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Docker Introductory workshop
What is Docker?
Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of
applications inside software containers.
What is Docker?
“an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run
distributed applications”
Why Docker?
Why Docker?
“Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete
filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code,
runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can
be installed on a server. This guarantees that the software
will always run the same, regardless of its environment.”
source: https://www.docker.com/what-docker
Why Docker?
VMs vs. Docker
VMs vs. Docker
Docker accesses virtualisation features of
Getting Started
Essential Docker components
Docker Introductory workshop
Can I install Docker from
Yes! from get.docker.com
Docker Introductory workshop
Finding Docker version
$ docker version
Finding details of a Docker
$ docker info
How to do “hello world” in
$ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay Hello World
How to do “Hello World” in
$ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay "Hello world"
Runs a command
in a new container
Base image for
creating the container
Command name to
run within the container
Argument to the
“cowsay” command
How to do “hello world” in
$ docker run -it hello-world
How to get help on commands to
$ docker --help
Docker commands look like Linux commands - so
familiarity with Linux commands can really help to get
up to speed quickly with Docker.
Docker Images
“Images are blueprints for containers”
How to get list of images?
$ docker images
How to search for an image?
$ docker search <image_name>
How to get an image?
$ docker pull <image_name>
In my case fedora image was
already pulled. If it were not there,
Docker would have pulled it afresh
Choose smaller images
❖ Example: Alpine vs. Fedora (5 MB vs. 205 MB)
alpine latest 4e38e38c8ce0 4 weeks ago 4.799 MB
fedora latest f9873d530588 4 weeks ago 204.4 MB
❖ Prefer choosing a smaller base image that provides
equivalent functionality (for your requirement) instead of
choosing a larger one
How to get details of an
$ docker inspect <image_name>
How to see “layers” in an image?
$ docker history <image_name>
Each of these lines are layers and
the size column shows the exact size
of each layer in the image
How can I load and store
$ docker save <image_name> -o <filename.tar>
$ docker load –i <filename.tar>
How do I delete an image?
$ docker rmi <image-tag>
How to delete all docker images?
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
docker images -q
lists all image ids
❖ Avoid “Image Sprawl”
❖ Remove unused images and release disk
How to find “dangling
$ docker images -f "dangling=true"
❖ Remove “dangling images” using the command below:
$ docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
Docker Containers
How to get list of containers?
$ docker ps -a
How to run a container?
$ docker run OPTIONS <image-tag> CMD ARGS
$ docker run fedora /bin/echo 'Hello world'
Image name Command argument
Command name
How to run a container
$ docker run –i -t fedora /bin/bash
Run in terminal
Cobb’s Totem - The Top
Running a container - Totem?
How to run a container in the
$ docker run -d alpine /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo current date and time is: $(date); sleep 10; done"
How to expose/map a port?
$ docker inspect c7ada3308269 | grep Port
$ docker run –d –p 80:80 nginx
Mapped port - nginx
host port (on which this command is run)
Using Nginx
Type http://localhost:80 in your browser window
How to expose a port?
$ docker run -d -p 80 --name mynginx
$ docker inspect mynginx | grep
randomly assigned and mapped
port number (by docker)
host port; since no explicit mapped
port is provided, a random port is
How to expose all exposed
$ docker run -d -P --name mynginx
$ docker port
-P publishes all exposed ports to random ports
Exposing ports
$ docker run -d -p 80 --name nginx1 nginx
$ docker port nginx1
80/tcp ->
Maps the port 80 from
container to a random port in
the host
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx2 nginx
$ docker port nginx2
80/tcp ->
Maps the port 80 from
container to port 80 in the host
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name nginx3 nginx
$ docker port nginx3
80/tcp ->
443/tcp ->
Maps the container ports 80
and 443 to the same port nos.
in the host
$ docker run -d -P --name nginx4 nginx
$ docker port nginx4
443/tcp ->
80/tcp ->
Maps the container ports 80
and 443 to random port nos. in
the host
The exposed ports in “nginx:latest” are “443/tcp" and “80/tcp”
How to attach to a running
$ docker attach <container_id>
$ docker run –d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo current date and time is: $(date); sleep 10; done"
short for “—detach” and it runs
container in the background
The “attach” command attaches to a running container
How to detach from a running container (without
From docker documentation
# To detach the tty without exiting the shell,
# use the escape sequence Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q
How to get list of containers?
$ docker ps
How do I see all the
$ docker ps -a
Explicitly remove exited
❖ Explicitly use "rm" to remove the container from the file
system - otherwise, even if the container exits, it is not
cleaned up yet (and will hog memory).
How do I remove a container?
$ docker stop <container_id>
You have to first stop a
container before trying
to remove it
$ docker rm <container_id>
How to remove all the
$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a –q)
Note how the output
shows no containers
How to debug on a running
$ docker exec –it <container_id> <cmd>
Using nginx
Nginx exposes ports 80; -P maps them
randomly in the custom ports range
$ docker run –d –name mynginx –P nginx
Using nginx - Example
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM nginx:latest
ADD ./index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
$ cat index.html
<h1> welcome to Dockerizing apps! <h1>
$ docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB
// output cropped ...
Removing intermediate container b043a75a4e1c
Successfully built 1aae04309f8b
$ docker images
<none> <none> 1aae04309f8b 6 seconds ago 182.8 MB
$ docker run -p 80:80 -d 1aae04309f8b
$ curl localhost:80
<h1> welcome to Dockerizing apps! <h1>
Type “localhost:80” in
the browser address bar
How do I run a C program?
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM gcc:latest
MAINTAINER Runcy Oommen version: 0.1
COPY . /usr/src/mycapp
WORKDIR /usr/src/mycapp
RUN gcc -o first first.c
CMD ["./first"]
$ cat first.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { printf("hello worldn"); }
$ docker build . –t "mycapp:latest"
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072
Step 1 : FROM gcc:latest
---> a0b516dc1799
// .. steps cropped...
Successfully built f99e7f18fa42
$ docker run -it mycapp
hello world
How do I run a Java
program?$ cat Dockerfile
FROM java:latest
COPY . /usr/src/
WORKDIR /usr/src/
RUN javac hello.java
CMD ["java", "hello"]
$ cat hello.java
class hello {
public static void main(String []args) {
System.out.println("hello world");
$ docker build . –t "myjavaapp:latest"
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB
Step 1 : FROM java:latest
---> 264282a59a95
// intermediate steps cropped
Successfully built 0d7a3a12ba9d
$ docker run myjavaapp
hello world
Beware of “container
❖ Application broken to run in “too many containers“ can be
difficult to deal with!
“Breaking deployments into more functional discrete
parts is smart, but that means we have MORE
PARTS to manage. There's an inflection point
between separation of concerns and sprawl.”
-- Rob Hirschfeld
(OpenStack Foundation board member)
Building images using
Different ways to create
docker commit Build an image from a container
docker build
Create an image from a Dockerfile by executing the
build steps given in the file
docker import
Create a base image by importing from a tarball.
[import is mainly used for creating base-images; first
two options are widely used]
Dockerfile - key instructions
The base image for building the new docker image; provide “FROM scratch” if
it is a base image itself
MAINTAINER The author of the Dockerfile and the email
RUN Any OS command to build the image
Specify the command to be started when the container is run; can be
overridden by the explicit argument when providing docker run command
ADD Copies files or directories from the host to the container in the given path
EXPOSE Exposes the specified port to the host machine
Docker Volumes
Docker volume commands
Command Description
docker volume create Create a volume
docker volume inspect
Display detailed information on one
or more volumes
docker volume ls List the available volumes
docker volume rm Remove one or more volumes
Commands for Docker
$ docker volume create --name myvolume
$ docker volume ls
local myvolume
$ docker volume inspect myvolume
"Name": "myvolume",
"Driver": "local",
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/myvolume/_data",
"Labels": {},
"Scope": "local"
$ docker volume rm myvolume
How to persist data?
$ docker run -v /volumetesting --name="persistdata" alpine /bin/sh -c "echo testing
persistence with volumes > /volumetesting/textfile.txt”
$ docker run --volumes-from=persistdata alpine /bin/sh -c "cat /volumetesting/textfile.txt"
testing persistence with volumes
Use -v option to “mount volumes”
Removing volumes
$ docker volume rm <volume_name>
Removing containers with
❖ When the container is removed, the volumes will not be
removed. If the volumes also need to be removed, you
have to use the -v option
$ docker rm –v <sha256_hash>
Clean up volumes
❖ You can “clean up” the volumes if you aren't using them.
$ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
Docker Compose
docker-compose commands
Command Description
docker-compose up (Re)build services
docker-compose kill Kill the containers
docker-compose logs Show the logs of the containers
docker-compose down
Stop and remove images, containers, volumes
and networks
docker-compose rm Remove stopped containers
Creating multiple Docker
Step 1. Create a docker-compose.yml file
Step 2. Execute “docker-compose up -d”
Step 3. Execute “docker-compose logs” from another shell (but from same dir)
Step 4. Execute “docker-compose down”
Docker Networking
Getting the ip address of a
$ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' fervent_sinoussi
$ docker attach fervent_sinoussi
root@856aed6a92f1:/# ip addr
// ...
92: eth0@if93: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default
link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:06 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::42:acff:fe11:6/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
root@856aed6a92f1:/# cat /etc/hosts
// ... 856aed6a92f1
There are many ways to get the IP address of a container:
1. Use the docker inspect command
2. Use ip addr command from the container’s shell
3. Use “cat /etc/hosts” and check the entry for the container
How to get port mappings of a
$ docker port <container_id>
Three kinds of networks
$ docker network ls
By default, containers are
added to the bridge network.
You can see the containers in
bridge network here
Docker network commands
Command Description
docker network connect Connect a container to a network
docker network create Create a network
docker network disconnect
Disconnect a container from a
docker network inspect
Display detailed information on one
or more networks
docker network ls List networks
docker network rm Remove one or more networks
Docker security
Docker security
“One primary risk with running Docker containers is that the default
set of capabilities and mounts given to a container may provide
incomplete isolation, either independently, or when used in
combination with kernel vulnerabilities”
Source: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/security/
Docker workbench for
git clone https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security.git
cd docker-bench-security
sh docker-bench-security.sh
git clone https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security.git
cd docker-bench-security
docker-compose run --rm docker-bench-security
❖ Use the free Docker Workbench For Security to check for
violations of security best practices
Docker workbench for
Monitoring Docker
Stats for all running
$ docker stats
Displays resource utilisation (cpu,
memory, etc) details; automatically
updated when details change
Stats for a specific Docker
$ docker stats <CONTAINTER_ID>
Other Topics
‘RunC’ container runtime
RunC is the name of the container runtime used by Docker
It is part of OCI (Open Container Initiative)
Can I use GUI instead of command-
Use “kitematic” (https://github.com/docker/kitematic)
Crazy stuff: Docker in
$ docker run --privileged -d docker:dind"
“docker:dind” is the official “Docker In Docker image”
See: https://github.com/jpetazzo/dind
Myths and Misconceptions
Docker *completely* replaces
Containers AND VMs
Docker is *completely*
There are limitations to portability with Docker (depending on
what you mean by “portable”).
For example, you can run a Windows Docker container only on
Windows and run a Linux Docker container only on Linux (and
not vice versa).
Build once, run anywhere - but conditions apply!
“Management says we need
Docker, so let’s use it”
Quick Ref
Docker commands
Docker commands
Source: http://zeroturnaround.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Docker-cheat-sheet-by-RebelLabs.png
Where to learn more?
Relevant URLs
❖ Docker resources list: https://github.com/hangyan/docker-resources
❖ Self-learning courses: https://training.docker.com/
❖ Detailed documentation: https://docs.docker.com/
❖ Various presentations: http://container.training
❖ SE-Radio Episode 217: James Turnbull on Docker
RUNNING➤ Covers how to develop, test,
debug, ship, scale, and
support with Docker from
DevOps perspective
➤ We liked the useful tips;
➤ “Maximize robustness with fast
startup and graceful shutdown.”
➤ “Explicitly declare and isolate
➤ “Strictly separate build and run
“Docker: Up & Running”, Karl Matthias, Sean P. Kane, O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (July 3, 2015)
BOOK➤ Interesting sub-title:
“Containerization is the new
➤ From James Turnbull (CTO at
Kickstarter and Advisor at
➤ Useful to get comfortable with
core concepts of Docker
➤ Useful for developers,
operations staff (and DevOps),
and SysAdmins
➤ Supporting website:
The Docker Book, James Turnbull, Amazon Digital South Asia Services, July 2014
COOKBOOK➤ Contents written in recipe
format (Problem, Solution,
➤ Useful because we can look for
solutions to the problems that we
face when using Docker
➤ What we like: it covers topics
that are not covered well in
other books including
Kubernetes, Docker
ecosystem tools, monitoring
Docker, and application use
cases (CI, CD)
“Docker Cookbook”, Sébastien Goasguen, O'Reilly Media, 2015
❖ Book organized into
three parts:
❖ Background and Basics
❖ The Software Lifecycle with
❖ Tools and Techniques
❖ Useful example: Walks
you through the steps to
develop and deploy web
applications with Docker
❖ Though the book
touches upon basics, it
covers more advanced
Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers, Adrian Mouat, O'Reilly Media, 2016
Q &

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Docker Introductory workshop

  • 3. What is Docker? Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers.
  • 4. What is Docker? “an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications”
  • 6. Why Docker? “Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a server. This guarantees that the software will always run the same, regardless of its environment.” source: https://www.docker.com/what-docker
  • 10. Docker accesses virtualisation features of Linux
  • 14. Can I install Docker from commandline? Yes! from get.docker.com
  • 16. Finding Docker version $ docker version
  • 17. Finding details of a Docker installation $ docker info
  • 18. How to do “hello world” in Docker? $ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay Hello World
  • 19. How to do “Hello World” in Docker? $ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay "Hello world" Runs a command in a new container Base image for creating the container Command name to run within the container Argument to the “cowsay” command
  • 20. How to do “hello world” in Docker? $ docker run -it hello-world
  • 21. How to get help on commands to use? $ docker --help
  • 22. Docker commands look like Linux commands - so familiarity with Linux commands can really help to get up to speed quickly with Docker.
  • 23. Docker Images “Images are blueprints for containers”
  • 24. How to get list of images? $ docker images
  • 25. How to search for an image? $ docker search <image_name>
  • 26. How to get an image? $ docker pull <image_name> In my case fedora image was already pulled. If it were not there, Docker would have pulled it afresh
  • 27. Choose smaller images ❖ Example: Alpine vs. Fedora (5 MB vs. 205 MB) alpine latest 4e38e38c8ce0 4 weeks ago 4.799 MB fedora latest f9873d530588 4 weeks ago 204.4 MB ❖ Prefer choosing a smaller base image that provides equivalent functionality (for your requirement) instead of choosing a larger one
  • 28. How to get details of an image? $ docker inspect <image_name>
  • 29. How to see “layers” in an image? $ docker history <image_name> Each of these lines are layers and the size column shows the exact size of each layer in the image
  • 30. How can I load and store images? $ docker save <image_name> -o <filename.tar> $ docker load –i <filename.tar>
  • 31. How do I delete an image? $ docker rmi <image-tag>
  • 32. How to delete all docker images? $ docker rmi $(docker images -q) docker images -q lists all image ids ❖ Avoid “Image Sprawl” ❖ Remove unused images and release disk space
  • 33. How to find “dangling images”? $ docker images -f "dangling=true" ❖ Remove “dangling images” using the command below: $ docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
  • 35. How to get list of containers? $ docker ps -a
  • 36. How to run a container? $ docker run OPTIONS <image-tag> CMD ARGS $ docker run fedora /bin/echo 'Hello world' Image name Command argument Command name
  • 37. How to run a container interactively? $ docker run –i -t fedora /bin/bash Interactive Run in terminal
  • 38. Cobb’s Totem - The Top
  • 40. How to run a container in the background? $ docker run -d alpine /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo current date and time is: $(date); sleep 10; done" Detach
  • 41. How to expose/map a port? $ docker inspect c7ada3308269 | grep Port $ docker run –d –p 80:80 nginx Mapped port - nginx host port (on which this command is run)
  • 42. Using Nginx Type http://localhost:80 in your browser window
  • 43. How to expose a port? $ docker run -d -p 80 --name mynginx nginx $ docker inspect mynginx | grep Port randomly assigned and mapped port number (by docker) host port; since no explicit mapped port is provided, a random port is assigned
  • 44. How to expose all exposed ports? $ docker run -d -P --name mynginx nginx $ docker port mynginx -P publishes all exposed ports to random ports
  • 45. Exposing ports $ docker run -d -p 80 --name nginx1 nginx d415758906dccc07aae319fc438c825e878ea00ffd58551c63d5c41fd39e4153 $ docker port nginx1 80/tcp -> Maps the port 80 from container to a random port in the host $ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx2 nginx 4d7c26218b440d054d33799b7be1174254db50550254211d739f9403ca4092e9 $ docker port nginx2 80/tcp -> Maps the port 80 from container to port 80 in the host $ docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name nginx3 nginx 2cfde425380601479aaf5e33a9b1fc09111d84b49595c33f509c00ad2cafc12d $ docker port nginx3 80/tcp -> 443/tcp -> Maps the container ports 80 and 443 to the same port nos. in the host $ docker run -d -P --name nginx4 nginx 8e5fadfbcf5f3145909aed3219738535ad81e534153d5958fbec07f9e9c49e67 $ docker port nginx4 443/tcp -> 80/tcp -> Maps the container ports 80 and 443 to random port nos. in the host The exposed ports in “nginx:latest” are “443/tcp" and “80/tcp”
  • 46. How to attach to a running container? $ docker attach <container_id> $ docker run –d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo current date and time is: $(date); sleep 10; done" short for “—detach” and it runs container in the background The “attach” command attaches to a running container
  • 47. How to detach from a running container (without exiting)? From docker documentation # To detach the tty without exiting the shell, # use the escape sequence Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q
  • 48. How to get list of containers? $ docker ps
  • 49. How do I see all the containers? $ docker ps -a
  • 50. Explicitly remove exited containers ❖ Explicitly use "rm" to remove the container from the file system - otherwise, even if the container exits, it is not cleaned up yet (and will hog memory).
  • 51. How do I remove a container? $ docker stop <container_id> You have to first stop a container before trying to remove it $ docker rm <container_id>
  • 52. How to remove all the containers? $ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) $ docker rm $(docker ps -a –q) Note how the output shows no containers
  • 53. How to debug on a running container? $ docker exec –it <container_id> <cmd>
  • 54. Using nginx Nginx exposes ports 80; -P maps them randomly in the custom ports range $ docker run –d –name mynginx –P nginx
  • 55. Using nginx - Example $ cat Dockerfile FROM nginx:latest MAINTAINER Runcy Oommen ADD ./index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html EXPOSE 80 $ cat index.html <h1> welcome to Dockerizing apps! <h1> $ docker build . Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB // output cropped ... Removing intermediate container b043a75a4e1c Successfully built 1aae04309f8b $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE <none> <none> 1aae04309f8b 6 seconds ago 182.8 MB $ docker run -p 80:80 -d 1aae04309f8b 984c179231188445289e70d854250e4e981b77a899208360db4466e73930be42 $ curl localhost:80 <h1> welcome to Dockerizing apps! <h1> Type “localhost:80” in the browser address bar
  • 56. How do I run a C program? $ cat Dockerfile FROM gcc:latest MAINTAINER Runcy Oommen version: 0.1 COPY . /usr/src/mycapp WORKDIR /usr/src/mycapp RUN gcc -o first first.c CMD ["./first"] $ cat first.c #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("hello worldn"); } $ docker build . –t "mycapp:latest" Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1 : FROM gcc:latest ---> a0b516dc1799 // .. steps cropped... Successfully built f99e7f18fa42 $ docker run -it mycapp hello world
  • 57. How do I run a Java program?$ cat Dockerfile FROM java:latest COPY . /usr/src/ WORKDIR /usr/src/ RUN javac hello.java CMD ["java", "hello"] $ cat hello.java class hello { public static void main(String []args) { System.out.println("hello world"); } } $ docker build . –t "myjavaapp:latest" Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1 : FROM java:latest ---> 264282a59a95 // intermediate steps cropped Successfully built 0d7a3a12ba9d $ docker run myjavaapp hello world
  • 58. Beware of “container sprawl” ❖ Application broken to run in “too many containers“ can be difficult to deal with! “Breaking deployments into more functional discrete parts is smart, but that means we have MORE PARTS to manage. There's an inflection point between separation of concerns and sprawl.” -- Rob Hirschfeld (OpenStack Foundation board member)
  • 60. Different ways to create images docker commit Build an image from a container docker build Create an image from a Dockerfile by executing the build steps given in the file docker import Create a base image by importing from a tarball. [import is mainly used for creating base-images; first two options are widely used]
  • 61. Dockerfile - key instructions FROM The base image for building the new docker image; provide “FROM scratch” if it is a base image itself MAINTAINER The author of the Dockerfile and the email RUN Any OS command to build the image CMD Specify the command to be started when the container is run; can be overridden by the explicit argument when providing docker run command ADD Copies files or directories from the host to the container in the given path EXPOSE Exposes the specified port to the host machine
  • 63. Docker volume commands Command Description docker volume create Create a volume docker volume inspect Display detailed information on one or more volumes docker volume ls List the available volumes docker volume rm Remove one or more volumes
  • 64. Commands for Docker volumes $ docker volume create --name myvolume myvolume $ docker volume ls local myvolume $ docker volume inspect myvolume [ { "Name": "myvolume", "Driver": "local", "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/myvolume/_data", "Labels": {}, "Scope": "local" } ] $ docker volume rm myvolume myvolume
  • 65. How to persist data? $ docker run -v /volumetesting --name="persistdata" alpine /bin/sh -c "echo testing persistence with volumes > /volumetesting/textfile.txt” $ docker run --volumes-from=persistdata alpine /bin/sh -c "cat /volumetesting/textfile.txt" testing persistence with volumes Use -v option to “mount volumes”
  • 66. Removing volumes $ docker volume rm <volume_name>
  • 67. Removing containers with volumes ❖ When the container is removed, the volumes will not be removed. If the volumes also need to be removed, you have to use the -v option $ docker rm –v <sha256_hash>
  • 68. Clean up volumes ❖ You can “clean up” the volumes if you aren't using them. $ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
  • 70. docker-compose commands Command Description docker-compose up (Re)build services docker-compose kill Kill the containers docker-compose logs Show the logs of the containers docker-compose down Stop and remove images, containers, volumes and networks docker-compose rm Remove stopped containers
  • 71. Creating multiple Docker containers Step 1. Create a docker-compose.yml file Step 2. Execute “docker-compose up -d” Step 3. Execute “docker-compose logs” from another shell (but from same dir) Step 4. Execute “docker-compose down”
  • 73. Getting the ip address of a container $ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' fervent_sinoussi $ docker attach fervent_sinoussi root@856aed6a92f1:/# ip addr // ... 92: eth0@if93: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:06 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::42:acff:fe11:6/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever root@856aed6a92f1:/# cat /etc/hosts // ... 856aed6a92f1 root@856aed6a92f1:/# There are many ways to get the IP address of a container: 1. Use the docker inspect command 2. Use ip addr command from the container’s shell 3. Use “cat /etc/hosts” and check the entry for the container
  • 74. How to get port mappings of a container? $ docker port <container_id>
  • 75. Three kinds of networks $ docker network ls By default, containers are added to the bridge network. You can see the containers in bridge network here
  • 76. Docker network commands Command Description docker network connect Connect a container to a network docker network create Create a network docker network disconnect Disconnect a container from a network docker network inspect Display detailed information on one or more networks docker network ls List networks docker network rm Remove one or more networks
  • 78. Docker security “One primary risk with running Docker containers is that the default set of capabilities and mounts given to a container may provide incomplete isolation, either independently, or when used in combination with kernel vulnerabilities” Source: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/security/
  • 79. Docker workbench for security git clone https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security.git cd docker-bench-security sh docker-bench-security.sh git clone https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security.git cd docker-bench-security docker-compose run --rm docker-bench-security OR ❖ Use the free Docker Workbench For Security to check for violations of security best practices
  • 82. Stats for all running containers $ docker stats Displays resource utilisation (cpu, memory, etc) details; automatically updated when details change
  • 83. Stats for a specific Docker $ docker stats <CONTAINTER_ID>
  • 85. ‘RunC’ container runtime RunC is the name of the container runtime used by Docker It is part of OCI (Open Container Initiative) https://runc.io/
  • 86. Can I use GUI instead of command- line? Use “kitematic” (https://github.com/docker/kitematic)
  • 87. Crazy stuff: Docker in Docker!! $ docker run --privileged -d docker:dind" “docker:dind” is the official “Docker In Docker image” See: https://github.com/jpetazzo/dind
  • 91. Docker is *completely* portable There are limitations to portability with Docker (depending on what you mean by “portable”). For example, you can run a Windows Docker container only on Windows and run a Linux Docker container only on Linux (and not vice versa). Build once, run anywhere - but conditions apply!
  • 92. “Management says we need Docker, so let’s use it”
  • 97. Where to learn more?
  • 98. Relevant URLs ❖ Docker resources list: https://github.com/hangyan/docker-resources ❖ Self-learning courses: https://training.docker.com/ ❖ Detailed documentation: https://docs.docker.com/ ❖ Various presentations: http://container.training ❖ SE-Radio Episode 217: James Turnbull on Docker
  • 99. DOCKER: UP & RUNNING➤ Covers how to develop, test, debug, ship, scale, and support with Docker from DevOps perspective ➤ We liked the useful tips; examples: ➤ “Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown.” ➤ “Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies.” ➤ “Strictly separate build and run stages.” http://amzn.com/1491917571 “Docker: Up & Running”, Karl Matthias, Sean P. Kane, O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (July 3, 2015)
  • 100. THE DOCKER BOOK➤ Interesting sub-title: “Containerization is the new virtualization”. ➤ From James Turnbull (CTO at Kickstarter and Advisor at Docker) ➤ Useful to get comfortable with core concepts of Docker ➤ Useful for developers, operations staff (and DevOps), and SysAdmins ➤ Supporting website: http://dockerbook.com/ http://www.amazon.in/dp/B00LRROTI4 The Docker Book, James Turnbull, Amazon Digital South Asia Services, July 2014
  • 101. DOCKER COOKBOOK➤ Contents written in recipe format (Problem, Solution, Discussion) ➤ Useful because we can look for solutions to the problems that we face when using Docker ➤ What we like: it covers topics that are not covered well in other books including Kubernetes, Docker ecosystem tools, monitoring Docker, and application use cases (CI, CD) http://amzn.com/149191971X “Docker Cookbook”, Sébastien Goasguen, O'Reilly Media, 2015
  • 102. ❖ Book organized into three parts: ❖ Background and Basics ❖ The Software Lifecycle with Docker ❖ Tools and Techniques ❖ Useful example: Walks you through the steps to develop and deploy web applications with Docker ❖ Though the book touches upon basics, it covers more advanced topicshttp://amzn.com/1491915765 Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers, Adrian Mouat, O'Reilly Media, 2016 USING DOCKER