out of order— that is, TCP cannot yet acknowledge the data the packet contains because earlier data has not yet arrived—TCP resends the same acknowledgment it sent the last time. – This second transmission of the same acknowledgment is called a duplicate ACK. – When the sending side sees a duplicate ACK, it knows that the other side must have received a packet out of order, which suggests that an earlier packet might have been lost. – Since it is also possible that the earlier packet has only been delayed rather than lost, the sender waits until it sees some number of duplicate ACKs and then retransmits the missing packet. In practice, TCP waits until it has seen three duplicate ACKs before retransmitting the packet.
  • 12. TCP Congestion Control – When the fast retransmit mechanism signals congestion, rather than drop the congestion window all the way back to one packet and run slow start, it is possible to use the ACKs that are still in the pipe to clock the sending of packets. – This mechanism, which is called fast recovery, effectively removes the slow start phase that happens between when fast retransmit detects a lost packet and additive increase begins.