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Creative commons by reshma
Creative Commons
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Introduction to Creative Commons Licensing
Introduction to Creative Commons LicensingIntroduction to Creative Commons Licensing
Introduction to Creative Commons Licensing

Creative Commons is a nonprofit that provides free legal tools to allow sharing and reuse of creativity and knowledge. Creative Commons licenses allow creators to define what types of sharing and reuse of their work is allowed, as "all rights reserved" is the default. The licenses are structured around combinations of Attribution, ShareAlike, NonCommercial, and NoDerivatives. Popular license choices provide the most openness while still protecting authorship.

creative commonsoer
Licencia cc
Licencia ccLicencia cc
Licencia cc

A Creative Commons (CC) license allows authors to specify how their creative works can be shared and used by others. CC licenses provide flexibility to authors while also protecting users from copyright infringement if they abide by the license terms. There are several types of CC licenses that differ based on combinations of conditions around attribution, share-alike clauses, commercial vs. non-commercial use, and allowance of derivative works. CC licenses can be applied to many types of copyrighted works like writing, art, music, and more.

creative commons
creative commonscreative commons
creative commons

UKOLN is a UK organization that provides expertise in digital information management. It is supported by various funders and works in many areas including digital preservation, repositories, dissemination, and more. The document discusses an introduction to Creative Commons licenses, including what they are, the different license types, and some case studies of how Creative Commons licenses have been used.

But you want to
copyright it
and let
use your
In a limit?
6 types of
licenses you
can use

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Presented by Dr. Sanjaya Mishra , Education Specialist, eLearning, COL and Principal Investigator, ROER4D Project at the Workshop on OER for Development supported by IDRC, Canada

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Tyson Opa Lida assignment # 3 2021

The document discusses copyright and Creative Commons licenses. It explains that copyright provides creators ownership rights over their work for a set period, and that Creative Commons licenses provide free tools to legally share works. The CC BY license is recommended as it allows commercial use and sharing of derivative works if the original creator is credited. Creative Commons licenses balance exclusive rights with open sharing of knowledge and creativity.

Creative Commons Licenses
Creative Commons Licenses Creative Commons Licenses
Creative Commons Licenses

The document discusses Creative Commons licenses, which allow creators to choose how others can share and use their work. There are six main Creative Commons licenses that differ in whether others can share the work (attribution only or attribution-sharealike), make modifications to it (attribution-sharealike or attribution-noderivatives), and whether use is limited to non-commercial purposes (attribution-noncommercial). By selecting a Creative Commons license, creators can control how their work is used while also allowing some level of sharing, reuse, or remixing by others.

Each of them
protects your
own creative
Each of
them are
one is

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Copyright grants creators exclusive rights over the distribution and use of their original works, but only for a limited time. Creative Commons licenses provide alternatives to copyright that allow sharing and reuse of content under certain conditions like requiring attribution, prohibiting commercial use, or restricting modifications. There are six main Creative Commons license types that vary based on whether they allow commercial use, modifications, and sharing derivatives under the same license.

Creative Commons Licences
Creative Commons LicencesCreative Commons Licences
Creative Commons Licences

This document summarizes different Creative Commons licenses that can be applied to creative works and data to grant copyright permissions. It describes the main CC licenses including Attribution (CC BY), Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC), Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA), Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND), and Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND). It also discusses combining works with different licenses, applying licenses to software and data, and resources for finding content with CC licenses.

copyrightcreative commons licencesaustralia
What is Creative Commons?
What is Creative Commons?What is Creative Commons?
What is Creative Commons?

This document discusses Creative Commons, a non-profit organization that provides copyright licenses to enable sharing of works while still allowing creators to retain some rights. It describes how the organization was founded in 2001 to address the tension between copyright, which reserves all rights, and the internet's ability to enable widespread access and sharing. The Creative Commons licenses allow creators to choose some rights reserved rather than all rights reserved, and ensure attribution is always provided.

creative commonscopyrightregina gong
-lets you change
anything, even
- As long as you credit it
Second one is
Attribution share-alike
-you can do anything you want
as long as you credit it under
author’s identical terms

-license is used by Wikipedia

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The document summarizes the symbols associated with Creative Commons licenses and their meanings. It also lists 6 different Creative Commons licenses and things to consider before licensing one's own work with Creative Commons. The key symbols are Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives, and Share Alike. The 6 licenses listed are Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives, Attribution, Attribution No Derivatives, Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike, Attribution Share Alike, and Attribution Non-Commercial. Before licensing, one should ensure the work is copyrighted, they have rights to license it, understand how the licenses work, and be specific about what is being licensed.

Copyright verses creative commons license li da#103
Copyright verses creative commons license li da#103Copyright verses creative commons license li da#103
Copyright verses creative commons license li da#103

Copyright provides exclusive rights over creative works for a limited time, while Creative Commons licenses allow sharing and adapting works under certain conditions. There are six main CC licenses that determine if others can use a work commercially, make derivatives, and require attribution and sharing alike. CC licenses provide an alternative to traditional "all rights reserved" copyright by selecting some restrictions to allow free distribution and use.

What Are Creative Commons Licensed Images? A Student’s Guide from The Unquie...
What Are Creative Commons Licensed Images? A Student’s Guide  from The Unquie...What Are Creative Commons Licensed Images? A Student’s Guide  from The Unquie...
What Are Creative Commons Licensed Images? A Student’s Guide from The Unquie...

Creative Commons licenses provide tools that allow creators to grant copyright permissions to their creative works while still retaining some copyright themselves. The licenses allow others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of Creative Commons works, at least for non-commercial purposes. There are several types of Creative Commons licenses that determine the allowed uses, such as allowing derivatives and requiring attribution. To access Creative Commons images, popular sources include Flickr, Wikimedia Commons, and Microsoft Clip Gallery. When using these images, the license terms must be followed, such as providing proper attribution to the creator.

Third License is
-you can redistribute it
commercially or not as long
as it is passed down
unchanged and whole with
Creative commons by reshma

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Creative commons Licenses by ddebuyo
Creative commons Licenses by ddebuyoCreative commons Licenses by ddebuyo
Creative commons Licenses by ddebuyo

The Six Standard Creative Common Licenses in brief describing each of the six main licenses offered when you choose to publish your work with a Creative Commons license

Copyright and creative commons
Copyright and creative commonsCopyright and creative commons
Copyright and creative commons

1. Copyright gives the creator exclusive rights over their work, while Creative Commons licenses allow some rights to be reserved. 2. Under copyright, others cannot use or publish a creative work without permission. Creative Commons licenses allow authors to specify how others can use, share, and build upon their works. 3. The six main Creative Commons licenses vary in whether they permit commercial use, modifications, and require same licensing for derivatives, but all require attribution to the original author.

#wpu #lida
Tipos de licença CC
Tipos de licença CCTipos de licença CC
Tipos de licença CC

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that provides free copyright licenses to allow for easy sharing and use of creative works. Their licenses provide a standardized way for creators to choose which rights they reserve and which rights they waive, moving from a default of "all rights reserved" to "some rights reserved." When works are published with a Creative Commons license, they join a global pool of resources that can be legally shared, used, and built upon depending on the conditions of the license chosen.


Attribution Non Commercial
-Can Do anything to it as
long as you don’t
commercial it, new works
must acknowledge you
-most restrictive of all, only
allows to download works
and share them as long as

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Open siddur freedom
Open siddur freedomOpen siddur freedom
Open siddur freedom

The document discusses making content "free" through open source and free culture licensing. It defines different types of "free", such as the four freedoms of open source software. Creative Commons licenses are presented as a standard way to choose sharing terms for works. Benefits of open licensing include collaborative development and minimizing duplication, while challenges include lack of community and competition benefiting from shared work. The Open Siddur Project is provided as an example of using various Creative Commons licenses and open source development practices to facilitate sharing of religious content.

open siddurfree cultureopen source
Fighting Still: Perspectives on Economic, Social and Political Independence i...
Fighting Still: Perspectives on Economic, Social and Political Independence i...Fighting Still: Perspectives on Economic, Social and Political Independence i...
Fighting Still: Perspectives on Economic, Social and Political Independence i...

Any frank and democratic discussion on Zimbabwe’s independence is crucial because the people have mainly been targeted by state-sanctioned events and a mainstream media that over-exaggerates the sanctity of political independence. An independence without economic justice or social emancipation.

Audience profile A2
Audience profile A2Audience profile A2
Audience profile A2

The target audience for this film is 15-24 year old females in the UK who are students or new workers living at home or at university. They enjoy socializing with friends, music, and activities like going to the cinema or streaming online. The film's themes of friendship and romance would appeal to this demographic.

Last but not the least
Commercial-Share Alike
-Lets you do anything
except commercial ling as
long as credited under
identical terms
This is the
end of the

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The document discusses different Creative Commons licenses: CC BY allows copying and redistribution with attribution. CC BY-ND allows copying and redistribution as long as it is not modified or used commercially. CC BY-NC-SA allows remixing and adapting as long as it is not used commercially and similar licenses are used for derivative works.

Copy right form
Copy right formCopy right form
Copy right form

This document summarizes an agreement between authors and a publisher regarding copyright for articles published in the ABI International Journal of Modern Science and Engineering. Key points: 1. Authors are asked to transfer copyright to the publisher to ensure wide dissemination and protection of published material. 2. Authors must provide information about their status, such as whether they are a government employee, and confirm acceptance of the publishing agreement terms by signing. 3. The agreement assigns publishing rights to the publisher, including rights to publish, reproduce, distribute and store the article in all formats worldwide. Government authors do not transfer copyright but assign a non-exclusive license.

Audience profile A2
Audience profile A2Audience profile A2
Audience profile A2

This document defines the target audience for a film project as predominantly female, aged 15-23, who enjoy cinema, social media, books and socializing. They prefer media like YouTube, Netflix and TV shows and enjoy romance stories and socializing with friends. The target audience dislikes violent content and would likely use smartphones, tablets or laptops. Most would be students or working part-time jobs, located in the UK or Europe.

Creative commons by reshma
Creative commons by reshma
No author mentioned “Rethinking CC licensing” last posted June 2010

Clipart images from PowerPoint

No author mentioned “about the licenses” no posted date




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