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The purpose of this guide is to explain the areas of expertise that are
under the umbrella of UX (user experience) design, how to figure out
what type of UX professional you might need to add to your team,
and how to evaluate the skills and experience of UX candidates.
If, by the end, you realize you might
need help... we’re here to help!
The Team at Aquent
User experience (UX) has graduated from hot trend to business staple, with companies—
large and small—calling on UX professionals to create more intuitive and engaging
experiences for the users of their products and services.
As a result, most of us have heard of UX; what’s more, we all know we need UX
capabilities in our organizations. But what capabilities does the term “UX” encompass?
And how do you hire the right UX people with the right UX skills for your business?
To answer that second question, you need to be able to answer the first. And, unfortunately,
the answer to THAT question depends on whom you ask.

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design thinkinguxuser research
The UX Disciplines
The UX DisciplinesThe UX Disciplines
The UX Disciplines

The document discusses the disciplines of user experience (UX). It defines user-centered design as a process that considers user needs from the beginning. User experience is described as how a person feels about using a system and should be useful, desirable, usable, valuable, accessible, findable, and credible. The six core disciplines of UX are identified as information architecture, content strategy, user research, interaction design, visual design, and usability evaluation.

information architecturevisual designuser experience
The User Experience Professional’s
Association broadly defines user
experience as:
Every aspect of the user’s interaction with a
product, service, or company that make up
the user’s perceptions of the whole. User
experience design as a discipline is concerned
with all the elements that together make up
that interface, including layout, visual design,
text, brand, sound, and interaction. UX works to
coordinate these elements to allow for the best
possible interaction by users.
Such coordination relies on the
following skills and expertise:
•	 Understanding user sets (user research
and usability testing)
•	 Planning the layout of information and the
flow of a service (information architecture)
•	 Designing the way that users progress from
one step to another (interaction design)
•	 Planning and writing copy and media
content (content strategy & development)
•	 Designing the interface or overall visual
system (visual design)
•	 The ability to pull all of these elements
together with a cohesive vision (strategist)
Banks offer traditional “customer experiences” such as how customers interact with
tellers at a branch or the process of finding out a balance over the phone. They also
have websites where customers can log in to view balances or transfer funds, mobile
apps where customers can deposit checks, and ATMs where customers can get cash.
It is the responsibility of the UX team to make sure that the website is easy to navigate,
the mobile app and ATM are easy to use, and that all the components look cohesive and
provide comprehensive services.
In this paper, we will be concerned primarily with user experience
and user experience design within this digital context.
People tend to associate UX with a company’s digital experiences, such as websites
or mobile applications, but UX covers a much broader spectrum than what is online.
Consider a bank.
The range of UX skills and specialties can be viewed as a spectrum, with one end being
“softer” skills, such as the ability to empathize with users, and the other end being more
technical, such as being able to create functional prototypes in HTML and CSS.
Most UX professionals are going to have several areas of expertise, but their skills will
tend to fall into one of three high-level skill set categories:
•	 User research
•	 Information architecture/ interaction design
•	 Visual design
“Great,” you’re probably saying to yourself, “so can I hire one person to do all of that stuff?”
Unfortunately, the answer is probably “No.”
UX Strategist, UX Researcher,
Usability Tester,
Usability Engineer
UX Designer, UX Architect,
Information Designer
UX Designer, UI Designer,
Interface Designer
•	 Usability tests and findings
•	 Analytics reports
•	 Personas
•	 Scenarios
•	 Journey maps
•	 Task analyses
•	 Survey creation and analyses
•	 Focus group findings
•	 Competitive audits
•	 Workflows
•	 Wireframes
•	 Site maps
•	 Content audits and inventories
•	 Storyboards
•	 Journey maps
•	 Low-fidelity prototypes
•	 Sketches
•	 Card sorts
•	 Taxonomies
Help understand who
customers are and what to
build to serve their needs
Define the structure and flow
of the user experience
Design the look and feel
•	 Comps
•	 High-fidelity wireframes
•	 Prototypes
•	 Pattern libraries (for items
like navigation elements,
links, calendars, etc.)
•	 Font selection

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The UX design process involves understanding business needs and consumer needs through research. Key steps include stakeholder insights, consumer research to identify needs and behaviors, developing personas to represent different user types, creating a mental model and information architecture to organize content to support user tasks, and interaction design to define the screen-level experience. The goal is to intuitively address consumer needs through an application's information architecture and design.

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Principal and Director of User Experience of Blue Flavor, Nick Finck presents a session on what makes a good user experience, what is the process for creating a good user experience, and where user experience as a discipline is headed.

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UX for Apps - GDG at BUET 9 Nov 2013 Masrur Hannan and Shadman Rahman
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UX for Apps - GDG at BUET 9 Nov 2013 Masrur Hannan and Shadman Rahman

Another quick talk on UX - in the perspective of UX for Mobile Apps. Presenters: Masrur Hannan and Shadman Rahman

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The terms used above are by no means universally accepted. And rarely will the experience
or expertise of a UX professional be limited exclusively to one niche or another.
For example, an “interaction designer” at a small company might be responsible for
wireframing, prototyping, content development, and usability testing. At a large corporation,
an interaction designer might have a more specialized role and focus solely on creating
wireframes and prototypes.
It’s also becoming more and more common for folks to brand themselves as UX generalists,
regardless of their specific responsibilities, and call themselves simply “UX Designers” or
“UX Architects.”
It certainly can make sense to seek out individuals with broad experience (and there are in fact
many individual UX practitioners who have it). Still, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to find a
single person who truly excels at and is passionate about all the disciplines that make up the
field of UX.
Instead, you are probably going to need to hire a team of generalists with complementary strengths.
There is also a growing
trend for companies
to look for an elusive
creature known as the
“UX Unicorn”
– a single person who is
expertly skilled in each
of the many areas that
make up UX.
As mentioned, you’re going to need a team with strengths and expertise across the
UX spectrum. So, when you’re ready to start hiring, where do you start?
First, take into consideration what your current needs are. What challenges are you facing
right now? What problems are you trying to solve? What are you building, and where are
you in the process? What sort of tangible outcomes or deliverables will help you achieve
your goals?
Are you starting a brand new product and need to understand the competitive landscape
and verify that your new product will serve people’s goals and needs? Then, what you
need is someone who can help you do research and build a meaningful portrait of your
users, probably someone with a strong user research and usability background.
Do you need help defining what your new application should look like and how its various
features and functions should be organized? If so, you probably need someone with a
background in information architecture and interaction design.
Are you an established brand that needs to present a modern digital presence to your
evolving client base? In that case, you probably need a team of talented visual designers
who are aware of the latest trends and best practices.
In general, a solid UX team has expertise that covers all the various elements of UX: user
research and testing, information architecture, interaction design, visual design, content
strategy, and most importantly, the ability of the individuals to tie everything together with
a cohesive strategy.
It’s rare to find a single person who has true expertise across all these elements. For this
reason, when you’re starting out, you’ll want to look first for well-rounded candidates who
have at least one area of deep expertise.
Aside from covering all the bases, the reason you’ll want to hire a team, rather than a
single remarkable individual, is that UXers are social creatures and work best with at least
one partner in crime. No matter how skilled or experienced, every UX practitioner benefits
from having someone around with whom they can collaborate, brainstorm, and learn.
Also, keep in mind that regardless of the nature of the product, whether a new idea being
developed, or an existing service being re-imagined, UX professionals are most effective
when involved throughout the entire process, rather than being called on only once you’ve
encountered a problem.
Thoroughly understanding the user base can help set product definitions and company
goals. Flow and layout iterations up front save tons of time and money before you go into
development. The look and feel of a product will be more consistent and powerful when built into
the original concept, rather than coming as an afterthought. And, the constant collection and
integration of feedback can ensure that you’re on the right track, help you manage
resources and control costs, and uncover numerous opportunities for continued improvements.
But what if you don’t know what you need? Or you’re working on multiple projects and
can’t determine which one person would be the best to get started?
In that case, you may want to hire a senior UX professional with experience building
teams and developing project strategy. A UX strategist like this can help identify the right
problems to address and clearly define the processes, deliverables, and talent necessary
to get you where you want to go.
As if determining what type of UX support you need weren’t challenging enough, it can be
equally frustrating to find and evaluate UX candidates.
For example, UX is a buzzword right now and everyone from front end developers to
technical writers are slapping the phrase on their resume to attract recruiters desperate to
find qualified UX candidates.
Because UX professionals don’t have one set career path and often transition into UX
from other fields, it can be tricky to determine who has actually built up the expertise to be
effective and who has read just enough on Twitter to fool you.

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Presentation for my talk about the "Basics in User Experience Design, Information Architecture & Usability" at General Assembly Berlin, January 9th, 2013

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Introduction to UX
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Introduction to UX provides an overview of user experience design including what it encompasses and how the process works, the goal and principles of UX design, how to measure and improve UX, and the role of a UX agency. Presented by Ari Weissman, lead experience architect at EffectiveUI.

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There are no universally accepted titles in the UX field that describe the different skill sets.
And roles can vary greatly from company to company, or even project to project. Instead
of looking at the title, take a close look at an individual’s work samples: What deliverables
were created? What processes were followed? How did the candidate work with the other
members of the team?
Every last “user experience” practitioner should be familiar with the basics of user
research, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design, and know how
all of these work together. Candidates don’t have to be able to do every task on their own,
but they do have to understand why each is important and how the pieces work together.
Once you’ve determined that a candidate does, in fact, know a thing or two about the
core tenets of UX, ask how and where they applied these tenets. How complex was
the project? What was the budget? What exactly did this candidate do? What were the
results? Alternately, describe the business challenges you are facing and ask how the
candidate would apply UX principles and methods to address them. Knowing when to
employ what from a bag of UX tricks is a critical skill. Make sure the candidates you’re
considering have it.
UX professionals must serve as champions for the user, which often means developing
practical solutions that marry user needs with goals of the business. They then need to
present these solutions so that any member of the business team can understand and
support them. In fact, UXers are usually the glue that connects users, developers, and
business owners. Ask your candidates about a time when they had to “sell” an idea or a
solution to skeptical stakeholders. Don’t forget to consider how effectively they present
themselves and their experience to you during the interview itself!
To provide you with some practical guidance, here are four basic rules to follow
when looking for good UX candidates:
Providing a killer user experience is becoming absolutely critical in nearly every
business setting.
But a beautiful interface or website is no longer enough to please customers; users now
expect digital experiences to be intuitive, anticipatory, and attractive across all devices.
And they are rewarding companies that meet and exceed these expectations with their
money and loyalty.
Hiring a great UX team is the first step to capturing some of that loyalty. Finding UX
candidates with the appropriate skills and experience, however, can feel like looking
for a needle in a haystack, especially when starting from scratch.
It can be helpful to have a partner capable of identifying and evaluating the best
candidates, especially a partner familiar with the nuances of user experience design.
Aquent has served as just such a partner to leading companies in a broad range of
industries across the world. We not only have dedicated UX recruiters with deep industry
knowledge, but we also rely on our network of subject matter experts to interview and
assess candidates and provide support on client engagements.
As a result, we’ve done everything from helping clients identify
pressing UX needs and providing them with specific niche
expertise to building out entire UX teams.
If you would like to learn more
about how we can help you
call +31 (0)20 577 11 11 or visit aquent.nl

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  • 3. The purpose of this guide is to explain the areas of expertise that are under the umbrella of UX (user experience) design, how to figure out what type of UX professional you might need to add to your team, and how to evaluate the skills and experience of UX candidates. If, by the end, you realize you might need help... we’re here to help! The Team at Aquent INTRODUCTION. 1
  • 4. ONE. I KNOW UX MATTERS. BUT WHAT IS UX AGAIN? User experience (UX) has graduated from hot trend to business staple, with companies— large and small—calling on UX professionals to create more intuitive and engaging experiences for the users of their products and services. As a result, most of us have heard of UX; what’s more, we all know we need UX capabilities in our organizations. But what capabilities does the term “UX” encompass? And how do you hire the right UX people with the right UX skills for your business? To answer that second question, you need to be able to answer the first. And, unfortunately, the answer to THAT question depends on whom you ask. 2
  • 5. The User Experience Professional’s Association broadly defines user experience as: Every aspect of the user’s interaction with a product, service, or company that make up the user’s perceptions of the whole. User experience design as a discipline is concerned with all the elements that together make up that interface, including layout, visual design, text, brand, sound, and interaction. UX works to coordinate these elements to allow for the best possible interaction by users. Such coordination relies on the following skills and expertise: • Understanding user sets (user research and usability testing) • Planning the layout of information and the flow of a service (information architecture) • Designing the way that users progress from one step to another (interaction design) • Planning and writing copy and media content (content strategy & development) • Designing the interface or overall visual system (visual design) • The ability to pull all of these elements together with a cohesive vision (strategist)
  • 6. Banks offer traditional “customer experiences” such as how customers interact with tellers at a branch or the process of finding out a balance over the phone. They also have websites where customers can log in to view balances or transfer funds, mobile apps where customers can deposit checks, and ATMs where customers can get cash. It is the responsibility of the UX team to make sure that the website is easy to navigate, the mobile app and ATM are easy to use, and that all the components look cohesive and provide comprehensive services. In this paper, we will be concerned primarily with user experience and user experience design within this digital context. BALANCE 4 People tend to associate UX with a company’s digital experiences, such as websites or mobile applications, but UX covers a much broader spectrum than what is online. Consider a bank.
  • 7. TWO. WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON UX ROLES? The range of UX skills and specialties can be viewed as a spectrum, with one end being “softer” skills, such as the ability to empathize with users, and the other end being more technical, such as being able to create functional prototypes in HTML and CSS. Most UX professionals are going to have several areas of expertise, but their skills will tend to fall into one of three high-level skill set categories: • User research • Information architecture/ interaction design • Visual design 5 “Great,” you’re probably saying to yourself, “so can I hire one person to do all of that stuff?” Unfortunately, the answer is probably “No.”
  • 8. VISUAL DESIGNERS INFORMATION ARCHITECTS/ INTERACTION DESIGNERS USER RESEARCHERS COMMON TITLES COMMON DELIVERABLES IN SHORT THEY... UX Strategist, UX Researcher, Usability Tester, Usability Engineer UX Designer, UX Architect, Information Designer UX Designer, UI Designer, Interface Designer • Usability tests and findings • Analytics reports • Personas • Scenarios • Journey maps • Task analyses • Survey creation and analyses • Focus group findings • Competitive audits • Workflows • Wireframes • Site maps • Content audits and inventories • Storyboards • Journey maps • Low-fidelity prototypes • Sketches • Card sorts • Taxonomies Help understand who customers are and what to build to serve their needs Define the structure and flow of the user experience Design the look and feel WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? 6 • Comps • High-fidelity wireframes • Prototypes • Pattern libraries (for items like navigation elements, links, calendars, etc.) • Font selection COMMON TITLES COMMON TITLES COMMON DELIVERABLES COMMON DELIVERABLES IN SHORT THEY... IN SHORT THEY...
  • 9. AN EVOLVING FIELD. The terms used above are by no means universally accepted. And rarely will the experience or expertise of a UX professional be limited exclusively to one niche or another. For example, an “interaction designer” at a small company might be responsible for wireframing, prototyping, content development, and usability testing. At a large corporation, an interaction designer might have a more specialized role and focus solely on creating wireframes and prototypes. It’s also becoming more and more common for folks to brand themselves as UX generalists, regardless of their specific responsibilities, and call themselves simply “UX Designers” or “UX Architects.” It certainly can make sense to seek out individuals with broad experience (and there are in fact many individual UX practitioners who have it). Still, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to find a single person who truly excels at and is passionate about all the disciplines that make up the field of UX. Instead, you are probably going to need to hire a team of generalists with complementary strengths. There is also a growing trend for companies to look for an elusive creature known as the “UX Unicorn” – a single person who is expertly skilled in each of the many areas that make up UX. 7
  • 10. THREE. HOW DO I FIGURE OUT WHAT KIND OF UX PROFESSIONALS I NEED AND HOW DO I FIND THEM? As mentioned, you’re going to need a team with strengths and expertise across the UX spectrum. So, when you’re ready to start hiring, where do you start? First, take into consideration what your current needs are. What challenges are you facing right now? What problems are you trying to solve? What are you building, and where are you in the process? What sort of tangible outcomes or deliverables will help you achieve your goals? Are you starting a brand new product and need to understand the competitive landscape and verify that your new product will serve people’s goals and needs? Then, what you need is someone who can help you do research and build a meaningful portrait of your users, probably someone with a strong user research and usability background. Do you need help defining what your new application should look like and how its various features and functions should be organized? If so, you probably need someone with a background in information architecture and interaction design. Are you an established brand that needs to present a modern digital presence to your evolving client base? In that case, you probably need a team of talented visual designers who are aware of the latest trends and best practices. 8
  • 11. COVER YOUR BASES In general, a solid UX team has expertise that covers all the various elements of UX: user research and testing, information architecture, interaction design, visual design, content strategy, and most importantly, the ability of the individuals to tie everything together with a cohesive strategy. It’s rare to find a single person who has true expertise across all these elements. For this reason, when you’re starting out, you’ll want to look first for well-rounded candidates who have at least one area of deep expertise. Aside from covering all the bases, the reason you’ll want to hire a team, rather than a single remarkable individual, is that UXers are social creatures and work best with at least one partner in crime. No matter how skilled or experienced, every UX practitioner benefits from having someone around with whom they can collaborate, brainstorm, and learn. Also, keep in mind that regardless of the nature of the product, whether a new idea being developed, or an existing service being re-imagined, UX professionals are most effective when involved throughout the entire process, rather than being called on only once you’ve encountered a problem. Thoroughly understanding the user base can help set product definitions and company goals. Flow and layout iterations up front save tons of time and money before you go into development. The look and feel of a product will be more consistent and powerful when built into the original concept, rather than coming as an afterthought. And, the constant collection and integration of feedback can ensure that you’re on the right track, help you manage resources and control costs, and uncover numerous opportunities for continued improvements. 9 But what if you don’t know what you need? Or you’re working on multiple projects and can’t determine which one person would be the best to get started? In that case, you may want to hire a senior UX professional with experience building teams and developing project strategy. A UX strategist like this can help identify the right problems to address and clearly define the processes, deliverables, and talent necessary to get you where you want to go.
  • 12. FOUR. HOW DO I EVALUATE UX CANDIDATES? As if determining what type of UX support you need weren’t challenging enough, it can be equally frustrating to find and evaluate UX candidates. For example, UX is a buzzword right now and everyone from front end developers to technical writers are slapping the phrase on their resume to attract recruiters desperate to find qualified UX candidates. Because UX professionals don’t have one set career path and often transition into UX from other fields, it can be tricky to determine who has actually built up the expertise to be effective and who has read just enough on Twitter to fool you. 10
  • 13. IGNORE JOB TITLES. There are no universally accepted titles in the UX field that describe the different skill sets. And roles can vary greatly from company to company, or even project to project. Instead of looking at the title, take a close look at an individual’s work samples: What deliverables were created? What processes were followed? How did the candidate work with the other members of the team? MAKE SURE THE CANDIDATE GRASPS UX FUNDAMENTALS. Every last “user experience” practitioner should be familiar with the basics of user research, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design, and know how all of these work together. Candidates don’t have to be able to do every task on their own, but they do have to understand why each is important and how the pieces work together. ASK FOR CONTEXT. Once you’ve determined that a candidate does, in fact, know a thing or two about the core tenets of UX, ask how and where they applied these tenets. How complex was the project? What was the budget? What exactly did this candidate do? What were the results? Alternately, describe the business challenges you are facing and ask how the candidate would apply UX principles and methods to address them. Knowing when to employ what from a bag of UX tricks is a critical skill. Make sure the candidates you’re considering have it. DON’T FORGET ABOUT SOFT SKILLS! UX professionals must serve as champions for the user, which often means developing practical solutions that marry user needs with goals of the business. They then need to present these solutions so that any member of the business team can understand and support them. In fact, UXers are usually the glue that connects users, developers, and business owners. Ask your candidates about a time when they had to “sell” an idea or a solution to skeptical stakeholders. Don’t forget to consider how effectively they present themselves and their experience to you during the interview itself! 11 To provide you with some practical guidance, here are four basic rules to follow when looking for good UX candidates:
  • 14. CONCLUSION. Providing a killer user experience is becoming absolutely critical in nearly every business setting. But a beautiful interface or website is no longer enough to please customers; users now expect digital experiences to be intuitive, anticipatory, and attractive across all devices. And they are rewarding companies that meet and exceed these expectations with their money and loyalty. Hiring a great UX team is the first step to capturing some of that loyalty. Finding UX candidates with the appropriate skills and experience, however, can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack, especially when starting from scratch. It can be helpful to have a partner capable of identifying and evaluating the best candidates, especially a partner familiar with the nuances of user experience design. Aquent has served as just such a partner to leading companies in a broad range of industries across the world. We not only have dedicated UX recruiters with deep industry knowledge, but we also rely on our network of subject matter experts to interview and assess candidates and provide support on client engagements. As a result, we’ve done everything from helping clients identify pressing UX needs and providing them with specific niche expertise to building out entire UX teams. 12
  • 15. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you call +31 (0)20 577 11 11 or visit aquent.nl CONTACT. 13