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Docker Essentials
Founder CloudHero
Workshop Agenda
● Getting started with containers
○ How to build an image
■ Base images
■ Dockerfile
■ Docker build
■ Docker commit
○ Docker tags
○ Push / Pull image
○ Docker Volumes
Workshop Agenda
● A bit of history about orchestration
● Introduction to services
○ What is a service
○ Creating services
○ Scaling Services
○ Rolling Updates
● Docker Running on your Laptop
○ Docker for Mac / Windows
● Git
○ git clone
What is a Docker Container ?
What is Docker ?
CloudHero - Bucharest 2015
Lightweight runtime and packaging tool
Kernel OS Libs
App Libs
App Binary
Kernel OS Libs
App Libs
App Binary
User Space
Kernel OS Libs
App Libs
App Binary
App Libs
App Binary
User Space
App Libs
OS Libs
App Libs
OS Libs
App Libs
OS Libs
User Space
App Libs
OS Libs
App Libs
OS Libs
User Space
Key Takeaways
● Containers are NOT VM’s or mini VM’s or Servers
○ So they DO NOT BOOT
● Containers are just Containers
○ Packs of binaries and libraries that are executed on a
shared kernel in their own name space.
● They provide great portability and some extra layer of security
Docker for MAC / Docker for Windows
The marketplace for validated software
and tools available in Docker format for
businesses and publishers
• Easy search and deploy
• Trusted and compliant
• https://store.docker.com
The Docker Store
Getting Started With
App Libs
OS Libs
User Space
App Libs
OS Libs
App Libs
OS Libs
User Space
The Docker Magic
Try to run figlet on your computer
(just type figlet)
The Docker Magic
docker run -ti --name figlet ubuntu bash
The Docker Magic
apt-get update && apt-get install figlet
The Docker Magic
figlet “Innovation Labs”
The Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:trusty
MAINTAINER Andrei Manea <andrei@cloudhero.io>
# Install base packages
RUN apt-get update && 
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install 
Source: https://github.com/cloud-hero/apache-php
Building an Image
Building an image allows you to create your own custom
images that you can use and share with others.
Building an Image
git https://github.com/cloud-hero/apache-php.git docker-demo
cd docker-demo
docker build -t cloudhero/apache-php .
docker images ls
Source: https://github.com/cloud-hero/apache-php
Managing Images
List images:
docker images
Delete images:
docker rmi image_name / id
docker images
Committing an Image
Committing an image allows you to create your own custom
images from running containers.
Committing an Image
docker run -ti ubuntu bash
root@9923jj4a9 apt update && apt install nginx-full
docker ps -a
docker commit -m “Added Nginx” -a “Andrei Manea” 9923jj4a9
docker images ls
Settings Tags on an Image
Tags (or image names) can be used to organise and find
images easier.
Settings Tags on an Image
docker tag 9923jj4a9 my-hub-id/nginx-ubuntu:latest
Push an Images to Docker Hub / Store
Once you’ve built or created a new image you can push it to
Docker Hub using the docker push command.
This allows you to share it with others, either publicly, or push it
into a private repository.
Push an Images to Docker Hub / Store
docker push my-hub-id/nginx-ubuntu:latest
Getting Started w/ Containers
Managing Containers
We can list all the running container.
docker container ls
And then all the container existing on the host.
docker container ls -a
From this list, get the id of the container in which we installed the figlet package and restart the
container using the ‘start’ command.
docker container start CONTAINER_ID
Run an interactive shell in this container. We will use the exec command to do so.
docker container exec -ti CONTAINER_ID bash
figlet Still Here!
Managing Containers
We can list all the running container.
docker container ls
And then all the container existing on the host.
docker container ls -a
From this list, get the id of the container that you want to delete.
docker container rm CONTAINER_ID (or force a running container with `rm -f`)
Mass deletion of containers.
docker container ls -aq
Docker container rm `docker container ls -aq`
Persistent Storage: Volumes
Data persistency without a Volume
Let’s run an interactive shell within an alpine container named c1.
docker container run --name c1 -ti alpine sh
We will create the /data folder and a dummy hello.txt file in it.
mkdir /data && cd /data && touch hello.txt
We will then check how the read-write layer (container layer) is accessible from the host.
Let exit the container first
Let’s inspect our container in order to get the location of the container’s layer. We can use the
inspect command and then scroll into the output until the GraphDriver key, like the following.
docker container inspect -f "{{ json .GraphDriver }}" c1 | python -m
Data persistency without a Volume
ls /graph/overlay2/[YOUR_ID]/diff/data
docker container rm c1
It seems the folder defined in the UpperDir above does not exist anymore. Do
you confirm that ? Try running the ls command again and see the results.
Data persistency with a Volume
Defining a volume in a Dockerfile
FROM alpine
VOLUME ["/data"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]
Let’s build an image from this Dockerfile.
docker image build -t img1 .
docker container run --name c2 -ti img1
We should then end up in a shell within the container. From there, we will go into /data and create a
hello.txt file.
cd /data
touch hello.txt
Data persistency with a Volume
Let’s create a container from the alpine image, we’ll use the -d option so it runs in background
and also define a volume on /data as we’ve done previously. In order the PID 1 process remains
active, we use the following command that pings Google DNS and log the output in a file within
the /data folder.
ping > /data/ping.txt
The container is ran that way:
docker container run --name c3 -d -v /data alpine sh -c 'ping >
Data Volume API
The volume API introduced in Docker 1.9 enables to perform operations on volume very easily.
First have a look at the commands available in the volume API.
docker volume --help
We will start with the create command, and create a volume named html.
docker volume create --name html
If we list the existing volume, our html volume should be the only one.
docker volume ls
The output should be something like
[other previously created volumes]
local html
docker container run --name www -d -p 8080:80 -v html:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
A bit of networking!
The Docker Network Command
The docker network command is the main command for configuring and managing
container networks. Run the docker network command from the first terminal.
docker network
Run a docker network ls command to view existing container networks on the current
Docker host.
docker network ls
Every clean installation of Docker comes with a pre-built network called bridge. Verify this
with the docker network ls.
All networks created with the bridge driver are based on a Linux bridge (a.k.a. a virtual
The Docker Bridge Network
The Docker Swarm Network
Now, what are services?
Docker service is a part of Docker’s native approach for container
● transition from deploying containers individually on a single host, to deploying
complex multi-container apps on many machines.
● a distributed platform, independent from infrastructure, that stays online through
the entire lifetime of your application, surviving hardware failure and software
Container Orchestration is:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
$(hostname -i)
Copy the join command (watch out for newlines) output
and paste it in the other terminal.
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Type the below command in the first terminal:
docker node ls
That last line will show you a list of all the nodes, something like this:
kytp4gq5mrvmdbb0qpifdxeiv * node1 Ready Active
lz1j4d6290j8lityk4w0cxls5 node2 Ready Active
If you try to execute an administrative command in a non-leader node
worker, you’ll get an error. Try it here:
docker node ls
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
docker service create --name hello -p 80:80
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
Set your browser to:
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
Scale Up:
docker service scale hello=3
Let’s check our service status:
docker service ps hello
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
Set your browser to:
And refresh multiple times:
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
Scale Down:
docker service scale hello=2
Let’s check our service status:
docker service ps hello
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
Set your browser to:
And refresh multiple times:
Get a Docker
Swarm Cluster
Create Services
Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker
Update Publisher Port
docker service update --publish-add 81:80
docker services ls
Set your browser to:
Thank you!

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Docker Essentials Workshop— Innovation Labs July 2020

  • 3. Workshop Agenda ● Getting started with containers ○ How to build an image ■ Base images ■ Dockerfile ■ Docker build ■ Docker commit ○ Docker tags ○ Push / Pull image ○ Docker Volumes
  • 4. Workshop Agenda ● A bit of history about orchestration ● Introduction to services ○ What is a service ○ Creating services ○ Scaling Services ○ Rolling Updates
  • 5. Prerequisites ● Docker Running on your Laptop ○ Docker for Mac / Windows ● Git ○ git clone https://github.com/andrei821/orchestration-workshop.git
  • 6. What is a Docker Container ?
  • 7. What is Docker ? CloudHero - Bucharest 2015 Lightweight runtime and packaging tool
  • 8. VM Kernel OS Libs App Libs App Binary (process)
  • 9. VM Kernel OS Libs App Libs App Binary (process) User Space
  • 10. VM Kernel OS Libs App Libs App Binary (process) App Libs App Binary (process) User Space
  • 14. User Space VM Kernel App Libs App Binary (process) OS Libs Container App Libs App Binary (process) OS Libs Container User Space
  • 15. Key Takeaways ● Containers are NOT VM’s or mini VM’s or Servers ○ So they DO NOT BOOT ● Containers are just Containers ○ Packs of binaries and libraries that are executed on a shared kernel in their own name space. ● They provide great portability and some extra layer of security
  • 16. Docker for MAC / Docker for Windows
  • 17. The marketplace for validated software and tools available in Docker format for businesses and publishers • Easy search and deploy • Trusted and compliant • https://store.docker.com The Docker Store
  • 19. App Libs App Binary (process) OS Libs Image User Space VM Kernel App Libs App Binary (process) OS Libs Container App Libs App Binary (process) OS Libs Container User Space
  • 20. The Docker Magic Try to run figlet on your computer (just type figlet)
  • 21. The Docker Magic docker run -ti --name figlet ubuntu bash
  • 22. The Docker Magic apt-get update && apt-get install figlet
  • 23. The Docker Magic figlet “Innovation Labs”
  • 24. The Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:trusty MAINTAINER Andrei Manea <andrei@cloudhero.io> # Install base packages RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install curl apache2 Source: https://github.com/cloud-hero/apache-php INSTRUCTION statement
  • 25. Building an Image Building an image allows you to create your own custom images that you can use and share with others.
  • 26. Building an Image git https://github.com/cloud-hero/apache-php.git docker-demo cd docker-demo docker build -t cloudhero/apache-php . docker images ls Source: https://github.com/cloud-hero/apache-php
  • 27. Managing Images List images: docker images Delete images: docker rmi image_name / id docker images
  • 28. Committing an Image Committing an image allows you to create your own custom images from running containers.
  • 29. Committing an Image docker run -ti ubuntu bash root@9923jj4a9 apt update && apt install nginx-full --- docker ps -a docker commit -m “Added Nginx” -a “Andrei Manea” 9923jj4a9 nginx-ubuntu:latest docker images ls
  • 30. Settings Tags on an Image Tags (or image names) can be used to organise and find images easier.
  • 31. Settings Tags on an Image docker tag 9923jj4a9 my-hub-id/nginx-ubuntu:latest
  • 32. Push an Images to Docker Hub / Store Once you’ve built or created a new image you can push it to Docker Hub using the docker push command. This allows you to share it with others, either publicly, or push it into a private repository.
  • 33. Push an Images to Docker Hub / Store docker push my-hub-id/nginx-ubuntu:latest
  • 34. Getting Started w/ Containers
  • 35. Managing Containers We can list all the running container. docker container ls And then all the container existing on the host. docker container ls -a From this list, get the id of the container in which we installed the figlet package and restart the container using the ‘start’ command. docker container start CONTAINER_ID Run an interactive shell in this container. We will use the exec command to do so. docker container exec -ti CONTAINER_ID bash figlet Still Here! exit
  • 36. Managing Containers We can list all the running container. docker container ls And then all the container existing on the host. docker container ls -a From this list, get the id of the container that you want to delete. docker container rm CONTAINER_ID (or force a running container with `rm -f`) Mass deletion of containers. docker container ls -aq Docker container rm `docker container ls -aq`
  • 38. Data persistency without a Volume Let’s run an interactive shell within an alpine container named c1. docker container run --name c1 -ti alpine sh We will create the /data folder and a dummy hello.txt file in it. mkdir /data && cd /data && touch hello.txt We will then check how the read-write layer (container layer) is accessible from the host. Let exit the container first exit Let’s inspect our container in order to get the location of the container’s layer. We can use the inspect command and then scroll into the output until the GraphDriver key, like the following. docker container inspect -f "{{ json .GraphDriver }}" c1 | python -m json.tool
  • 39. Data persistency without a Volume ls /graph/overlay2/[YOUR_ID]/diff/data docker container rm c1 It seems the folder defined in the UpperDir above does not exist anymore. Do you confirm that ? Try running the ls command again and see the results.
  • 40. Data persistency with a Volume Defining a volume in a Dockerfile FROM alpine VOLUME ["/data"] ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"] Let’s build an image from this Dockerfile. docker image build -t img1 . docker container run --name c2 -ti img1 We should then end up in a shell within the container. From there, we will go into /data and create a hello.txt file. cd /data touch hello.txt ls
  • 41. Data persistency with a Volume Let’s create a container from the alpine image, we’ll use the -d option so it runs in background and also define a volume on /data as we’ve done previously. In order the PID 1 process remains active, we use the following command that pings Google DNS and log the output in a file within the /data folder. ping > /data/ping.txt The container is ran that way: docker container run --name c3 -d -v /data alpine sh -c 'ping > /data/ping.txt'
  • 42. Data Volume API The volume API introduced in Docker 1.9 enables to perform operations on volume very easily. First have a look at the commands available in the volume API. docker volume --help We will start with the create command, and create a volume named html. docker volume create --name html If we list the existing volume, our html volume should be the only one. docker volume ls The output should be something like DRIVER VOLUME NAME [other previously created volumes] local html docker container run --name www -d -p 8080:80 -v html:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
  • 43. A bit of networking!
  • 44. The Docker Network Command The docker network command is the main command for configuring and managing container networks. Run the docker network command from the first terminal. docker network Run a docker network ls command to view existing container networks on the current Docker host. docker network ls Every clean installation of Docker comes with a pre-built network called bridge. Verify this with the docker network ls. All networks created with the bridge driver are based on a Linux bridge (a.k.a. a virtual switch).
  • 45. The Docker Bridge Network
  • 46. The Docker Swarm Network
  • 47. Now, what are services?
  • 48. Docker service is a part of Docker’s native approach for container orchestration
  • 49. ● transition from deploying containers individually on a single host, to deploying complex multi-container apps on many machines. ● a distributed platform, independent from infrastructure, that stays online through the entire lifetime of your application, surviving hardware failure and software updates. Container Orchestration is:
  • 50. docker swarm init --advertise-addr $(hostname -i) Copy the join command (watch out for newlines) output and paste it in the other terminal. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale
  • 51. Type the below command in the first terminal: docker node ls That last line will show you a list of all the nodes, something like this: ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS kytp4gq5mrvmdbb0qpifdxeiv * node1 Ready Active Leader lz1j4d6290j8lityk4w0cxls5 node2 Ready Active If you try to execute an administrative command in a non-leader node worker, you’ll get an error. Try it here: docker node ls Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale
  • 52. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker docker service create --name hello -p 80:80 cloudhero/apache-php
  • 53. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker Set your browser to: http://localhost:80
  • 54. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker Scale Up: docker service scale hello=3 Let’s check our service status: docker service ps hello
  • 55. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker Set your browser to: http://localhost:80 And refresh multiple times:
  • 56. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker Scale Down: docker service scale hello=2 Let’s check our service status: docker service ps hello
  • 57. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker Set your browser to: http://localhost:80 And refresh multiple times:
  • 58. Get a Docker Swarm Cluster Create Services Test Update Scale Scalable and Highly Available Hello-World With Docker Update Publisher Port docker service update --publish-add 81:80 hello docker services ls Set your browser to: http://localhost:81