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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017, pp. 3070~3075
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v7i6.pp3070-3075  3070
Journal homepage: http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJECE
Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared
Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs and Regression Model
Kim Seng Chia, Yit Peng Tan
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat,
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
Received Jul 29, 2017
Revised Oct 2, 2017
Accepted Oct 18, 2017
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic technology has been getting more
attention in various fields. The development of a low cost NIR spectroscopy
is crucial to reduce the financial barriers so that more NIR spectroscopic
applications will be investigated and developed by means of the NIR
spectroscopic technology. This study proposes an alternative to measure
shortwave NIR spectrum using one collimating lens, two slits, one NIR
transmission grating, one linear array sensor, and one microcontroller. Five
high precision narrow bands NIR light emitting diodes (LEDs) were used to
calibrate the proposed spectroscopy. The effects of the proposed two slits
design, the distance between the grating and linear array sensor, and three
different regression models were investigated. The accuracy of the proposed
design was cross-validated using leave-one-out cross-validation. Results
show that the proposed two slits design was able to eliminate unwanted
signals substantially, and the cross-validation was able to estimate the best
model with root mean squared error of cross-validation of 3.8932nm.
Findings indicate that the cross-validation approach is a good approach to
estimate the final model without over-fitting, and the proposed shortwave
NIR spectroscopy was able to estimate the peak value of the acquired
spectrum from NIR LEDs with RMSE of 1.1616nm.
Regression model
Shortwave near infrared
Copyright © 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Kim Seng Chia,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
Batu Pahat, Malaysia.
Email: kschia@uthm.edu.my
Near infrared spectroscopic technology has been getting more attention in various fields e.g.
agriculture [1], Chinese medicine [2], [3], neuro-economic research [4], and food industry [5] to potentially
replace conventional measurement approaches (e.g. sensory evaluation and chemical analysis) that are time-
consuming, expensive per measurement, destructive, or inconvenient. Near infrared spectroscopic technology
is promising to be an alternative measurement approach because the acquired reflected or the transmitted
near infrared energy from a sample contains information that related to the composition of C-H, N-H, and
O-H bonds of the sample. Since these composition are the common and basic chemical composition of many
products e.g. agriculture products and food, many researches have been conducted to investigate the
relationship between a component of interests e.g. pH, glucose, and soluble solids content and the near
infrared energy.
Near Infrared Spectroscopic research aims to relate the component of interest to the absorption of
the near-infrared light energy. The amount of the absorption is related to the chemical bond of molecule. In
fact, the bond among atoms naturally will vibrate, the higher state of excitement requires more energy. Light
IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708 
Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs …. (Kim Seng Chia)
energy from Near Infrared LED provides more energy for chemical bond in atoms to vibrate. Different
molecules contain different types of bonding among atoms, therefore, energy required by an atom to vibrate
and excite to next level is different. Consequently, this variation energy can be seen in spectrum and provide
related information to analyze the types of molecule that present in the samples.
There are three challenges in near infrared spectroscopic research. First, the modelling or the so-
called chemo metrics. The modelling part focuses on extracting related information from these highly
redundant and over-lapping near infrared spectral data, and then relating these information to a component of
interests using a calibration model e.g. artificial neuron network and adaptive linear neuron [6]. The
modelling part is crucial to ensure the near infrared spectroscopic technology is capable of achieving satisfied
measurement accuracy in novel applications [7]. Second, the experimental design that aims to ensure the
acquired near infrared spectral data has minimum effects from the surrounding e.g. temperature and moisture,
and the acquired reference data are representative and accurate. A small deviation of temperature or moisture
may ultimately cause the acquired data contain unwanted signals. Lastly, a market available near infrared
spectroscopy is still relatively expensive and bulky. The development of a low cost and portable near infrared
spectroscopy is crucial to reduce the financial barriers so that more applications will be developed for
personal use in home by means of the near infrared spectroscopic technology [8].
Several attempts have been proposed to reduce the financial barrier of implementing spectroscopic
analysis by replacing an expensive halogen lamp with wavelength selective light emitting diodes (LEDs) and
a detector by photodiodes [9-13]. Even though the proposed alternative does not require accurate alignment
of the components to guarantee high precision measurements as a commercial spectrometer needs [12], it is
worth to highlight that only limited wavelengths can be measured because only wavelength selective light
emitting diodes (LEDs) were used in the proposed measurement device. On the other hand, a recent work has
presented a simple and inexpensive designs to acquire visible spectrum with acceptable accuracy [14]. This
suggests that shortwave near infrared spectrum i.e. from 700–1000nm may be acquired using similar
inexpensive setup that consists of a transmission grating, a slit, and a detector. Thus, this study aims to
evaluate the feasibility of an alternative to measure shortwave near infrared spectrum.
2.1. Spectrometer Development
Figure 1 illustrates the top view of the proposed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy that consists
of a poly (methyl methacrylate) collimating lens(with 4.5mm beam aperture diameter for 200nm-1100nm),
two slits, one near infrared transmission grating with 300G/mm and 24.5 degree (ThorLabs), one 1x256
linear array sensor, and one microcontroller (Arduino Nano). The collimating lens was used to make the
acquired light travels parallel into the spectrometer. This will ensure the position of each wavelength is
independent on acquisition setup so that the proposed spectrometer can accurately estimate the unknown
wavelengths. Two slits were used, instead of one slits in a general spectrometer, to ensure only desired light
can be pass through toward the transmission grating. The distance between first slit and second slit is fixed at
1.3cm. The transmission grating would disperse the light on the linear array sensor. The linear array sensor
that consists of 256 photodiodes with a dimension of 63.5μm ×55.5μm each and with 8-μm spacing between
photodiodes was used to measure the intensity of the dispersed light.
Figure 1. The top view of the proposed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy where the top cover was opened
 ISSN: 2088-8708
IJECE Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 : 3070 – 3075
Next, the microcontroller was used to interface with the linear array sensor, and then to transmit the
data from the linear array sensor to a computer using a USB cable for record and analysis. All of these setup
are inside an aluminum black box with a dimension of 100mm×76mm×35mm. The distance between the
grating and the linear array sensor was adjusted until the dispersed light can be measured by the linear array
sensor. Lastly, Matlab (R2009b) software was used to interface with the microcontroller for record and
analyze the acquired data.
2.2. Wavelength Calibration
Wavelength calibration aims to ensure that the proposed spectroscopy is capable of identifying the
wavelength of the acquired spectrum. Five high precision narrow bands near infrared LEDs (ThorLabs) with
different center wavelengths of 780nm, 851nm, 870nm, 910nm, and 940nm were used as the references for
calibration and validation. Since there were five data, leave-one-out cross-validation was used to validate the
accuracy of the designed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy. The calibration model aims to estimate the
wavelength when the unknown light is measured based on the following relationship, i.e. y = mX, in which, y
is the estimated wavelength, X is the pixel position of the linear array sensor with value between 1 and 255
(i.e. from first pixel to the last pixel of the linear array sensor), and the m is the coefficient value that relates
the X and y. One of the challenges was to ensure the acquired light would be successfully dispersed on the
linear array sensor using the grating. The preliminary test was to ensure the peak of the acquired spectrum
would be in the logic sequence. To avoid an extrapolation prediction, the prediction of both 780 and 940nm
were excluded during the cross-validation. Three different regression models i.e. linear, quadratic, cubic
regression models would be investigated to avoid both under- and over-fitting issues. Root mean squared
error of cross-validation (RMSECV) was used to determine the best model. The architectures of the best
models during the cross-validation would be averaged and used as the final model for the proposed sensor to
predict the wavelength of the acquired spectrum.
3.1. The Effects of the Second Slit
Figure 2 illustrates that the proposed two slits design was able to remove unwanted signals and the
peak of the spectrum can easily be observed. These unwanted signals may be due to the present design did
not consist of various focus lens to guide the light travels to the desired path. The proposed solution that used
an extra slit to block unwanted light from other directions successfully filtered the noises. The first maximum
of the peak of the 780nm was allocated at the 111st pixel of the linear array sensor. The second maximum of
the peak was observed at 45th and 189th pixels. The similar findings were obtained for the rest of high
narrow bands LEDs i.e. 851nm, 870nm, 910nm, and 940nm.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. The intensity of the acquired light from the LED with peak at 780nm against the location of the
pixels in the linear array sensor when the proposed design used: (a) single slit, and (b) two slits, respectively
IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708 
Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs …. (Kim Seng Chia)
3.2. The Distance between the Grating and Linear Array Sensor
Figure 3 depicts that the position of the peak would be shifted to left when the distance between the
grating and the linear array sensor was increased. The same effect was observed for the rest of high narrow
bands LEDs i.e. 851nm, 870nm, 910nm, and 940nm. In order to identify the most suitable distance between
the grating and the linear array sensor, the total pixels between the peaks of different wavelengths were
analyzed. Results indicate that distances of 2.5cm gave a better resolution compare to that of 1.7cm and
2.1cm. Thus, the distance of 2.5cm was chosen as the most suitable distance for the proposed sensor.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. The intensity of the acquired light against the location of the pixels in the linear array sensor from
the LED with peaks of: (a) 780nm, and (b) 851nm, d = the distance between Distance between the linear
array sensor and grating
3.3. The Accuracy of the Shortwave near Infrared Spectrum
Table 1 tabulates the position of the acquired wavelength via the proposed shortwave near infrared
sensor. All the acquired spectrum were in the correct sequence. This indicates that the proposed design was
able to detect the peak of a given spectrum at the correct sequence. The detail of the predicted value via the
best model would be explained after we had discussed the outcomes of the cross-validation as follow.
Table 1. The position of the peaks that detected in the linear array sensor
Wavelength, nm Position Predicted value via the best model, nm
780 128th 780.3584
851 136th 852.8096
870 138th 868.7244
910 144th 911.1936
940 149th 940.5401
Table 2 tabulates the cross-validation performance of three different regression model of linear,
quadratic, and cubic. Results depicts that the model was under-fitted when simple model of linear regression
was used. On the other hand, the model was over-fitted when complex model of cubic regression was
applied. Consequently, quadratic regression model achieved the best performance with root mean squared
error of cross-validation of 3.8932nm. Finding implies that there was a nonlinear relationship between the
spectrum detected by the proposed design and the respective wavelength.
Table 3 tabulates the coefficient of the quadratic regression models that were used for the cross-
validation. The estimated final model that used to predict the wavelength of the acquired spectrum equals
+ 38.07X – 2292 by averaging the coefficient values from the cross-validation. The final model
was able to estimate the peak value of the acquired spectrum as that tabulated in Table 1. The root mean
 ISSN: 2088-8708
IJECE Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 : 3070 – 3075
square error of the final model was 1.1616nm that was smaller than the RMSECV. This shows that the cross-
validation approach was able to estimate the optimal final model without over-fitting problem.
Table 2. Leave-one-out cross validation for the proposed shortwave near infrared sensor
Model Cross-validation R2
wavelength, nm
Error, nm RMSECV, nm
1 0.9859 851 846.2717 -4.7283
10.73592 0.9916 870 860.6977 -9.3023
3 0.9886 910 907.4761 -2.5239
1 0.9995 851 853.2834 2.2834
3.89322 1.0000 870 866.9901 -3.0099
3 0.9989 910 910.9402 0.9402
1 NaN 851 854.8528 3.8528
10.16052 NaN 870 866.9437 -3.0563
3 NaN 910 918.8911 8.8911
Table 3. The coefficient of the quadratic regression models
Cross-validation X2
X Constant
1 -0.1193 40.64 -2467
2 -0.098 34.77 -2065
3 -0.1125 38.79 -2343
Average -0.1099 38.07 -2292
The feasibilities of the proposed alternative to measure shortwave near infrared spectrum between
780 and 940nm were investigated. The proposed two slits design was able to eliminate unwanted signals
substantially so that the peak of the wavelength could be visualized clearly. The accuracy of the proposed
design was validated using cross-validation approach. The best model was obtained using quadratic
regression model with root mean squared error of cross-validation of 3.8932nm. The equation of the final
model was y = -0.1099X2
+ 38.07X – 2292 with root mean squared error of 1.1616nm. Finding suggests that
shortwave near infrared spectrum can be measured using the proposed design. In other words, the proposed
design is promising to encourage more shortwave near infrared spectroscopic analysis by reducing the
financial barrier. In future, we will investigate the feasibility of the proposed shortwave near infrared
spectroscopy in various near infrared spectroscopic analysis e.g. predicting the internal quality of local fruits.
This study was sponsored by the Research and Innovation Fund provided by the Office for
Research, Innovation, Commercialization and Consultancy Management (ORICC), Universiti Tun Hussein
Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Authors would like to acknowledge UTHM and Advanced Mechatronic Research
Group (AdMiRe), FKEE, UTHM for providing facilities for this study.
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Kim Seng Chia obtained his PhD and BEng from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Feb. 2014
and Sept. 2010, respectively. He was an assistant professor at Southern University College,
Skudai, Malaysia from March 2014 to August 2014. He has served as a senior lecturer in the
Faculty ofElectrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400
Batu Pahat, Malaysia since September 2014. His research interests are Machine Learning,
Artificial Intelligence, Microcontroller, Soft Modeling, and Near Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis
(email: kschia@uthm.edu.my, url: https://sites.google.com/site/kschia86/).
Tan Yit Peng is currently pursuing the BEng in Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering in the
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400
Batu Pahat, Malaysia. She was the team leader of UTHM Robotic Club 2016/2017. She was one
of the winners in Innovate Malaysia Design Competiton 2017: Sime Darby Plantation Design
Challenge. Her research interests are Artificial Intelligence and Near Infrared Spectroscopic
Analysis (e-mail: yiping927.yt@gmail.com).

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Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs and Regression Model

  • 1. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017, pp. 3070~3075 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v7i6.pp3070-3075  3070 Journal homepage: http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJECE Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs and Regression Model Kim Seng Chia, Yit Peng Tan Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Malaysia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Jul 29, 2017 Revised Oct 2, 2017 Accepted Oct 18, 2017 Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic technology has been getting more attention in various fields. The development of a low cost NIR spectroscopy is crucial to reduce the financial barriers so that more NIR spectroscopic applications will be investigated and developed by means of the NIR spectroscopic technology. This study proposes an alternative to measure shortwave NIR spectrum using one collimating lens, two slits, one NIR transmission grating, one linear array sensor, and one microcontroller. Five high precision narrow bands NIR light emitting diodes (LEDs) were used to calibrate the proposed spectroscopy. The effects of the proposed two slits design, the distance between the grating and linear array sensor, and three different regression models were investigated. The accuracy of the proposed design was cross-validated using leave-one-out cross-validation. Results show that the proposed two slits design was able to eliminate unwanted signals substantially, and the cross-validation was able to estimate the best model with root mean squared error of cross-validation of 3.8932nm. Findings indicate that the cross-validation approach is a good approach to estimate the final model without over-fitting, and the proposed shortwave NIR spectroscopy was able to estimate the peak value of the acquired spectrum from NIR LEDs with RMSE of 1.1616nm. Keyword: NIR LED Regression model Shortwave near infrared Spectroscopy Wavelength Copyright © 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. Corresponding Author: Kim Seng Chia, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Malaysia. Email: kschia@uthm.edu.my 1. INTRODUCTION Near infrared spectroscopic technology has been getting more attention in various fields e.g. agriculture [1], Chinese medicine [2], [3], neuro-economic research [4], and food industry [5] to potentially replace conventional measurement approaches (e.g. sensory evaluation and chemical analysis) that are time- consuming, expensive per measurement, destructive, or inconvenient. Near infrared spectroscopic technology is promising to be an alternative measurement approach because the acquired reflected or the transmitted near infrared energy from a sample contains information that related to the composition of C-H, N-H, and O-H bonds of the sample. Since these composition are the common and basic chemical composition of many products e.g. agriculture products and food, many researches have been conducted to investigate the relationship between a component of interests e.g. pH, glucose, and soluble solids content and the near infrared energy. Near Infrared Spectroscopic research aims to relate the component of interest to the absorption of the near-infrared light energy. The amount of the absorption is related to the chemical bond of molecule. In fact, the bond among atoms naturally will vibrate, the higher state of excitement requires more energy. Light
  • 2. IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708  Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs …. (Kim Seng Chia) 3071 energy from Near Infrared LED provides more energy for chemical bond in atoms to vibrate. Different molecules contain different types of bonding among atoms, therefore, energy required by an atom to vibrate and excite to next level is different. Consequently, this variation energy can be seen in spectrum and provide related information to analyze the types of molecule that present in the samples. There are three challenges in near infrared spectroscopic research. First, the modelling or the so- called chemo metrics. The modelling part focuses on extracting related information from these highly redundant and over-lapping near infrared spectral data, and then relating these information to a component of interests using a calibration model e.g. artificial neuron network and adaptive linear neuron [6]. The modelling part is crucial to ensure the near infrared spectroscopic technology is capable of achieving satisfied measurement accuracy in novel applications [7]. Second, the experimental design that aims to ensure the acquired near infrared spectral data has minimum effects from the surrounding e.g. temperature and moisture, and the acquired reference data are representative and accurate. A small deviation of temperature or moisture may ultimately cause the acquired data contain unwanted signals. Lastly, a market available near infrared spectroscopy is still relatively expensive and bulky. The development of a low cost and portable near infrared spectroscopy is crucial to reduce the financial barriers so that more applications will be developed for personal use in home by means of the near infrared spectroscopic technology [8]. Several attempts have been proposed to reduce the financial barrier of implementing spectroscopic analysis by replacing an expensive halogen lamp with wavelength selective light emitting diodes (LEDs) and a detector by photodiodes [9-13]. Even though the proposed alternative does not require accurate alignment of the components to guarantee high precision measurements as a commercial spectrometer needs [12], it is worth to highlight that only limited wavelengths can be measured because only wavelength selective light emitting diodes (LEDs) were used in the proposed measurement device. On the other hand, a recent work has presented a simple and inexpensive designs to acquire visible spectrum with acceptable accuracy [14]. This suggests that shortwave near infrared spectrum i.e. from 700–1000nm may be acquired using similar inexpensive setup that consists of a transmission grating, a slit, and a detector. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the feasibility of an alternative to measure shortwave near infrared spectrum. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Spectrometer Development Figure 1 illustrates the top view of the proposed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy that consists of a poly (methyl methacrylate) collimating lens(with 4.5mm beam aperture diameter for 200nm-1100nm), two slits, one near infrared transmission grating with 300G/mm and 24.5 degree (ThorLabs), one 1x256 linear array sensor, and one microcontroller (Arduino Nano). The collimating lens was used to make the acquired light travels parallel into the spectrometer. This will ensure the position of each wavelength is independent on acquisition setup so that the proposed spectrometer can accurately estimate the unknown wavelengths. Two slits were used, instead of one slits in a general spectrometer, to ensure only desired light can be pass through toward the transmission grating. The distance between first slit and second slit is fixed at 1.3cm. The transmission grating would disperse the light on the linear array sensor. The linear array sensor that consists of 256 photodiodes with a dimension of 63.5μm ×55.5μm each and with 8-μm spacing between photodiodes was used to measure the intensity of the dispersed light. Figure 1. The top view of the proposed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy where the top cover was opened
  • 3.  ISSN: 2088-8708 IJECE Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 : 3070 – 3075 3072 Next, the microcontroller was used to interface with the linear array sensor, and then to transmit the data from the linear array sensor to a computer using a USB cable for record and analysis. All of these setup are inside an aluminum black box with a dimension of 100mm×76mm×35mm. The distance between the grating and the linear array sensor was adjusted until the dispersed light can be measured by the linear array sensor. Lastly, Matlab (R2009b) software was used to interface with the microcontroller for record and analyze the acquired data. 2.2. Wavelength Calibration Wavelength calibration aims to ensure that the proposed spectroscopy is capable of identifying the wavelength of the acquired spectrum. Five high precision narrow bands near infrared LEDs (ThorLabs) with different center wavelengths of 780nm, 851nm, 870nm, 910nm, and 940nm were used as the references for calibration and validation. Since there were five data, leave-one-out cross-validation was used to validate the accuracy of the designed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy. The calibration model aims to estimate the wavelength when the unknown light is measured based on the following relationship, i.e. y = mX, in which, y is the estimated wavelength, X is the pixel position of the linear array sensor with value between 1 and 255 (i.e. from first pixel to the last pixel of the linear array sensor), and the m is the coefficient value that relates the X and y. One of the challenges was to ensure the acquired light would be successfully dispersed on the linear array sensor using the grating. The preliminary test was to ensure the peak of the acquired spectrum would be in the logic sequence. To avoid an extrapolation prediction, the prediction of both 780 and 940nm were excluded during the cross-validation. Three different regression models i.e. linear, quadratic, cubic regression models would be investigated to avoid both under- and over-fitting issues. Root mean squared error of cross-validation (RMSECV) was used to determine the best model. The architectures of the best models during the cross-validation would be averaged and used as the final model for the proposed sensor to predict the wavelength of the acquired spectrum. 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1. The Effects of the Second Slit Figure 2 illustrates that the proposed two slits design was able to remove unwanted signals and the peak of the spectrum can easily be observed. These unwanted signals may be due to the present design did not consist of various focus lens to guide the light travels to the desired path. The proposed solution that used an extra slit to block unwanted light from other directions successfully filtered the noises. The first maximum of the peak of the 780nm was allocated at the 111st pixel of the linear array sensor. The second maximum of the peak was observed at 45th and 189th pixels. The similar findings were obtained for the rest of high narrow bands LEDs i.e. 851nm, 870nm, 910nm, and 940nm. (a) (b) Figure 2. The intensity of the acquired light from the LED with peak at 780nm against the location of the pixels in the linear array sensor when the proposed design used: (a) single slit, and (b) two slits, respectively
  • 4. IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708  Design and Development of a Shortwave near Infrared Spectroscopy using NIR LEDs …. (Kim Seng Chia) 3073 3.2. The Distance between the Grating and Linear Array Sensor Figure 3 depicts that the position of the peak would be shifted to left when the distance between the grating and the linear array sensor was increased. The same effect was observed for the rest of high narrow bands LEDs i.e. 851nm, 870nm, 910nm, and 940nm. In order to identify the most suitable distance between the grating and the linear array sensor, the total pixels between the peaks of different wavelengths were analyzed. Results indicate that distances of 2.5cm gave a better resolution compare to that of 1.7cm and 2.1cm. Thus, the distance of 2.5cm was chosen as the most suitable distance for the proposed sensor. (a) (b) Figure 3. The intensity of the acquired light against the location of the pixels in the linear array sensor from the LED with peaks of: (a) 780nm, and (b) 851nm, d = the distance between Distance between the linear array sensor and grating 3.3. The Accuracy of the Shortwave near Infrared Spectrum Table 1 tabulates the position of the acquired wavelength via the proposed shortwave near infrared sensor. All the acquired spectrum were in the correct sequence. This indicates that the proposed design was able to detect the peak of a given spectrum at the correct sequence. The detail of the predicted value via the best model would be explained after we had discussed the outcomes of the cross-validation as follow. Table 1. The position of the peaks that detected in the linear array sensor Wavelength, nm Position Predicted value via the best model, nm 780 128th 780.3584 851 136th 852.8096 870 138th 868.7244 910 144th 911.1936 940 149th 940.5401 Table 2 tabulates the cross-validation performance of three different regression model of linear, quadratic, and cubic. Results depicts that the model was under-fitted when simple model of linear regression was used. On the other hand, the model was over-fitted when complex model of cubic regression was applied. Consequently, quadratic regression model achieved the best performance with root mean squared error of cross-validation of 3.8932nm. Finding implies that there was a nonlinear relationship between the spectrum detected by the proposed design and the respective wavelength. Table 3 tabulates the coefficient of the quadratic regression models that were used for the cross- validation. The estimated final model that used to predict the wavelength of the acquired spectrum equals -0.1099X2 + 38.07X – 2292 by averaging the coefficient values from the cross-validation. The final model was able to estimate the peak value of the acquired spectrum as that tabulated in Table 1. The root mean
  • 5.  ISSN: 2088-8708 IJECE Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2017 : 3070 – 3075 3074 square error of the final model was 1.1616nm that was smaller than the RMSECV. This shows that the cross- validation approach was able to estimate the optimal final model without over-fitting problem. Table 2. Leave-one-out cross validation for the proposed shortwave near infrared sensor Model Cross-validation R2 Actual wavelength, nm Predicted wavelength, nm Error, nm RMSECV, nm Linear regression 1 0.9859 851 846.2717 -4.7283 10.73592 0.9916 870 860.6977 -9.3023 3 0.9886 910 907.4761 -2.5239 Quadratic regression 1 0.9995 851 853.2834 2.2834 3.89322 1.0000 870 866.9901 -3.0099 3 0.9989 910 910.9402 0.9402 Cubic regression 1 NaN 851 854.8528 3.8528 10.16052 NaN 870 866.9437 -3.0563 3 NaN 910 918.8911 8.8911 Table 3. The coefficient of the quadratic regression models Cross-validation X2 X Constant 1 -0.1193 40.64 -2467 2 -0.098 34.77 -2065 3 -0.1125 38.79 -2343 Average -0.1099 38.07 -2292 4. CONCLUSION The feasibilities of the proposed alternative to measure shortwave near infrared spectrum between 780 and 940nm were investigated. The proposed two slits design was able to eliminate unwanted signals substantially so that the peak of the wavelength could be visualized clearly. The accuracy of the proposed design was validated using cross-validation approach. The best model was obtained using quadratic regression model with root mean squared error of cross-validation of 3.8932nm. The equation of the final model was y = -0.1099X2 + 38.07X – 2292 with root mean squared error of 1.1616nm. Finding suggests that shortwave near infrared spectrum can be measured using the proposed design. In other words, the proposed design is promising to encourage more shortwave near infrared spectroscopic analysis by reducing the financial barrier. In future, we will investigate the feasibility of the proposed shortwave near infrared spectroscopy in various near infrared spectroscopic analysis e.g. predicting the internal quality of local fruits. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was sponsored by the Research and Innovation Fund provided by the Office for Research, Innovation, Commercialization and Consultancy Management (ORICC), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Authors would like to acknowledge UTHM and Advanced Mechatronic Research Group (AdMiRe), FKEE, UTHM for providing facilities for this study. REFERENCES [1] L. Xuemei and L. Jianshe, "Measurement of soil properties using visible and short wave-near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration," Measurement, vol. 46, pp. 3808-3814, 2013. [2] W.-l. Li, H.-f. Han, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and H.-b. Qu, "Manufacturer identification and storage time determination of “Dong’e Ejiao” using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics," Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, vol. 17, pp. 382-390, 2016. [3] Y. Luo, W.-l. Li, W.-h. Huang, X.-h. Liu, Y.-g. Song, and H.-b. Qu, "Rapid quantification of multi-components in alcohol precipitation liquid of Codonopsis Radix using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)," Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, vol. 18, pp. 383-392, 2017. [4] I. M. Kopton and P. Kenning, "Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a new tool for neuroeconomic research," Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 8, 2014. [5] J. T. Alander, V. Bochko, B. Martinkauppi, S. Saranwong, and T. Mantere, "A Review of Optical Nondestructive Visual and Near-Infrared Methods for Food Quality and Safety," International Journal of Spectroscopy, vol. 2013, p. 36, 2013. [6] K. S. Chia, "Adaptive linear neuron in visible and near infrared spectroscopic analysis: predictive model and variable selection," ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 9055-9059, 2015.
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