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More Slides from Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com/ Demographics and Politics as Much as Floods and Security Undermine Pakistan’s Economy Posted  January 26 , 2011 Terms of Use:  These slides are made available under Creative Commons License  Attribution—Share Alike 3.0  . You are free to use these slides as a resource for your economics classes together with whatever textbook you are using. If you like the slides, you may also want to take a look at my textbook,  Introduction to Economics ,  from BVT Publishers.
A Special Relationship Clouded by Economic Weakness At a White House meeting on January 14, 2011, US President Obama underscored the importance of the US-Pakistan relationship Unfortunately, the relationship is clouded by the weakness of Pakistan’s economy Much publicized floods and security issues are part of the problem, but underlying demographic and political troubles make matters worse Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com U.S. President Barack Obama and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zadari Official White House Photo By Pete Souza
GDP Growth in Pakistan and its Neighbors A few years ago, Pakistan was doing well, with growth approaching that of its neighbors China and India At that time the World Bank gave Pakistan high marks for economic reforms Since then, things have fallen apart. Pakistan was hard hit by the global recession, and unlike other emerging markets, has yet to recover Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
Demographic Weaknesses Pakistan’s population is growing at 2.13 percent per year compared with 1.27 percent for India and .61 percent for China A result of higher population growth is a higher dependency ratio—more children and elderly per 100 people of working age Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com

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The document discusses declining access to post-secondary education in Canada, particularly for low-income students and families. It summarizes recent data showing large tuition fee increases and funding cuts have reduced participation rates at universities from families earning less than $40,000 by over 50%. Federal programs like the Registered Education Savings Program (RESP) are argued to disproportionately benefit higher-income families and do little to address the barriers to post-secondary education faced by low-income Canadians. The submission calls for more proactive solutions from the federal government to improve accessibility and quality of Canada's post-secondary education system.

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This document summarizes a study that evaluated factors influencing the adoption of biogas systems in rural communities in Pakistan to address the country's energy crisis. The study surveyed 360 households in 6 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province to identify willingness to adopt biogas. Statistical analysis found that households' education level, daily electricity shortfalls impacting children's education and women's work, awareness of biogas benefits, and available space were significant factors influencing willingness to adopt biogas. The study concludes that increasing public awareness and government support through subsidies could encourage more households to adopt biogas and help address Pakistan's energy challenges.

Week 3 - Discussion Forum 1Required ResourcesTextsGwartney.docx
Week 3 - Discussion Forum 1Required ResourcesTextsGwartney.docxWeek 3 - Discussion Forum 1Required ResourcesTextsGwartney.docx
Week 3 - Discussion Forum 1Required ResourcesTextsGwartney.docx

Week 3 - Discussion Forum 1 Required Resources Texts Gwartney, J. A., Stroup, R. L., Sobel, R. L., & Macpherson, D. A. (2018). Macroeconomics: Private and public choice (16th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.cengage.com · Chapter 9: An Introduction to Basic Macroeconomic Markets · Chapter 10: Dynamic Change, Economic Fluctuations, and the AD-AS Model · Chapter 11: Fiscal Policy: the Keynesian View and the Historical Development of Macroeconomics · Chapter 12: Fiscal Policy, Incentives, and Secondary Effects Tamny, J. (2015). Popular economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James can teach you about economics. Retrieved from https://www.redshelf.com · Chapter 4: It’s the Spending, Stupid: Budget Deficits Really Don’t Matter · Chapter 22: If They Tell You They Predicted the “Financial Crisis,” They’re Lying Recommended Resources Text Tamny, J. (2015). Popular economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James can teach you about economics. Retrieved from https://www.redshelf.com · These chapters provide John Tamny’s perspective on a specific fiscal policy: taxes. The author and some other economists are not in favor of higher taxes. He gives the rationale for the government to implement a fiscal policy of lower taxes. This may give you a different perspective and add to your knowledge in answering the Fiscal Policy discussion forum question as well as give more information in working through The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes and Responses assignment this week. · Chapter 1: Taxes are Nothing More than a Price Placed on Work · Chapter 2: When We Tax Corporations, We Rob Them of Their Future · Chapter 10: Conclusion: Bulldoze the U.S. Tax Code Articles Colvin, G. (2018, October 1). How to spot the next financial crisis. Fortune, 9–10. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/ · The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. This article reflects on some of the causes of the Great Recession. More importantly, the author takes you into the future to discuss when and if another big recession will occur and what some of the triggers might look like. This article may assist you with your The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes and Responses assignment this week. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. (2018, December 13). The deficit has never been this high when the economy was this strong (Links to an external site.) [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.crfb.org/blogs/deficit-has-never-been-high-when-economy-was-strong · This blog post discusses the current debt high level in relation to business cycles. The debt is climbing in a very healthy economy which is unusual as debt usually grows during down economies and recessions. This is an interesting perspective and may assist you with your Government Budget Deficits (Debate) discussion forum this week. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.) C ...

Use of Human Resource Potential In addition to having a high dependency ratio, Pakistan fails to use its available labor force fully Pakistan is in the lowest 10% among countries of the world in terms of labor force participation by women  Educational attainment is also very low, and only half as many women as men have a secondary-school education Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
Inflation and Budget Problems Pakistan has experienced high inflation in recent years A large budget deficit, over 5 percent of GDP, makes it harder to control inflation Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
Taxes and Subsidies Energy subsidies are a major source of Pakistan’s budget deficit. Much of the subsidy goes to large companies, while brownouts and power shortages for the population give rise to street demonstrations An inefficient tax system adds to the budget shortfall Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com “ Energy subsidies consume a large part of [Pakistan’s] budget. They’re inefficient and untargeted so that the bulk of the energy—of the benefit from the energy subsidy goes to higher-income individuals and large companies.” Caroline Atkinson, IMF January 2011 http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2011/tr010611.htm
Political Troubles Thwart Reform At the beginning of 2011, the government had prepared a reform package that would have cut energy subsidies and restructured the tax system Just at that time, the governing coalition collapsed In order to reassemble a working majority in parliament, the government abandoned the reform package Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com “ Time and again, the documents cite the same problems, the donors recommend the same solutions, the government of Pakistan promises to implement the same reform, the government breaks (and donors lament) the same promises.  And the cycle repeats.” Molly Kinder Center for Global Development http://blogs.cgdev.org/mca-monitor/2010/06/pakistan%E2%80%99s-energy-sector-groundhog-day-for-usa.php Pakistan’s Parliament Building http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pakistani_parliament_house.jpg

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Week 3 - Discussion Forum 2 Required Resources Texts Gwartney, J. A., Stroup, R. L., Sobel, R. L., & Macpherson, D. A. (2018). Macroeconomics: Private and public choice (16th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.cengage.com · Chapter 9: An Introduction to Basic Macroeconomic Markets · Chapter 10: Dynamic Change, Economic Fluctuations, and the AD-AS Model · Chapter 11: Fiscal Policy: the Keynesian View and the Historical Development of Macroeconomics · Chapter 12: Fiscal Policy, Incentives, and Secondary Effects Tamny, J. (2015). Popular economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James can teach you about economics. Retrieved from https://www.redshelf.com · Chapter 4: It’s the Spending, Stupid: Budget Deficits Really Don’t Matter · Chapter 22: If They Tell You They Predicted the “Financial Crisis,” They’re Lying Recommended Resources Text Tamny, J. (2015). Popular economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James can teach you about economics. Retrieved from https://www.redshelf.com · These chapters provide John Tamny’s perspective on a specific fiscal policy: taxes. The author and some other economists are not in favor of higher taxes. He gives the rationale for the government to implement a fiscal policy of lower taxes. This may give you a different perspective and add to your knowledge in answering the Fiscal Policy discussion forum question as well as give more information in working through The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes and Responses assignment this week. · Chapter 1: Taxes are Nothing More than a Price Placed on Work · Chapter 2: When We Tax Corporations, We Rob Them of Their Future · Chapter 10: Conclusion: Bulldoze the U.S. Tax Code Articles Colvin, G. (2018, October 1). How to spot the next financial crisis. Fortune, 9–10. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/ · The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. This article reflects on some of the causes of the Great Recession. More importantly, the author takes you into the future to discuss when and if another big recession will occur and what some of the triggers might look like. This article may assist you with your The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes and Responses assignment this week. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. (2018, December 13). The deficit has never been this high when the economy was this strong (Links to an external site.) [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.crfb.org/blogs/deficit-has-never-been-high-when-economy-was-strong · This blog post discusses the current debt high level in relation to business cycles. The debt is climbing in a very healthy economy which is unusual as debt usually grows during down economies and recessions. This is an interesting perspective and may assist you with your Government Budget Deficits (Debate) discussion forum this week. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.) C ...

Different Aspects of pakistan's economy 2012
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The document provides an overview of key aspects of Pakistan's economy in 2012, including agriculture, education, inflation, and taxes. It summarizes performance in major sectors like agriculture, crops, and education, noting growth in agriculture of 3.1% in 2011-12 led by crops like rice, cotton and sugarcane. In education, enrollment increased across primary, secondary, and university levels from 2009-10 to 2010-11. Inflation averaged around 12% in 2011 due to food prices, while the tax expenditure for 2011-12 totaled 185.496 billion Pakistani rupees.

What does our finance Minister offer for Children? A quick response to Andhra...
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The document discusses the key highlights of the Andhra Pradesh state budget for 2011-2012 as it relates to allocation of funds for children. Some key points: - Budget allocation for children ("Budget for Children") increased marginally to 19.29% of the total state budget from 17.26% in 2010-2011. - However, sectoral prioritization remains skewed, with only 0.25% for child health and 0.13% for child protection while education receives 15.63%. - While the child health budget saw a 147% increase, the development sector allocation decreased by Rs. 408 crore. - On average over the past few years, 21.55% of

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A Tangle of Problems A tangle of problems thwart Pakistan’s development Floods, earthquakes, and security issues are real; there is no intention here to belittle them However, even without those problems, demographic and political difficulties stand in the way of prosperity For the time being, billions of dollars in assistance from the United States, the IMF, and other sources shows little promise of payoff either to the people of Pakistan itself or to those countries that count it as a strategic partner Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog  http://dolanecon.blogspot.com

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Demographics and Politics as Much as Floods and Security Undermine Pakistan's Economy

  • 1. More Slides from Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com/ Demographics and Politics as Much as Floods and Security Undermine Pakistan’s Economy Posted January 26 , 2011 Terms of Use: These slides are made available under Creative Commons License Attribution—Share Alike 3.0 . You are free to use these slides as a resource for your economics classes together with whatever textbook you are using. If you like the slides, you may also want to take a look at my textbook, Introduction to Economics , from BVT Publishers.
  • 2. A Special Relationship Clouded by Economic Weakness At a White House meeting on January 14, 2011, US President Obama underscored the importance of the US-Pakistan relationship Unfortunately, the relationship is clouded by the weakness of Pakistan’s economy Much publicized floods and security issues are part of the problem, but underlying demographic and political troubles make matters worse Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com U.S. President Barack Obama and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zadari Official White House Photo By Pete Souza
  • 3. GDP Growth in Pakistan and its Neighbors A few years ago, Pakistan was doing well, with growth approaching that of its neighbors China and India At that time the World Bank gave Pakistan high marks for economic reforms Since then, things have fallen apart. Pakistan was hard hit by the global recession, and unlike other emerging markets, has yet to recover Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
  • 4. Demographic Weaknesses Pakistan’s population is growing at 2.13 percent per year compared with 1.27 percent for India and .61 percent for China A result of higher population growth is a higher dependency ratio—more children and elderly per 100 people of working age Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
  • 5. Use of Human Resource Potential In addition to having a high dependency ratio, Pakistan fails to use its available labor force fully Pakistan is in the lowest 10% among countries of the world in terms of labor force participation by women Educational attainment is also very low, and only half as many women as men have a secondary-school education Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
  • 6. Inflation and Budget Problems Pakistan has experienced high inflation in recent years A large budget deficit, over 5 percent of GDP, makes it harder to control inflation Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com
  • 7. Taxes and Subsidies Energy subsidies are a major source of Pakistan’s budget deficit. Much of the subsidy goes to large companies, while brownouts and power shortages for the population give rise to street demonstrations An inefficient tax system adds to the budget shortfall Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com “ Energy subsidies consume a large part of [Pakistan’s] budget. They’re inefficient and untargeted so that the bulk of the energy—of the benefit from the energy subsidy goes to higher-income individuals and large companies.” Caroline Atkinson, IMF January 2011 http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2011/tr010611.htm
  • 8. Political Troubles Thwart Reform At the beginning of 2011, the government had prepared a reform package that would have cut energy subsidies and restructured the tax system Just at that time, the governing coalition collapsed In order to reassemble a working majority in parliament, the government abandoned the reform package Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com “ Time and again, the documents cite the same problems, the donors recommend the same solutions, the government of Pakistan promises to implement the same reform, the government breaks (and donors lament) the same promises.  And the cycle repeats.” Molly Kinder Center for Global Development http://blogs.cgdev.org/mca-monitor/2010/06/pakistan%E2%80%99s-energy-sector-groundhog-day-for-usa.php Pakistan’s Parliament Building http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pakistani_parliament_house.jpg
  • 9. A Tangle of Problems A tangle of problems thwart Pakistan’s development Floods, earthquakes, and security issues are real; there is no intention here to belittle them However, even without those problems, demographic and political difficulties stand in the way of prosperity For the time being, billions of dollars in assistance from the United States, the IMF, and other sources shows little promise of payoff either to the people of Pakistan itself or to those countries that count it as a strategic partner Posted Jan. 26, 2011 on Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog http://dolanecon.blogspot.com