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Freelance Front End Developer
By week 7, you should have submitted pseudo code and a
draft of the HTML/CSS for your application. This week, you'll
focus on drafting the JavaScript and jQuery you'll need for
your application.
Use the '+' button in the top-left of GitHub Desktop
(Create tab)
Create a new repository called 'FEWD_Week7'
Choose the [home]/FEWD folder for the local path
Open this repo folder in your editor
Commit the changes and publish the FEWD_Week7
repository to github.com
To get the week7_working_files you should just be able to
select the ga-fewd-files repository in GitHub Desktop and
press 'Sync'. This should pull in this weeks folder from
If you any difficulties you should just re-clone the ga-fewd-
files repository.
Copy the whole week7_working_files into your FEWD_Week7
repository and commit and publish to github.com
Why isn't this working?
Always start be defining the problem.
"The image is not moving"
"None of my code works"
This will tell you where to start your hunt
Image not moving
find the code that makes the image move
None of my code works
Syntax error, check console
Check for errors (red text, aligned right) in console To access
debugging console
Click the error
The location may not be correct but is a good place to start
Ex: Unbalanced brackets or parentheses
So no red errors but not getting the right answer? Try
var stringOfNames="";
Use the debugger in Chrome
Set a breakpoint
Run the code
Step through the code until you get to the error
Variable values display on the right
You can switch to the console to run code or check value
of variable
Get help!
1. Try "Your preferred search engine" search
2. Be ready to clearly articulate the problem (Write out what
your problem is)
3. If nothing, ask instructor
Open week6_working_files/debug
This week we are bringing HTML/CSS back into the
equation. Let's return to responsive layouts and units as
discussed in Week 3.
Responsive Layouts
Media Queries
Let's read through the refresher notes for Week 3 again. Go
em: a sized based on the width of the letter "m"
rem: a "root" em
Some browsers have issues with fonts sized in percents, em
is better for fonts.
Did anyone read this web page?
One other layout options is to use emfor layout widths as
well as for font-sizes. This means that the page will resize
according to the end user's preferred text size.
This blog post from 2009 is still useful for explaining fixed
versus fluid versus elastic layouts (though most of the
example links are no longer correct):
But remember Flexbox is slowing making these older ways
of doing responsive websites obsolete.
Let's start building a layout using boxes. We will eventually
make this layout responsive. Open
week7_working_files/responsive_boxes/readme.pdf in your
browser. You can use floator display:inline-
blockor Flexbox, for columns.
Recreate Boxing 1 using html and css. You can use the
week3_working_files/layout_challenge/5.magazine files as a
starting point if using Flexbox. Otherwise use one of the
1.two-column layouts. Copy the files into
week7_working_files/responsive_boxes folder.
Note that you need to have a hidden element.
Go to this website
Open Chrome Dev Tools (CTRL + Alt + I)
Set the Dock Side to the right and then click on the mobile
Also look at the site on your phone browser. Discuss what is
making the site responsive.
Looking for comparisons of fixed versus responsive layouts.
Checkout these Fixed sites
Checkout these Responsive Sites
Designmodo examples
Continuing with our boxing exercise. Keeping the same
HTML, add/overwrite classes in your CSS, below your
existing code, to make the boxes look like Boxing 2.
We have used fixed layouts in our designs up to this point
- e.g in Relaxr pages
Relies on a container of fixed width - usually 960px or
Has margin:0 auto(or similar) to center the container
Different styles for different screen widths
Uses an elastic/fluid layout
Fluid - Sized in percentages
Elastic - Sized in ems
Please read the first part of regarding syntax.this page
For a list of @mediatypes:
For building responsive web pages you will use the following
@media only screen and
(max-width: Npx) (min-width: Npx) (max-device-width:Npx) (min-device-
For tablets
(orientation: portrait) (orientation: landscape)
Separate multiple clauses with "and"
@media only screen and (max-width: 769px)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Standard media queries sizes
Small: up to 768px
Medium: 769-991px
Large: 992px+
The viewport meta tag (placed in the <head>) lets the
browser know that it has to scale your webpage
responsively on every device.
Combining the viewport meta tag with responsive CSS will
make your web page work across different mobile browsers.
Otherwise the mobile browser will assume a fixed layout of
between 800px to 1024px, and the user will have to zoom in
to different sections of the page.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
See this page to understand how device independent pixels
are required to enable the viewport meta tag to scale a
mobile browser page correctly:
There is an additional attribute for the viewport meta tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
initial-scale=1 user-scalable=none">
This prevents the user from using default browser zoom
functionality (including pinch-zooming) - the implication is
that responsive CSS and the standard use of the viewport
meta tag should make zooming unnecessary.
However this is essentially anti-accessibility:
On the flip-side of the argument against using user-
scalable=none, a couple of years ago, if you did use it
then (in Android) you would remove a mandatory 300
millisecond delay caused by waiting to detect a user double-
Following more recent changes, Chrome and Firefox now
remove the 300ms tap delay if your web page contains the
content="width=device-width"attribute instead.
This means you can retain pinch zooming.
Mobile Safari has a more complicated approach to solving
the 300ms delay by detecting for fast taps and slow taps:
However there is a JavaScript library called FastClick which
can be included which can be used to remove the 300ms
click delay across all mobile browsers:
/*inline boxes into columns*/
@media only screen and (max-width:768px){
/*insert responsive css here
eg: stack inline boxes*/
If I put the media query before
will this work as expected? See .this link
Returning to our boxing layout, use media-queries to make
your boxing web page responsive so that it changes from
Boxing 1 to Boxing 2 when the browser window width is
We will look more at CSS animations and transitions in Week
9 and Week 10.
Feel free to research this further in the meantime.
Grids are ways of creating complex fixed or fluid layouts,
involving nested rows and columns. Many grids have up to
12 columns and unlimited rows. NB Grids tend to use
floats for creating columns.
This article shows you how to create a responsive fluid grid
layout that uses media-queries to change to a single column
layout when the page gets too small.
Grids are often implemented using popular third party CSS
libraries, that provide tested cross-browser complex layouts
that developers can use out of the box.
The Bootstrap CSS library has grid layout classes (available
when you include and link bootstrap.css in your <head>):
The Bootstrap grid system is also responsive. You apply
different styles to your column <div>s and the relevant one
will be automatically used as your window resizes.
It is not actually that hard to build your own grid. In fact we
have already been doing so with things like the magazine
layout in Week 3.
A simple column layout is still a grid, more complex grid
layouts can still utilize simple CSS layout techniques:
(NB: this layout uses floats. We could use
display:inline-blockor Flexbox instead.)
There is also a new display:gridproperty, which is a
recent CSS addition like display:flex. At this time it is
still better to use Flexbox (display:flex).
How to make a website responsive.
Convert widths to percentages
Size fonts in ems
Identify columns that can be stacked
Determine what content is extra
Does that h1 need an h2 under it?
Will that one liner get the visitor to understand my site
or is it extra?
Determine what content needs to be visible
Is it necessary to show my entire nav if there are other
ways of getting to navigation?
Identify extra styling
Do my columns need a border if they're stacked?

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Fewd week7 slides

  • 1. FEWD - WEEK 7 WILL MYERS Freelance Front End Developer SLIDES http://www.slideshare.net/wilkom/fewd-week7-slides
  • 2. FINAL PROJECT MILESTONE 2 By week 7, you should have submitted pseudo code and a draft of the HTML/CSS for your application. This week, you'll focus on drafting the JavaScript and jQuery you'll need for your application.
  • 3. YOUR WEEKLY FEWD GITHUB REPOSITORY Use the '+' button in the top-left of GitHub Desktop (Create tab) Create a new repository called 'FEWD_Week7' Choose the [home]/FEWD folder for the local path Open this repo folder in your editor Commit the changes and publish the FEWD_Week7 repository to github.com
  • 4. YOUR WEEKLY WORKING FILES FROM ME To get the week7_working_files you should just be able to select the ga-fewd-files repository in GitHub Desktop and press 'Sync'. This should pull in this weeks folder from github.com. If you any difficulties you should just re-clone the ga-fewd- files repository. Copy the whole week7_working_files into your FEWD_Week7 repository and commit and publish to github.com
  • 7. DEBUGGING Always start be defining the problem. "The image is not moving" "None of my code works"
  • 8. DEBUGGING This will tell you where to start your hunt Image not moving find the code that makes the image move None of my code works Syntax error, check console
  • 9. DEBUGGING: LEVEL 1 Check for errors (red text, aligned right) in console To access debugging console PC: CTRL+SHIFT+J Mac: COMMAND+OPTION+J Click the error The location may not be correct but is a good place to start Ex: Unbalanced brackets or parentheses
  • 10. DEBUGGING: LEVEL 2 So no red errors but not getting the right answer? Try console.log Ex: var stringOfNames=""; ["Bob","Joe"].forEach(function(element){ stringOfNames-=element+","; console.log(stringOfNames); });
  • 11. DEBUGGING: LEVEL 3 Use the debugger in Chrome Set a breakpoint Run the code Step through the code until you get to the error Variable values display on the right You can switch to the console to run code or check value of variable
  • 12. DEBUGGING: LEVEL 4 Get help! 1. Try "Your preferred search engine" search 2. Be ready to clearly articulate the problem (Write out what your problem is) 3. If nothing, ask instructor
  • 14. AGENDA This week we are bringing HTML/CSS back into the equation. Let's return to responsive layouts and units as discussed in Week 3. Responsive Layouts REM/EM Media Queries
  • 15. Let's read through the refresher notes for Week 3 again. Go to: https://gist.github.com/wmyers/d2fedd6f2a52d272ad9e
  • 16. A BIT MORE ON EMS VS REMS em: a sized based on the width of the letter "m" rem: a "root" em Some browsers have issues with fonts sized in percents, em is better for fonts.
  • 17. LAYOUTS - STATIC VS LIQUID VS ADAPTIVE VS RESPONSIVE Did anyone read this web page? http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/which-page-layout
  • 18. LAYOUTS - ELASTIC One other layout options is to use emfor layout widths as well as for font-sizes. This means that the page will resize according to the end user's preferred text size. This blog post from 2009 is still useful for explaining fixed versus fluid versus elastic layouts (though most of the example links are no longer correct): https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/06/fixed-vs- fluid-vs-elastic-layout-whats-the-right-one-for-you/ But remember Flexbox is slowing making these older ways of doing responsive websites obsolete.
  • 19. BOXES EXERCISE Let's start building a layout using boxes. We will eventually make this layout responsive. Open week7_working_files/responsive_boxes/readme.pdf in your browser. You can use floator display:inline- blockor Flexbox, for columns. Recreate Boxing 1 using html and css. You can use the week3_working_files/layout_challenge/5.magazine files as a starting point if using Flexbox. Otherwise use one of the 1.two-column layouts. Copy the files into week7_working_files/responsive_boxes folder. Note that you need to have a hidden element.
  • 20. RESPONSIVE DESIGN IS MORE DESIGN THAN CODE. Go to this website Open Chrome Dev Tools (CTRL + Alt + I) Set the Dock Side to the right and then click on the mobile icon http://www.anderssonwise.com/ Also look at the site on your phone browser. Discuss what is making the site responsive.
  • 21. FIXED VS RESPONSIVE Looking for comparisons of fixed versus responsive layouts. Checkout these Fixed sites UPS.com Google.com Checkout these Responsive Sites Generalassemb.ly Designmodo examples
  • 22. MOBILE BOXES Continuing with our boxing exercise. Keeping the same HTML, add/overwrite classes in your CSS, below your existing code, to make the boxes look like Boxing 2.
  • 23. FIXED LAYOUT We have used fixed layouts in our designs up to this point - e.g in Relaxr pages Relies on a container of fixed width - usually 960px or 980px Has margin:0 auto(or similar) to center the container
  • 24. RESPONSIVE LAYOUT Different styles for different screen widths Uses an elastic/fluid layout Fluid - Sized in percentages Elastic - Sized in ems
  • 25. MEDIA QUERIES - USAGE Please read the first part of regarding syntax.this page For a list of @mediatypes: https://developer.mozilla.org/en- US/docs/Web/CSS/@media#Media_types For building responsive web pages you will use the following syntax: @media only screen and (max-width: Npx) (min-width: Npx) (max-device-width:Npx) (min-device- For tablets (orientation: portrait) (orientation: landscape)
  • 26. MEDIA QUERIES - USAGE Separate multiple clauses with "and" @media only screen and (max-width: 769px) and (orientation: landscape) { ... } Standard media queries sizes Small: up to 768px Medium: 769-991px Large: 992px+
  • 27. MOBILE DISPLAY - VIEWPORT The viewport meta tag (placed in the <head>) lets the browser know that it has to scale your webpage responsively on every device. Combining the viewport meta tag with responsive CSS will make your web page work across different mobile browsers. Otherwise the mobile browser will assume a fixed layout of between 800px to 1024px, and the user will have to zoom in to different sections of the page. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  • 28. VIEWPORT - DIFFERENT PIXELS See this page to understand how device independent pixels are required to enable the viewport meta tag to scale a mobile browser page correctly: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/ConfigureV hl=en
  • 29. VIEWPORT - USER SCALING There is an additional attribute for the viewport meta tag: user-scalable=none <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 user-scalable=none"> This prevents the user from using default browser zoom functionality (including pinch-zooming) - the implication is that responsive CSS and the standard use of the viewport meta tag should make zooming unnecessary. However this is essentially anti-accessibility: http://codepen.io/absolutholz/post/user-scalable-no-evil- or-slightly-not-evil
  • 30. VIEWPORT - 300MS TAP IN ANDROID On the flip-side of the argument against using user- scalable=none, a couple of years ago, if you did use it then (in Android) you would remove a mandatory 300 millisecond delay caused by waiting to detect a user double- tap. https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2013/12/300ms- tap-delay-gone-away Following more recent changes, Chrome and Firefox now remove the 300ms tap delay if your web page contains the content="width=device-width"attribute instead. This means you can retain pinch zooming.
  • 31. MOBILE DISPLAY - 300MS TAP IN IOS Mobile Safari has a more complicated approach to solving the 300ms delay by detecting for fast taps and slow taps: http://developer.telerik.com/featured/300-ms-click-delay- ios-8/ However there is a JavaScript library called FastClick which can be included which can be used to remove the 300ms click delay across all mobile browsers: https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick
  • 32. MEDIA QUERY USAGE /*inline boxes into columns*/ .box{ display:inline-block; } @media only screen and (max-width:768px){ /*insert responsive css here eg: stack inline boxes*/ .box{ display:block; } } If I put the media query before .box{ display:inline-block; } will this work as expected? See .this link
  • 33. RESPONSIVE BOXES Returning to our boxing layout, use media-queries to make your boxing web page responsive so that it changes from Boxing 1 to Boxing 2 when the browser window width is reduced.
  • 34. TRANSITIONS TO MAKE MEDIA QUERY CHANGES SMOOTHER We will look more at CSS animations and transitions in Week 9 and Week 10. Feel free to research this further in the meantime.
  • 35. LAYOUTS - GRIDS Grids are ways of creating complex fixed or fluid layouts, involving nested rows and columns. Many grids have up to 12 columns and unlimited rows. NB Grids tend to use floats for creating columns. This article shows you how to create a responsive fluid grid layout that uses media-queries to change to a single column layout when the page gets too small. http://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-css-grid-systems/ http://codepen.io/SitePoint/pen/dPqqvN
  • 36. GRIDS - BOOTSTRAP Grids are often implemented using popular third party CSS libraries, that provide tested cross-browser complex layouts that developers can use out of the box. The Bootstrap CSS library has grid layout classes (available when you include and link bootstrap.css in your <head>): http://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-bootstrap-grid- system/ The Bootstrap grid system is also responsive. You apply different styles to your column <div>s and the relevant one will be automatically used as your window resizes.
  • 37. GRIDS It is not actually that hard to build your own grid. In fact we have already been doing so with things like the magazine layout in Week 3. A simple column layout is still a grid, more complex grid layouts can still utilize simple CSS layout techniques: https://css-tricks.com/dont-overthink-it-grids/ (NB: this layout uses floats. We could use display:inline-blockor Flexbox instead.)
  • 38. LAYOUTS - THE NEW GRID DISPLAY PROPERTY There is also a new display:gridproperty, which is a recent CSS addition like display:flex. At this time it is still better to use Flexbox (display:flex).
  • 39. AGENDA How to make a website responsive.
  • 40. LEVEL ONE Convert widths to percentages Size fonts in ems Identify columns that can be stacked
  • 41. LEVEL TWO Determine what content is extra Does that h1 need an h2 under it? Will that one liner get the visitor to understand my site or is it extra? Determine what content needs to be visible Is it necessary to show my entire nav if there are other ways of getting to navigation? Identify extra styling Do my columns need a border if they're stacked?